Mystery Bird: White-eared Barbet, Stactolaema leucotis

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[Mystery bird] White-eared Barbet, Stactolaema leucotis, photographed at Amani Preserve, Tanzania, Africa. [I will identify this bird for you in 48 hours]

Image: Dan Logen, 6 September 2007 [larger view].

Nikon D2X, 200-400 mm lens, at 400. ISO 200, 1/250, f/6.3.

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hmmm, heavy bill, short neck, chracteristic bristles... "trickling throat" (not obvious in this species) with "white ears"!

By David Hilmy (not verified) on 02 Jan 2010 #permalink

White belly bordered by dark sides. Lack of noticeable tomial teeth on maxilla. White-eared Barbet (Stactolaema leucotis)

Definately a White-eared barbet. White 'ear', heavy bill and and the fact that it's sitting ina a Ficus tree (barbet favorites.)

re. #1

"trickling throat" (not obvious in this species) with "white ears"

Stactolaema was the name given to this genus by CHT Marshall & GFL Marshall in 1870...

stacto means "trickling" and laema means "throat", referring to the drop-like spots on the throat and chest in the Anchieta's Barbet, Stactolaema anchietae (then Buccanodon anchieae) from Central Africa, mostly in Angola... leucotis is a rather common epithet used as a species name meaning "white eared" (our recent discussions involving leucism come to mind)

Strangely, I can find zero photographs of Anchieta's Barbet, and very few pictures except:

from a chromolithograph by Joseph Smit

Angolan 1ag stamp

By David Hilmy (not verified) on 03 Jan 2010 #permalink