GWBush Tours America to Survey Damage He Caused

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That scumbag, GW Bush, seeks to comfort the millions of victims of his presidency as they try to make sense of the destruction he caused during the past eight years [2:58]

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This is a good idea. We should dig up FDR, Harry Truman, Ike, JFK, Dick Nixon, and Ronald Reagan, and parade them around the country along with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and W. We might leave Ford out of it; he didn't do much damage.

Maybe we should go back to Ape Lincoln, the guy responsible for the beginning of the end of the American dream.

The fact is that since 1860 nearly every American president has merely presided over another attack on the Constitution.

Blaming our condition today on George W. Bush is comparable to blaming warfare on the soldier being sworn in at the recruiter right now.

Hell's bells, he's the last one in line, so blame it all on him.

That's the logic we see here.

Prediction: Obama will merely drive another nail or two into the American the name of change, of course...and then he'll be blamed for the entire train wreck.

By Charlie Tall (not verified) on 28 Jan 2009 #permalink