Update: Antarctic Vote Count

The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 1369 - 724 - 693 - 636 - 409 out of 276 candidates registered. I am still in second place, and first place is, as you can see, suddenly drawing away in an unprecedented burst of voting support. Hrmm.

If you've already voted, then please encourage your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to vote for the person whom you think would be best for this unique job: traveling to Antarctica for the month of February 2010 and writing about it for the public on a blog. Here is my 300-word essay; hopefully, you will agree that I am a very well-qualified candidate for this job opportunity. Voting ends at noon EDT 30 September and there is one vote allowed per valid email address (registration required).

Details: Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join a voyage to Antarctica. Their goals, according to an email I received recently from their official spokesperson, Prisca, are to have their official blogger write a daily blog entry in English about his or her experience on this Antarctic trip, and to help raise public awareness of the environmental and conservation issues that pertain to the Antarctic. To select their official blogger, they are asking candidates to enter a competition where the public votes for whom they think would do the best job.

I am a wonderful candidate for this job as the official blogger for Quark Expeditions because I have been a prolific writer of a science and nature blog for five years, I have earned essential scientific training and background as well as having taught all age groups from children through adults, I have always strongly supported environmental and conservation objectives, and I possess intellectual curiosity combined with a sense of wonder.

Perhaps most important of these stated job requirements is writing ability. I have proven that I write consistently and well because I am one of just a few blog writers whose contributions have appeared in every edition of the Open Laboratory, which is a print collection of the finest science, medicine and natural history writing published in the blogosphere; I am also a published writer and additionally, my blog platform here at ScienceBlogs provides tremendous international reach, unwavering public support by my fellow blog writing colleagues, and strong technical support among the ScienceBlogs staff as well as from its parent company, Seed Media Group. Furthermore, a trip like this would be an amazing way for me to thank all of you, dear readers, for supporting me throughout these past difficult years.

I've posted a picture and written a 300 word essay and my entry is public. To vote, go there and register your email address (and create a different password from that used for your email). Then, within a few seconds to an hour or so, you will receive a confirmatory message at your registered email address so you can then vote in this competition. Remember, according to the rules, there is "one vote per valid email address" and no more than two votes per individual. So after you've voted, be sure to ask everyone you know to vote for me, too. If you've had troubles registering your email address, please contact me (so I know of your troubles) and Quark Expedition's marketing manager, Prisca Campbell, who will then register your email address by hand, as she's already done for several of my readers.

Voting ends at noon EDT on 30 September 2009, and the Official Quark Blogger will travel to Antarctica in February 2010 to blog about the experience, chronicling the action, the emotion, and the drama as this polar adventure unfolds.

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Well, there's still a lot of time before 30 Sep. :)

In the meantime how about rounding up information and writing about Antarctica - especially the places which the tour won't visit and what can be seen there + pics + links to more info. For example, what land masses constitute Antarctica, what's the politics like, who's where and why - there's plenty to do. :)

By MadScientist (not verified) on 11 Jul 2009 #permalink

excellent idea, madscientist. i am planning on doing this (although since i am in helsinki, i've not been doing much serious writing at this time, just planning). i also have several publishers sending me books about antarctica to review on my blog, so there's more coming your way soon!

I suggest you run a (little bit of a) negative campaign. Have you seen the guy in first place? He's a complete drop kick. The competition isn't between two qualified science writers. It's one brilliant science communicator and a guy who thinks penguins are cute and wants to go see some.

If you take that angle and email it to people like PZ and the guys at the Intersection you should get some help. It's time for their readers to put their money where their mouth is.

Hell, the way those two blogs are sniping at each other, you could run a separate competition to see who's readers are more committed to communicating good science...

Oh goody - I'll be looking forward to your Antarctica posts when you return from Finland (as hard as it would be to leave such a gorgeous place in the summer).

@Steve: blah, that tactic is for politicians. The contest is to "blog your way to Antarctica" and mudslinging only ruins your reputation on blogs (unless you happen to be a nut and are expected to do nothing but mudslinging).

By MadScientist (not verified) on 11 Jul 2009 #permalink

well, i am not very good at negative public campaigns, so i will leave that to the experts. besides, if the public wants to read blog entries written by a "penguins are cuuuuute" person instead of a scientist who actually cares about penguins, conservation and environmental issues, then that's their choice.

My vote (for you, of course) is in.

I can tell you why the burst... One of the National channels made a story on Him!!! In prime time.

But sincerity, i prefer a humam blog than a scientist one. The scientist will be there already.

Besides american i will vote for him!!

Best chance for all

Hello..Have heard of your blog via NBN..have you asked them to put a blurb in to help get u more votes???
Also I have a facebook group Birders who Blog, Tweet and Chirp
Are you a member?
If so I can send out an email..to our members with instructions on how to vote for u.

One thing that was not quite clear to me was your real name.
The link i clicked on took me to your essay..but it wasnt clear right away it was you until I clicked on your blog link.
you also might give incentive to vote for you..
i know it sounds kinda lame..but maybe a drawing for something cool..tshirt..or whatever ..maybe something can be donated on your behalf for a drawing.
Just a few ideas..
That fellow is way ahead of you..and u need to do something a bit more drastic then twitter.
Let me know if I can help.

Also I noticed you dont follow many on twitter..
so u aren't getting out to a large audience. You really should consider friending more like minded people. I tend to have mostly birders that I follow.
just a few ideas for u.