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When you were a kid, did you ever try to swing so high that you could touch the sky? Well, this video is a wee demonstration of one of the activities that my host in Helsinki is planning on doing while I am there to show me how the Finns entertain themselves -- impressive! I hope he doesn't eat anything before he does that, or he might end up wearing it [1:51].

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So you are now headed to Scandanavia? Cool and what is up with that? I have be remiss in visiting here EVERY missed the post about a new trip.

Reminds me of the mythbusters...

Wow! That looks scary. You'd better hang on tightly if you go on that type of swing. I wonder if they have any safety precautions.

well, tabor, i will visiting a friend whom i met for the first time when i was in london.

heather -- i was surprised that the guy didn't wear a helmet, but then realized that a helmet only keeps your head intact but doesn't prevent a broken neck when you fall ..