(Trying to) Learn Finnish with Sulkasiipi, Part 2

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This charming little video attempts to teach me a few simple phrases in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it [1:27].

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tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me a few simple phrases in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it [1:10].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me a few simple sentences in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it. I really wish I'd found these videos a few weeks ago [1:22].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me a few questions in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it. I really wish I'd found these videos a few weeks ago [1:38].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me how to say numbers in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it. I really wish I'd found these videos a few weeks ago [3:09].

Argh. They are blithely ignoring a crucial point of grammar in the phrase "I live in ..."; in the Finnish language the role of the preposition "in" is taken by a suffix "-ssa"/"-ssä". Thus: "I live in Syracusa" -- "Minä asun Syracusassa"

Every time there is a preposition in an English phrase (and quite often when there isn't), there will be a suffix in the Finnish equivalent.

Your notorious Scibling PZ Myers has already provided a Finnish video covering 90% of routine conversational matter.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

is PZ traveling to finland, too?

Nah, the winters are too warm for his taste.

Besides, that disrespectful headline would make it even hotter for him there...

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink