Ida Never Known This: Science is the Dumbest Religion!

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This video asks the important question: Have scientists really found the missing link? Or are Darwinianists just blindly worshipping roadkill again? [3:23]

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I had never heard of Edward Current until you start posting him, but I have become a huge fan. He is hilarious!!

So was Jesus born in Nazareth? No wait, Bethlehem? No no it's Jerusalem right. And what year was it again? Oh yeah, can't seem to get that right either. Yeah you stick to your bible and keep hating science till....uh oh, your having chest pain, Gee I hope those know nothing atheists have enough cardiac meds and equipment to save my pathetic ass.

By Terry in Sullivan (not verified) on 24 May 2009 #permalink

god wrote the bible???? wtf? is this guy for real?

This guy is a joke...The internetz are atheist. Don't put religious mumbo-jumbo on stumble upon.

Oh god, this was awesome.

This guy is making fun of religion Christianity being the main topic of this post. If you actually listen to him you are able to tell this.

@People who missed the point: This video is clearly atheist. Give it another watch.

Seriously? Both the Christian video and the Athiest comments seem as dumb as each other...
Ok, he criticises the fallacy of a a 'religion' that attempts to find facts through trial and error (hence the continual changes) when he believes in a religion with countless inconsistencies (Hmm, God kills some few million heathens in the Old Testament, but then dies for the heathens in the New Testament.....Personality seems to have changed.)
His entire argument seems to be based around one media story that MAY or MAY NOT be true. The media always blows things out of proportion.
The rest of his argument is based on stating that since his religion DOESN'T change it's views, no matter how false, it must be right. Yes, consistency is what makes you right. If I say 2+2 is 5 for my entire life, it's true. Science changes as new evidence comes in. You know, adaptation. Basically how common sense works.
Anyway, at least this guy is joking. It's the millions of Americans not joking who worry me...

By Intelligence (not verified) on 24 May 2009 #permalink

I love all the idiots who watch the video and never check his profile to see he's actually a comedian and he's an atheist.

By Stop Being Stupid (not verified) on 24 May 2009 #permalink

He's joking, yes? He's like Stephen Colbert and he's only acting. Right? :(

Anyway, at least this guy is joking.

Quite. Anyone who takes this stuff seriously doesn't live in the real world.

Checkmate, Current-followers.

Those religion-heads shall never get it that this phenomenal guy is mocking them. Priceless. :D

I agree with Heretix, the zealots probably think this is real!

Which brings me to my point. We should have more mocking type of media out seems to be the most effective way of discrediting the other size.

As evidence i present the effectiveness of the colbert report...mocking fox news (more specifically bill o'reiley) has never been more fun or poignant!

By just another r… (not verified) on 24 May 2009 #permalink

I agree with Heretix, the zealots probably think this is real!

Which brings me to my point. We should have more mocking type of media out seems to be the most effective way of discrediting the other size.

As evidence i present the effectiveness of the colbert report...mocking fox news (more specifically bill o'reiley) has never been more fun or poignant!

By just another r… (not verified) on 24 May 2009 #permalink

@heretix: Just so you know, i am a "religion-head", and when i watched this video it was pretty apparent to me that he is being sarcastic. I actually know a pretty good amount about evolution and creation and i am a creationist. I do not enjoy the fact that this guy is mocking my religion and i think that all of you who do enjoy this are actually quite ignorant for believing that most Christians are stupid enough to believe this.

@heretix: Just so you know, i am a "religion-head", and when i watched this video it was pretty apparent to me that he is being sarcastic. I actually know a pretty good amount about evolution and creation and i am a creationist. I do not enjoy the fact that this guy is mocking my religion and i think that all of you who do enjoy this are actually quite ignorant for believing that most Christians are stupid enough to believe this.

Why is it so hard for some people to grasp the fact that THIS VIDEO IS A JOKE.

By You'reAllRetarded (not verified) on 24 May 2009 #permalink

I would LOVE to have a discussion with you on this, since you obviously know so much.

OK, so whats the "evidence" that the Bible has any relevance to truth. You believe in the Bible because the Bible says it is the true word of God and you believe in that truth because it comes from the Bible which must be true because it says it's true. This kind of circular logic is nothing more then poetic nonsense. I love it when ignorant people judge a science claim when they have no science knowledge or aptitude. This guy did nothing more then embarrass himself.

By Proudtohaveabrain (not verified) on 24 May 2009 #permalink

If you really believe in one God that is the creator and is ultimately responsible for all things, you see science as another faucet in His great design and you try to see how it fits with the rest of His design. Pointing at one part of God and saying "That's not God!" doesn't help you get any closer to Him.

By fenderflip (not verified) on 24 May 2009 #permalink

Some of you think this video is promoting religion,i hope you guys have a sense of humor greater than the guy in the video.

...this has to be fake. No one can be this stupid.

"As someone who follows a real religion I know that faith is about only seeing something you want to see."


"As someone who follows a real religion I know that faith is about only seeing something you want to see."


It's funny how so many stupid people are missing the blatant sarcasm of this video. It was fucking brilliant.

So was Jesus born in Nazareth? No wait, Bethlehem? No no it's Jerusalem right. And what year was it again? Oh yeah, can't seem to get that right either. Yeah you stick to your bible and keep hating science till....uh oh, your having chest pain, Gee I hope those know nothing atheists have enough cardiac meds and equipment to save my pathetic ass.

LOL!! I didn't realize you had to be atheist to become a doctor. There are crazy christian's, and crazy atheists.I don't consider myself christian, but I do believe in a higher power. You seem pretty thickheaded and I just had to call you out on that

wow. this guy is pathetic, at first, i thought he was making fun of science, and then there was some 'comical' innuendos towards Christianity. now i don't understand what point he is trying to make? he argues and supports both parties which he is juggling around like a baboons bottom and a baby!!! it makes no sense! this guy pisses me off and is funny in no way. i hope he dies in a fiery hell, or a rotten grave!

Guys, it's satire. He's sending up "Creation Science" and their excuses for rejecting the most tested explanation of how things work in all of science.