tags: HR669, pets, exotic animals, invasive species, politics
Let's watch the legislative process in action, live: Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife Legislative Hearing on H.R. 669 (10:00 AM -- 1324 Longworth).
HR 669 Links:
Will HR 669 Transform Your Exotic Animals into Illegal Aliens?
My detailed analysis of HR 669 and its impacts.
Video discussing some of the impacts HR 669 will have on exotic animal breeders, pet store owners and scientists.
Brief Factsheet (printable) regarding HR 669 and its impacts.
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This interesting video discusses the potential repercussions of HR 669, The Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act, which is being heard by congress on 23 April 2009 [4:00]
Take Action Now.
HR 669 Links:…
tags: HR669, pets, exotic animals, invasive species, politics
Let's watch the legislative process in action: Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife Legislative Hearing on H.R. 669. [Archived Video].
Will anyone add this hearing footage to YouTube? For some mysterious reason, I…