Former NYC Mayor Giuliani, Ferrets, and Freedom

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Here's another set of videos for today's Silly Saturday. These videos take a closer look at the battle between former NYC Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, and the ferrets (and ferret owners) of NYC after he banned them as pets. Shortly before 911, Giuliani was awarded the dubious title of "most hated Mayor in the United States," although I am not sure it was due to his position on ferrets as pets.

In 1999, New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani hosted a weekly call-in program. During one show, he responded to caller David Guthartz, a ferret-rights activist who was upset over city regulations making it illegal to keep ferrets as pets. The mayor's response was an amusing mix of tough love, philosophy, and psychotherapy:

After he left office, Giuliani then had the balls to run for President of the United States. Here is what some NY ferrets had to say about that ....

But despite the fact that these NYC ferrets are claiming that they are law-abiding citizens, I have video showing otherwise:

What do these videos teach us? Never mess with people's pets.

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