They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

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Gymnast Shawn Johnson euthanized after breaking leg. After gym doctors confirmed the her injuries were career-ending, Johnson's trainers said there was no reason to keep her alive. [2:28]

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You people are sick.

Hmm.. This is a joke right? Yeah, it has to be. I was confused because there was not a sliver of humour to be found.

#2--good comeback!

Nobody seems to have a sense of humor anymore....

By Daeghrefn (not verified) on 17 Jun 2009 #permalink

haha, i love the onion..

Sorry for double post, but I meant to add---If you see Onion News Network on a video, it is ALWAYS a joke. Some are better than others though.

By Daeghrefn (not verified) on 17 Jun 2009 #permalink

"she was only 17 so we didn't get to breed her"

The Onion does great work on these videos. Doesn't top the Disney Kids Lab, but this was awesome. "Just a quick shot to the back of the head." Great post!

"and its expensive to keep and LAME gymnast"

I love the Onion so much.

Honestly the first time I saw it...I felt a little disturbed, but, in the spirit of the Onion, it is AMAZING! For all those who can't take a joke, get over yourself!

This is a complete ripoff of The Onion. Get a job, GrrlScientist. You suck!

Um, Jrich - I think that has already been established. When it says created by, they mean the person who placed the post, not that GrrlScientist made the video. Is this your first time on the internet? Aw, now that is priceless...a newbie. The video is as funny as there being an actual god...:D

excellent.first soylent green then we'll be ready

By musashi_hai (not verified) on 17 Jun 2009 #permalink

i can't believe people can even see the word "onion" and not know that it is satire.

To all the people complaining about this:

You may be disturbed by it, but Shawn isn't. Notice that those are her actual parents participating in the joke?

Top notch Onion, IMO.

By joequincy (not verified) on 17 Jun 2009 #permalink

#17, those aren't her parents, the photos are obviously shopped.
Still funny though.

The Onion wins once again. Fucking awesome!

lol that shits great, this site never ceases to crack me up

By jamiriqoui (not verified) on 17 Jun 2009 #permalink

Jo... are you retarded?

Yeah jo is right, those parents are shopped, i can tell from some of the pixels

jeff -- can't you read? the video starts out with "ONION NEWS REPORT" .. what more is necessary?

Garii, what do you mean no humor? Hindquarters, McConaughey shirtless conservatory it's all there. Plus the grand joke about people euthanizing (not a word but I couldn't find one for it) horses because they can no longer perform and they can't see letting something live if it can't make them money.

I don't know wether to laugh or be appauled by that..

Haha, i love the Onion. It's really starting to bloom out of just being a local little newspaper!

I dig the videos because they are so organic, they sound and look just like a real story and it's great.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 17 Jun 2009 #permalink

She almost looks like the real mom... ROFLMAO!!!

This is so great... the onion rocks. If you can't see the humor in this, go back to the Disney Channel and leave the blinders on. The rest of us will be fine without you.

Gotta go read my horoscope from The Onion website.

I have to admit I read the comments FIRST, and watched the vid to determine who were the sickos, idiots, people with open laughability, that were throwing out all the insults, AND WHY...SO I WATCHED IT.


The point is ANY ATHLETE--- EVEN AN EQUESTRIAN--- SHOULD NOT BE TREATED THAT WAY. Wake up morons, yes it is as funny as it is heartbreaking, but the sick ones did not comment here, just those with strong opinions or open minds.

By Tanya May (not verified) on 18 Jun 2009 #permalink

The comments were way better then the film. They had everything, Cheers Jeers and a noob reference.

suck my dick Dan #1