Terra Nova: Sinfonia Antarctica

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This video is the trailer for DJ Spooky/Paul D. Miller's next large scale multimedia performance work: an acoustic portrait of a rapidly changing continent. Terra Nova: Sinfonia Antarctica is a seventy minute performance featuring music combined with visual material from Getty Images' vast collection, creating a unique and powerful moment around man's relationship with nature [5:36]

Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join a voyage to Antarctica. Their goals are to have this person write a daily blog entry in English about their experience on this Antarctic trip, and to help raise public awareness of the environmental and conservation issues that pertain to the Antarctic. To select this person, they are asking people to enter a competition where the public votes for whom they think would be best for the job.

I am a wonderful candidate for this job as the official blogger for Quark Expeditions because I have been a prolific written of a science and nature blog for five years, I have earned essential scientific training and background, I have strongly supported both environmental and conservation objectives, and I possess intellectual curiosity combined with a sense of wonder. I have proven that I write consistently and well because I am one of the few whose contributions have appeared in every edition of the Open Laboratory, I am also a published writer and further, my blog platform here at ScienceBlogs provides tremendous international reach. Furthermore, a trip like this would be an amazing way for me to thank all of you, dear readers, for supporting me throughout these past difficult years.

I've posted a picture and written a 300 word essay and my entry is now public. To vote, go there and register your email address (and create a different password from that used for your email). Then, within a few seconds to an hour or so, you will receive a confirmatory message at your registered email address so you can then vote in this competition. Remember, according to the rules, there is "one vote per valid email address" and no more than two votes per individual. So after you've voted, be sure to ask everyone you know to vote for me, too.

Voting ends at noon EDT on 30 September 2009, and the Official Quark Blogger will travel to Antarctica in February 2010 to blog about the experience, chronicling the action, the emotion, and the drama as their polar adventure unfolds.

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Image: appears here with the kind permission of Wetjens Dimmlich [Slow Loris Fickr site]. Send GrrlScientist to Antarctica! Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join a voyage to Antarctica. Their goals, according to an email I received from their official spokesperson,…
Image: appears here with the kind permission of Wetjens Dimmlich [Slow Loris Fickr site]. Send GrrlScientist instead! Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join a voyage to Antarctica. Their goals, according to an email I received from their official spokesperson, Prisca,…
tags: Antarctica, Humpback Whales, Krill, David Attenborough, Planet Earth, BBC, streaming video This beautifully done video shows breathtaking images of how Humpback Whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, hunt Krill, Euphausia superba, in Antarctic waters. This is a video clip from BBC's natural history…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 833 - 628 - 564 - 493 - 416 out of 248 candidates registered. I am in second place, and third place is creeping up on me. Wow, am I that undesirable as an official blogger? If you've already voted, then please encourage your family, friends,…

Voted for you. Posted to Facebook. Posted to FriendFeed. Posted to Twitter. You rock, and I hope very much that you win this opportunity. Keep up the great work. ;-)

Voted for you. Posted to Facebook. Posted to FriendFeed. Posted to Twitter. You rock, and I hope very much that you win this opportunity. Keep up the great work. ;-)

Apparently my enthusiasm was so great, I commented twice.

D'oh! Sorry. A page said the server timed out and told me to resubmit.