This weekend, the BBC ran the first-ever photograph of a coral eating a jellyfish:
If that doesn't suffice it for 'cool', there is always the blobfish, hauled up from the depths:
Or, weirder still, the lumpsucker (both the blobfish and lumpsucker have names that betray their unappetizing beginnings--although all that has changed with overfishing):
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Didn't that last one try to take over the planet in 1957?
I want to be first to welcome our Deep sea overlords
I'd love to see some semi-spoofy ads for "saving the oceans" that feature organisms as revolting as this one. I'm sick of cute animals, and think the public would find it funny.
a few years ago when over fishing became news the New Yorker magazine ran a good cartoon on that subject.Old Greasy Mouth was now served up as "deep sea sun fish" and the Spikey Lump was sold as "azores trout"..or something like that,i think Roz Chast did it.
pretty sure they think we're hideous, too.
djlactin - until they blog it doesn't matter what they think
WOAH...wait, i think my mom mightttt just be a lumpsucker.
wow...that animal is a interesting piece of nature....god bless it
that thing iz kinda weird but i ges we can all deel with it right...
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