Mystery Bird: Cape Sparrow, Passer melanurus

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[Mystery bird] Cape Sparrow, Passer melanurus, photographed in Swakopmund, Namibia, Africa [I will identify this bird for you in 48 hours]

Image: Dennis Paulson, April 2007 [larger view].

Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification.

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Is it a sociable weaver (Philetairus socius)? I'm not an expert on birds, but the shape of the beak was my first clue - it looks like a finch, and apparently weavers are related to finches. From there I just looked at sources on Namibian birds and it looks about right to me - the size, beak, and black feathers on the face seem to indicate P. socius

My browser crashed as I attempted to comment, so forgive me if this is a double post. Is it a sociable weaver (Philetairus socius)? The beak, which suggested to me a finch, pointed me in the direction of finches and birds related to finches, and based on that and a website with pictures of African birds, it seems to me that based on the beak shape, the black feathers around the face, the patterns of the wing feathers, and the overall size of the bird, that it is probably P. socius.

Well, it's definitely a bird. Field marks: feathers, wings, appearance on Mystery Bird of the Day.

(sorry about , but I'm only commenting to see if anything appears)

Try Cape Sparrow (Passer melanurus). The plumage of the male reminds me of breeding plumage male Lapland Longspurs.

By Ian Paulsen (not verified) on 26 Jul 2009 #permalink

Yes, it is a Cape Sparrow, because of the black and white pattern on the head, and the rufous back.

Sociable Weaver has black on the face on the chin and loral area, a pale crown, white cheeks, a scaly gray back, and a pale bill.

I SUCK at african birds, but that is definitely an Old world sparrow of some sort, not a weaver. REALLY good photo!

By ground-petrel (not verified) on 27 Jul 2009 #permalink