Out Sick

I am sick.

I have been working on a bunch of writing projects, but everything has come to a screeching halt because I've been quite ill for the past week. I've been trying to lay low so this doesn't turn into pneumonia (which I've had thrice) or bronchitis (which I've had twice) -- which is the typical outcome of illnesses that I can't shake after a few days. However, just in case I do end up sicker (and thus, visiting a doctor), I've already started a list of terms I might need to describe my symptoms:

English: Respiratory illness German: Atemwegserkrankung
English: Pneumonia German:Lungenentzündung
English: Cough German: Husten
English: Sneeze German: Nieser
English: Lost voice German: Stimme verloren
English: Fever German: Fieber
English: Exhaustion German: Erschöpfung

I'd add more to the list, but I am too tired to do so right now.

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Dealing with the symptoms is unavoidable, but please try to concentrate on the German for "Feeling Better", "Get Well Soon", "Full Recovery", und so weiter...

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 29 Apr 2010 #permalink

Wishing you a speedy recovery. Get well soon Grrl

Hum⦠A bird a day doesn't seem to keep the bugs away.
Or something like that.

Get better. Soon. Please.

At least you won't need to learn to pronounce "Stimme verloren". ;^D

Take it easy! I've had a cold turn into bronchitis, it's not fun. Not fun at all!

By Benton Jackson (not verified) on 29 Apr 2010 #permalink

Fluids and orange juice, and don't forget to gargle with hot salt water (not hot enough to scald). The salt water tastes so bad, you will forget you are sick.

By biosparite (not verified) on 29 Apr 2010 #permalink

well, despite being sick for so long, i am STILL ILL! these european colds are far, far worse than anything i've ever had in the US (jared diamond was correct). this cold first attacked my head (massive headache), then my sinuses (massive headache, with other unpleasant symptoms), my throat (massive headache with throat so swollen i can barely swallow, and the total inability to speak) and now it appears to be moving on to my ears .. i've had a ruptured eardrum before, and i am suddenly worried that, in addition to losing my hearing temporarily, i might actually lose it for a little longer than that.

the ferocity of this cold bug is really astounding.