All Hell Has Broken Loose on my Blog

I have been raising hell behind the scenes because my blog is experiencing a crisis that causes it to download incompletely. This issue has not been addressed, so you and I are stuck waiting for some stories I have been working on that I meant to publish today. So I guess I should ask you to please excuse the mess, and since nothing is being done to correct this situation, and I am completely unable to fix these issues myself, I am going out to get a drink.

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By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 01 May 2009 #permalink

I will echo Cuttlefish and say it is worth the wait. On an unrelated note, I downloaded the Kindle version of Experimental Heart based on your posted recommendation. I am hoping it is as good as you said! Good luck with your blog issues

I find myself offline for a couple of days and this happens! Ah well, I hope the beer was good.

Oh wait, you went for a cup of tea?!