Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Another Week in the Ecological Crisis
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
February 19, 2012
- Chuckles, Coalition, Europe, AAAS, Intimidation, Maldives, Correlation, Status, Mashey
- Heartland Leak: Docs, Provenance, Funding, Education, Scientists' Letter, Miscellaneous
- Thermodynamics, Global Legal Framework, Cook, Post CRU
- Fukushima Note, Fukushima News, Nuclear Policy
- Melting Arctic, Ice Thickness, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food Crisis, Fisheries, Food Prices, Food vs. Biofuel, Land Grabs, GMOs, Food Production
- Hurricanes, GHGs, Temperatures, Paleoclimate, Extinctions, Proxies, Biomimicry, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Climate Refugees, Extreme Weather, Wildfires, Glaciers, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs, Misc. Science, Models, Free Science, Mann
- International Politics: Rio+20, UN, Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax, EU ETS & Airlines, Hormuz
- EU FQD, Falklands, Law & Activism, Activism, Polls, H2O Biz, Education, Predictions
- National Politics: America, BP Disaster, 2012, Keystone, Birth Control, Budget, Obama, USAdmin, Congress
- Britain, Europe, Australia, Murray-Darling, Japan
- Canada, Post G20, CETA, Job Cuts, Muzzling Scientists, Northern Gateway
- NDP, ISA, BC, Tar Sands, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, North, Canadiana
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Media, Books, Video, Courts, Betting
- Energy, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, Pipelines, Peak Oil, Biofuel
- Wind, Solar, Nukes, LENR, Grid, Efficiency, Cars, Energy Storage
- Insurance, Joe's List, Carbon Lobby, Miscellaneous Climate, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
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- 2012/02/19: uComics: (cartoon - Auth) The Gospel According to Santorum
- 2012/02/18: uComics: (cartoon - Danziger) Darrell Issa Allows NO Women on Women's Healthcare Hearing Panel
- 2012/02/18: TMW: (cartoon - TomTom) The rightwingoverse
- 2012/02/17: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) Hopeless is a good platform...
- 2012/02/17: uComics: (cartoon - Danziger) The Santorum Solution for Overpopulation
- 2012/02/13: uComics: (cartoon - Danziger) Roman Snow
A coalition of countries is tackling the "C, CH4 and HFC" problem:
- 2012/02/17: TP:JR: Can an Agreement on Short-Term Climate Pollutants Help Close the Looming Emissions Gap?
- 2012/02/16: Grist: Hillary Clinton is tackling climate change whether you like it or not
- 2012/02/15: NYT: U.S. Pushes to Cut Emissions of Some Pollutants That Hasten Climate Change
- 2012/02/16: NatureNB: Coalition launches effort on 'short-lived' climate pollutants
- 2012/02/16: StateDept: The Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants
- 2012/02/17: BBC: Short-term climate fix risks blanking CO2
The US is leading a new six-nation initiative aimed at curbing climate change by tackling short-lived warming agents including methane, black carbon and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). - 2012/02/16: CBC: Canada joins 5-nation effort on climate change pollutants
Slow pace of climate change talks prompt deal to reduce emissions from 'short-lived' pollutants U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is set to announce a program to reduce emissions of common pollutants along with five other countries, including Canada, in an effort to combat global warming. Peter Kent, Canada's environment minister, is in the U.S. capital for the Thursday announcement, and will hold a news conference at the Canadian embassy to discuss the new measures in detail. The five-year initiative was prompted by the slow pace of international climate change talks. Officials from Bangladesh, Ghana, Mexico, Sweden and the United Nations Environment Program are also on hand for Clinton's announcement. The plan is aimed at addressing short-lived pollutants like soot or black carbon, methane and hydrofluorocarbons. - 2012/02/16: PI: Pembina reacts to announcement of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants
- 2012/02/17: NYT: A Second Front in the Climate War
The European cold spell lingers:
- 2012/02/16: EurActiv: Historically cold winter exposes poor infrastructure
Arctic temperatures and heavy snowfall that have claimed hundreds of lives around Central and Eastern Europe have also exposed the severe stress placed on often dilapidated infrastructure in hard-hit Romania and in neighbouring Bulgaria. - 2012/02/14: al Jazeera: Romania struggles to meet power demand
Freezing weather pushes up household consumption, forcing nation to limit power supplies to industries and halt export. - 2012/02/14: al Jazeera: Bitter cold continues for Europe and Asia
The deep freeze across the Eurasian landmass continues to affect millions of people in dozens of countries - 2012/02/13: PSinclair: Renewables Helped France Avoid Freezing in the Dark
The AAAS conference is in Vancouver this weekend:
- AAAS: 2012 Annual Meeting: 16-20 February; Vancouver, Canada
- AAAS: AAAS 2012 Annual Meeting News
- 2012/02/13: PostMedia: World science experts gather at AAAS conference in Vancouver Feb. 16 to 20
- 2012/02/17: KSJT: Lots of Press Room: AAAS Meeting -- 600 Journalists in Vancouver!
- 2012/02/16: SFU: AAAS-SFU research: Chilling climate-change related news
- 2012/02/14: PostMedia: Going public the next frontier for scientists
American Association for the Advancement of Science's leading thinkers in Vancouver to consider how best to convert research to action - 2012/02/18: SciNews: News in Brief: 2012 AAAS Meeting - HighLights
Your "Two Minute Hate" for the day:
- 2012/02/17: Wired: The Inside Story on Climate Scientists Under Siege
- 2012/02/17: WichitaEagle: Charles Koch, employees reveal e-mailed threats from past year
- 2012/02/17: Guardian(UK): The inside story on climate scientists under siege
Michael Mann reveals his account of attacks by entrenched interests seeking to undermine his 'hockey stick' graph - 2012/02/12: RealClimate: Free speech and academic freedom
The Maldives coup is still in place:
- 2012/02/17: al Jazeera: Maldives president agrees to early elections
Mohamed Waheed says he will hold discussions with all parties with a view to organising elections as soon as possible. - 2012/02/16: BBC: Maldives crisis: Waheed concession on election schedule
The Maldives' new leader has agreed that elections could take place ahead of schedule in an apparent concession to his ousted predecessor. - 2012/02/14: al Jazeera: Maldives leader pledges 'peace and order'
Mohamed Waheed says he plans to form "inclusive cabinet" as Indian Ocean islands face swelling unrest over alleged coup. - 2012/02/12: al Jazeera: Ex-Maldives leader rejects US compromise call
Mohamed Nasheed says he will press for snap polls instead of considering a coalition with his ex-deputy, now in charge. - 2012/02/16: Guardian(UK): Revealed: How fossil fuel reserves match UN climate negotiating positions
New figures calculate how much CO2 each country could emit in the future and asks how their fuel reserves affect their position at the UN climate negotiations Want to understand why we're not solving climate change? Then follow the money -- which in this case means following the carbon. I've spent much of the past 24 hours crunching data and it turns out there's a very striking -- and oddly overlooked -- correlation between fossil fuel reserves and national negotiating position on climate change. - 2012/02/11: MalaysianInsider: 2°C warming goal now 'optimistic', say French scientists
John Mashey released a major study of the Heartland Institute a couple of hours before the Leak:
- 2012/02/14: DeepClimate: Heartland Institute budget and strategy revealed
- 2012/02/14: DeSmogBlog: Mashey Report Confirms Heartland's Manipulation; Exposes Singer's Deception -- S. Fred Singer Lied to the IRS about identity of his chair
- 2012/02/18: ClimateShifts: Heartland Institute faces fresh scrutiny over tax status
- 2012/02/17: CCP: Heartland Institute faces fresh scrutiny over tax status. -- Whistleblower made complaint to IRS over climate science attack machine's tax-exempt status, Guardian learns
- 2012/02/17: Guardian(UK): Heartland Institute faces fresh scrutiny over tax status
Whistleblower made complaint to IRS over climate science attack machine's tax-exempt status, Guardian learns - 2012/02/15: CCP: Mashey Report Confirms Heartland's Manipulation; Exposes Singer's Deception. S. Fred Singer lied to the IRS about identity of his chair
- 2012/02/15: PSinclair: Fake Science, 'Fox'perts, Funny Finance, Tax Free!!
- 2012/02/14: DeSmogBlog: Heartland Insider Exposes Institute's Budget and Strategy
- 2012/02/14: DeSmogBlog: Fake science, fakexperts, funny finances, free of tax
HeartlandGate, DenialGate, HI Gate...call it what you will...a major blogostorm erupted this week
First, the docs: - 2012/02/14: DeSmogBlog: Heartland Institute Exposed: Internal Documents Unmask Heart of Climate Denial Machine
- 2012/02/14: TP: Heartland Institute Documents
- 2012/02/14: SkeptiSci: [links to several pdfs] Denialgate - Internal Heartland Documents Expose Climate Denial Funding Network by dana1981
Heartland Leak: Document provenance:
- 2012/02/18: IJISH: Denialgate: likely real, and from insider, but DeSmogBlog and ThinkProgress PDFs differ at bit level
- 2012/02/17: QuarkSoup: Why Thinkprogress Didn't Host the IRS document
- 2012/02/16: WRAL:AP: Influence Game: Leaks show group's climate efforts
- 2012/02/17: KSJT: AP: Hearing doubt, check it out. (per the Heartland Institute's leaked memos, etc.)
- 2012/02/16: DeSmogBlog: It's a bird; it's a hockey stick; it's a faked document!
- 2012/02/16: QuarkSoup: Claim that the Metadata Changed the Day of the Leak
- 2012/02/16: QuarkSoup: The Timeline of HIgate
- 2012/02/16: QuarkSoup: Header from Leaker's Email
- 2012/02/16: QuarkSoup: Small Observations
- 2012/02/15: QuarkSoup: Desmogblog Had Leaked Docs For Only an Hour
- 2012/02/15: QuarkSoup: Date of Leaker's Email Offers No Clue
- 2012/02/15: QuarkSoup: The "fake" Memo Definitely Looks Suspicious
- 2012/02/15: QuarkSoup: Why Is Desmog Blog's Document Scanned, Not Digital?
- 2012/02/15: QuarkSoup: But Maybe There Is Something to the Memo Claimed to Be Faked
- 2012/02/15: DeSmogBlog: Heartland Confirms that it Mistakenly Emailed Internal Documents
- 2012/02/15: QuarkSoup: Climate Depot: "ALERT: Key Heartland document touted by warmists is a FORGERY...
- 2012/02/15: QuarkSoup: Heartland Institute Cries "Fake"
Heartland Leak: Funding:
- 2012/02/18: CCP: Who is the "Anonymous Donor" behind the Heartland Institute's Denialgate? Here's one possibility...
- 2012/02/18: WtD: Follow the money: Heartland Institute funding the anti-Carbon Tax campaign
- 2012/02/17: TP:Green: Exposed: The 19 Public Corporations Funding The Climate Denier Think Tank Heartland Institute
- 2012/02/17: CCP: Exposed: The 19 Public Corporations Funding The Climate Denier Think Tank Heartland Institute
- 2012/02/17: CCP: SMH: Web leak shows trail of climate sceptic funding by Heartland Institute to lobbying group, Australian Climate Science Coalition
- 2012/02/18: SkeptiSci: DenialGate - Infographic Illustrating the Heartland Denial Funding Machine by dana1981, jg
- 2012/02/16: PSinclair: A Bright Spotlight on Heartland Donors
- 2012/02/16: Crikey:B: Who's the Anonymous Donor keeping a climate sceptic think tank afloat?
- 2012/02/16: UCSUSA: Documents Show Direct Link Between Corporate Money, Anti-Science Campaigns
- 2012/02/15: ArsTechnica: Leaked docs: Heartland Institute think tank pays climate contrarians very well
- 2012/02/16: ERabett: Will the Real Anonymous Donor Please Stand Up
- 2012/02/15: Guardian(UK): Climate science attack machine took donations from Microsoft and GM
Much of Heartland Institute's work funded by one anonymous donor, but some corporations also gave cash, documents show - 2012/02/15: Guardian(UK): Climate sceptics -- who gets paid what?
- 2012/02/15: CCP: Heartland Institute's Denialgate includes funding from Microsoft to undermine the IPCC...
- 2012/02/18: Bundanga: Bob Carter defends being paid to muddy the waters on climate science - maybe he's just ignorant, not a deliberate liar
- 2012/02/15: QuarkSoup: Too Many People Are For Sale
- 2012/02/14: Grist: Heartland Institute takes money from Kochs, gives it to deniers
- 2012/02/15: ClimateShifts: Great benefits for all, even Bob: The Heartland Scandal
- 2012/02/15: ClimateShifts: Bob Carter responds
- 2012/02/15: Guardian(UK): Leak exposes how Heartland Institute works to undermine climate science
Libertarian thinktank keeps prominent sceptics on its payroll and relies on millions in funding from carbon industry, papers suggest - 2012/02/15: BCLSB: Canucks On Heartland Institute Payroll
Heartland Leak: Education:
- 2012/02/16: CSW: Leaked Heartland Institute documents include plan for climate disinformation curriculum in schools
- 2012/02/15: GESN: Breaking Heartless-news for Valentine's Day: "Dissuading teachers from teaching science..."
- 2012/02/16: TStar: Scientists sound alarm over climate-change skepticism
Documents suggesting that a U.S. think-tank plans to push for a public school curriculum questioning climate change is a worrisome sign, top scientists say. - 2012/02/14: TP: Internal Documents: The Secret, Corporate-Funded Plan To Teach Children That Climate Change Is A Hoax
- 2012/02/17: P3: Fred Moolten's Offer to Wojick
- 2012/02/16: CCurrents: The Secret, Corporate-Funded Plan To Teach Children That Climate Change Is A Hoax
- 2012/02/15: CSM: Documents reveal Koch-funded group's plot to undermine climate science
Leaked documents from the free-market conservative organization The Heartland Institute reveal a plan to create school educational materials that contradict the established science on climate change. The documents, leaked by an anonymous donor and released on DeSmogBlog, include the organization's 2012 fundraising plan. It lists Heartland Institute donors, from the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation (established by Koch Industries billionaire Charles G. Koch), to Philip Morris parent company Altria, to software giant Microsoft and pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly. The climate change education project is funded so far by an anonymous donor who has given $13 million to the Institute over the past five years. - 2012/02/15: Grist: How the Heartland Institute plans to wreck education
- 2012/02/14: CCP: Fossil-fuel-funded Climate-Denier Heartland Institute Plans 'Global Warming Curriculum For K-12 Schools'
Heartland Leak: Open letter from climategate scientists:
- 2012/02/18: TP:JR: Climate Scientists Slam Heartland for "Spreading Misinformation" and "Personally Attacking Climate Scientists to Further Its Goals"
Scientists Who Had Emails Stolen Ask Heartland Institute to End Assault on Climate Science - 2012/02/17: UCSUSA: Scientists Who Had Emails Stolen Ask Heartland Institute to End Attack on Climate Science -- UCS President Kevin Knobloch Calls Heartland Institute's Strategy 'Disturbing'
- 2012/02/17: ClimateShifts: Letter aimed at the heart
- 2012/02/17: PSinclair: Dear Heartland: An Open Letter from Climate Scientists to Heartland re Stolen emails
Heartland Leak: Miscellaneous:
- 2012/02/20: HotTopic: What becomes of the broken Heartland?
- 2012/02/19: JQuiggin: Gullible-gate
- 2012/02/18: SkeptiSci: DenialGate Highlights Heartland's Selective NIPCC Science by dana1981
- 2012/02/18: PushedLeft: Climate Change Deniers Get Caught With Their Carbons Down
- 2012/02/18: ERabett: And in other news
- 2012/02/18: P3: The send-packs-of-lawyers strategy
- 2012/02/17: CCP: Republican Climate Hawks Live! Heartland Climate Operation Deserves Scrutiny
- 2012/02/16: Google:AP: Influence Game: Leaks show group's climate efforts
- 2012/02/17: BBickmore: Deniergate Breaks
- 2012/02/17: DeSmogBlog: Climategate victims chide Heartland double standard
- 2012/02/17: QuarkSoup: Friday Afternoon Thoughts
- 2012/02/17: QuarkSoup: Is Accusing People Fair?
- 2012/02/16: CCP: Heartland Institute's Denialgate discussions
- 2012/02/16: PSinclair: #DenialGate - Get it All Here
- 2012/02/16: SMandia: Heartland Institute: Hey Kids, Have a Smoke and Denial
- 2012/02/17: HotTopic: The real Climategate: Heartland's hypocrisy on display
- 2012/02/15: P3: Nature on Heartland, Last Summer
- 2012/02/16: ERabett:BDS: The dead are allowed to vote - on the Board of Directors of a denialist, tax-supported charity
- 2012/02/15: TreeHugger: Leaked Docs Reveal How Top Think Tank Turns Oil Money Into Climate Denial
- 2012/02/16: Forbes:SZ: Heartland Feels The Heat Over Anti-Science Climate Change Strategy
- 2012/02/16: DM:BA: Hip, hip, hypocrisy!
- 2012/02/17: Wunderground: Heartland Institute documents reveal strategy of attacks against climate science
- 2012/02/16: CSM: Explainer: What is the Heartland Institute?
- 2012/02/16: CSM: Heartland's leaked documents show how climate skepticism spreads
- 2012/02/16: TStar: Scientists sound alarm over climate-change skepticism
Documents suggesting that a U.S. think-tank plans to push for a public school curriculum questioning climate change is a worrisome sign, top scientists say. The leaked papers from the nonprofit organization the Heartland Institute has created a buzz within the scientific community as the American Association for the Advancement of Science gathers in Vancouver. - 2012/02/17: BCLSB: Heartlandgate: Update
- 2012/02/16: MoJo: Internal Heartland Institute Email Blasts "Lamestream Media" for Climate Leak
In a note to funders, the climate denial group promises to fight back, warns of "Occupy Wall Street goons." - 2012/02/17: PSinclair: The Real Story of Heartland: The Template of Lies
- 2012/02/16: IJISH: Denialgate, the Heartland 2010 prospectus, and Operation Angry Badger
- 2012/02/16: Guardian(UK): Heartland Institute 'fights back' over publication of confidential documents
- 2012/02/16: 350orBust: Heartland Institute: Funded To Spread Misinformation About Climate Change
- 2012/02/15: NYT: Leak Offers Glimpse of Campaign Against Climate Science
Leaked documents suggest that an organization known for attacking climate science is planning a new push to undermine the teaching of global warming in public schools, the latest indication that climate change is becoming a part of the nation's culture wars. - 2012/02/16: BBC: Openness: A Heartland-warming tale
It's been a while, but at last another climate-related "gate" has opened... and this time, it's in the edifice constructed by those who would have you think climate "scepticism" was rooted purely in science, with never a hint of politics involved. - 2012/02/15: AlterNet: Exposed: Leak of Documents Shows How Leading Libertarian Think Tank Is Working to Undermine Climate Science
- 2012/02/15: NYT: Leak Offers Glimpse of Campaign Against Climate Science
Leaked documents suggest that an organization known for attacking climate science is planning a new push to undermine the teaching of global warming in public schools, the latest indication that climate change is becoming a part of the nation's culture wars. The documents, from a nonprofit organization in Chicago called the Heartland Institute, outline plans to promote a curriculum that would cast doubt on the scientific finding that fossil fuel emissions endanger the long-term welfare of the planet. "Principals and teachers are heavily biased toward the alarmist perspective," one document said. While the documents offer a rare glimpse of the internal thinking motivating the campaign against climate science, defenders of science education were preparing for battle even before the leak. Efforts to undermine climate-science instruction are beginning to spread across the country, they said, and they fear a long fight similar to that over the teaching of evolution in public schools. - 2012/02/15: CCP: New York Times weighs in on Heartland Institute's Denialgate: Leak Offers Glimpse of Campaign Against Climate Science
Leak Offers Glimpse of Campaign Against Climate Science - 2012/02/15: TP: CONFIRMED: Anti-Science Blogger Admits Heartland Institute's 'Special Project' To Distort Temperature Data
- 2012/02/16: WtD: DeSmogBlog v Heartland: threats of legal action, fake documents, counter claims and the battle for authenticity
- 2012/02/15: ERabett: Tutt Tutt
- 2012/02/15: WottsUWT: Some notes on the Heartland Leak
- 2012/02/15: Guardian(UK): Heartland Institute claims fraud after leak of climate change documents
Thinktank said to be undermining climate science says it was victim of theft and forgery -- but identifies only one memo as fake - 2012/02/15: Guardian(UK): Leak exposes how Heartland Institute works to undermine climate science
- 2012/02/16: ABC(Au):TDU: Dollars, documents and denial: a tangled web
- 2012/02/15: ERW: Leak exposes how Heartland Institute works to undermine climate science
- 2012/02/17: P3: Republicans for Environmental Protection re: Heartland
- 2012/02/15: QuarkSoup: The Most Disturbing Phrase from Heartland
- 2012/02/15: QuarkSoup: Tit for Tat?
- 2012/02/15: ClassM: The Heart(land) of the Denial Campaign
- 2012/02/15: WtD: Heartland Institute leak: Susan Crockford of University of Victoria recruited to help think tank undermine IPCC
- 2012/02/15: CleanTechnica: Fossil-Fuel-Funded Think Tank, Heartland Institute, Exposed (Deniergate? Heartlandgate? Pick a Name)
- 2012/02/15: Stoat: Heartland?
- 2012/02/15: ERabett: Heartland leak- or the biter bit
- 2012/02/15: DM:BA: Breaking news: A look behind the curtain of the Heartland Institute's climate change spin
- 2012/02/14: HuffPo: Heartland Institute Exposed: Internal Documents Unmask Heart of Climate Denial Machine
- 2012/02/15: Guardian(UK): Leaked Heartland Institute documents pull back curtain on climate scepticism
Leaked internal documents from US thinktank expose funding and policy strategies against climate science - 2012/02/15: OilChange: Climate Sceptics Exposed
- 2012/02/14: Lippard: Document leak from the Heartland Institute
- 2012/02/14: GLaden: HeartlandGate: Anti-Science Institute's Insider Reveals Secrets
- 2012/02/14: PSinclair: How is Joe Bast Like Joe Camel? Looks Like We're Going to Find Out... [HI leak]
- 2012/02/14: DeepClimate: Heartland Institute budget and strategy revealed
- 2012/02/14: TP:JR: Heartland Documents Reveal Fringe Denial Group Plans to Pursue Koch Money, Dupe Children and Cultivate Revkin
- 2012/02/14: P3: Is Turnabout Fair Play?
Delving into the laws of thermodynamics this week:
- 2012/02/14: ERabett: It's a Krammie
The world inches toward creating a global legal framework for ecological crime:
- 2012/02/13: Guardian(UK): Is protecting the environment incompatible with social justice?
When Oxfam investigates the question of whether environment conflicts with development, we should take notice - 2012/02/18: SkeptiSci: DenialGate - Infographic Illustrating the Heartland Denial Funding Machine by dana1981, jg
- 2012/02/18: SkeptiSci: DenialGate Highlights Heartland's Selective NIPCC Science by dana1981
- 2012/02/17: SkeptiSci: Climate Insights: a series of bite sized videos on climate science
- 2012/02/16: SkeptiSci: Video of Chuck Kutscher debunking climate skeptic arguments
- 2012/02/17: SkeptiSci: Breaking News -- The Earth Is Warming...Still! by Glenn Tamblyn
- 2012/02/16: SkeptiSci: Tropical Thermostats and Global Warming by Chris Colose
- 2012/02/19: SkeptiSci: A mishmash of Monckton misrepresentation
- 2012/02/15: SkeptiSci: Fritz Vahrenholt - Duped on Climate Change by dana1981
- 2012/02/14: SkeptiSci: New research from last week 6/2012 by Ari Jokimäki
- 2012/02/14: SkeptiSci: Climate mythbusting at Lane Cove, Sydney on Feb 28
- 2012/02/14: SkeptiSci: 2000 Years of Climate Reconstructed from Pollen by Robert Way
- 2012/02/13: SkeptiSci: Finnish translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
- 2012/02/13: SkeptiSci: Peter Hadfield on Himalayan glacier melt [video] by Rob Honeycutt
- 2012/02/19: SkeptiSci: Search For 'Missing Heat' Confirms More Global Warming 'In The Pipeline' by Rob Painting
Post CRU-Two ... boredom:
- 2012/02/14: IJISH: Claims of "misconduct" based on FOI*.zip get this response from me
- 2012/02/12: IJISH: Hack or leak? Diagram of IP addresses known to be involved in SwiftHack 1.0 or 2.0 (except blog IPs)
A note on theFukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time. TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. The previous Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said decades. Now the Japanese government is talking about 30 years. [Whoops, that has now been updated to 40 years.] We'll see. At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon and deserves its own section.
It is very difficult to know for sure what is really going on at Fukushima. Between the company [TEPCO], the Japanese government, the Japanese regulator [NISA], the international monitor [IAEA], as well as independent analysts and commentators, there is a confusing mish-mash of information. One has to evaluate both the content and the source of new information.
How knowledgeable are they [about nuclear power and about Japan]?
Do they have an agenda?
Are they pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear?
Do they want to write a good news story?
Do they want to write a bad news story?
Where do they rate on a scale of sensationalism?
Where do they rate on a scale of play-it-down-ness?
One fundamental question I would like to see answered:
If the reactors are in meltdown, how can they be in cold shutdown?Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2012/02/16: Eureka: Special Fukushima Session at 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting
- 2012/02/17: Reuters: Factbox: Japan's hidden nightmare scenario for Fukushima
Nearly a year after a huge quake and tsunami sparked Japan's Fukushima nuclear crisis, then-premier Naoto Kan is haunted by the specter of an even bigger disaster forcing tens of millions of people to flee Tokyo and threatening the nation's existence. - 2012/02/17: JEB: Much ado about nothing: Chris Johnson admits his "denial of entry" story was all based on lies
- 2012/02/16: NPR: Fukushima Sake Brewer Is Back In Business -- After Rescuing Yeast
- 2012/02/14: EneNews: NHK: Tepco told to find ways of measuring temperature at Reactor No. 2 and report by tomorrow -- Still claimed no xenon detected
- 2012/02/14: EneNews: Governor: People should be held criminally responsible for Fukushima -- Why has nobody been arrested?
- 2012/02/14: EneNews: Mainichi: Malfunction casts doubt on 'cold shutdown' and condition of reactor cores -- Japan Nuclear Expert: Will be much more serious if last two sensors fail; Unable to install new ones
- 2012/02/15: EneNews: WSJ: Troubling questions raised by thermometer at No. 2 - No wonder things are breaking down at Fukushima after meltdowns, explosions, tsunami, quake (saltwater and boric acid, too)
- 2012/02/14: APR: Fukushima Daiichi No. 2 temperature update
- 2012/02/14: PlanetArk: A Year On, Only Brief Home Visits For Japan Nuclear Evacuees
- 2012/02/14: Eureka: Fukushima at increased earthquake risk
- 2012/02/13: EneNews: Yomiuri: Right after TEPCO's test, temperature rose sharply and went overscale -- Reporters starting to ask questions
- 2012/02/13: EneNews: Hospital doctor says patients suffering high-level radiation exposure from Fukushima -- Complains media are not reporting his findings
- 2012/02/13: JapanTimes: Nuke dangers nowhere near resolved: [former PM Naoto] Kan's crisis adviser
- 2012/02/13: CNN: Stricken Japan nuclear plant 'heating up'
TEPCO says a faulty temperature gauge may be behind higher readings - Temperatures in Unit 2 at the Fukushima plant have been steadily rising - The plant was declared to be in "cold shutdown" on December 16 - Earthquake and tsunami caused nuclear chaos in Japan last March - 2012/02/13: EneNews: Off the Scale: Reactor No. 2 temperature exceeded 400°C -- Tepco says device broken -- Reporter asks about recriticality
- 2012/02/13: BBC: TEPCO to get $9bn extra aid to help pay compensation
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), owner of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, is to be given another $9bn (£5.6bn) by Japan's government. The additional aid is aimed at helping the firm pay compensation to victims of radiation leaks at the plant. - 2012/02/15: EneNews: Germany NOT restarting nuclear reactors due to cold as widely reported -- In fact, now "massively exporting electricity" to help nuclear-powered France this winter -Reuters
- 2012/02/15: CBC: Japan's nuclear safety chief calls regulations flawed -- Threat of power outages never taken seriously, Haruki Madarame says
The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:
- 2012/02/14: CCurrents: Arctic Sea Ice Loss: Spectacular And Ominous
- 2012/02/13: TP:JR: Arctic Sea Ice Update: Spectacular and Ominous
Has the melt season started in the Barents and Kara Seas two months earlier than normal? - 2012/02/12: ASI: Bering the load
A notable advance:
- 2012/02/19: ASI: A new way of measuring ice thickness
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
- 2012/02/13: CCP: Latest Northern Hemisphere methane measurements for January 2012, by Dr. Yurganov
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
- 2012/02/17: Eureka: As ice melts in Far North, opportunities abound to advance Canada's oceanic laws
- 2012/02/17: Eureka: Arctic micro-organisms may hold key to dealing with oil spills in the North
- 2012/02/14: PostMedia: Russia could be new neighbour to Canada -- Long-running dispute might have surprise ending
Two Canadian legal scholars have published a study showing how the push by northern nations for extended seabed territory in the Arctic Ocean could soon find Canada negotiating a maritime boundary with a new next-door neighbour: Russia. Most of Canada's borderlands and boundary waters separate this country from the United States, including Alaska in the northwest corner of the continent. Canada also has maritime boundaries with Denmark (between Ellesmere Island and Greenland) and France, which oversees the tiny islands of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon south of Newfoundland. But the possibility that Canada and Russia might one day share a border has, until now, seemed unimaginable given the vast ocean distances separating the two countries, and the relatively modest 370-kilometre (200-nautical-mile) offshore zone within which nations are permitted to exercise exclusive jurisdiction and resource rights. - 2012/02/19: PostMedia: Rangers play growing role in North -- Eyes and ears in remote territories a vital presence as sovereignty at issue
While in Antarctica:
- 2012/02/18: CBC:Q&Q: (mp3) Under Antarctica's Ice
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2012/02/15: CBC: Malnutrition kills 2 million kids a year -- Chronic malnutrition called hidden crisis
- 2012/02/18: CNN: Hunger in Niger threatens millions
Aid agencies fear the situation will deteriorate rapidly - Drought has led to a failure of crops - In all, 10 million people in the Sahel region are at risk - 2012/02/18: UN: In Niger, top UN officials stress response to food crisis must build future resilience
- 2012/02/17: ProMedMail: Blast disease, rice - Australia: (NT)
- 2012/02/18: Guardian(UK): Malnutrition: the scourge of Rwanda's children
- 2012/02/15: UN: UN and partners urge rapid response to food crisis in West Africa's Sahel region
- 2012/02/14: UN: Top UN officials to travel to Niger as new food crisis looms across Sahel region
- 2012/02/15: ABC(Au): Half of India's children 'undernourished'
- 2012/02/15: al Jazeera: The cost of hunger
Today over 7,000 children will die from lack of nutritious food, it is a global pattern among developing countries. - 2012/02/14: PlanetArk: Soil Erosion Increasing Global Warming Threat: UNEP
- 2012/02/13: ABC(Au): Food shortage fears after floods in Solomon Islands
The state of the world's fisheries is a concern:
- 2012/02/17: PlanetArk: EU Blames Iceland For Collapse Of "Mackerel War" Talks
The latest round of talks to try to resolve a dispute over mackerel fishing rights in the northeast Atlantic has ended in failure, with the EU's fisheries chief blaming Iceland and the Faroe Islands for their collapse. Officials have so far held five rounds of talks to try to end the ongoing "mackerel war," which began in 2010 when Iceland increased its annual catch quota for the fish from around 2,000 tons to 130,000 tons. Faroese mackerel catches have increased six-fold in the last two years to reach 150,000 tons in 2011 - 2012/02/13: TP:JR: Is New England Cod Fishing Sustainable?
Food Prices are still problematic:
- FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2012/02/14: BBC: Parents 'struggling to feed children as prices rise'
A year of record food prices has forced millions of parents in the developing world to cut back on food for their children, says aid agency Save the Children. - 2012/02/13: CBC: Wheat prices steady despite record high stocks
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
- 2012/02/16: Grist: Corn, corn everywhere -- and not a drop to eat
- 2012/02/14: PlanetArk: USDA Sees Corn Stocks Double Next Year
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
- 2012/02/13: CCurrents: Consultative Meeting To Organize A Struggle To Oppose Land Grabbing In Karnataka
- 2012/02/13: al Jazeera: Ethiopia's tribes cry for help
A drive to become a world leading sugar producer threatens the livelihoods of thousands of people in rural areas. - 2012/02/15: GRC: Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life
- 2012/02/15: RT: 300k farmers hope for lawsuit against Monsanto
Around 300,000 organic farmers think that Monsanto, the biotech giant known for genetically modifying Mother Nature's handwork for profit and pushing over the little guys all the while, is pretty seedy. Now a judge in New York is debating if Monsanto's questionable methods will go before a jury. Judge Naomi Buchwald of the Southern District Court of New York says she will have a decision on March 31 in regards to whether a lawsuit waged against the mega-corporation Monsanto should make it to trial. - 2012/02/13: Guardian(UK): Monsanto found guilty of chemical poisoning in France
- 2012/02/14: NatureN: India investigates Bt cotton claims
Research council launches probe into how Monsanto gene ended up in its indigenous transgenic cotton. - 2012/02/13: QuarkSoup: GM Crop Totals, With an Obligatory Link to Climate Science
- 2012/02/10: HuffPo: Monsanto's Great Expectations (and Not-So-Great Results)
- 2012/02/06: AlterNet: Occupy vs. Monsanto: Activists, Farmers Fight the Corporation They Fear Will Take Over All America's Crops
And how are we going to feed 9 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion?
- 2012/02/14: FAO: Rebuilding Afghanistan's irrigation network -- FAO technical know-how helping to restore system after decades of disrepair
- 2012/02/17: BBSRC: Man-made photosynthesis to revolutionise food and energy production
- 2012/02/15: Grist: Algae whiz: Growing protein with fewer resources
- 2012/02/15: HotTopic: The Benefits of Soil Carbon [UNEP report]
- 2012/02/13: EnergyBulletin: Evolving permaculture solutions -- keep it simple
- 2012/02/14: UN: UN boosting assistance to rebuild Afghanistan's irrigation network
- 2012/02/13: al Jazeera: Stop subsidies, switch to organic farming
The US cannot become sustainable, nor can it induce global sustainability, without addressing the way it farms. - 2012/02/16: DM:BA: Giovanna slides into Madagascar
- 2012/02/15: Eureka: NASA sees Cyclone Giovanna enter the Mozambique Channel
- 2012/02/17: UN: Madagascar: UNICEF warns of potential disease outbreaks after cyclone [Giovanna]
- 2012/02/16: Eureka: NASA sees Cyclone Giovanna moving through the Mozambique Channel
- 2012/02/15: UN: UNICEF set to distribute aid to Madagascar's cyclone victims
- 2012/02/15: Wunderground: Wunderground launches BestForecast; Giovanna kills ten in Madagascar
- 2012/02/14: Eureka: NASA sees deadly Cyclone Giovanna over the center of Madagascar
- 2012/02/15: al Jazeera: One nation cleans up while another prepares
Tropical Cyclone Giovanna begins to move away from Madagascar but puts southern Mozambique on alert - 2012/02/14: al Jazeera: Cyclone Giovanna strikes Madagascar
Category four cyclone sweeps through tropical island's eastern shores, killing at least one person, officials say. - 2012/02/14: UN: Madagascar: UNICEF gears up to help victims of deadly cyclone
- 2012/02/14: Wunderground: Giovanna hits Madagascar; major damage likely
- 2012/02/13: Eureka: NASA sees Giovanna reach cyclone strength, threaten Madagascar
- 2012/02/14: BBC: Madagascar hit by cyclone Giovanna
- 2012/02/13: Wunderground: Category 4 Giovanna battering Madagascar
- 2012/02/13: al Jazeera: Preparing for landfall -- Tropical Cyclone Giovanna continues to strengthen as it sets its sights on MadagascarIn the Southern Pacific, Jasmine and a numbered storm blasted several island states:
- 2012/02/16: ABC(Au): Tonga mops up after cyclone Jasmine
- 2012/02/14: Eureka: NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Jasmine near Tonga
- 2012/02/13: ABC(Au): Food shortage fears after floods in Solomon Islands
As for GHGs:
- 2012/02/14: GreenGrok: Leaking Greenhouse Gases in Colorado
- 2012/02/17: SciNow: The Carbon Footprint of a Shrimp Cocktail
- 2012/02/15: NatureNB: Questions raised about natural-gas emissions study
- 2012/02/14: PlanetJ: Real-world measurements confirm gas is no cleaner than coal
- 2012/02/13: CSM: Fracking study sends alert about leakage of [CH4] potent greenhouse gas
- 2012/02/13: Grist: Japan's emissions shot up after Fukushima -- but it could have been worse
As for the temperature record:
- 2012/02/16: Wunderground: January 2012 the globe's 19th warmest
- 2012/02/14: moyhu: GISS Temp for Jan 2012 - and TempLS
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2012/02/17: SciNow: Tropical Oceans Dried Out East Africa
- 2012/02/14: Grist: How ancient humans killed off Africa's rainforests
On the extinction front, the Korean DMZ, like the Chernobyl exclusion zone, shows what could be:
- 2012/02/16: al Jazeera: Korea's green ribbon of hope: history, ecology, and activism in the DMZ
The demilitarised zone between North and South Korea is home to thousands of species extinct elsewhere on the peninsula. - 2012/02/16: Eureka: Mother of pearl tells a tale of ocean temperature, depth
- 2012/02/14: PaleoWave: Proxy Evidence for Recent Warming
What's new in biomimicry?
- 2012/02/15: BBC: Sea urchin spine structure inspires idea for concrete
The precise structure of sea urchins' strong spines has been unravelled - and the find may contribute to stronger concrete in the future. The tough spines are known to be made of calcium carbonate, which has a number of naturally occurring forms, some more brittle than others. X-ray studies now show they are built from "bricks" of the crystal calcite, with a non-crystalline "mortar". - 2012/02/16: USGS: Landsat 5 Suspension of Operations Extended
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2012/02/17: BaselineScenario: Health-Care Costs and Climate Change
- 2012/02/15: Eureka: Climate change threatens tropical birds -- Global warming, extreme weather aggravate habitat loss
- 2012/02/13: NSF: Time of Year Important in Projections of Climate Change Effects on Ecosystems
Results of study on prairie grasslands show differences across the months - 2012/02/16: BBC: Severn Estuary climate change mudflats 'squeeze' report
More than three-quarters of the Severn Estuary's mudflats could disappear over the next 100 years as sea levels rise due to climate change, a report claims. - 2012/02/16: SFU: AAAS-SFU research: Linking human evolution and climate change
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2012/02/17: BrainPickings: All the Time in the World
What a charred ancient tree can teach us about impermanence, deep time, and our place in the universe. - 2012/02/14: SciAm:GB: People Displaced by Climate Change Need Our Help, But So Do Those Who Cannot Leave
This week in the New Normal -- extreme weather:
- 2012/02/16: USAToday: Recent extreme weather affected 80% of Americans
- 2012/02/09: LLNL: Extreme summer temperatures occur more frequently
- 2012/02/13: TreeHugger: Climate Change May Bring '100-Year Storms' Every 3 Years
- 2012/02/13: Grist: New York City could see devastating floods every three to 20 years
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2012/02/17: SFU: AAAS-SFU research: Controlling forest fires
- 2012/02/14: Eureka: A look back suggests a sobering future of wildfire dangers in US west
- 2012/02/13: ABC(Au): Firefighters battle blaze near Northcliffe
More than 140 firefighters are struggling to contain a blaze burning out of control near Northcliffe in WA's South West. The fire was started by lightning last Thursday in Babbington State Forest and has since burned through almost 13,000 hectares of bushland. - 2012/02/18: Eureka: As climate change increases forest fires, smoke forecasting could help protect public health
Glaciers are melting:
- 2012/02/16: BBC: In Pictures: Uganda's disappearing glaciers
- 2012/02/14: Grist: Earth is losing 39 cubic miles of ice per year
- 2012/02/13: PSinclair: GRACE and Glacial Ice Melt [video]
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2012/02/16: Tamino: Wet is Dry and Dry is Wet
- 2012/02/18: ABC(Au): Flooded towns relying on food drops
The State Emergency Service is delivering up to 50 tonnes of supplies a day to people in isolated communities in north-western New South Wales. The SES is flying in goods including food, medication and mail to people in Lightning Ridge, Walgett and Collarenebri. About 5,000 people are isolated in the towns and are expected to remain stranded for several weeks. - 2012/02/16: ABC(Au): Major cities at risk of Brisbane-like flooding
- 2012/02/16: BBC: Drought fears for Britain prompt water summit
The environment secretary is to meet water companies, farmers and wildlife groups amid fears that parts of Britain may face the worst drought since 1976. Parts of south-east England, East Anglia and the east Midlands are among the worst affected areas. - 2012/02/16: al Jazeera: Chile's Atacama Desert hit by flooding
Flooding hits Chile's Atacama desert. The worst flooding in over a decade. Hundreds forced from their homes. - 2012/02/15: TP:JR: "Fears of British Super-Drought After Record Low Rainfall in Winter," UK Guardian Reports
- 2012/02/15: ABC(Au): Firefighters still battling out of control blaze
More than 150 firefighters are continuing to battle a blaze that is still burning out of control near the town of Northcliffe in South West WA. - 2012/02/13: CAbyss: Texas Drought 2012: An Update from UT
- 2012/02/13: ScienceInsider: World Bank Frets Over Urban Flooding in Asia
- 2012/02/19: ABC(Au): Flash floods hit Sydney suburbs
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2012/02/15: Eureka: Only the lowest CO2 emitting technologies can avoid a hot end-of-century
- 2012/02/16: ENN: Research Reveals the True Cost of a Burger
The UK could considerably reduce its carbon footprint if more of us switched to a vegetarian diet, according to new research by Lancaster University. - 2012/02/17: PlanetArk: EU Lawmakers Back Plans To Cut Ships' Sulfur Emissions
- 2012/02/15: BRitholtz: What Does Declining Gasoline Consumption Mean?
- 2012/02/18: TCoE: Age of US light vehicles [continues to rise]
- 2012/02/17: EconBrowser: Motor Vehicle Output and Sales, Three Years after the Deluge
- 2012/02/15: TreeHugger: Why Big Oil May Be Afraid of Bicycles
- 2012/02/13: TCoE: The truck empire strikes back
- 2012/02/13: CSM: Tesla SUV with wings or not, we should kill the electric car
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2012/02/08: Slate: The Thermostat Wars -- How Honeywell could beat popular upstart Nest
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2012/02/17: EurActiv: Hard times for carbon storage, solar power
Europe's record-low carbon prices are making carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology more of "an annoyance" in the absence of additional incentives, a delegate told a Brussels conference where policymakers and energy experts assessed the EU's energy strategies in the light of the economic downturn. - 2012/02/15: ABC(Au): Clean coal 'unviable for two decades'
There will be no business case for developing clean-coal power plants in Australia or overseas in the next 20 years, according to a key Federal Government adviser. National Low Emissions Coal Council chairman Dick Wells says even the introduction of a carbon price in July will not entice the coal industry to invest the billions required for clean-coal plants because it makes no financial sense and punishes shareholders. - 2012/02/14: ABC(Au): Cloud hangs over Rudd's clean coal vision
One of the world's leading clean coal experts [former head of Australia's Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas (CO2CRC), Peter Cook] wrote to then-prime minister Kevin Rudd warning that his multi-million dollar Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute was a mistake, an ABC investigation has confirmed. The institute, which is 99 per cent funded by Australian taxpayers, has spent $37 million on projects around the world - including almost $13 million on United States projects that are run by foreign corporations, each with billions of dollars in assets and annual revenue. But the institute has been accused of wasting money, failing to make a significant impact and being irrelevant, and all three American projects have been scrapped or are on hold. - Oxford: Panel Discussion: "The hopes and hazards of climate intervention technologies" -- 01 March 2012 15:30 - 17:00
- 2012/02/18: LegalP: Geoengineering and Conflicts of Interest?
While on the adaptation front:
- 2012/02/17: CSW: US Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Draft Strategy - Part 1
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2012/02/15: ACP: Sources and mixing state of size-resolved elemental carbon particles in a European megacity: Paris by R. M. Healy et al.
- 2012/02/15: ACP: Dust aerosol impact on North Africa climate: a GCM investigation of aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions using A-Train satellite data by Y. Gu et al.
- 2012/02/14: ACP: The Mineral Dust Cycle in EMAC 2.40: sensitivity to the spectral resolution and the dust emission scheme by G. Gläser et al.
- 2012/02/14: ACP: Impacts of changes in land use and land cover on atmospheric chemistry and air quality over the 21st century by S. Wu et al.
- 2012/02/15: ACPD: Aerosol-induced changes in summer rainfall and circulation in the Australasian region: a study using single-forcing climate simulations by L. D. Rotstayn et al.
- 2012/02/13: ACPD: Precipitation response to regional radiative forcing by D. T. Shindell et al.
- 2012/02/13: ACPD: A multi-model study of impacts of climate change on surface ozone in Europe by J. Langner et al.
- 2012/02/16: ERL: Greenhouse gases, climate change and the transition from coal to low-carbon electricity by N P Myhrvold & K Caldeira
- 2012/02/14: CPD: Marine productivity response to Heinrich events: a model-data comparison by V. Mariotti et al.
- 2012/02/17: NERC:NORA: Effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on the vegetation and microbial populations at a terrestrial CO2 vent at Laacher See, Germany by Martin Kruger et al.
- 2012/02/17: NERC:NORA: Defining simple and comprehensive assessment units for CO2 storage in saline formations beneath the UK North Sea and continental shelf by M. Wilkinson et al.
- 2012/02/17: NERC:NORA: The impact of boundary conditions on CO2 storage capacity estimation in aquifers by D.J. Smith et al.
- 2012/02/17: ACP: Coupling processes and exchange of energy and reactive and non-reactive trace gases at a forest site -- results of the EGER experiment by T. Foken et al.
- 2012/02/17: ACP: The climatology, propagation and excitation of ultra-fast Kelvin waves as observed by meteor radar, Aura MLS, TRMM and in the Kyushu-GCM by R. N. Davis et al.
- 2012/02/17: ACP: Evaluation of cloud fraction and its radiative effect simulated by IPCC AR4 global models against ARM surface observations by Y. Qian et al.
- 2012/02/17: ACPD: The effect of ENSO-induced rainfall and circulation changes on the direct and indirect radiative forcing from Indonesian biomass-burning aerosols by A. Chrastansky & L. D. Rotstayn
- 2012/02/17: ACPD: Brightening of the global cloud field by nitric acid and the associated radiative forcing by R. Makkonen et al.
- 2012/02/17: GMD: Mapping the climate: guidance on appropriate techniques to map climate variables and their uncertainty by N. R. Kaye et al.
- 2012/02/15: GMD: A global coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian model and 1 Ã 1 km CO2 surface flux dataset for high-resolution atmospheric CO2 transport simulations by A. Ganshin et al.
- 2012/02/17: GMDD: Modelling the mid-Pliocene Warm Period climate with the IPSL coupled model and its atmospheric component LMDZ4 by C. Contoux et al.
- 2012/02/17: GMDD: MAESPA: a model to study interactions between water limitation, environmental drivers and vegetation function at tree and stand levels, with an example application to [CO2] Ã drought interactions by R. A. Duursma & B.E. Medlyn
- 2012/02/17: GMDD: Downscaling the climate change for oceans around Australia by M. A. Chamberlain et al.
- 2012/02/17: GMDD: Mid-Pliocene global climate simulation with MRI-CGCM2.3: set-up and initial results of PlioMIP Experiments 1 and 2 by Y. Kamae & H. Ueda
- 2012/02/15: GMDD: Assessing climate model software quality: a defect density analysis of three models by J. Pipitone & S. Easterbrook
- 2012/02/15: OS: A multi-decadal meridional displacement of the Subpolar Front in the Newfoundland Basin by I. Núñez-Riboni et al.
- 2012/02/15: OS: Sea surface temperature anomalies, seasonal cycle and trend regimes in the Eastern Pacific coast by A. Ramos-RodrÃguez et al.
- 2012/02/17: TC: Derivation and analysis of a high-resolution estimate of global permafrost zonation by S. Gruber
- 2012/02/17: TC: Changes in the marine-terminating glaciers of central east Greenland, 2000-2010 by K. M. Walsh et al.
- 2012/02/17: TCD: Significant total mass contained in small glaciers by D. B. Bahr & V. Radic'
- 2012/02/17: TCD: Longer spring snowmelt: spatial and temporal variations of snowmelt trends detected by passive microwave from 1988 to 2010 in the Yukon River Basin by K. A. Semmens & J. M. Ramage
- 2011/04/28: EE: (ab$) Much ado about Hotelling: Beware the ides of Hubbert by Douglas B. Reynolds & Jungho Baek
- 2012/01/25: GRL: (ab$) Direct and indirect effects of sea spray geoengineering and the role of injected particle size by Antti-Ilari Partanen et al.
- 2012/02/14: PNAS: (ab$) Horizontal transfer of chloroplast genomes between plant species by Sandra Stegemann et al.
- 2012/02/14: PNAS: (ab$) Regional drought-induced reduction in the biomass carbon sink of Canada's boreal forests by Zhihai Ma et al.
- 2012/02/14: PNAS: (ab$) Daily bursts of biogenic cyanogen bromide (BrCN) control biofilm formation around a marine benthic diatom by Bart Vanelslander et al.
- 2012/02/14: PNAS: (ab$) Dominant eukaryotic export production during ocean anoxic events reflects the importance of recycled NH4+ by Meytal B. Higgins et al.
- 2012/02/13: TC: Large surface meltwater discharge from the Kangerlussuaq sector of the Greenland ice sheet during the record-warm year 2010 explained by detailed energy balance observations by D. van As et al.
- 2012/02/13: TC: How reversible is sea ice loss? by J. K. Ridley et al.
- 2012/02/14: TCD: Uncertainty in future solid ice discharge from Antarctica by R. Winkelmann et al.
- 2012/02/13: TCD: Impact of spatial resolution on the modelling of the Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance between 1990-2010, using the regional climate model MAR by B. Franco et al.
- 2012/02/13: TCD: Greenland ice sheet albedo feedback: thermodynamics and atmospheric drivers by J. E. Box et al.
- 2012/02/13: AGWObserver: New research from last week 6/2012
- 2012/02/12: GRL: (ab$) Sea ice thickness retrieval from SMOS brightness temperatures during the Arctic freeze-up period by Lars Kaleschke et al.
And other significant documents:
- 2012/02/16: UCSUSA: [link to 6.8 meg pdf] How Corporations Corrupt Science at the Public's Expense
- 2012/02/16: TCoE: Doc alert: Greenhouse gases and low-carbon electricity
- 2012/02/14: CCP: [several pdfs] Report 11-18 Response to Climate Change in New York State (ClimAID)
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2012/02/16: Eureka: Special Fukushima Session at 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting
The March 11, 2011, earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent radioactivity releases from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plants resulted in the largest accidental release of radiation to the ocean in history. In a special session on Tuesday, Feb. 21, during the 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Salt Lake City, researchers will present early results from several field and modeling studies examining the fate of more than a dozen radioactive isotopes in the air, water, and organisms impacted by the Fukushima releases. - 2012/02/17: NatureN: Citizen science goes 'extreme' -- Researchers push for wider use of community-generated data in science and policy-making
- 2012/02/17: ScienceInsider: Journals Warned to Keep a Tight Lid on Diesel Exposure Data
- 2012/02/15: CAbyss: Last Dispatch from AMS: One Renewable Resource Depletes Another?
- 2012/02/13: AstroBio: "Baby Fat" on the Young Sun?
- 2012/02/15: P3: A New Idea on the Faint Young Sun Problem
- 2012/02/06: ABell: Identifying arguments in climate science
- 2012/02/18: JEB: Newbies
- 2012/02/14: IIASA: New web tool to improve accuracy of global land cover maps
- 2012/02/14: Eureka: Super high-resolution carbon estimates for endangered Madagascar
- 2012/02/13: IsaacHeld: 23. Cumulative emissions
What's new in models?
- 2012/02/15: SEasterbrook: Up for review: Assessing climate model software quality
- 2012/02/13: ERW: 'Quality control' of climate models can help predict future rainfall
Will cotton farmers in India still be able to rely on the south-west monsoon by 2020? Will the Corn Belt in the Midwestern United States become wetter or drier? Are European rivers more likely to burst their banks and cause significant floods? These are important questions that need answering to prepare for climate change. So can climate models provide the answers? - 2012/02/13: NatureN: Models hone picture of climate impacts -- International programme will improve predictions
And on the struggle for Free/Open Science?
- 2012/02/16: BackRaction: Pre-Print Peer Review
- 2012/02/17: ABC(Au): Academics boycott journal publisher
Research rebuff To publish or not to publish? That is the question medical and science academics are asking after 6000 of their colleagues boycotted one of the world's largest publishers. They say Dutch-based publisher Elsevier is ripping off the taxpayer through "extortionate" access fees. But others say they don't know what all the fuss is about. Elsevier publishes 250,000 articles a year and its archives contain seven million publications. - 2012/02/17: CBC: Academic publisher Elsevier hit with growing boycott -- Critics say campaign unfairly singles out firm over widespread practices
- 2012/02/03: Wired: Is the Open Science Revolution For Real?
- 2012/02/10: DBollier: Open-Access Researchers Are Ready to Rumble
Regarding Mann:
- 2012/02/13: EnergyBulletin: Long live the hockey stick! Climate science fights back. (Interview with Michael Mann)
- 2012/02/18: CassandraLegacy: Defending good science: Michael Mann speaks out
- 2012/02/17: Wired: The Inside Story on Climate Scientists Under Siege
- 2012/02/17: Guardian(UK): The inside story on climate scientists under siege
Michael Mann reveals his account of attacks by entrenched interests seeking to undermine his 'hockey stick' graph - 2012/02/12: TP:JR: How You Can Help Michael Mann, Author of the Must-Read Book, _The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars_
- 2012/02/19: Grist: The inside story of climate scientists under siege
There is a steady dribble of Rio+20 Conference news:
- 2012/02/16: TreeHugger: Rio+20 Won't Be About Trying to Save the Planet with Unrealistic Goals: Brazil's Climate Negotiator
- 2012/02/15: EnergyBulletin: On the road back to Rio, green direction has been lost [Pearce]
- 2012/02/12: CCurrents: Planning For The Rio+20 Conference: Enter The Commons?
While at the UN:
- 2012/02/16: UN: Green economy key to overcoming resource constraints in Asia-Pacific - UN
- 2012/02/17: WMO: WMO Welcomes Outcome of World Radiocommunication Conference 2012
- 2012/02/14: UN: UN chief urges more companies to embrace business sustainability ideals
- 2012/02/13: UN: Soil erosion and nuclear reactor management emerging as key green issues - UN
- 2012/02/13: UN: UN convenes meeting of aid groups to discuss how to tackle hunger in Sahel
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2012/02/16: EurActiv: Lawmakers back move to prop up EU carbon market
EU parliamentarians have agreed a compromise text ahead of a vote this month that should increase pressure on the European Commission to remove carbon allowances to prop up prices on the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), which have plumbed record lows. - 2012/02/15: DerSpiegel: Hot Air -- The EU's Emissions Trading System Isn't Working
Emissions trading, the European Union hoped, would limit the release of harmful greenhouse gases. But it isn't working. The price for emissions certificates has plunged, a development that is actually making coal more attractive than renewable energy. - 2012/02/17: al Jazeera: How to spur innovation? Tax carbon
Resetting the US economic engine along the lines of open-market sustainability will have outsized positive impacts. - 2012/02/17: NYT: Countries Seek Retaliation to Europe's Carbon Tax on Airlines
China, the United States and two dozen other countries are looking at coordinated retaliation -- including measures to squeeze European airlines and other industries -- if Europe tries to enforce a new law requiring airlines to pay for their greenhouse gas emissions. The system, the European Union's boldest initiative on climate protection to date, has provoked a worldwide outcry and raised the unwelcome prospect of a full-scale trade war. European officials have stood firm while challenging opponents to suggest an equally effective alternative. The European system requires an airline landing or taking off in Europe to acquire permits corresponding to the amount of greenhouse gases emitted during the entire flight -- regardless of where it originated or ended or the nationality of the airline. The system went into effect this year, although the first payments will not be due until 2013. - 2012/02/16: PlanetArk: EU Climate Chief: Would See Merit In Airline CO2
The European Union's climate chief said on Tuesday she hopes countries opposed to its rules that charge airlines for carbon emissions take their complaints to the U.N. aviation body, where talks could help to defuse tensions over the strict measures. A group of 26 countries, including the United States, China, India and Russia, have sharply criticized the EU program and will meet next week in Moscow to set a strategy to block the EU plan. Last September, those countries threatened to file a formal complaint at the U.N.'s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the EU program that came into force on January 1, but have yet to take formal action to challenge the measures at that body. - 2012/02/14: EurActiv: Airlines set to win carbon credits from biofuel flights
The European Commission has asked airlines to report on "the amount of biomass" they use so that biofuels can be accounted as "zero emission" in the greenhouse gas emissions reports they are requested to produce each year under the EU's carbon scheme for the aviation sector. - 2012/02/13: EurActiv: Air industry raises warnings over EU emissions charge
Airbus joined a chorus of concern that a European scheme to charge airlines for carbon emissions risks triggering a full-blown trade war, with implications for aircraft deals and even Europe's crippling sovereign debt crisis. - 2012/02/13: EUO: EU to keep CO2 aviation tax
- 2012/02/12: Google:AFP: Aviation industry warns of trade war over EU carbon tax
- 2012/02/13: TreeHugger: Global Airlines Call For UN Intervention To Prevent Carbon Trade War
Note: The BBC is up to its old rewriting tricks. I haven't checked what text the URL brings up now:
Monday morning... - 2012/02/13: BBC: EU 'risks trade war' over carbon trading scheme
The European Union's carbon trading scheme may spark a trade war, according to one of the world's biggest planemakers. "What started out as a solution for the environment has become a source of potential trade conflict," Airbus boss Thomas Enders said. The Emissions Trading System levies a charge on flights in EU airspace based on carbon emissions. But the US and China are opposed to their airlines joining the scheme. - 2012/02/12: BBC: Airlines seek United Nations deal on EU emissions tax
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called for the United Nations to broker a deal between airlines and the European Union (EU) on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. It comes days after China banned its airlines from joining the scheme, which levies a charge on flights in EU airspace based on carbon emissions. - 2012/02/16: GRC: How Will Increased Iranian Sanctions Affect South Africa
- 2012/02/19: BBC: Iran 'halts oil sales to France and Britain'
- 2012/02/19: CBC: Iran stops oil exports to Britain, France
- 2012/02/19: al Jazeera: Iran 'stops oil exports' to UK and France
Move follows EU decision to stop importing crude from Iran from July 1 over its disputed nuclear programme. - 2012/02/17: PlanetArk: Nobel Winners Urge EU Leaders To Back Tar Sands Law
A group of Nobel peace prize winners urged European leaders in a letter on Thursday to support an EU Commission proposal to class fuel from oil sands as highly polluting. - 2012/02/16: EurActiv: EU tar sands vote set for 23 February
- 2012/02/16: CBC: Oliver calls European oilsands threat grandstanding
Federal Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver is calling a European effort to bar oil imports from Alberta's oilsands nothing more than grandstanding. Proposed changes to the European Union's fuel quality directive would reduce emissions from transport fuels by 10 per cent in the next decade -- a goal that would make it more difficult to import oilsands fuel. Oliver says the European position is both unscientific and an attempt to single out Canadian crude. - 2012/02/15: PlanetArk: EU Vote On Tar Sands Law Expected On February 23
European Union officials are expected to vote on February 23 on a draft law that would label fuel produced from tar sands as more polluting than that from other forms of oil, according to a draft agenda seen by Reuters. The proposal from the EU's executive to include tar sands in a ranking designed to enable fuel suppliers to identify the most carbon-intensive options has stirred up intense lobbying by Canada. - 2012/02/13: OilChange: Falklands: "Conflict is Over Oil"
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2012/02/16: G&M: Security services deem environmental, animal-rights groups 'extremist' threats
Federal security services have identified Greenpeace and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals as the kind of "multi-issue extremist" groups that pose a threat to Canadians, documents obtained under Access to Information show. In a series of documents from 2005 to 2009, the RCMP and CSIS assess "threats from terrorism and extremism" and report growing concerns about environmental and animal-rights groups, as well as militants from first nations. - 2012/02/18: CCurrents: The Criminalization Of The Localized Economy
- 2012/02/12: CDreams: Punishing Protest, Policing Dissent: What is the Justice System For?
What are the activists up to?
- 2012/02/15: OPB: Sierra Club Appeals For Coos Bay Coal Records
Anti-coal activists say the International Port of Coos Bay trying to hide information about proposed coal export projects by denying access to public records. On Wednesday, the Sierra Club appealed the Port's decision to charge nearly $20,000 for access to 2,500 public records of coal export and storage proposals in and around Coos Bay. - 2012/02/13: TreeHugger: Greenpeace Protests Coal & Mountaintop Removal Atop 400 Ft Power Plant
- 2012/02/14: al Jazeera: The great carbon bubble
Telling the truth about climate change would require pulling away the biggest punchbowl in history, says Bill McKibben. - 2012/02/15: TP:JR: Poll Finds Americans, Especially Independents, Overwhelmingly Oppose Subsidies to Fossil Fuels
Regarding Water Politics and Business:
- 2012/02/17: JFleck: What's Devin Nunes up to?
- 2012/02/16: TP:JR: Rainwater Collection Could Save Urban Consumers $90 Million a Year
- 2012/02/15: JFleck: "our San Franciscan water the cleanest water in the whole world!"
- 2012/02/17: Eureka: Climate change takes back seat to decision-making in water security says ASU researcher
- 2012/02/14: NYT: Where the Colorado Runs Dry
- 2012/02/15: TCoE: Doc alert: Water footprint of humanity
- 2012/02/15: USGS: Nationwide Radium Testing of Groundwater Shows Most Susceptible Regions are Central U.S. and East Coast
- 2012/02/15: Eureka: Climate change may increase risk of water shortages in hundreds of US counties by 2050
- 2012/02/14: EnergyBulletin: Texas Water District acts to slow depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer
- 2012/02/14: ABC(Au): Scientists measure human 'water footprint'
- 2012/02/14: NatureNB: World's water footprint linked to free trade
- 2012/02/13: SciNow: Is Agriculture Sucking Fresh Water Dry?
- 2012/02/14: SciNews: Food exports can drain arid regions -- Dry regions 'export' water as agricultural products
- 2012/02/08: TruthOut: Public Utility, Private Profit: Privatization of Water Is as Benign as Lucifer
- 2012/02/13: Grist: Phoenix rising: Can 'the world's least sustainable city' go green?
- 2012/02/13: ScienceInsider: World Bank Frets Over Urban Flooding in Asia
What's new on the education front? See also:
- 2012/02/16: P3: ARPA-ED
Who's making predictions this week?
- 2012/02/18: APSmith: My 2012 temperature prediction: +0.65 C (for GISS)
And on the American political front:
- 2012/02/16: BBerg: Gore Likens Carbon to Subprime Debt in Plan to Repair Capitalism
- 2012/02/15: Grist: No free rides: States consider taxing electric cars
- 2012/02/17: PlanetArk: Bill Gates Backs SEC's Proposal For Resource Extraction Cos
Microsoft Corp Chairman Bill Gates has thrown his support behind a controversial proposal by U.S. securities regulators to make oil, natural gas and mining companies disclose payments to governments. - 2012/02/16: TP:JR: Water-Gate: Texas State Report on Dealing with Current and Future Drought Never Mentions Climate Change
- 2012/02/15: AutoBG: Washington State senate passes $100 annual fee for electric vehicles
- 2012/02/15: RawStory: Outright abortion ban introduced to Iowa House
- 2012/02/18: ITracker:The "oil from people that don't like us" fallacy
- 2012/02/13: P3: Must-Read "America's Darwin Problem"
- 2012/02/18: Grist: The Economist uses stale right-wing ideas to attack government regulation
- 2012/02/17: TreeHugger: Bill Gates Presses SEC To Keep Oil and Mining Transparency Rule Strong Despite Industry Pressure
- 2012/02/18: AlterNet: 4 States Where Right-Wingers Are Promoting Shocking Measures to Keep Women Barefoot and Pregnant
- 2012/02/13: al Jazeera: Stop subsidies, switch to organic farming
The US cannot become sustainable, nor can it induce global sustainability, without addressing the way it farms. - 2012/02/13: Grist: Phoenix rising: Can 'the world's least sustainable city' go green?
- 2012/02/13: CSM: Railroad historian says California is on wrong track
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics:
- 2012/02/15: NRC-RP: Deepwater Horizon disaster could have billion dollar impact
- 2012/02/17: BBerg: Moex Agrees to Pay $90 Million to Settle U.S. Gulf of Mexico Spill Claims
- 2012/02/14: PlanetArk: Part Of BP Investor Case Over Gulf Spill Dismissed
On the 2012 campaign trail:
- 2012/02/17: S&R: Romney: As ye sow, so shall ye reap
- 2012/02/17: CSM: Rick Santorum donor makes weird contraception comment
- 2012/02/06: ColoradoIndependent: Santorum and Gingrich dismiss climate change, vow to dismantle the EPA
- 2012/02/14: AlterNet: A Christian Conservative in Every Bedroom? Rick Santorum's Nightmare Vision for America
- 2012/02/17: Grist: Help come up with presidential debate questions that don't suck
- 2012/02/18: CCurrents: Romney, Severely Awful
- 2012/02/18: CSM: Rick Santorum and more: How social issues intruded on 2012 campaign
- 2012/02/17: Salon:GG: Billionaire Romney donor [Frank VanderSloot] uses threats to silence critics
- 2012/02/14: TP: Roseanne Barr Pulls 6 Percent Against Obama And Romney In National Presidential Poll
- 2012/02/15: Grist: Crazy talk: Rick Santorum out-denies the climate deniers and spins eco-conspiracy theories
- 2012/02/15: al Jazeera: On production and reproduction, Republicans lose their way
The Republicans Party's highly unpopular stance on birth control will backfire in the November election, says author. - 2012/02/14: Grist: Why Ron Paul, elderly libertarian crank, turns young voters on
- 2012/02/13: DeSmogBlog: Republicans Aren't the "Truth Party," Mr. Santorum. They're the "Certainty Party"
The Keystone XL saga rolls on:
- 2012/02/13: GreenEcon: The Keystone Pipeline and the Futility of "Green" Boycotts
- 2012/02/16: EnvEcon: Keystone
- 2012/02/16: EnvEcon: Internalizing negative externalities
- 2012/02/15: TP:JR: The Lamest Analogy in the History of Energy and Climate: Equating 'Benefits' of Keystone with Those of All U.S. Lighting!
- 2012/02/17: Grist: Newest anti-Keystone activists: Tea Partiers
- 2012/02/14: MediaMatters: Keystone XL: Five Stories Not Told
- 2012/02/14: CBC: TransCanada aims for 2015 Keystone XL start -- Firm hikes dividend 5%
- 2012/02/13: WaPo: Senate GOP tries to restore Keystone pipeline
- 2012/02/14: PlanetArk: Keystone May Be Revived After U.S. Election: [says Alberta FM Ron Liepert]
- 2012/02/14: Grist: Bill McKibben discusses his 700,000 anti-Keystone emails on Colbert
- 2012/02/14: TreeHugger: Bill McKibben Talks Keystone XL on Colbert Report (Video)
- 2012/02/14: OilChange: Over 600,000 Say No to KXL
- 2012/02/13: TP:JR: 24 Hours to Stop Keystone XL: Activists Launch a "Signature Bomb" to Stop Congress from Forcing Tar Sands Pipeline
- 2012/02/13: TP:JR: Joe Nocera Is Still Wrong and "Very Unfair" About the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline. McKibben, Hansen and I Explain Why.
- 2012/02/13: Grist: Keystone XL: The story of a big-ass pipeline proposal -- so far
- 2012/02/13: Grist: Tell your senators: Hold the line in the tar sands
- 2012/02/13: Grist: Five ways to argue with a Keystone XL pipeline supporter
The birth control and health care issue is still bubbling. Particularly since Issa's farce of a hearing:
- 2012/02/15: AlterNet: Has Obama Exposed the Powerlessness of the US Bishops?
With Catholic leaders and churchgoers turning their backs on the bishops, the men who rule the church are watching their political power wane. - 2012/02/03: Atlantic: An Inside Look at Susan G. Komen for the Cure's Spin Machine [video]
- 2012/02/16: ACLU: House Oversight Holds One-Sided Hearing on Contraception
- 2012/02/17: DemNow: "Where Are the Women?": Lawmakers Walk Out on Contraception Rule Hearing After Female Witness Barred
- 2012/02/10: DailyHowler: Sons of flubber: Someone has flubbed!
Obama's budget is notional...we'll see what survives congress:
- 2012/02/15: TreeHugger: A Quick Take On What Obama's Budget Means For Clean Energy
- 2012/02/15: AutoBG: Obama's proposed budget calls for upping plug-in vehicle tax credit to $10,000
- 2012/02/14: TP:JR: 11 Important Clean Energy Provisions in the President's Budget Proposal
- 2012/02/14: CSW: President's 2013 budget requests 6% increase for climate and global change research
- 2012/02/14: PlanetArk: Obama Seeks Clean Energy, Pipeline Funds In Budget
- 2012/02/14: NatureN: Obama shoots for science increase
US president wants to make room for research to grow in 2013 -- but faces an uphill battle. - 2012/02/14: ScienceInsider: NSF Tops Research Agencies With a $340-Million Boost
- 2012/02/13: ScienceInsider: Turbulence for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
- 2012/02/13: ScienceInsider: Good News for Research Funding at EPA, USDA, USGS
- 2012/02/13: ScienceInsider: At DOE, Body Blows to Fusion, Nuclear Physics, and Particle Physics
- 2012/02/14: TreeHugger: Department of Energy Loan Program Less Risky Than Expected by Congress
- 2012/02/13: TreeHugger: Obama's Budget Ups the Ante for Cleantech
- 2012/02/13: Guardian(UK): Obama revives green agenda with push to end oil industry tax breaks
- 2012/02/13: ScienceInsider: Obama Budget Asks for 1% Boost in Research
The Obama chatter is nonstop:
- 2012/02/17: UCSUSA: Three Years into Obama's First Term, Pressure to Politicize Science Persists
- 2012/02/12: Grist: Why is the White House sitting on efficiency standards?
- 2012/02/13: OilDrum: Advice To President Obama: Yes We Can, But Will We? [the importance of energy in our society]
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2012/02/16: TP:JR: Clean Air Now: Federal Register Publishes Mercury and Air Toxics Standards -- Pro-pollution Sen. Inhofe aims to block life-saving standards
- 2012/02/16: HuffPo: Obama Budget Cuts Bacteria Testing For Produce
- 2012/02/16: WNN: US committed to nuclear, Chu tells Vogtle workers
The Obama Administration is "committed to doing our part to help jumpstart America's nuclear industry," US energy secretary Steven Chu said during a visit to the Vogtle site in Georgia, where construction of two new reactors is due to start soon. He highlighted the steps that the Administration is taking to restart the country's nuclear industry. - 2012/02/16: P3: ARPA-ED
- 2012/02/14: Grist: Overinvesting in energy efficiency, on purpose
- 2012/02/18: NatureNB: US environment agency releases dioxin report
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2012/02/16: TP:JR: While Trying to Force Tar Sands, Sen. Alexander Says He "Cannot Think of" Extending Tax Credits to Wind Energy
- 2012/02/16: TP:JR: Senators Take Emergency Oil Reserve Hostage to Force Keystone Approval
- 2012/02/17: GreenGrok: House Transportation Bill Puts Pollution in the Fast Lane?
- 2012/02/17: TP:JR: It's the One-Year Anniversary of House Solyndra Investigation, But the Traditional Gift of Paper Seems Superfluous
After 185,000 pages of documents, ten hearings, and two subpoenas, we still haven't found any evidence improper behavior - 2012/02/17: TP:JR: Senate Climate Hawks Deliver Speech Calling for U.S. Action on the "Planetary Crisis of Global Warming"
- 2012/02/16: ACLU: House Oversight Holds One-Sided Hearing on Contraception
- 2012/02/16: CDreams: Where Are The Women?!?
- 2012/02/16: NPR: Many Jobs May Be Gone With The Wind Energy Credit
- 2012/02/18: TP:JR: House Passes Section of Transportation Bill Consisting Only of Earmarks to Big Oil
- 2012/02/17: Grist: One year in, GOP Solyndra investigation remains a gigantic nothingburger
- 2012/02/15: PlanetArk: Congressman Introduces Bills To Stop US Natgas Exports
- 2012/02/14: TreeHugger: Happy Valentine's Day, Big Oil. Love, the GOP. (Photo)
- 2012/02/14: CCP: Corrupt Boehner tries a fast one to cheat the American people and give away federal lands to energy companies. Puts oil shale legislation in highway bill
- 2012/02/12: TP:JR: The Dirtiest Transportation Bill Ever?
While in the UK:
- 2012/02/17: EUO: France and UK sign nuclear energy deal
- 2012/02/16: BBC: The UK is to sign a deal with France to strengthen co-operation in the development of civil nuclear energy
- 2012/02/18: C&HC: Call to reveal ALL funding behind climate sceptics
- 2012/02/18: BBC: The government should increase support for wave and tidal power to preserve the UK's global leadership, say MPs
- 2012/02/14: Guardian(UK): How conservatives can help to tackle climate change
- 2012/02/14: Guardian(UK): [The Co-operative] has cut greenhouse gas emissions by 35% on 2006 levels as part of environmental and social pledges
- 2012/02/14: ScienceInsider: First E.U. Science Adviser: 'We Are Sitting On a Goldmine'
And in Europe:
- 2012/02/16: EurActiv: Airbus urges EU to scrap biodiesel incentives for road transport
The EU should bin incentives for road-transport biodiesel or provide equal ones for the production of biokerosene used in airplanes, a senior Airbus executive has told EurActiv. - 2012/02/16: EurActiv: MEPs' push for tougher marine fuels rules in doubt
Efforts by MEPs to extend restrictions on sulphur-emitting fuels in cargo and passenger ships is shaping up to be the most contested part of emerging EU legislation to meet international obligations on reducing a leading source of coastal pollution. - 2012/02/16: EurActiv: EU tar sands vote set for 23 February
EU officials are expected to vote on 23 February on a draft law that would label fuel produced from tar sands ... as more polluting than that from other forms of oil - 2012/02/17: EurActiv: David Cameron in France to sign nuclear power deal
British prime minister David Cameron is meeting Nicolas Sarkozy on Friday (17 February) to cement a £500 million (E602 million) agreement on civilian nuclear co-operation that is expected to create more than 1,500 jobs in Britain. Britain and France are to sign a landmark agreement to co-operate on civil nuclear energy, paving the way for the construction of a new generation of power plants in the UK. - 2012/02/17: EUO: EU asks 'unduly spent' farm subsidies back
- 2012/02/17: PlanetArk: EU Politicians Agree Compromise Text On CO2 Allowances
European parliamentarians have agreed to compromise wording ahead of a vote this month that is expected to increase pressure on the Commission to remove carbon allowances to prop up prices on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme which have plumbed record lows. The news helped carbon prices, with the benchmark contract up nearly 4 percent at 8.68 euros per tonne at 1250 GMT. The compromise text, as widely expected, does not specify how many carbon allowances might be withheld to tackle a huge surplus in the market. - 2012/02/17: PlanetArk: EU Lawmakers Back Plans To Cut Ships' Sulfur Emissions
- 2012/02/15: EurActiv: Spain joins France in bid to ring fence CAP budget
The farm ministers of Spain and France have issued a joint statement on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), saying both countries "will not accept" any budget overhaul that fails to preserve the EU's current level of farm spending. - 2012/02/15: EurActiv: Food safety agency's reliability faces fresh criticism
The EU agency charged with reviewing the safety of biotech crops, food and fertilisers has "frequent conflicts of interest" with the industries it is supposed to evaluate, says a report that adds renewed doubts about its scientific assessments. The report by two campaign groups, the Corporate Europe Observatory and the Earth Open Source, documents cases where the European Food Safety Authority uses industry scientists and information in risk assessments that are used by EU institutions and national governments. "Too often it's not independent science that underlies EFSA decisions about our food safety, but industry data," says the report 'Conflicts on the menu'. - 2012/02/15: EurActiv: Oettinger pleads for energy network package
Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger, whose efficiency directive has been gutted by member states, yesterday (14 February) pleaded with Europe's energy ministers to back his department's remaining flagship, a E9.1-billion energy infrastructure package. "I'm pleading with you not to come up with reservations but with general support that can be crucial to our generation," an impassioned Oettinger told the ministerial roundtable in Brussels. Europe's electricity networks are currently stuck in "the world of 19th century principalities," and without a rapid roll-out of energy transmission grids, "it will be the end of Europe," Oettinger warned darkly. - 2012/02/14: DerSpiegel: Grid Locked -- Utility Giant E.on Threatens to Halt Wind Farm Investment
German energy giant E.on warned on Tuesday that the country's green energy revolution is at risk from delays in connecting offshore wind farms to the grid. The company said it will put two large projects on hold unless the grid operators speed up the construction of power lines. - 2012/02/13: DerSpiegel: Setback for Merkel's Vision -- Funding Shortage Threatens Germany's Energy Revolution
Germany's climate fund, a cornerstone of the government's much hyped transition towards renewable energy, has been massively underfunded during its first year of operation. The Green Party has accused the government of failing in its plan to create an energy revolution. - 2012/02/14: EurActiv: Parliament watches as ministers debate EU energy savings bill
The EU's draft energy efficiency directive, set to underpin the bloc's efforts to cut 20% of its energy consumption by the end of the decade, is being debated for the first time at the ministerial level in Brussels today, with talks focusing on giving the legislation more flexibility. - 2012/02/14: EurActiv: EU strategy seeks brisk development of bio-economy
With warnings that Europe is "too slow and too piecemeal" in developing a sustainable economy, the EU executive has unveiled plans to encourage development of the 'bio-economy' through investment and innovation. - 2012/02/14: EUO: Denmark seeks breakthrough on EU energy efficiency
- 2012/02/13: EUO: EU commission to champion bio-fuels and chemicals
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2012/02/19: ABC(Au): Bligh officially sets Queensland election date [March 24th]
- 2012/02/19: ABC(Au): Labor insiders ready for leadership vote next week
Labor's leadership crisis appears to be near breaking point with supporters on both sides telling the ABC the brawl could be resolved as early as this time next week. - 2012/02/18: ABC(Au): End the speculation -- Roxon backs Gillard amid leadership rumblings
Attorney-General Nicola Roxon has declared Julia Gillard a better prime minister than Kevin Rudd and urged the now-Foreign Minister to end leadership rumblings. There is increasing speculation Mr Rudd is preparing for a tilt at his old job which reports say could come as soon as in the next month. But Ms Roxon, who was promoted by Ms Gillard last year from the Health portfolio to Attorney-General, has told reporters that Mr Rudd should focus on being Foreign Affairs Minister. - 2012/02/16: ABC(Au): Preparing Australia for flood
- 2012/02/17: ABC(Au): Concerns new guidelines are forcing wind farms out of Victoria
- 2012/02/15: LarvatusProdeo: Coal Seam Gas: Behind the Seams -- media project and fundraiser
- 2012/02/17: JQuiggin: CSG: Behind the seams project
- 2012/02/18: ABC(Au): Experts disturbed by frontline bushfire strategy
- 2012/02/16: ABC(Au):TDU: Food for a future: Australia must step up
- 2012/02/16: ERW: Preventing bushfire deaths: urgent adaptation needed
- 2012/02/15: ABC(Au): Tollner bags carbon tax on gas as local penalty
- 2012/02/15: ABC(Au): Clean coal 'unviable for two decades'
- 2012/02/15: ABC(Au): Energy proposal reignites biomass debate
Greens MP John Kaye has slammed two Federal Independent MPs over plans to allow woodchip-fired power stations to receive Renewable Energy Certificates. Dr Kaye says Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor's move to lift an exclusion on the generators could have broad consequences for south east New South Wales. The MP says it will reignite interest in plans to generate fuel from woodchip timber waste near Twofold Bay at Eden. - 2012/02/14: BNC: The Grattan Report on low-emissions energy technology -- some critical comments
- 2012/02/14: ABC(Au): Cloud hangs over Rudd's clean coal vision
- 2012/02/13: ABC(Au): Tasmanian forest peace deal shaky
- 2012/02/13: ABC(Au): Tasmanian MPs to block forest peace deal
After a 10 year drought and recent massive flooding, water usage planning is controversial and difficult:
- 2012/02/17: ABC(Au): Murray Darling talks in Toowoomba fail to settle unease
- 2012/02/15: ABC(Au): The flood begins
Water released from the Menindee Lakes to make room for northern floodwaters, is cutting roads and cutting off properties in far west NSW. - 2012/02/15: ABC(Au): Flood inquiry told of faulty Brisbane River model
- 2012/02/15: ABC(Au): Plans to move 70,000 in Nepean for floods
- 2012/02/15: ABC(Au): Flood inquiry told of flawed river model
A report from a key independent witness has been delivered to the Queensland flood inquiry which could have a major bearing on its outcome. The report, delivered on Sunday from engineering company DHI, has backed the four dam operators accused of not releasing enough water from Brisbane's Wivenhoe Dam ahead of the floods. It has also dismissed the modelling used to calculate flood levels as faulty. - 2012/02/14: ABC(Au): Water Corporation leaves Ord irrigators high and dry
While in Japan:
- 2012/02/18: GEP: Japanese Government Considers Research Funding
- 2012/02/14: CSM: Will Japan hold a referendum to scrap nuclear power?
In Canada, neocon PM Harper madly pursues petroleum while continuing his do-nothing climate policy:
- 2012/02/16: TreeHugger: Is Canada Turning Into An Anti-Green Police State?
- 2012/02/17: PostMedia: May: Environmentalists face Kafkaesque smears
The federal Conservatives have to tone down their "Kafkaesque" demonization of environmentalists, Green Party leader Elizabeth May says. "I think that under the terms [Prime Minister Stephen] Harper and his cabinet members have been using in the House of Commons, I am now condemned as against Canada, as a radical, as an enemy and I suppose as a suspected future terrorist," May told reporters Thursday. "Once you start describing political opponents as enemies, we're in real trouble," said May, MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands. "It's very Kafkaesque." May's call to tone down the rhetoric comes after the revelation that the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency considers the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and Greenpeace a threat. - 2012/02/16: G&M: Security services deem environmental, animal-rights groups 'extremist' threats
Federal security services have identified Greenpeace and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals as the kind of "multi-issue extremist" groups that pose a threat to Canadians, documents obtained under Access to Information show. In a series of documents from 2005 to 2009, the RCMP and CSIS assess "threats from terrorism and extremism" and report growing concerns about environmental and animal-rights groups, as well as militants from first nations. - 2012/02/16: PaiD: More Enemies of the People Identified by Harperites
- 2012/02/15: ClimateSight: Apparently, I'm an enemy of Canada
- 2012/02/18: LeftistJab: Environmental Groups? Yeah, Vic Toews Hates Them Too
- 2012/02/13: OilPrice: Canadian PM Shills Alberta Oil Sands in China
The G20 controversy lingers:
- 2012/02/16: TStar: Lawyer sues police for unlawful G20 arrest
A Toronto lawyer is suing police for unlawfully arresting him during the G20 summit, a claim substantiated by Ontario's police complaints watchdog. Nicholas Wright, 29, was riding his bicycle along Bloor St. on June 27, 2010, the summit's final day, when he was allegedly stopped by police and handcuffed, searched and detained for about 20 minutes. Wright claims he was told he was being arrested for wearing a disguise -- he had a bandana and goggles around his neck -- and an officer later provided a fake name when Wright demanded he identify himself. - 2012/02/14: PostMedia: Feds hid names of big oil companies at lobbying retreat
The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade has deliberately attempted to conceal key details about a taxpayer-funded lobbying training retreat it organized last year in London, England for its European diplomats to promote the oilsands, including names of major corporations involved and concerns raised at the meeting about whether its strategy was "credible." It also attempted to conceal a warning that emerged from the meeting about the importance of the oilsands industry in ongoing free trade discussions with Europe - the Comprehensive and Economic Free Trade Agreement talks. "With CETA negotiations underway, a proper understanding of the oil sands is of growing importance to Canada's place in Europe," wrote Sushma Gera, a trade adviser at the Canadian High Commission in London, in a widely distributed email that summarized discussions at the retreat. Foreign Affairs officials blacked out this portion of the email, released to Postmedia News through access to information legislation. But the reference to free trade was included in a separate version of the correspondence released by Natural Resources Canada, following a similar access to information request. The heavily censored version of records from Foreign Affairs revealed other details about the February 2011 training session that included a $14,961.48 contract for an Ottawa-based consultant who delivered a presentation on "how to do advocacy" in Europe and "address criticism and emotions." But the Natural Resources Canada version of the email revealed that Foreign Affairs officials blacked out names of industry stakeholders, Shell, Statoil, Total, the Royal Bank of Scotland and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, which were invited by the government to participate in the retreat. - 2012/02/15: CBC: Canada's air pollution experts moved to 'other priorities' -- Ozone monitoring draws international criticism
Environment Canada has drastically cut back on its monitoring of air pollution that can cause health problems for Canadians, reassigning scientists involved in that monitoring to "other priorities." In an email to CBC News, a department spokesman says Environment Canada is still providing "world class analysis" and will continue to "monitor the ozone through other means," but did not provide details on what those are. The department was responding to recent warnings by leading atmospheric scientists that Canada's cuts to its ozone monitoring program are affecting the world's ability to monitor air quality and ozone depletion. - 2012/02/14: NatureNB: Cuts at Environment Canada put treaties in jeopardy
- 2012/02/15: THW: Our Record!
In Canada thanks to Stephen Harper we are again discredited to the world. Since budget cuts to scientific research... - 2012/02/14: PostMedia: Environment Canada budget cuts decried
U.S. scientists raise alarms about whether ozone, pollution monitoring will continue U.S. scientists are raising the alarm about Environment Canada, saying cuts in the department could go far beyond ozone monitoring. Programs tracking pollution wafting into Canada from Asia, Europe and the U.S. are also being hit, they say. And it's an "open question" if Canada will be able to fulfil its obligations under several international agreements if more cut go ahead, five leading atmospheric scientists write in the newsletter of the American Geophysical Union, which has 61,000 members in 148 countries. The scientists say ozone measurements have been cut back at several Canadian stations since August. And Canada's CORALNet (Canadian Operational Aerosol Lidar Network) program, part of an international effort tracking air pollution from Asia and Europe, has vanished. - 2012/02/13: CBC: Canada dropping the ozone ball, scientists warn
Leading atmospheric scientists are warning that Canada's cuts to its ozone monitoring program are already having effects on the world's ability to monitor air quality and ozone depletion. Five scientists from high-profile U.S. universities and NASA say in a recently-released paper that Canada is jeopardizing the scientific community's ability to monitor for holes in the ozone, especially over the Arctic. They point out that monitoring has already stopped in five locations in Canada and the website that distributed the information has been pulled down. - 2012/02/13: Eureka: Environment Canada cuts threaten science, international agreements
Recent cuts to the scientific workforce of Environment Canada, a government agency responsible for meteorological services and environmental research, threaten scientific research related to the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere and pollution in the lower atmosphere, according to environmental scientists in the U.S. These reductions in personnel and projected budget cuts also threaten existing international agreements. "Canada is a bellwether for environmental change, not only for Arctic ozone depletion but for pollutants that stream to North America from other continents, " said Anne Thompson, professor of meteorology, Penn State. "It is unthinkable that data collection is beginning to shut down in this vast country, in some cases at stations that started decades ago." The researchers, commenting in the current (Feb. 14) issue of the American Geophysical Unions Eos newspaper, state that since August when the cuts went into effect, ozone soundings have ceased at several Canadian stations. Lidar network measurements of particle pollution layers from five Canadian stations no longer occur, and the website that was distributing this data has disappeared. Environment Canada conducts many programs in support of international agreements including the UN framework for Climate Change Convention, the Montreal Protocol and U.S. bilateral agreements. The Canadian government signed all these agreements, but their ability to fulfil their obligations is now in question. - 2012/02/17: CCP: Canadian government is 'muzzling its scientists'
- 2012/02/17: CBC: Muzzling of federal scientists targeted by campaign
Canadian government scientists are still being hampered from talking to the media about their taxpayer-funded research and that's bad news for the public, say groups representing both journalists and federal scientists. The groups appealed to delegates at an international meeting of scientists in Vancouver on Friday, arguing that democracy depends on citizens having access to research so they can make informed decisions about government policy. - 2012/02/17: BBC: Canadian government is 'muzzling its scientists'
The Canadian government has been accused of "muzzling" its scientists. Speakers at a major science meeting being held in Canada said communication of vital research on health and environment issues is being suppressed. But one Canadian government department approached by the BBC said it held the communication of science as a priority. Prof Thomas Pedersen, a senior scientist at the University of Victoria, said he believed there was a political motive in some cases. "The Prime Minister (Stephen Harper) is keen to keep control of the message, I think to ensure that the government won't be embarrassed by scientific findings of its scientists that run counter to sound environmental stewardship," he said. "I suspect the federal government would prefer that its scientists don't discuss research that points out just how serious the climate change challenge is." - 2012/02/18: WpgFP: Tory 'muzzling' of scientists blasted -- Harper urged to 'tear down wall' between researchers and public
- 2012/02/18: PostMedia: Unmuzzle federal scientists, group tells Harper -- Public being denied important information, conference hears
Groups representing scientists and science writers sent an open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Friday calling on his government to stop "muzzling" federal researchers. The release of the letter coincided with a panel discussion at the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual conference, which heard numerous examples of alleged government interference and reporters being denied timely access to scientists. Such control is sinking morale among scientists and denying the public access to important information about climate, agriculture and the environment, the conference heard. - 2012/02/16: TheCanadian: Enbridge Spills Oil in Michigan...Again!
- 2012/02/09: TheCanadian: Redford Signals Alberta's Intent to "Clear a Path" for Tar Sands Through BC
- 2012/02/16: TheCanadian: Cutting Enbridge Deal with Alberta is Bad Advice for Christy Clark
- 2012/02/17: CBC: Enbridge earnings disappoint
- 2012/02/16: CBC: Enbridge discovers small pipeline leak in U.S.
- 2012/02/15: PostMedia: Enbridge says feds pushing "unrealistically fast" approvals for pipeline
Enbridge, the company behind a controversial pipeline proposal to link the Alberta oilsands with the British Columbia coast, has complained federal departments were asking it for too much information and pushing the approval process at an "unrealistically fast" pace, says newly released briefing material from Environment Canada. The internal records contrast recent statements made by federal cabinet ministers and the Alberta-based energy company about delays in the review process for the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline. - 2012/02/16: WpgFP: Enbridge pipeline bad for the economy
- 2012/02/18: Tyee: The Sinopec File
Pollution, bribes, more. Nikiforuk pries open the record of China's oil giant, business partner for Northern Gateway pipeline. - 2012/02/15: iPolitics: Too much rhetoric, not enough real debate on Northern Gateway Pipeline
- 2012/02/14: CBC: Environment group testifies on charities' tax status
A prominent Canadian environmentalist defended the charitable status of organizations such as his before the federal Finance Committee on Tuesday. Peter Robinson, CEO of the David Suzuki Foundation, spoke about advocacy and its importance in a functioning democracy, transparency in charities and corporations and the international funding of charities in Canada. - 2012/02/14: BCLSB: Terrace Says NO [To Northern Gateway]
- 2012/02/14: WpgFP: Enbridge offered First Nations cash to study whether to support pipeline
- 2012/02/13: 350orBust: Northern Gateway Pipeline: Just Say No To Enbridge
- 2012/02/12: TGBeaver: Catching out Enbridge
- 2012/02/19: BCLSB: Skeena Queen Charlotte Says NO To Northern Gateway
The NDP Leadership Race is picking up:
- 2012/02/15: PunditsGuide: The Push, the Pin, the Polls, the Plea, and the Counterpunch: NDP Leadership Race Gets Competitive
- 2012/02/14: BluntObjects: Dueling NDP Polls Show New Realities
The ISA virus in BC waters is potentially disastrous:
- 2012/02/16: AlexandraMorton: February 2012 Dear Minister Ashfield
- 2012/02/13: AlexandraMorton: Dear Justice Adair
In BC, the stage is set. Now what will Clark and Dix do?
- 2012/02/17: NI/P: Liberals dig giant hole in NDP budget
- 2012/02/17: CBC: Encana announces $2.9B asset sale - selling a 40 per cent stake in its Cutbank Ridge Partnership to Japan-based Mitsubishi
- 2012/02/17: Tyee: BC Government Killing Forest Industry: Auditor General -- Scathing report says failure to replant enough trees puts future harvests at risk.
- 2012/02/15: PI:B: Claims of climate leadership in B.C.'s Natural Gas Strategy leave much to be desired
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2012/02/16: EurActiv: EU tar sands vote set for 23 February
- 2012/02/17: TMoS: Tutu Targets Tar Sands
- 2012/02/16: CBC: Oilsands shutdown could hurt economy, says CIBC
- 2012/02/15: PlanetArk: EU Vote On Tar Sands Law Expected On February 23
- 2012/02/14: TreeHugger: Canada's Tar Sands: So Destructive It Makes Its Well-Paid Workers Want to Quit (Video)
- 2012/02/15: SaskBoy: Ethical Oil is Communist Owned Oil
- 2012/02/15: TRM: This is my SOS to the world
- 2012/02/14: DeSmogBlog: Unethical Oil: Why Is Canada Killing Wolves and Muzzling Scientists To Protect Tar Sands Interests?
Also in Alberta:
- 2012/02/13: Hullabaloos: Energy Productivity
- 2012/02/12: TPL: Climate calculus
In Manitoba:
- 2012/02/16: CBC: Electric car owners face long charging times -- Manitoba's plug-in outlet infrastructure criticized
Ontario is wrestling with its finances:
- 2012/02/16: CleanBreak: Clean energy, environment-related nuggets from Ontario-commissioned Drummond Report
In the North:
- 2012/02/17: Eureka: As ice melts in Far North, opportunities abound to advance Canada's oceanic laws
- 2012/02/14: PostMedia: Russia could be new neighbour to Canada -- Long-running dispute might have surprise ending
- 2012/02/19: PostMedia: Rangers play growing role in North -- Eyes and ears in remote territories a vital presence as sovereignty at issue
With their imposing armoured trucks and green camouflage, the troops from the south get the most attention as they train up here on the edge of the Arctic. But the real eyes and ears - those who never forgot how to fight and survive in the Canadian North - are the 1,500 members of the 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group. Since 1999, the ranger group has been launching extended sovereignty patrols along hundreds of kilometres of coastline, to the North Pole and to rarely visited Arctic islands. Now, several influential voices argue they should also be equipped with oceangoing boats to become the first responders when the coast guard is nowhere to be seen. - 2012/02/16: CBC: New Canada-China energy deals may be good for U.S. too
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2012/02/16: RWER: A fervent plea on behalf of the wretched of the earth for 2012 and beyond
- 2012/02/16: EnergyBulletin: The Fight of the Century by Richard Heinberg
As economies contract, a global popular uprising confronts power elites over access to the essentials of human existence. What are the underlying dynamics of the conflict, and how is it likely to play out? - 2012/02/18: AlterNet: It's Time We Get to Cash in as Equity Owners of Our Common Wealth
- 2012/02/18: EnergyBulletin: The simpler way: a practical action plan for living more on less
- 2012/02/12: BizInsider: We Can't Keep Growing Like This
A couple of questions for you to ponder over your morning coffee:
What's the sustainable long-term growth rate for the world population?
And, relatedly...
What's the sustainable long-term growth rate of the world economy? - 2012/02/14: BLongstaff: 2012 - International Year of Co-operatives
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2012/02/15: AlterNet: Why Patriarchal Men Are Utterly Petrified of Birth Control -- And Why We'll Still Be Fighting About it 100 Years From Now
- 2012/02/15: BobPark: What's New?
1. Culture war: Absolute freedom of religion is a myth.
2. The pill: The most important technology on Earth. - 2012/02/18: AlterNet: 4 States Where Right-Wingers Are Promoting Shocking Measures to Keep Women Barefoot and Pregnant
- 2012/02/14: AlterNet: Do Conservatives Understand How the Female Body Works? The Myth Fueling the Right-Wing Freak-Out Over Birth Control
- 2012/02/18: SciNow: Q & A: The 50th Anniversary of 'The Pill'
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2012/02/17: CCurrents: Soft-Pedaling Systemic Collapse
- 2012/02/16: CCurrents: Off-the-Grid vs. Tighter Grid
- 2012/02/16: CCurrents: The Most Colossal Failure of Nerve in Human History
- 02/12: AlterNet: Have Bees Become Canaries In the Coal Mine? Why Massive Bee Dieoffs May Be a Warning About Our Own Health
How do the media measure up?
- 2012/02/16: Grist: Climate analysts are from Mars, climate activists are from Venus ... but they both live on Earth
- 2012/02/14: MediaMatters: Polar Opposites: Fox News And Science
- 2012/02/15: CChallenge: Yahoo Answers, a platform for attacking SkepticalScience.com?
- 2012/02/14: QuarkSoup: How NOT to Report on Climate Change
- 2012/02/14: TCoE: Media drops the ball on melting ice
- 2012/02/13: TP:JR: Joe Nocera Is Still Wrong and "Very Unfair" About the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline. McKibben, Hansen and I Explain Why.
Here is something for your library:
- 2012/02/14: TRR: [Book Review] _Climatopolis: How Our Cities Will Survive and Thrive in the Hotter Future_ by Matthew Kahn
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2012/02/17: P3: Gleick: A Big Picture Interview
- 2012/02/17: 350orBust: Chasing Water: Examining The Human Toll On A River
- 2012/02/17: SkeptiSci: Climate Insights: a series of bite sized videos on climate science
- 2012/02/18: CassandraLegacy: Defending good science: Michael Mann speaks out
- 2012/02/14: TreeHugger: Canada's Tar Sands: So Destructive It Makes Its Well-Paid Workers Want to Quit (Video)
- 2012/02/12: PaleoWave: Paleo-CO2
- 2012/02/12: CC&G: Global Sea Level Rise and El Nino - La Nina
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2012/02/16: PlanetArk: SunPower Claims SolarCity, Ex-Staff Stole Secrets
- 2012/02/15: Grist: CAFO conviction: Court holds factory farm accountable for water pollution
- 2012/02/13: NatSoc: Monsanto Found Guilty of Chemical Poisoning in France
- 2012/02/15: RT: 300k farmers hope for lawsuit against Monsanto
- 2012/02/15: PlanetArk: Monsanto Says To Appeal French Poisoning Verdict
- 2012/02/13: Guardian(UK): Monsanto found guilty of chemical poisoning in France
- 2012/02/13: TreeHugger: Court Rules Monsanto Guilty of Chemical Poisoning in France
- 2012/02/14: BBC: US firm Monsanto 'guilty' in France poisoning case
A French court has found the US biotech giant Monsanto legally responsible for the poisoning of a farmer [Paul Francois] who inhaled a powerful weedkiller. Correspondents say the case could influence rulings in other countries on the use of pesticides. Monsanto says it will appeal... - 2012/02/06: AlterNet: Occupy vs. Monsanto: Activists, Farmers Fight the Corporation They Fear Will Take Over All America's Crops
Among the non-members of Gamblers Anonymous:
- 2012/02/12: ERabett:BDS: Climate betting update - back to where we started, and I'm not worried
Developing a new energy infrastructure is a fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2012/02/17: PlanetArk: Clean Energy Set For Consolidation Says [Ernst & Young]
- 2012/02/16: OilDrum: World Energy Consumption - Beyond 500 Exajoules
- 2012/02/13: CER:RRapier: No Free Lunch in Our Energy Options
- 2012/02/14: TreeHugger: 12.4% of Europe Now Powered by Renewable Energy
- 2012/02/13: BBC: Lake Kivu gas: Turning an explosion risk into a power source
More than 1,000 people died in 1986 when a lake in Cameroon released a cloud of CO2 that suffocated entire villages. A much larger lake in Rwanda - with two million people living nearby - is also at risk of eruption, but plans are afoot to make it safer.
Deep at the bottom of the lake, about 1,000 feet (300m) down, Kivu's water is heavy with dissolved gas. The lake contains an estimated 256 cubic kilometres of carbon dioxide (CO2) and 65 cubic kilometres of methane - 2012/02/14: TreeHugger: 68% of Europe's New Electricity Came From Wind & Solar Power Last Year
- 2012/02/13: NBF: OECD Electricity in 2011
- 2012/02/13: PSinclair: Renewables Helped France Avoid Freezing in the Dark
- 2012/02/14: BNC: The Grattan Report on low-emissions energy technology -- some critical comments
- 2012/02/13: HotTopic: Europe's renewable power continues to increase
- 2012/02/12: TP:JR: More than 68% of New European Electricity Capacity Came From Wind and Solar in 2011
- 2012/02/13: Grist: How 1.6 billion people who live on less than a dollar a day afford renewables
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifer for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2012/02/16: SciNews: Natural gas wells leakier than believed -- Measurements at Colorado site show methane release higher than previous estimates
- 2012/02/15: TreeHugger: Stopping Liquid Natural Gas Port in Maryland a Blow Against Fracking in the Marcellus Shale, Too
- 2012/02/14: GreenGrok: Leaking Greenhouse Gases in Colorado
- 2012/02/17: SciNow: Mixed Verdict on Fracking
- 2012/02/15: LarvatusProdeo: Coal Seam Gas: Behind the Seams -- media project and fundraiser
- 2012/02/17: JQuiggin: CSG: Behind the seams project
- 2012/02/17: TreeHugger: Michigan Has Large Shale Gas Reserves, In The Great Lakes Watershed
- 2012/02/16: SlashDot: Study Says Fracking is Safe In Theory But Often Not In Practice
- 2012/02/17: BBC: Fracking contamination downplayed
The concern that hydraulic fracturing of shale formations to extract natural gas is contaminating groundwater is overstated, claims a new report. Researchers reviewing the available data in the US found nothing to suggest "fracking" had a unique problem. Rather, they suggest the contamination events that do arise are just as likely to afflict other types of oil and gas drilling operations. - 2012/02/13: CSM: Fracking study sends alert about leakage of [CH4] potent greenhouse gas
- 2012/02/13: EnergyBulletin: Is there really so much shale gas in the ground?
- 2012/02/12: WSJ: Drillers cut natural gas production as prices drop
As natural gas prices continue to drop, the recent nationwide boom in drilling is slowing. Drillers don't make money if prices go too low -- and drilling wells isn't cheap. - 2012/02/08: SP: Everything you know about shale gas is wrong
- 2012/02/18: SciAm:Obs: Fracking Could Work If Industry Would Come Clean
On the coal front:
- 2012/02/16: ABC(Au):TDU: Back to the future with coal-fuelled power
On the gas and oil front:
- 2012/02/17: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Nymex Crude Future...103.24
Dated Brent Spot.....121.35
WTI Cushing Spot.....103.24 - 2012/02/17: EarlyWarning: OECD Oil Consumption
- 2012/02/17: ScienceInsider: Journals Warned to Keep a Tight Lid on Diesel Exposure Data
- 2012/02/16: OilChange: East Coast refinery shut downs are a symptom of the tar sands oil rush
- 2012/02/17: EnergyBulletin: How reliable are U.S. Department of Energy oil production forecasts?
- 2012/02/16: BBerg: Saudi Aramco to Re-Open Oldest Field to Tap Heavy Oil, [Economist Intelligence Unit] Says
- 2012/02/15: EnergyBulletin: Fossil fuels: I'm not dead yet
- 2012/02/17: GreenBang: Why $200 oil is the subprime mortgage of energy
- 2012/02/14: EurActiv: Gazprom to double its European gas storage capacity
Drawing lessons from this year's cold snap, the Russian export monopoly Gazprom has announced it will double its underground gas storage capacity in Europe, raising concerns that it might abuse its dominant position. - 2012/02/13: EarlyWarning: January Oil Supply
- 2012/02/19: OilDrum: Tech Talk - Oil production from Timan-Pechora
And in pipeline news:
- 2012/02/16: PlanetArk: Russian Oil Pipeline Firm Revives Plan To Bypass Ukraine
Yes we have peak everything:
- 2012/02/17: WSJ:TS: Citigroup Says Peak Oil Is Dead
- 2012/02/17: EnergyBulletin: Peak Oil and the Importance of EROI (review of Fleeing Vesuvius, Part 2)
- 2012/02/17: WaPo: Has the United States beaten peak oil? Not so fast.
- 2012/02/13: CCurrents: Three Major Journals Publish Articles On Limited World Oil Supply
- 2012/02/14: National(Ae): Flawed views on peak oil rear their ugly heads again
- 2012/02/13: OnlineOpinion: Peak oil moves to the mainstream
- 2012/02/12: FarmOnline: 'Peak everything': Fischer
- 2012/02/13: GulfNews: In the Pipeline: Peak oil unable to avert energy crunch
- 2012/02/12: EnergyBulletin: Three major journals publish articles on limited world oil supply
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2012/02/09: EWG: The Corn Ethanol Lobby's Land Grab
- 2012/02/13: CleanBreak: Enerkem gains momentum with IPO plans. Wither Iogen?
- 2012/02/13: Eureka: Ethanol mandate not the best option
The answer my friend...:
- 2012/02/17: TP:JR: Cape Wind Secures Contracts for 75% of Power
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2012/02/16: CNN: Pay-as-you-go solar power lights up rural Africa
Pay-as-you-go solar aims to bring affordable electricity to rural Africa - Technology aims to replace harmful environmental products such as kerosene lamps - Service allows users to light their homes for as little as $1 a week - 2012/02/16: UN: Millions of people to receive solar energy access through UN-backed initiative
- 2012/02/16: BWeek: China Solar Silicon Production Curbed 30% to Lift Prices: Energy
- 2012/02/17: EurActiv: France to give 'made in EU' premium to solar plants
French solar power producers will receive a 10% premium on selling green power from April, as long as the electricity is produced using components manufactured in the European Union, France's environment ministry said on Thursday (16 February). - 2012/02/17: BBSRC: Man-made photosynthesis to revolutionise food and energy production
- 2012/02/14: BBerg: U.S. Solar Projects Rose 67 Percent in Fourth Quarter, SEIA Says
- 2012/02/15: PlanetArk: Energy Conversion [Devices Inc] Files For Bankruptcy Protection
- 2012/02/15: CleanTechnica: Land of the Rising Sun: Japan's Surging Sales of Residential Solar PV
- 2012/02/13: TreeHugger: Nanoshell "Whispering Galleries" Trap Light in Solar Cells
- 2012/02/13: Eureka: UCLA engineers create tandem polymer solar cells that set record for energy-conversion [10.6%]
- 2012/02/19: ITracker: BNC's solar slam was misleading
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2012/02/19: BNC: IFR FaD 10 - Metal fuel and plutonium
- 2012/02/17: SlashDot: Small, Modular Nuclear Reactors -- the Future of Energy?
- 2012/02/17: EurActiv: Nuclear industry seen emerging from Fukushima shock
European Commission officials and energy experts believe nuclear power has turned the corner following the Fukushima disaster a year ago. Business representatives pleaded in favour of "better communication" to society following the incident, which prompted Germany to immediately close eight nuclear power plants. - 2012/02/16: EurActiv: Greenpeace praises EU nuclear stress test 'transparency'
The stress tests carried out on Europe's nuclear power plants in the wake of the Fukushima disaster last year have already brought "important wins", especially in terms of transparency, says Greenpeace nuclear expert Jan Haverkamp. Speaking to EurActiv.sk in an interview, he also said the tests had exposed some "black holes" in the emergency responses that need to be addressed. - 2012/02/17: EurActiv: David Cameron in France to sign nuclear power deal
- 2012/02/15: EneNews: Mag: Evidence linking nuclear plants to ill health increasingly compelling, "clear something is going" says prof. -- UK gov't blames unidentified virus for childhood leukemia rise
- 2012/02/18: NBF: Areva Anteres prismatic modular reactor selected for Next Generation Nuclear Plant...
- 2012/02/18: NBF: France, US, China, Ukraine, UK nuclear generation in 2011
- 2012/02/17: APR: Atomic Power Review
The Rossi Energy Catalyzer keeps coming up:
- 2012/02/14: NBF: Rossi and Defkalion Energy Catalyzer Making Progress to Commercialization
- 2012/02/13: CERN: CERN Colloquium
Overview of Theoretical and Experimental Progress in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) by Francesco Celani, Yogendra Srivastava -- Thursday, March 22, 2012 from 16:30 to 17:30 (Europe/Zurich) - 2012/02/13: Ph&Ph: Cold Fusion Colloquium At CERN
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2012/02/14: TreeHugger: Clean Energy Microgrid Could Power Data Centers in Colorado
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2012/02/15: TP:JR: Power for the People: Overcoming Barriers to Energy Efficiency for Low-Income Families
- 2012/02/13: TechRev: LEDs that Burn 10 Times Brighter
Startup Soraa thinks it can make LEDs cheap enough to replace regular bulbs. - 2012/02/14: NBF: Startup Soraa thinks it can make LEDs cheap enough to replace regular bulbs
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2012/02/14: FuturePundit: Troubles With Electric Car And EV Battery Companies
- 2012/02/15: CBC: Electric cars can handle Canadian winter
As for Energy Storage:
- 2012/02/14: SciAm:Obs: MRI Reveals Mysteries inside Batteries for Gadgets and Electric Cars
- 2012/02/14: BBC: BAE provides details of 'structural battery' technology
Torches, drones and an electric Le Mans racing car are all test-beds for a new kind of "structural battery", BAE Systems has said. The batteries use carbon fibre and can form part of the body of a device. By effectively building the power source into the fabric of an object they can save weight. - 2012/02/12: Eureka: Researchers develop method to examine batteries -- from the inside
- 2012/02/18: SciNow: Massive [pumped hydro] Energy Storage, Courtesy of West Ireland
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2012/02/15: TDC: The analyst: Preparing insurers for a stormy future
Climate change will likely intensify storm surges, wildfires, drought and more, putting the insurance industry in an economic bind. Sharlene Leurig is working to find a more sustainable -- and profitable -- future. - 2012/02/17: TP:JR: February 17 News...
- 2012/02/16: TP:JR: February 16 [News]...
- 2012/02/15: TP:JR: February 15 News...
- 2012/02/14: TP:JR: February 14 News...
- 2012/02/13: TP:JR: February 13 News...
Other (weekly) lists:
- 2012/02/15: TreeHugger: Energy News Recap...
- 2012/02/17: EnergyBulletin: ODAC Newsletter
- 2012/02/13: TreeHugger: Energy News Recap...
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2012/02/17: P3: Singer's Proxy Claim Refuted
- 2012/02/16: PSinclair: Denia-geddon: Bjorn Lomborg Think Tank to Close
- 2012/02/17: WottsUWT: The Anatomy of a Global Warming Smear
- 2012/02/17: P3: Fake Journals
- 2012/02/13: P3: Comment at Watts
- 2012/02/16: DerSpiegel: The Truth Peddlers -- Smoke and Mirrors in the Climate Debate
A new book by an executive at a major German power ultility claims we aren't facing a climate catastrophe and rejects current mainstream ideas on global warming. Both climate change skeptics and those who warn of global warming profit from such controversies -- so who should we believe? - 2012/02/18: ERabett:BDS: Steve Goddard steals Pat Michaels' trick of deleting inconvenient data
- 2012/02/18: HC: Global cooling alarmist misrepresents science
- 2012/02/15: QuarkSoup: More Whoppers from Fred Singer
- 2012/02/13: DeSmogBlog: A Curious Tale of Monckton, Rinehart and Blaming God For Bushfire Deaths
- 2012/02/13: QuarkSoup: Chemtrails, Enemies, and the Climate Debate
- 2012/02/16: TheConversation: Think tank's talking points deepen the divide over climate change
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2012/02/15: GreenGrok: Surviving the Slings and Arrows of Climate Change
- 2012/02/18: CCurrents: Climate Science And The Rule Of Law: Connecting The Dots
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- GreenEconomics
- NCSE: Resources to help you defend the teaching of climate change
- NRC Research Press - Scientific Publishing
- Legal Planet: Environmental Law and Policy
- FreeThoughtBlogs
- Center for Progressive Reform: Regulation, Environment, Clean Science
- AAAS: 2012 Annual Meeting: 16-20 February; Vancouver, Canada
- AAAS: AAAS 2012 Annual Meeting News
- BBSRC: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
- Greenbang - Smart Technology Analysts
- Climate & Health Council
- CleanTechnica
- PaleoWave
- Niobrara Data Center Energy Park - Northern Colorado
- Field of Science Blogs
The things that pass for humour nowadays:
A curious correlation:
Here's a rap stopper:
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
Post Fukushima, nuclear policies are in flux around the world:
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
In the South Indian Ocean, Giovanna zapped Madagascar and looks to loop back & do it again:
What's new in proxies?
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
Climate refugees are becoming an issue:
Consider transportation & GHG production:
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
As the EU-ETS is applied to airlines, we will see who is serious about reducing carbon emissions:
Sunday night...
On the international political front, tensions continue as the USA and Israel lean on Iran:
The EU Fuel Quality Directive is up for ratification this coming week. Lobbying is heavy:
In case you were wondering what the fuss over that dismal rock in the South Atlantic is about:
Polls! We have polls!
What's with the CETA shenanigans?
In their ideological quest for small government, the Harper gang is getting rid of all the 'inconvenient' people:
The Harper gang is scared of what scientists might say:
The battle over the Northern Gateway pipeline rages on:
As for miscellaneous Canadiana:
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk(which includes some quotations), An overview of my writing is available here.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
I notice moyhu has set up a monster index to old AWoGWN on AFTIC."Healing the wounds of the earth and its people does not require saintliness or a political party, only gumption and persistence. It is not a liberal or conservative activity; it is a sacred act." -Paul Hawken
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