Open Thread

Things have been pretty quiet around here lately, so the timing is pretty good for my extended trip to the Czech Republic.

I leave in a couple of hours and won't have anything but bare essentials for internet access for the next few days.

Chat about what you wish if you wish and don't forget that 3 links or more puts your comment into mederation where it will sit for quite a while! If you play, play nice!


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Better be careful, Coby, over at Tamino's Lubos wrote:

"There are way too many aggressive left-wing activists everywhere, theyâre spreading like plague, and it would be a good idea to regulate their excessive self-confidence by shooting a couple of the most annoying ones."

Make sure you watch your back.

By Jim Eager (not verified) on 18 Jun 2010 #permalink

Jesus Crack, I need some of those mushrooms....

By Matt Bennett (not verified) on 18 Jun 2010 #permalink

There is a bag limit but i will see what i can do.

I only glanced at it, Scott, but it looks very thorough. Thanks.

I wonder if there's any value in doing this... inspired by work that removes certain noise from data sets - like removing ENSO from the temp trend, or removing the seasonal signal in sea-level trends.

Would it be possible, or even worthwhile, to comprehensively remove all known weather oscillations (ENSO, PDO etc, maybe even seasons) from the temperature record? I see it as a form of smoothing, to get a clearer picture of the underlying trend - CO2 forcing re the temp record.

If it could be done, the result could then be examined for other oscillations, cross-referencing with regional temperature patterns to find correlations. Maybe other, as yet unobserved regional climate fluctuations could be discovered.

Is this feasible/too complex/a totally dumb idea?

Thanks for the reply, Marco.

This is just a bit of fun so no need to respond. We have a current affairs program here in Oz that always ends with two guys doing stand up comedy. The last time they did one on climate models, here is the transcript

Tonight John and Bryan look at the new science behind climate modeling.

Bryan: Professor John Clarke, what is the latest in climate modeling?

John: Modeling is a complex and expensive process, Bryan. It involves handling multiple variables in chaotic interaction with each other in ways we frankly donât understand. All processed using dubious data on energy-sapping supercomputers at enormous cost to the environment and the tax payer. But the worst part of modeling is the verification and auditing phase, of course.

Bryan: Whyâs that?

John: Because there are people out there who think they should be right. Verification is a total waste of time that could be productively used in other pursuits.

Bryan: Such as?

John: Writing grant applications and getting some of that lovely⦠MONEY!

Bryan: And so you have found a newer, faster method for climate modeling?

John: Yes, Bryan. Itâs an old solution for a new problem. Fast, efficient and with minimal carbon footprint.

Bryan: What is it?

John; The Ouija Board, Bryan.

Bryan: The Ouija Board?

John: Yes, the Ouija Board. Made from 100% renewable resources, fast, efficient and reliable. And best of all, it requires no verification or auditing procedures. Which frees up our valuable time for important activitiesâ¦

Bryan: The lovely money?

John: Yes, Bryan, it is. And, in the hands of a skilled climate scientist, the Ouija Board is 100% accurate.

Bryan: Thatâs amazing! What have you learnt so far?

John: Well, Bryan, we have communicated with creatures from beyond the grave to obtain accurate historical climatic and lifestyle data. For example, we now know that none of our respondents before the year 1903 regularly engaged in aeroplane travel, which by strange coincidence matches the period when catastrophic climate change began to be observed.

Bryan: Truly amazing!

John: And our ghostly visitors regularly comment on the current global climate.

Bryan: For example?

John: A typical response is [nasal voice] âLovely and warm place youâve got, Iâd watch my CO2 emissions if I were you.â And then they usually give us a very detailed report on the climate of their day.

Bryan: So what have you discovered Professor?

John: Well, Bryan, the Roman Warm Period didnât exist. Julius Caesar told me.

Bryan: THE Julius Caesar?

John: The very same Bryan. It was as cold as a witchâs tit. Got it straight from the man himself.

Bryan: But what about the Roman dress? You always see statues of him wearing thongs and a bed sheet, with his tackle hanging out.

John: Funny you say that Brian â I asked him the very same question. It transpires that he was on his way to a toga party at the time. He was always having someone take a statue of him on his way to a toga party. Rest of the time he was snugged up like a bug in a rug.

Bryan: But what about the Vikings? The Medieval Warm Period â have you spoken to them?

John: Again Bryan, no such thing as the MWP. A very sad case that, the Vikings. Went on a pleasure cruise to Greenland, where they all perished from the combined effects of starvation and hypothermia. Very cold, Greenland, even today.

Bryan: But didnât the Vikings live in Greenland for centuries?

John: A resilient race, the Vikings. Very resilient. Hard to kill. Took them centuries to freeze. Quite sad.

Bryan: So youâve conclusively proven that global temperatures are at unprecedented levels, all due to the catastrophic effects of mankindâs emissions, notably CO2?

John: Got it in one Bryan.

Bryan: What about verification? Canât a climate sceptic also use these techniques?

John: Possible, John, possible. Iâll have to check. [Inverts glass on table, places finger on glass. Glass moves.]
John: No. Spirits say no, Bryan.

Remember this is just for a bit of fun.


Marco you topped my joke with the real thing

"Septic Fred, he talks to the Dead"

Good one
