World's Worst Job?

Euthanizing beached whales. This has to be one of the worst jobs ever.

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Sorry, nothing new: time again for something from Tet Zoo ver 1... Late in the 1920s, plans to replace the old whale hall of the British Museum (Natural History) were fulfilled. Thanks to the new, steel-girdled hall, the Blue whale skeleton - by now kept in storage for 42 years due to lack of…

Combining two threads, how about late term abortion doctor!? That's got to be a tough one to drag yourself out of bed for, regardless of your political leanings. I get a little queasy when there's that little white stringy thingy in my egg yolk.

And you get shot.

By Jim Spice (not verified) on 31 May 2009 #permalink

Working in a rescue center for dogs may be worse. You sometimes have to euthanize dogs because they have been so abused by their former owners that they are unable to adapt to a normal life. You know it isn't the fault of the dog that it doesn't trust people and bites, but you still have to kill it. (and often the owner who abused the dog go free)

Why were they euthanizing the whales in the first place? Is there a management philosophy in regards to this? New realm/concept to me, though I have heard of similar issues by DWR folks having to deal with wildlife in special manners due to public values/expectations, private property, etc.

Oh dear. I signed up to help euthanize beached whales... as a volunteer. Is it one of the worst volunteer jobs too? At least it's not phone solicitation...

Oh dear. I signed up to help euthanize beached whales... as a volunteer. Is it one of the worst volunteer jobs too? At least it's not phone solicitation...