Give that Bird a Comb!!

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Give that bird a comb!!

Male Northern Cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, in moult.

Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George [larger].

The photographer writes;

As a writer I am loathe to use an exclamation point so my carefully considered use of two should give you an indication of the strength of my reaction when Papa Museum came out of the shrubbery on a last August afternoon. Wooo. Give that bird a comb!! He has since improved in appearance and is enthusiastically tending to his three fledglings. It is always a high point of my day when I encounter any member of this family.

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Is this that little cute cuckoo bird in the Pink Panther cartoon?

Cook ooh!

I love it. rb

I wish you could all meet this particular bird in the flesh, er, the feathers. He is very entertaining and now has considerably improved in appearance.
Ps. I knew this photo would get you Bob O'H. I believe you when you say you've had mornings like that too!

Oh My - he does need a lil'pruning and the way the empty cardinal nest on my front porch is now occupied!! A House Wren has made it her bed at nite. Arrival time is 7:53pm and stays till 6:45am er so....tooo coool!!! :o)

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 21 Sep 2008 #permalink