Talking About Birds .. I have my own Column in the ASA Avicultural Bulletin

I have an announcement and a request for your assistance. First, I have been offered my own column in the Avicultural Society of America Avicultural Bulletin and because I am a perpetual blabbermouth when it comes to birds and science, I accepted. Yay, me! However, I have a dilemma that perhaps you can help with: I need a name for this column.

I was given a deadline to name the column, so I sent them a few suggestions, but I just learned today that they are still seeking a name! Obviously, the names I suggested were not inspirational enough to capture their imaginations since, as they write in today's announcement, "we can't wait to see what [GrrlScientist] will be contributing and what she is going to name her column."

I plan to use this column to write about avian scientific research, and what research about birds teaches us about ourselves. So if you can think of a name, especially a clever name, that captures this theme, I'd be mighty appreciative if you can share it with me. The name I'd like to use, Bird Talk, is unfortunately in use as the name of a trade magazine.

The two names I am currently considering are Talking About Birds ... or Speaking of Birds ... .

Oh, and let me answer your burning question: This is a volunteer writing project for me. (It's a good thing I don't have a real job, otherwise, I'd never get anything done!)

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Congratulations! To get a unique title, you could bring back the "Hedwig" name, which I haven't seen you use in, um, a sparrow's age. ;-)

Or just get silly, like "Featherbrainy Notes"....

By David Harmon (not verified) on 29 Oct 2008 #permalink

Our Budgies, Ourselves

Sparrows and swallows and tinamous too
A bird's gift
Birds alive
Avian thoughts

The Avian Way
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Bird Notes
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and the inevitable: This Avian Ain't Payin'

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Hmmmmm, how about..."Birdie Bytes"?!

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink