Faith Is Retarded

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Clearly Christianity, as with all religions, has been a necessary cog in the machinery of human social evolution. But it is a crutch that we no longer need. It is time for us to move past this primitive mindset and into a world based on reason and logic. [5:50]

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The arrogance. Preaching to the choir works in any setting â whether you believe in a First Cause or not. Letâs just go at it from another angle, just as an experiment. Letâs imagine there is a First Cause, an omnipotence that would make all our knowledge pale to insignificance. The fact that we CAN imagine this, means it is a possible. It is not believing in such a being that is idiotic (or any other words used in, say, a High School setting), it is not asking what that being would be like.

Christianity as a âcrutchâ similarly does not make sense. I believe we are basically hard-wired to hate God and thatâs pretty much what sin is. We know heâs there and we are giving him the finger. Faith is a hard thing, superstition is not.

Iâm not here to âevangelizeâ, although I would love for anyone to be on best terms with the Living God. Itâs just that my human ire is stirred at such arrogance. Really, if there truly is a First Cause, then our science it nothing but a tiny fleck of his Reality made Actual.

The fact that we CAN imagine this, means it is a possible. leap of faith It is not believing in such a being that is idiotic

I believe we are basically hard-wired to hate God and thatâs pretty much what sin is. another LOF

We know heâs there and we are giving him the finger Somehow we have gone from imagining to knowing, hmmmm.

Really, if there truly is a First Cause, then our science it nothing but a tiny fleck of his Reality made Actual. Now you're not so sure

By natural cynic (not verified) on 16 Aug 2009 #permalink

I was pointing to the fact that we can imagine, not whether something was true or not.

Yes, the things I said I believe, I believe. AND I'm stating these as facts. I don't believe because it "feels good", what use is that?

The IF has nothing to do with what I believe. More like "if A is true then B follows"

You look at the comments any church makes about atheists or secularists and you get the impression they regards us as criminals. Look at the comments of any Iman and you get the same impression. We haven't bombed the first kindergarten yet nor hijacked the first airplane and we get the same contempt as any terrorist. Sometimes I think PZ Myers and Dawkins comments are too harsh, but after thinking again, the people they ridicule deserve it. Call me vengeful, but I think that is not the appropiate word when you only use words and ideas to stand your position.
And please, don't use the stupid argument that Hitler and Stalin were atheists (Hitler No, Stalin maybe). Many inmates that commited murder believe in some god.
So, believe in a god makes you more prone to comit a murder and finish in prison?
Of course not. But many religious people need some shaking in order to learn to respect the no religious faith of others.

I can imagine the Flying Spaghetti Monster, would you agree that its possible that it is there? Or what about Zeus? Heaps of people knew Zeus was real, back in the day.

Sure. This is why I tried to go at it not from 'creature' side i.e. what we do down here is not an exact representation of who the First Cause is. We are not good character witnesses.

That is why I argued that IF there is such a thing as a First Cause our arrogance and fist-shaking is on par with challenging an astrophysicist with the argument that stars are really pinpricks on velvet.

There is no doubt that large crap load of hurt has been done in the name of God. There is no absolute answer to that (and unless you care, I won't go into answers that are out there)BUT our arrogance hold true here as well.

I'm not here to defend God, he can hold his own. I also don't care, personally, if someone is and atheist or not. They do not change my faith even a little bit.

I have done my fair share defending my faith traveling with an exhibit explaining creation from a scientific standpoint and suffered 'spitting-in-your-face' science teachers, up to the university level. So in the words of Danny Glover: "I'm getting too old for this shit".

Spaghetti monster? What are you, 5 years old? and if you really want to know - no i don't think most of them really believed in Zeus.

Oh, was that a rhetorical question?

"The fact that we CAN imagine this, means it is a possible. "

Nonsense. I can imagine a perpetual motion machine - but that is not possible. I can imagine wearing a belt which negates the effects of gravity, but that is not possible.

"It is not believing in such a being that is idiotic"

The evidence, real evidence that is - not imagined stuff, is all on one side and one side only - and it's not in favor of any gods.

"I believe we are basically hard-wired to hate God"

Nonsense; where is your evidence for that ridiculous claim? The natural state of things is not to believe in a god; people only believe in a god if they are told there is a god.

"Iâm not here to âevangelizeâ, although I would love for anyone to be on best terms with the Living God"

There's a name for that: concern troll.

Look on the bright side Wolfgod, Dumbski will still give you credit for your stupid posts even though we all rip you a new one.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 17 Aug 2009 #permalink

First , thank you "Cambrico", thoughtful answer.

Second - let's try this again, I made and "IF, then" statement. "If A was true then B would follow" and, as such it is irrefutable.

You know, if you look back, I wasn't the one starting the flame war and, no I really don't care what you guys believe but with a blog entry like "Faith is Retarded"? Seriously?

MadScientist, I bet you got together with your friends in the school yard and beat up other kids for their lunch money. Way to go!

Oh, and your arguments were first class, BTW. Specially the "stupid post" part. I mean - WOW!