
Some of these reciprocal links are late, but it's better to be late than not at all, I suppose. Here's some blog carnivals for you to enjoy while I am seeking out more London adventures to tell you about on my blog;

Carnival of Horses for September. This blog carnival focuses on the best horse-related blog entries that have been published in the previous month in the blogosphere.

Gene Genie, #34. This blog carnival links to essays about genetics for you to enjoy.

Medicine 2.0, #31. This blog carnival is about medicine and it has a lot of interesting links for you to explore!

Carnival of Evolution, the inaugural issue of this new blog carnival is available for you to enjoy!

Tangled Bank, #112. This issue is filled with science-y goodness for you to sink your mind into.

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I already have two articles for my issue of Tangled bank, which will be published on 15 March, but I need more! Tangled Bank is a Blog Carnival that is actively seeking submissions of your blogged essays, opinion pieces, poetry, and cartoons that present or discuss topics that affect the natural (…
Here are the latest blog carnivals for you to read and enjoy; Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People) blog carnival #3. This blog carnival celebrates the best science, nature and medical writing published recently in the blogosphere, and this issue focuses on "Swine Flu", better known as H1N1…
Here's the most recent carnivalia for you to read and enjoy; Carnival of the Vanities, 16 October 2008 edition. This blog carnival, the grand dame of them all, focuses on the very best writing on any topic in the blogosphere. Tangled Bank, 116th edition. This is the classic science and medicine…
I keep getting asked: why should I participate in blog carnivals? The Wikipedia page about blog carnivals is not really accurate (it includes things that are not carnivals), and also suffers from overzealous, obsessive-compulsive, self-important administrators (who have probably never seen a…