End of Line

The End of the Line, a documentary on global overfishing sparked by Charles Clover's book by the same title, has sparked many public conversations about global overfishing.

The latest discussion takes place today at SEED magazine, where several fisheries experts (many of them make appearances in the film) gave their impressions of the problem. I also provided a few recommendations: deal with pigs and chickens, eat local and leave seafood for survival, consider a seafood boycott, and agitate vertically rather than laterally.

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Something I've been wondering about: How big an issues is the use of fish for making isinglass for use in beer and wine?
While I can avoid it in my home brew, it seems to be fairly common in commercial booze and I was wondering if it should be avoided.

As far as I know, isinglass is generally made from the bits nobody wants. Fish aren't harvested specifically for it, it's just a byproduct of the processing that goes on anyway.

Personally, I've switched to 2-part (kiesolsol and gelatin) finings, which seem to work better.

Hilborn and Costello were the only one's to actually provide any "expert" commentary on this. Everyone else in the panel used hyperbole and failed to provide fact based examples.

By PhDDoesNotEqua… (not verified) on 18 Jul 2009 #permalink

"Pigs and chickens alone eat six times the amount of seafood as US consumers." - Therefore boycotting pork and chicken would have 6 times the effects as boycotting seafood.