Here's Where I am at This Very Moment

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Tvärminnen eläintieteellinen asema
(Tvärminne Zoological field research station) in southwestern Finland.
[read more about it: English Suomeksi PÃ¥ Svenska]

Image: GrrlScientist, 14 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)

The view from the dock (looking east?), just outside the cafeteria windows. It brings tears to my eyes, this place reminds me of my many happy times spent at the University of Washington's field research station in Friday Harbor, Washington state.

Tvärminnen eläintieteellinen asema
(Tvärminne Zoological field research station) in southwestern Finland.
[read more about it: English Suomeksi PÃ¥ Svenska]

Image: GrrlScientist, 14 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)

The view from the dock (looking south?), just outside the cafeteria windows.

Tvärminnen eläintieteellinen asema
(Tvärminne Zoological field research station) in southwestern Finland.
[read more about it: English Suomeksi PÃ¥ Svenska]

Image: GrrlScientist, 14 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)

I've been here less than three hours, and I've already taken more than 300 photographs, most of which I've kept (my laptop hard drive is filling up rapidly!) so there's plenty more where these came from.

Tomorrow's schedule: hopefully, a boat trip to several little islands where we will search for rocks to conduct research on; potentially following a grad student around with my camera as s/he does research on either birds or fish (still looking for a willing victim .. er, subject!); sauna in the evening (I hope I don't scare the natives with my whiteness, eek!) followed by lots of drinking, guesstimating from the amount of beer and wine we all brought with us. Ahem.

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tags: Tvärminne, zoological field research station, Finland, nature, image of the day Wildflowers photographed at Tvärminnen eläintieteellinen asema (Tvärminne Zoological field research station) in southwestern Finland. [read more about it: English Suomeksi PÃ¥ Svenska] Image: GrrlScientist,…
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Really looks lovely there. Sounds like you're enjoying yourself.

And now you're almost bringing tears to my eyes when I remember all the good times I've spent in that place!
Have a nice time over there and if you happen to meet Magnus Lindström there, please say hi from me (if you remember of course!).

Cheers, NB