This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
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Sipping from the Internet Firehose...
October 20, 2013
- Chuckles, COP19+, Alternatives, Post-AR5, ODI, Maldives, Governance
- Energiewende, Bottom Line, GFIs, Pricing Nature, Cook
- Fukushima: Note, News
- Melting Arctic, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food: Crisis, Fisheries, Food vs. Biofuel, GMOs, GMO Labelling, Production
- Hurricanes, Notable Weather, GHGs, Carbon Cycle, Aerosols, Weather Machine
- Sensitivity, Clouds, Ozone, ENSO, Paleoclimate, Oceans, Extinctions, Insects
- Impacts, Forests, Climate Refugees
- Tornadoes, Wildfires, Acidification, Glaciers, Sea Levels, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Conservation, Restoration, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs, Misc. Science, Science Orgs, DIY Science, Models, Free Science
- International Politics: UN, Carbon Trade, Bank Tax, Hormuz, South China Sea
- Airlines, Treaties , Misc., Security, Law & Activism, Activism, Climate Movement
- Divestment, H2O Biz, Groundwater, Education, Innovation
- National Politics: Britain, Europe, Australia, Abbott, Carbon Price, MDBP, NSW Fires
- China, Japan, Africa, South America, Canada, Lac-Mégantic, Gainford, Mi'kmaq
- Parliament, Greens, East-West, Kinder Morgan, CETA, Salmon, BC, Tar Sands, Alberta, Ontario
- America, BP Disaster, Post-Sandy, Keystone, Mayflower, Coal Exports, Shutdown, 2016, Obama, USAdmin, Congress
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Media, Books, Video, Podcasts, Courts, BP Trial
- Energy, Transitions, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, Pipelines, Transportation, Independence, Peak Oil
- Biofuel, Wind, Solar, Nukes, Nuclear Fusion, FITs, Grid, Utilities, Efficiency, Cars, Energy Storage
- Business, Insurance, Other Lists, Carbon Lobby, Miscellaneous, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, A Simple Plea, .sig
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We are definitely back in the black humour zone:
Looking ahead to COP19 at (Warsaw) and future international climate negotiations:
- 2013/10/18: BBerg: U.S. Wants Nations to Justify Global Climate Treaty Commitments
The U.S. said nations must be ready to explain their emission-reduction pledges as it unveiled proposals on how countries should conduct climate negotiations before a global treaty in 2015. - 2013/10/16: RTCC: EU sets 2014 deadline for global climate pledges
What other ideas are out there?
- 2013/10/16: RTCC: Green growth: lessons in climate resilience from world's poorest
As the world waited for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to release its latest report last month, the climate economist Lord Nicholas Stern emphasized that: "It cannot be a case of either achieving growth or tackling global warming. It must be both." In rejecting a trade-off between addressing climate change and securing growth and development, Stern supports a low-carbon resilient development approach, which brings together three traditionally separate goals: the reduction of climate change emissions (climate change mitigation), adaptation to the effects caused by climate change and economic and social development. - 2013/10/16: RTCC: Former WTO chief calls for 'G90? to tackle climate change
An influential group of global leaders have accused modern politics of displaying 'short-termism', preventing effective action from being taken on tackling climate change. A report published today by Oxford Martin School at Oxford University brings together a group of eminent leaders, chaired by former World Trade Organization chief Pascal Lamy, including Lionel Barber, Lord Patten and Lord Stern. It is the product of a year-long process of research and debate on the successes and failures in tackling climate change in recent decades. The report argues for 'serious and urgent' reform that will create a long-term vision for politics, breaking through the stagnation in politics.
Still some discussion and analysis post-AR5:
- 2013/10/19: Tamino: The ICP report
- 2013/10/18: FergusB: Reasons to be cheerful, one, two, three
- 2013/10/17: TMasters: How well do the IPCC's statements about the 2°C target for RCP4.5 and RCP6.0 scenarios reflect the evidence?
- 2013/10/17: CCR: Confused about the new IPCC's carbon budget? So am I.
- 2013/10/15: RtS: Smoking Kills, so does Climate Change
- 2013/10/15: RealClimate: Sea level in the 5th IPCC report
- 2013/10/14: NatureN: Study aims to put IPCC under a lens -- Social scientists want to examine how climate panel's internal dynamics affect outcomes
- 2013/10/13: P3: AR5 Discussion at Steve Easterbrook's
The Overseas Development Institute released a report on climate chnage and poverty:
- 2013/10/16: ODI: The geography of poverty, disasters and climate extremes in 2030
- 2013/10/20: al Jazeera: Poor bear brunt of extreme weather
A report suggests that the failure to address natural disasters could undermine attempts to end global poverty - 2013/10/17: TP:JR: Extreme Weather Can Leave More People In Poverty
- 2013/10/16: BBC: Extreme weather can be the 'most important cause of poverty'
New research suggests that extreme weather events will keep people poor in many parts of the world. The authors argue that where disasters like drought are prevalent, they can be the most important cause of poverty. They say that up to 325 million people will be living in countries highly exposed to natural hazards by 2030. - 2013/10/16: RTCC: Natural disasters 'making poor poorer' warn ODI
The Maldives saga oscillates between tragedy and farce with a "We'll-keep-voting-until-we-get-the-result-we-want" theme:
- 2013/10/20: Xinhuanet: Maldives president to resign if fresh dates for presidential polls not agreed on
Male -- Maldives President Waheed has said he will resign if candidates cannot agree on a date for presidential elections, local media reported on Sunday. "I will tell them (candidates) I will resign, and then, so will the Vice-President. After that, the responsibility will fall on the Speaker (to assume office as President as per the Maldivian Constitution)," President Waheed said in an interview with local outlet Sun online. - 2013/10/19: BBC: Maldives opposition protest over vote cancellation
Opposition supporters in the Maldives have staged protests after police intervened to stop the presidential election from taking place. - 2013/10/19: IndiaTimes: Maldives police stop presidential election, India 'seriously concerned'
- 2013/10/19: Xinhuanet: Maldives police defend blocking "unlawful" presidential elections
Male -- Maldives police defended their move to stop presidential elections that were supposed to take place here on Saturday, insisting that a vote would have been "unlawful" and could have sparked "national instability." - 2013/10/19: IndiaTimes: Maldives police stop presidential revote
Male, Maldives: Maldives sank further into political disarray on Saturday when police blocked officials from conducting a presidential revote, saying that holding the election would violate a Supreme Court order. - 2013/10/19: al Jazeera: Maldives police stop presidential poll re-run
Police declare vote illegal after two candidates refuse to approve electoral lists. Police in the Maldives have forced the postponement of the re-run of the presidential poll, declaring the vote illegal and blocking ballot papers from leaving the offices of the Elections Commission. The election had been due to take place on Saturday, but "a new date for elections will be informed later", the independent Elections Commission said in a statement. - 2013/10/18: Xinhuanet: Embattled Maldives presidential polls likely to be delayed again
Colombo -- With less than 24 hours to go it is highly unlikely that the embattled Maldives presidential elections will be held as scheduled and are likely to be postponed for the second time after two of the three candidates refused to sign an all-important electoral list, an official said here on Friday. Maldives Elections Commissioner Fuwad Thowfeek told reporters that since the presidential candidates of the Jumhoory Party (JP) and Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) have refused to sign off on the Electoral List, there is inadequate time to prepare for voting on Oct. 19. - 2013/10/18: IndiaTimes: Presidential polls in Maldives on Saturday
Note the BBC is up to their olde rewrite articles with same URL tricks again:
Police in the Maldives have stopped a presidential election from going ahead on Saturday, plunging the country into fresh political uncertainty. Electoral commission head Fuwad Thowfeek said police had entered his offices and were stopping officials distributing election materials.
A presidential election in the Maldives will go ahead as scheduled on Saturday, the electoral commission has said. The last-minute announcement comes despite attempts by two of the candidates to delay it.
Here's something to plague your long sleepless nights:
- 2013/10/15: AlterNet: Is Our System of Government Incapable of Meeting the Challenges We Face?
- 2013/10/17: TMoS: Don't Say This Question Hasn't Crossed Your Mind
Is our system of government incapable of meeting the challenges we face?
How is the German Energy Transition [Energiewende] doing?
- 2013/10/16: Lenz: Next Year Renewable Market Share in German Estimated As 28.7 Percent
- 2013/10/15: CleanTechnica: Renewable Solar & Wind Energy Produced As Much As 60% Of Germany's Electricity October 3rd
And on the Bottom Line:
- 2013/10/18: PLNA: Global Warming Damage Forecast in Vietnam
- 2013/10/17: BBerg: Climate Change to Cost East Asia 5.3% of GDP, ADB Study Says
Climate change will lead to more flooding and drought in East Asia and could chop 5.3 percent off annual gross domestic product by the year 2100 if measures aren't adopted to tackle it, according to the Asian Development Bank. Rising temperatures in China, Japan, Mongolia and South Korea will spur more flooding and tropical storms in coastal areas and make northern agricultural regions more prone to drought, the ADB said today in its "Economics of Climate Change in East Asia" report.
What are the global financial institutions up to?
- 2013/10/20: LoE: Why the World Bank says we must decarbonise now
- 2013/10/15: Resilience: Insanity reigns at the World Bank
- 2013/10/14: WaPo: World Bank support for China solar and wind power may have cost U.S. jobs
- 2013/10/14: TreeHugger: Fossil fuel emissions must end this century, warns OECD
So, If we put a price on nature, will it deal with externalities and lead to greater conservation
or will it lead to greater exploitation or what?
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2013/10/19: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #42B by John Hartz
- 2013/10/18: SkS: Does the global warming 'pause' mean what you think it means? by dana1981
- 2013/10/17: SkS: Science of Climate Change online class starting next week on Coursera by David Archer
- 2013/10/16: SkS: Time to change how the IPCC reports? by Kevin Trenberth
- 2013/10/15: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #42A by John Hartz
- 2013/10/14: SkS: Consensus study most downloaded paper in all Institute of Physics journals
- 2013/10/14: SkS: Two degrees: how we imagine climate change by dana1981
- 2013/10/13: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly Digest #41 by John Hartz
A note on theFukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time. TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. The previous Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said decades. Now the Japanese government is talking about 30 years. [Whoops, that has now been updated to 40 years.]
And the IAEA is now saying 40 years too.
[Now some people are talking about a century or more. Sealing it in concrete for 500 years.]
We'll see.
At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon and deserves its own section.
It is very difficult to know for sure what is really going on at Fukushima. Between the company [TEPCO], the Japanese government, the Japanese regulator [NISA], the international monitor [IAEA], as well as independent analysts and commentators, there is a confusing mish-mash of information. One has to evaluate both the content and the source of propagated information.
How knowledgeable are they [about nuclear power and about Japan]?
Do they have an agenda?
Are they pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear?
Do they want to write a good news story?
Do they want to write a bad news story?
Where do they rate on a scale of sensationalism?
Where do they rate on a scale of play-it-down-ness?
One fundamental question I would like to see answered:
If the reactors are in meltdown, how can they be in cold shutdown?
Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2013/10/19: EneNews: Japan Times: "The great unknown" - Where will nuclear fuel be found after "melt-through" at 3 Fukushima reactors? ...
- 2013/10/19: EneNews: "Gravest situation since 2011 Fukushima accident" - Nuclear Expert: Emergency effort is needed at plant; "I can't make out just why the Japanese are reluctant to take strong measures"
- 2013/10/19: EneNews: Japan Professor: It's such a dangerous situation for other countries - Gundersen: Gov't does not want an adequate solution for crisis at Fukushima; Fear of it being found out just how bad things really are at plant? (video)
- 2013/10/19: IndiaTimes: Groundwater radiation spikes at crippled Fukushima
Tokyo: Groundwater radiation levels at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant have soared near tank that leaked 300 tonnes of toxic water in August, struggling operator Tokyo Electric Power said. TEPCO said water samples collected from a well on Thursday contained 400,000 becquerels per litre of beta-ray emitting substances, the highest reading since the nuclear accident was triggered in March 2011. Samples in previous days had been showing levels of just 60 to 90 becquerels per litre. The reading for radioactive tritium also shot up to a record high of 790,000 becquerels, TEPCO said. - 2013/10/19: DD: Water radiation soars at Fukushima nuclear plant - Strontium readings spike 6,500-fold in one day
- 2013/10/19: ABC(Au): Groundwater radiation spikes at crippled Fukushima
- 2013/10/18: EneNews: Tepco admits "radiation levels in groundwater are soaring" at Fukushima...
- 2013/10/18: Asahi: Radioactivity level in well water soars near leaky Fukushima tank
- 2013/10/18: Asahi: Typhoon flushes out radioactive strontium at Fukushima nuclear plant
- 2013/10/18: Asahi: Pro-nuclear voices dominate energy policy committee
- 2013/10/18: JapanTimes: Water radiation soars at Fukushima No. 1 -- Strontium readings spike 6,500-fold in one day
- 2013/10/18: RT: Radioactivity level spikes 6,500 times at Fukushima well
- 2013/10/17: EneNews: Alert: Top Japan nuclear official suggests Fukushima reactors "leaking directly into sea"...
- 2013/10/17: EneNews: TV: Nuclear report warns of apocalyptic scenario at Fukushima in weeks ahead...
- 2013/10/16: CDreams: Amid 'Plummeting Morale' Experts Concerned Fukushima Workers 'Will Collapse First'
- 2013/10/16: EneNews: TV: Gov't concerned that 'unexpected source' of contamination is exiting Fukushima...
- 2013/10/16: EneNews: 'Emergency measures' used at Fukushima site during typhoon - Contaminated water dumped in ocean...
- 2013/10/16: Asia Times: David against nuclear Goliath in Japan [Fuku]
- 2013/10/16: BBerg: Japan Regulator Tells Tepco to Focus on Fukushima Not Restarts
Japan's nuclear regulator batted away questions on when it will run safety checks at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant, saying the utility should focus on the crisis-ridden Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant. - 2013/10/15: Guardian(UK): Plummeting morale at Fukushima Daiichi as nuclear cleanup takes its toll
Staff on the frontline of operation plagued by health problems and fearful about the future, insiders say - 2013/10/15: EneNews: AFP: Powerful Typhoon Wipha heads for Fukushima, Tepco bracing for 'inflows of water' - Experts: Huge flood potential for area around plant - Forecast to grow and strengthen, up to 40-foot waves off Japan coast (photo)
- 2013/10/15: EneNews: "Once-in-a-decade typhoon" on path for Fukushima - Top Official: Giant tanks of nuclear-contaminated waste at risk of being destroyed...
- 2013/10/14: VoR: Fukushima radiation worse than feared - experts
- 2013/10/15: IndiaTimes: Once in a decade typhoon heads for Japan nuclear plant
Tokyo: A typhoon, described as the "strongest in 10 years," was closing in on Japan Tuesday, on a path that will take it towards the precarious Fukushima nuclear power plant. Typhoon Wipha, packing winds of nearly 200 kilometres (125 miles) per hour near its centre and bringing heavy rains, was in the Pacific south of Japan on Tuesday evening and moving north at 35 kilometres per hour, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. It was forecast to reach an area off the Tokyo metropolitan area by early Wednesday and later in the day would be off the coast of Fukushima where the crippled nuclear power plant sits. - 2013/10/14: Xinhuanet: Japan's NRA sees safety inspections delayed, IAEA gives decontamination advise to TEPCO
- 2013/10/14: al Jazeera: IAEA team in Japan to check Fukushima cleanup
Nine-day visit comes after criticism that Japan's government is reluctant to accept foreign help at leaking plant. - 2013/10/13: CCP: Fukushima fuel rod removal in November is an emergency now
- 2013/10/13: EneNews: "Fukushima radiation worse than feared" - Gov't and Tepco 'ignore' effects of radioactive iodine (video)
The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:
- 2013/10/17: CCP: Tipping point for polar ice cap may have come in 2012
- 2013/10/16: QuarkSoup: Arctic Ice Refreeze Much Lower Than Last Year
- 2013/10/16: ERabett:JF: Arctic shifts to a new normal
- 2013/10/14: Dosbat: Mid Monthly Miscellenea: October
- 2013/10/14: Guardian(UK): What melting arctic ice tells us about our world
- 2013/10/13: PSinclair: In Reykjavik: Arctic Conference Sounds Climate Alarm
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
- 2013/10/18: ArcticNews: Unfolding Methane Catastrophe
- 2013/10/18: ERW: How badly does wildfire damage permafrost?
- 2013/10/15: ArcticNews: High Methane Readings continue over Depth of Arctic Ocean
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
- 2013/10/19: RT: Russia to allocate $63bn for Arctic development
- 2013/10/17: TMoS: Britain Targets Arctic Fossil Fuels
- 2013/10/16: RigZone: JIP Updates Efforts on Arctic Oil Spill Research
- 2013/10/16: ICN: Behind Russia vs. Greenpeace Furor, Unreported Oil Pollution of the Arctic
About 4 million barrels of spilled oil, as much as BP's Gulf of Mexico spill, is flowing into the Arctic Ocean every year, Greenpeace says.
While in Antarctica:
- 2013/10/16: TP:JR: Government Shutdown Delays Decision On World's Largest Marine Reserve [Antarctica]
- 2013/10/16: ABC(Au): Australia Antarctic mission focuses on penguin poo, warming
- 2013/10/16: BBC: Supporters in new push for scaled back Antarctic reserve
A bloc of countries has issued a joint call for the creation of marine reserves in Antarctica. The group, which includes the US, EU, France, New Zealand and Australia, saw their initial plans thrown out by opposition from Russia earlier this year. But the new plan suggests significant scaling down of one reserve in the hope of securing agreement.
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2013/10/19: DD: South Dakota cattle cataclysm: Why isn't this horror news?
- 2013/10/19: IOTD: Early Blizzard a Disaster for Cattle [Oct 6 & 16]
- 2013/10/18: Reuters: Chinese grain imports to strain world food supply - expert
- 2013/10/18: TMoS: China is Eating the World's Food Supply
- 2013/10/17: AllAfrica:DeutscheWelle: Food Insecurity Still Uphill Challenge in Zimbabwe
- 2013/10/16: EurActiv: IFPRI Report: 19 countries suffer 'alarming' hunger levels
Increasing vulnerability to extreme weather events, climate change, economic crisis and conflict have 19 countries facing either "alarming" or "extremely alarming" hunger levels, says the Global Hunger Index, to be launched today (16 October) at the European Parliament. South Asia has the worst regional hunger levels, followed by Sub-Saharan Africa, but starvation and insufficient nutrition is most acute in Burundi, Eritrea and Comoros, according to the 8th Global Hunger Index (GHI) by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). The study, carried out with German world hunger group Welthungerhilfe and Irish poverty NGO Concern, also lists Sudan, Chad, Yemen and Ethiopia as suffering from very high levels of hunger, painting a picture of continued struggle in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa. - 2013/10/16: RT: [US] Food stamp recipients delivered one-two punch by govt shutdown, end to stimulus boost
- 2013/10/16: AllAfrica:SW Radio: Zimbabwe: UN Food Aid Only for Zanu-PF Members, Villagers Say
Food donated by relief agencies and meant for all villagers is being selectively distributed to ZANU PF supporters, amid fears of starvation among rural dwellers. Future, a villager in the Midlands area of Lower Gweru, told SW Radio Africa's Callback programme Monday that traditional leaders were denying poor and deserving villagers access to the grain, accusing them of being MDC supporters. Future expressed concern that the grain, in containers bearing the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) label, is being used by ZANU PF to punish and fix perceived political opponents. - 2013/10/16: Guardian(UK): Food poverty is an attack on society
As food bank use triples, the government can no longer dismiss the causes and consequences of growing poverty and hunger - 2013/10/16: BBC: Numbers relying on food banks [in UK] triple in a year
The number of people relying on food banks to survive has tripled over the last year, according to new figures. The Trussell Trust, which runs 400 food banks across the UK, said it handed out supplies to more than 350,000 people between April and September this year. A third of those being helped were children, and a third needed food following a delay in the payment of benefits. - 2013/10/14: TreeHugger: Up to 100,000 cattle dead in South Dakota blizzard
- 2013/10/14: EUO: Red Cross alarm: 43 million Europeans lack food [due to the financial crisis]
- 2013/10/14: Guardian(UK): South Dakota's cattle cataclysm: why isn't this horror news?
Ranchers in South Dakota lost tens of thousands of cattle from a freak storm. Thanks to the shutdown, no one is paying attention
The state of the world's fisheries is a concern. See also:
- 2013/10/18: Deakin: Tiny sea creatures are heading for extinction, and could take local fisheries with them
- 2013/10/18: EUO: EU under pressure to avoid 'mackerel war'
- 2013/10/15: Slate: 2013 Global Hunger Index finds global hunger has fallen by one-third since 1990
- 2013/10/15: EneNews: 'Troubling Mystery': Complete collapse of sardine population on West Coast of Canada around Vancouver...
- 2013/10/15: PostMedia: Sardine fishery collapse affects economy, ecology -- Loss of $32-million industry felt along entire food chain
A $32-million commercial fishery has inexplicably and completely collapsed this year on the B.C. coast. The sardine seine fleet has gone home after failing to catch a single fish. And the commercial disappearance of the small schooling fish is having repercussions all the way up the food chain to threatened humpback whales. - 2013/10/15: DD: Study links warmer water temperatures to greater levels of mercury in fish
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
- 2013/10/18: EurActiv: Lawmakers vote to block EU biofuels bill
- 2013/10/17: al Jazeera: Fiddling in Rome while our food burns
The rising cost of food is directly related to the diversion of vital foodstocks to manufacture biofuels. - 2013/10/15: RTCC: UN says countries must 'review biofuel policies'
Development of biofuels must not clash with need for food security, says the Committee on World Food Security
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2013/10/17: Grist: An anti-GMO wave rising from Kauai?
- 2013/10/17: Grist: GMO corn crop trials suspended in Mexico
- 2013/10/17: UCSUSA:B: Monsanto Scientist Pockets "World Food Prize" -- But For What, Exactly?
- 2013/10/17: UCSUSA: World Food Prize Honors Monsanto; Proven Science Disregarded
- 2013/10/17: Guardian(UK): GM agriculture is not the answer to seed diversity --- it's part of the problem
We need policies and practices that ensure farmers' seed-saving knowledge is passed down to future generations - 2013/10/14: Grist: Roundup-ready, aim, spray: How GM crops lead to herbicide addiction
- 2013/10/14: RT: Is there enough medical evidence to prove Monsanto unsafe?
Regarding labelling GM food:
- 2013/10/18: KSJT: WBEZ: Slick story from an obscure meeting - on big agribusiness, turncoat enviros, and politics of GMO labeling
- 2013/10/17: RT: Washington state sues lobbying group opposed to GMO food labeling effort
- 2013/10/15: MLynas: Why we need to label GMOs
And how are we going to feed 9 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion?
- 2013/10/17: FAO: FAO celebrates quinoa's legacy with Peru and Bolivia during World Food Week
- 2013/10/17: UCSUSA:B: Small Farms, Not Monsanto, Are Key to Global Food Security
- 2013/10/17: ICL: Maths study of photosynthesis clears the path to developing new super-crops
How some plant species evolved super-efficient photosynthesis had been a mystery. Now, scientists have identified what steps led to that change. - 2013/10/16: WMO: Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition
- 2013/10/16: UN: Sustainable food systems vital to end hunger, malnutrition, UN says on World Food Day
- 2013/10/16: SciAm:PI: Borlaug Dialogue Begins Today -- Not Everyone's Thrilled [food prod]
- 2013/10/16: CCurrents: Working For A Fairer, More Sustainable Food System: An Interview With Shiney Varghese
- 2013/10/16: DerSpiegel: Ethical Farming: Germany Ponders the Super Chicken
Every year, millions of male chicks are discarded because of the demands of industrial chicken farming. Now a German company has engineered a new breed that could solve the problem -- but it comes with drawbacks of its own. - 2013/10/15: FAO: Coordinated efforts in aquaculture needed to meet global demand -- Global partnership to find sustainable solutions 'imperative', FAO says
- 2013/08/06: UMissouri: Can Industrial Agriculture Provide Global Food Security? by John Ikerd
Currently in the Western Pacific, Typhoon Francisco looks to be headed for Japan:
- 2013/10/20: IndiaTimes: Hundreds flee homes in typhoon-hit Japan [Oshima] island
- 2013/10/19: al Jazeera: Japan faces stormy outlook
In the wake of Typhoon Wipha, the country is braced for further flooding in the coming days. - 2013/10/19: Wunderground: Super Typhoon Francisco Becomes Earth's 3rd Category 5 Storm of 2013
- 2013/10/18: WaPo:B: Double whammy drenching in Japan? Super typhoon Francisco may follow Wipha's path
- 2013/10/17: NASA: NASA Sees Typhoon Francisco Headed to the Other Side of Guam
- 2013/10/17: Wunderground: Category 2 Francisco Brushing Guam, and is a Long-Range Threat to Japan
Currently in the Eastern Pacific, (unreported) Tropical Storm Raymond [17E] looks to be headed for Mexico City:
Earlier in the Eastern Pacific, Tropical Storm Octave [which I mistakenly called Gustave last week] crossed the Baja and faded:
Earlier in the week, Typhoon Nari crossed the South China Sea and zapped Vietnam:
Two mayor tropical cyclones [Nari & Wipha] are likely to cause disruption across the region in the coming days.
Also in the Western Pacific, Typhoon Wipha zapped Japan:
Powerful Typhoon Wipha never made landfall in the northwestern Pacific but affected several land areas there as seen by NASA's Aqua and Terra satellites. By Oct. 18, extra-tropical storm Wipha moved into the Bering Sea and was bringing rains, warmer temperatures and gusty winds to Alaska.
"There is concern that perhaps more lives could have been saved if there had been an evacuation. We have concluded this and must apologize," Mayor Masafumi Kawashima said at a news conference. "It's my deepest regret and I will not forget this."
At least 17 people have died as Typhoon Wipha hits the Tokyo area - Oshima, a small island south of Tokyo, has been hardest hit - More than 500 domestic and international flights were canceled - The typhoon is moving north along the Pacific coast of Japan
At least 14 people killed on Japanese island as Typhoon Wipha triggers landslides and destroys homes.
Tokyo: A typhoon, described as the "strongest in 10 years," was closing in on Japan Tuesday, on a path that will take it towards the precarious Fukushima nuclear power plant. Typhoon Wipha, packing winds of nearly 200 kilometres (125 miles) per hour near its centre and bringing heavy rains, was in the Pacific south of Japan on Tuesday evening and moving north at 35 kilometres per hour, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. It was forecast to reach an area off the Tokyo metropolitan area by early Wednesday and later in the day would be off the coast of Fukushima where the crippled nuclear power plant sits.
Cyclone Phailin smashed into India causing widespread damage, but killing only a few:
Emergency services are struggling to deliver aid to eastern India as rising water levels sweep away roads.
Damaged huts and lashed boats are pictured after Cyclone Phailin made landfall at Padampeta Village, (about 200km south from the eastern Indian city of Bhubaneswar). It will be the poorest people living in the less well built homes and who have fewer resources, who will pay the heaviest price.
Heavy rains in Phailin's wake cause river to overflow, flooding two districts in eastern Odisha state.
Workers are battling to rescue tens of thousands of people marooned by rising flood waters in Orissa, after the state was hit by the strongest cyclone in 14 years. Flood waters have left nearly 100,000 people stranded in Mayurbhanj and Balasore districts, officials say. The death toll from the cyclone has risen to 27 in Orissa, with four people killed in the floods.
Hundreds of thousands of people who were evacuated before Cyclone Phailin crashed into eastern India have begun returning to their homes. But many will remain in shelters as their homes and businesses were wrecked by the strongest cyclone in 14 years.
At least 17 people are reported dead in two eastern states in India following cyclone Phailin's destructive landfall.
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
Australians can expect 11 cyclones to hit the region this season, with four crossing the coast, according to the Bureau of Meteorology. The forecast makes for a near-average year, bureau regional director Rob Webb told ABC radio. The forecast for the cyclone season, measured from November 1 to April 30, is due to a neutral outlook for El Nino and La Nina weather events in the tropical Pacific Ocean.
This week in notable weather:
As for GHGs:
- 2013/10/19: CCP: Water vapor in the upper atmosphere amplifies global warming, says new study
- 2013/10/16: TreeHugger: Pine beetle impact on carbon balance as important as British Columbia fossil-fuel use
And in the carbon cycle:
- 2013/10/16: Princeton: Without plants, Earth would cook under billions of tons of additional carbon
- 2013/10/16: Eureka: Carbon cycle models underestimate indirect role of animals
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2013/10/18: MODIS: Dust storm over the Caspian Sea [on Oct.3]
- 2013/10/17: MODIS: Dust storm in Iraq [on Oct 2]
What's new in the Weather Machine?
Regarding Climate Sensitivity:
- 2013/10/14: TP:JR: Nature CLOUD Study Author: 'The Climate May Be More Sensitive Than Previously Thought'
Clouds are one of the major uncertainties in climate. Much research revolves around them:
- 2013/10/13: Independent(UK): Cloudy with a chance of... climate change: Discovery that agricultural practices help form clouds could change the way we calculate global warming
Regarding ozone:
- 2013/10/16: WMO: Area of Antarctic ozone depletion reaches annual peak
- 2013/10/13: NatureN: Ozone loss warmed southern Africa
Antarctic ozone hole's effects may have spread much wider than thought.
And on the ENSO front:
- 2013/10/14: ABC(Au): Australian study warns global warming will intensify El Nino
- 2013/10/14: DD: Global warming will increase intensity of El Niño, scientists say - 'ENSO-induced droughts and floods will be more intense in the future'
- 2013/10/14: ABC(Au): Warming could make El Nino more intense
- 2013/10/13: TheConversation: Australia to see worse drought thanks to intensifying El Niño
- 2013/10/13: BBC: Global warming will increase intensity of El Nino, scientists say
- 2013/10/10: NOAA:NCEP: El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion
Synopsis: ENSO-neutral is expected into the Northern Hemisphere spring 2014
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2013/10/10: Science: (ab$) Abrupt Shifts in Horn of Africa Hydroclimate Since the Last Glacial Maximum by Jessica E. Tierney & Peter B. deMenocal
- 2013/10/19: SimpleC: Braving African piracy reveals abrupt rainfall shifts
- 2013/10/18: Guardian(UK): Scientists who braved Somali pirates shed light on Sahara's origins
What's the State of the Oceans?:
- 2013/10/19: CCP: The Ocean Is Broken
- 2013/10/18: RScribbler: Anoxic Oceans, Biotoxins and Harmful Algae -- Missing Links in Mass Dolphin Deaths on US East Coast?
- 2013/10/17: RTCC: Climate change could 'undermine' oceans by 2100
- 2013/10/16: OSU: Study concludes climate change will wreak havoc on oceans by 2100
- 2013/10/16: Grist: Dramatic charts reveal climate change's effects on oceans
- 2013/10/15: TheConversation: Climate change plays 'Russian roulette' with the world's oceans
And on the extinction watch:
- 2013/10/20: SciAm:EC: Sunday Species Snapshot: Tasmanian Devil
- 2013/10/18: BBC: Uganda seizes huge ivory shipment [832 pieces] worth millions
Ugandan officials have seized some two tonnes (4,600lb) of ivory - one of the country's biggest such hauls for many years. - 2013/10/18: TreeHugger: Kenya microchipping every single rhino in ambitious anti-poaching effort
- 2013/10/16: SciAm:EC: Soon the Only Place to See This Nearly Extinct Bird May Be on Samoan Currency
- 2013/10/16: DD: Helicopters versus drones: The cost of the war on rhinos...
How are the Insects doing?
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2013/10/18: DD: Global warming is already causing animals to evolve and migrate...
- 2013/10/17: Eureka: Glacial history affects shape and growth habit of alpine plants
- 2013/10/17: SciNews: Eliminating prairie dogs can lead to desertification
- 2013/10/16: CBC: 'Moose die-off' not seen in Yukon, where populations stable -- Scientists report multiple moose populations declining across U.S.
- 2013/10/15: TreeHugger: Climate change is killing the moose
- 2013/10/15: Grist: Climate change is ruining moose's lives and then killing them
- 2013/10/15: RTCC: Changing rainfall patterns spell catastrophe for Christmas crabs
- 2013/10/14: CCurrents: Climate Crisis Threatens The Bay Of Bengal
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Thousands of hectares of south west timber plantation could be returned to agriculture
- 2013/10/17: FuturePundit: Ammonia Pollution Harming Forests
- 2013/10/17: BBC: Study: Just 227 tree species dominate Amazon landscape
Despite being home to about 16,000 tree species, just 227 "hyperdominant" species account for half of Amazonia's total trees, a study suggests. - 2013/10/15: TRN: Ecuador Approves Oil Drilling in Amazon Rain Forest
On October 3rd 2013, Ecuador's National Assembly authorized the project to drill for oil in the Yasuni National forest, which is a biosphere reserve and home of endemic tribes and unique animal species - 2013/10/15: Grist: When spruce beetles attack!
- 2013/10/14: TreeHugger: Russian hardwood is illegally harvested, laundered through China and sold in U.S.
- 2013/10/14: Eureka: Climate change creates complicated consequences for North America's forests
- 2013/10/14: CCurrents: Future Global Reforestation? Unlikely
Climate refugees are becoming an issue:
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Kiribati refugee case in New Zealand prompts call for new approach on climate change displaced
- 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): Man seeks status as first climate change refugee
- 2013/10/17: BBC: Man seeks 'climate change asylum' in New Zealand
A Pacific Islander is attempting to claim asylum in New Zealand on grounds that climate change is threatening his country. Ioane Teitiota told New Zealand's High Court that parts of his homeland, Kiribati, were already swamped by rising sea levels. He is attempting to appeal against an immigration department decision to refuse him asylum. - 2013/10/16: EUO: Sicily declares emergency over migrants
- 2013/10/16: ABC(Au): Kiribatian asks New Zealand to treat him as climate change refugee
- 2013/10/16: WSWS: EU tightens barriers against migrants after Lampedusa tragedy
- 2013/10/15: BBC: Lampedusa migrant crisis: Sicily declares emergency
The governor of Sicily has declared a state of emergency because of the large numbers of migrants it is having to deal with.
On the tornado front:
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2013/10/20: CNN: 57 fires scorch eastern Australia; state of emergency declared
Man says fire skipped house but burned shed and neighbor's home - At least 200 homes have been destroyed by just two fires - 14 of the 57 fires burning Sunday are not contained, a rural fire service says - More than 109,000 hectares (269,000 acres) of land has been burned - 2013/10/20: ABC(Au): Springwood and Winmalee residents search for normality amid bushfire disaster
- 2013/10/20: ABC(Au): New South Wales communities band together after bushfire disasters
- 2013/10/20: Grist: The worst wildfires in a decade pour acrid smoke over Sydney
- 2013/10/20: IndiaTimes: Australian authorities fear worsening wildfires
- 2013/10/18: RT: Unseasonal Australian bushfires grip the Sydney region
- 2013/10/20: BBC: Australia bushfires: New South Wales declares state of emergency
- 2013/10/20: ABC(Au): NSW bushfires: State of emergency declared ahead of worsening conditions
A state of emergency has been declared in New South Wales as authorities plan for the possibility of a massive bushfire that could threaten the entire Blue Mountains region in the coming days. Premier Barry O'Farrell says the declaration gives emergency services additional powers for the next 30 days, including cutting gas and power supplies if needed. - 2013/10/20: al Jazeera: Australia declares emergency over bushfires
New South Wales premier says state of emergency allows rescue services to force evacuations from worst fires in decades. - 2013/10/20: ABC(Au): NSW bushfires: Total fire ban in place as firefighters brace for worsening conditions [pix]
- 2013/10/19: CBC: Australian wildfire conditions forecast to worsen
68 fires burning with dangerous weather conditions forecast through Thursday - 2013/10/19: ABC(Au): NSW bushfires: Crews battle to contain destructive blazes in Lithgow and Springwood [pix]
- 2013/10/19: ABC(Au): Winmalee residents share stories of survival and loss as they return to bushfire-ravaged homes
- 2013/10/19: ABC(Au): NSW bushfires: Blaze causes millions of damage to Lithgow's iconic Zig Zag Railway
Lithgow's Zig Zag Railway has been left with a damage bill as high as $4 million after devastating bushfires ripped through the Blue Mountains on Thursday. Properties in the area remain under threat, with residents of Bell, Dargan Berambing and Bilpin told to take shelter and stay put. Director Alexander Robinson-Mills says trains, carriages and equipment have been completely destroyed. - 2013/10/19: al Jazeera: Australia bushfires destroy scores of homes
Destruction toll continues to rise from some of the most costly blazes to ever scorch New South Wales. - 2013/10/19: ABC(Au): NSW bushfires: 193 homes confirmed lost in Blue Mountains
- 2013/10/19: ABC(Au): Live blog: Emergency warning for Lithgow as bushfires burn across NSW
- 2013/10/18: CBC: Australian wildfire toll of destruction rise -- Dozens of fires burning across state of New South Wales
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): NSW weighs toll of bushfire emergency
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Springwood fire still burning out of control
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Devastated by bushfire losses but happy to be alive
- 2013/10/18: CNN: Anatomy of a bush fire: How Australia's explosive forest fires work
Unpredictable and capricious, Australia's bush fires are an erratic phenomenon - Australia's science unit CSIRO says bush fires are unique in their ability to throw 'spot fires' - Spot fires can sometimes flare up as far as 30km away from the main fire front - Escaped fires are fires that flare up again once the original blaze was thought to have been extinguished - 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): NSW bushfires: Residents speak of fighting blazes and evacuating from homes
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Fires threaten properties north of Murrurundi
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): NSW bushfire emergency: Residents wake to widespread damage as blazes gut homes
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): NSW bushfire disaster shatters Blue Mountain communities
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Two hundred homes feared lost in NSW bushfires
It's feared that two hundred homes may have been destroyed in bushfires that continue to burn, uncontrolled, across NSW. One man has died while trying to protect his home and firefighters from four other states are on their way to aid the firefighting operation. - 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): NSW bushfire emergency: Firefighters hope to take advantage of cooler conditions [pix]
- 2013/10/18: Xinhuanet: 550 bushfire insurance claims received, says Australia's Insurance Council
- 2013/10/18: IndiaTimes: Raging Australian wildfires destroy homes, kill 1
- 2013/10/18: Guardian(UK): New South Wales bushfires - in [9] pictures
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): NSW bushfire emergency: One dead and hundreds of homes feared lost, crews still battling fires across state [pix]
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Blue Mountains Mayor describes 'utter devastation' from fires
- 2013/10/18: Guardian(UK): NSW bushfires live: man dies while protecting home amid worst fires in a decade
A 63-year-old man has died while battling a fire at his Central Coast home. Firefighters from interstate travel to NSW to help as more than 100 continue to burn across the state. - 2013/10/18: Guardian(UK): NSW bushfires still 'very active, very dynamic, very dangerous'
- 2013/10/18: WSWS: Major bushfires hit Australia's most populous state
- 2013/10/18: al Jazeera: Wildfires destroy homes in Australia
Hundreds forced to evacuate as blazes fanned by winds destroy thousands of homes and claim one life in New South Wales. - 2013/10/18: IOTD: Fires Around Sydney, Australia [on Oct.17]
- 2013/10/17: Guardian(UK): New South Wales fights worst bushfires in a decade
- 2013/10/17: Guardian(UK): 'This is as bad as it gets' - NSW bushfires live
- 2013/10/17: Guardian(UK): Australia's bushfire weather is getting worse
The fire danger index, which looks at weather trends and fuel availability, is rising, particularly in south-east Australia - 2013/10/17: BBC: Australia wildfires raze homes in New South Wales
- 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): In pictures: NSW bushfires
- 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): Live blog: Emergency warnings in place for New South Wales bushfires
Officials say hundreds of homes may have been lost as New South Wales suffers one of its worst bushfire days in recent memory. More than 90 fires - 36 uncontained - are burning around the state, fanned by strong wind gusts and high temperatures. Emergency warnings have been issued for bushfires burning out of control near Lithgow, Wollongong, Muswellbrook, Newcastle, Wyong and the Blue Mountains. Rural Fire Service Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons says "if we get through with less than 100 homes destroyed today, we have been lucky". - 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): New South Wales enduring worst day of bushfires in years
- 2013/10/17: CNN: Australia bush fires menace New South Wales homes
98 fires are now burning, the New South Wales Rural Fire Service said late Thursday - The fire service said earlier Thursday that 34 fires were still out of control - If there's no loss of life, "we should thank God for miracles," says state premier - 2013/10/17: DD: Worst bushfires in more than a decade erupt across New South Wales - Orange haze descends on Sydney as dozens of fires rage outside city
- 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): Hundreds of homes feared lost as bushfires rage across New South Wales
Devasting fires in New South Wales with 90 fires threatening homes or out of control. Thousands of people have been evacuated while dozens of homes have been destroyed. - 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): NSW bushfires: dozens of homes destroyed, Sydney skies darkened
- 2013/10/17: PeakEnergy: Sydney heatwave: Is it hot enough for you?
- 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): Emergency warnings issued for three NSW bushfires, near Lithgow, Wollongong and Newcastle
- 2013/10/16: P3: Most Anomalously Warm Month Ever in Australia; Early Start to Wildfire Season; Smoke over Urban Centers
- 2013/10/14: ABC(Au): Fire crews battle blazes in Queensland and NSW
- 2013/10/14: Guardian(UK): Rain helps fight against NSW bushfires
Sixty-three fires burn across state, 22 still uncontained, with properties destroyed near Port Stephens
Just a couple of articles about fires elsewhere:
Acidification is changing the oceans:
Glaciers are melting:
- 2013/10/20: FaGP: Quebrada Carhuascancha Glacier Retreat, Peru
- 2013/10/17: FaGP: Glacier du Mont Miné Retreat, Swizterland
- 2013/10/17: EPOD: Retreating Fee Glacier in Switzerland
Sea levels are rising:
- 2013/10/16: SciAm:PI: Drown your town: what does your hometown look like with sea level rise?
- 2013/10/15: FergusB: Sea Oddity - it's a godawful small affair
- 2013/10/15: CCurrents: Sea Level Rise In The 5th IPCC Report by Stefan Rahmstorf
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2013/10/19: ABC(Au): Water shortages in west Qld as drought continues
- 2013/10/17: PLNA: Sixty-Eight Killed in Flooding in Thailand
- 2013/10/17: Xinhuanet: Thai floods death toll climbs to 68
First, stop subsidizing fossil fuels
Second, put a price on carbon
Third, begin to reduce the human population
And elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2013/10/19: CNet: In Berkeley, Calif., All Power Labs is turning out machines that convert cheap and abundant biomass into clean energy and rich, efficient charcoal fertilizer
- 2013/10/16: TheConversation: The key to fighting climate change is in the land
- 2013/10/14: TBAS: Small scale, small contribution
Consider transportation & GHG production:
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2013/10/18: CSM: Architecture meets energy efficiency in future of solar homes
- 2013/10/17: TreeHugger: Net Zero Energy Building Certification finally defines what Net Zero really means
- 2013/10/14: Guardian(UK): NASA fuel cell technology to power Al Gore's new London headquarters
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2013/10/14: ABC(Au): Carbon capture achieves 'a power breakthrough'
The Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (GCCSI) says two new power station projects using CCS technology are a technological and commercial breakthrough.
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2013/10/11: Wol:GRL: (ab$) Solar irradiance reduction via climate engineering - Impact of different techniques on the energy balance and the hydrological cycle by U. Niemeier et al.
What's new in conservation?
- 2013/10/19: DD: Scientists call to protect British Columbia's 9,000-year-old sponge reefs
- 2013/10/17: Guardian(UK): Australian scientists plan to relocate wildlife threatened by climate change
Endangered species vulnerable to rising temperatures to be shifted in contentious move considered 'last resort' by scientists - 2013/10/17: TheConversation: Should we move species threatened by climate change?
- 2013/10/17: Grist: Australian scientists rescue wildlife by hand from changing climates
- 2013/10/16: SciAm:Obs: How to Save Coral Reefs from Climate Change: Genetic Manipulation
What's new in restoration?
- 2013/10/18: Monbiot: Thinking Like a Forest
- 2013/10/15: TreeHugger: Efforts underway in one of most extensive US river restorations ever
While on the adaptation front:
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2013/10/11: Wol:GRL: (ab$) Solar irradiance reduction via climate engineering - Impact of different techniques on the energy balance and the hydrological cycle by U. Niemeier et al.
- 2013/10/15: GMD: High dimensional decision dilemmas in climate models by A. Bracco et al.
- 2013/10/15: OSD: Transformation of organic carbon, trace element, and organo-mineral colloids in the mixing zone of the largest European Arctic river by O. S. Pokrovsky et al.
- 2013/10/15: TCD: Assessment of heat sources on the control of fast flow of Vestfonna Ice Cap, Svalbard by M. Schäfer et al.
- 2013/10/15: PNAS: (abs) Blue whale earplug reveals lifetime contaminant exposure and hormone profiles by Stephen J. Trumble et al.
- 2013/10/15: PNAS: (abs) Source of the great A.D. 1257 mystery eruption unveiled, Samalas volcano, Rinjani Volcanic Complex, Indonesia by Franck Lavigne et al.
- 2013/10/15: PNAS: (ab$) Oxygen dynamics in the aftermath of the Great Oxidation of Earth's atmosphere by Donald E. Canfield et al.
- 2013/10/15: PNAS: (abs) Historical warming reduced due to enhanced land carbon uptake by Elena Shevliakova et al.
- 2013/10/15: PNAS: (ab$) Hydrologic impacts of past shifts of Earth's thermal equator offer insight into those to be produced by fossil fuel CO2 by Wallace S. Broecker & Aaron E. Putnam
- 2013/10/15: PLoS Biology: Biotic and Human Vulnerability to Projected Changes in Ocean Biogeochemistry over the 21st Century by Camilo Mora et al.
- 2013/10/16: AIP(via DOI): The Arctic shifts to a new normal by Martin O. Jeffries et al.
- 2013/10/15: WoL:JGR:A: (ab$) An overview of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) by Ben Kravitz et al.
- 2013/10/16: ACP: The role of vegetation in the CO2 flux from a tropical urban neighbourhood by E. Velasco et al.
- 2013/10/15: ACP: Stratospheric O3 changes during 2001-2010: the small role of solar flux variations in a chemical transport model by S. S. Dhomse et al.
- 2013/10/14: ACP: Expansion of global drylands under a warming climate by S. Feng & Q. Fu
- 2013/10/17: ACPD: The importance of vertical velocity variability for estimates of the indirect aerosol effects by R. E. L. West et al.
- 2013/10/17: ACPD: Ice particles in the upper anvil regions of mid-latitude continental thunderstorms: the case for frozen-drop aggregates by J. L. Stith et al.
- 2013/10/16: ACPD: Validation of emission inventories by measurements of ambient volatile organic compounds in Beijing, China by M. Wang et al.
- 2013/10/16: ACPD: Uncertainties in future climate predictions due to convection parameterisations by H. Rybka & H. Tost
- 2013/10/15: ACPD: The genesis of Typhoon Nuri as observed during the Tropical Cyclone Structure 2008 (TCS-08) field experiment - Part 3: Dynamics of low-level spin-up during the genesis by L. L. Lussier III et al.
- 2013/10/14: ACPD: Atmospheric inversion of the surface CO2 flux with 13CO2 constraint by J. M. Chen et al.
- 2013/10/18: BG: Deep CO2 soil inhalation / exhalation induced by synoptic pressure changes and atmospheric tides in a carbonated semiarid steppe by E. P. Sánchez-Cañete et al.
- 2013/10/15: BG: Site-specific climate analysis elucidates revegetation challenges for post-mining landscapes in eastern Australia by P. Audet et al.
- 2013/10/15: BG: Air-sea exchanges of CO2 in the world's coastal seas by C.-T. A. Chen et al.
- 2013/10/18: BGD: Response of vegetation to the 2003 European drought was mitigated by height by S. L. Bevan et al.
- 2013/10/18: BGD: Differential effects of extreme drought on production and respiration: synthesis and modeling analysis by Z. Shi et al.
- 2013/10/17: BGD: Sub-grid scale representation of vegetation in global land surface schemes: implications for estimation of the terrestrial carbon sink by J. R. Melton & V. K. Arora
- 2013/10/18: CP: Using ice-flow models to evaluate potential sites of million year-old ice in Antarctica by B. Van Liefferinge & F. Pattyn
- 2013/10/15: CP: Different ocean states and transient characteristics in Last Glacial Maximum simulations and implications for deglaciation by X. Zhang et al.
- 2013/10/15: CP: Causes of Greenland temperature variability over the past 4000 yr: implications for northern hemispheric temperature changes by T. Kobashi et al.
- 2013/10/18: CPD: Regional climate model simulations for Europe at 6 k and 0.2 k yr BP: sensitivity to changes in anthropogenic deforestation by G. Strandberg et al.
- 2013/10/17: CPD: Environmental and climatic changes in Central Chilean Patagonia since the Late Glacial (Mallín El Embudo, 44° S) by M. E. de Porras et al.
- 2013/10/17: CPD: Uncertainties in the modelled CO2 threshold for Antarctic glaciation by E. Gasson et al.
- 2013/10/16: CPD: Testing long-term summer temperature reconstruction based on maximum density chronologies obtained by reanalysis of tree-ring datasets from northernmost Sweden and Finland by V. V. Matskovsky & S. Helama
- 2013/10/15: CPD: Be10 in late deglacial climate simulated by ECHAM5-HAM - Part 2: Isolating the solar signal from Be10 deposition by U. Heikkilä et al.
- 2013/10/18: Science: (ab$) Hyperdominance in the Amazonian Tree Flora by Hans ter Steege et multi alia
- 2013/10/18: ACP: Investigation of CO, C2H6 and aerosols in a boreal fire plume over eastern Canada during BORTAS 2011 using ground- and satellite-based observations and model simulations by D. Griffin et al.
- 2013/10/18: ACPD: Arctic stratospheric dehydration - Part 2: Microphysical modeling by I. Engel et al.
- 2013/10/16: GMD: A new climate dataset for systematic assessments of climate change impacts as a function of global warming by J. Heinke et al.
- 2013/10/17: OS: Optimal adjustment of the atmospheric forcing parameters of ocean models using sea surface temperature data assimilation by M. Meinvielle et al.
- 2013/10/17: OS: Mapping flow distortion on oceanographic platforms using computational fluid dynamics by N. O'Sullivan et al.
- 2013/10/17: OSD: Numerical modelling of physical processes governing larval transport in the Southern North Sea by M. C. H. Tiessen et al.
- 2013/10/18: TC: Decadal changes from a multi-temporal glacier inventory of Svalbard by C. Nuth et al.
- 2013/10/10: Science: (ab$) Abrupt Shifts in Horn of Africa Hydroclimate Since the Last Glacial Maximum by Jessica E. Tierney & Peter B. deMenocal
- 2013/10/15: ACS:ES&T: (ab$) Mercury Trends in Colonial Waterbird Eggs Downstream of the Oil Sands Region of Alberta, Canada by Craig E. Hebert et al.
- 2013/10/13: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Link between Antarctic ozone depletion and summer warming over southern Africa by Desmond Manatsa et al.
- 2013/10/13: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Meridional shifts of the Atlantic intertropical convergence zone since the Last Glacial Maximum by Jennifer A. Arbuszewski et al.
- 2013/10/13: Nature: (ab$) Robust twenty-first-century projections of ElNiño and related precipitation variability by Scott Power et al.
And other significant documents:
- 2013/10/16: IFPRI: [link to 4.9 meg pdf] 2013 Global Hunger Index -- The Challenge of Hunger: Building Resilience to Achieve Food and Nutrition Security
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2013/10/18: ERabett: ...Wyatt and Curry...
- 2013/10/17: TSoD: Ghosts of Climates Past - Part Five - Obliquity & Precession Changes
- 2013/10/14: TSoD: Ghosts of Climates Past - Part Four - Understanding Orbits, Seasons and Stuff
- 2013/10/17: CCP: Jim Hansen's Talk at Princeton Provides a Sharp Contrast to Rutgers Climate Conference on Role of Scientist
- 2013/10/16: NatureN: Research assessments: Judgement day -- Many governments are assessing the quality of university research, much to the dismay of some researchers
- 2013/10/16: NatureN: Research evaluation: Impact -- Evaluating research output and judging which work to fund is getting harder
- 2013/10/17: Stoat: Wyatt and Curry part II: not waving but drowning
- 2013/10/16: Stoat: Role for Eurasian Arctic shelf sea ice in a secularly varying hemispheric climate signal during the 20th century?
- 2013/10/16: ClimateSight: A Simple Stochastic Climate Model: Climate Sensitivity
- 2013/10/15: Eureka: How Earth's rotation affects vortices in nature
- 2013/10/13: DD: Graph of the Day: Projected timing of climate departure from recent variability
In the science organizations:
- 2013/10/18: ScienceInsider: Manifesto Urges Breaking Down Europe's Scientific Borders
- 2013/10/18: ScienceInsider: Spain Saves Science Agency From Immediate Bankruptcy, but Strains Continue
- 2013/10/16: WSWS: US sequestration, shutdown cuts target scientific research
More DIY science:
What's new in models?
- 2013/10/17: ERW: Climate models need more ensemble runs
The initial conditions of a climate model could have more of an effect on its projections for future climate than scientists thought.
What developments in the ongoing struggle for Open Science?
- 2013/10/16: NatureN: Science publishing: The golden club -- Publishing in the most prestigious journals can open doors, but their cachet is under attack
- 2013/10/15: NSERC: Open Access -- Consultation on the draft Tri-Agency Open Access Policy
- 2013/10/15: CBC: NSERC, SSHRC want feedback on open access -- Comments invited on draft policy Oct. 15 to Dec. 13
The major research funding agencies in Canada are looking for feedback on a policy that will require federally-funded research in peer-reviewed journals to be freely available to the public within one year of publication. Starting today, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada are consulting a wide range of people in the scientific community on a draft of the new Tri-agency Open Access Policy. The draft will be available for viewing and for comment online until December 13, 2013. The feedback received during this time will be considered by NSERC while shaping the final form of the policy and how it will be implemented.
Meanwhile at the UN:
- 2013/10/17: UN: Marking World Food Week, UN agency celebrates legacy of quinoa
- 2013/10/13: UN: Greater financial investment needed to combat climate change - UN chief
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on the international community to step up its financial investment in technologies, policies and practices that can help combat climate change, adding that time is running out to address this global threat.
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2013/10/18: BBerg: Carbon Set for Biggest Gain in Six Weeks on Surplus Fix Optimism
European Union carbon permits are headed for their biggest weekly gain since Sept. 6 after German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she favored a proposal to reduce a surplus of allowances. - 2013/10/17: BBerg: China Tests CO2 Emissions Markets Before Tax, NDRC Official Says
China, the top greenhouse-gas emitter, will continue to test carbon markets and may consider a tax at a later stage to reduce pollution levels, according to a National Development & Reform Commission official. Seven pilot programs for markets are going "pretty good," Jiang Zhaoli, head of climate change at NDRC, said yesterday at a briefing in Beijing, without being more specific.
This version of the Robin Hood tax, aka the Tobin tax, aka the Bank tax, aka the Financial Transaction tax, is not aimed at clean energy funding, but it is still drawing fire:
- 2013/10/17: EurActiv: French bid to boost aid by taxing finance stirs hornets nest
The French National Assembly's finance committee has green-lighted an amendment to the country's draft 2014 budget law, significantly increasing the amount of aid funds that can be generated from the upcoming financial transactions tax (FTT), reports.
On the international political front, tensions continue as the empire leans on Iran:
- 2013/10/18: Guardian(UK): Obama may unfreeze Iranian assets to keep nuclear diplomacy going
But Congress eyes more sanctions in foreign policy battle following Geneva talks - 2013/10/18: PLNA: U.S. Congress Members try to Sabotage Talks with Iran
- 2013/10/18: AntiWar: Senators Vow to Defy Obama on Iran Sanctions -- Statement Demands Iran Suspend Entire Nuclear Program
- 2013/10/18: Asia Times: Foreigners look to Iran oil bonanza
- 2013/10/17: AntiWar: Details Emerge of Iran's Nuclear Proposal -- Finalizing Deal Could Take Months
- 2013/10/17: WSWS: Further talks scheduled on Iran's nuclear programs [on November 7-8]
- 2013/10/16: AntiWar: No Deal Yet, But Significant Progress in Iran Talks -- Negotiators Praise Iran's Offer as Important Contribution
- 2013/10/16: AntiWar: Progress in Talks, But Congress Unlikely to Lift Iran Sanctions -- Getting US Congress on Board Will Be a Long, Difficult Task
- 2013/10/15: Guardian(UK): Iran presents 'timetable' to end nuclear talks deadlock
- 2013/10/15: WSWS: International talks begin on Iran's nuclear program
International talks are due to start today in Geneva between Iran and the so-called P5+1 grouping -- the US, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany -- over Iran's nuclear programs. While expectations of a breakthrough were raised by new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the United Nations last month, the US has already made clear that it expects major Iranian concessions for the talks to proceed. On Sunday, Secretary of State John Kerry ruled out any agreement that did not meet US demands, declaring that "no deal is better than a bad deal." - 2013/10/14: CSM: Iran nuclear talks set to start: fresh optimism tempered by rising pressure
- 2013/10/13: Guardian(UK): Iran refuses to ship out uranium stockpiles but hopes rise of breakthrough
- 2013/10/13: Guardian(UK): John Kerry says window for nuclear diplomacy with Iran is 'cracking open'
South [& East] China Sea tension persists:
- 2013/10/13: LawFare: American Paralysis and Troubles in the South China Sea: A Primer on the Philippines-China Arbitration
Who is serious about reducing airline carbon emissions?
- 2013/10/17: EurActiv: EU aviation carbon charge compromise draws industry fire
The European Commission yesterday (16 October) revived a proposal to charge foreign airlines for emissions over European airspace, drawing the ire of airline groups who say it goes against the spirit of a recent global aviation deal and could reignite trade tensions. The proposal, which would cover the 2014-2020 period, represents a retreat from an existing - though frozen - EU law that requires all planes using the bloc's airports to pay through an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for emissions over the full duration of their flights. But airline groups said that it threatened to unravel a fragile agreement cobbled together during two weeks of tough negotiations at the United Nations' International Civil Aviation Organization (Icao) in Montreal, which ended this month. - 2013/10/17: EUO: EU revisits emissions tax on air traffic
- 2013/10/16: RTCC: Flights in EU airspace could face new carbon levy from 2014
All flights inside Europe will be covered by the EU's emissions trading scheme from the start of 2014 according to proposals published today.
These 'free trade' treaties feature fundamentally anti-democratic dispute resolution mechanisms. See also:
And in miscellaneous international political jousting:
- 2013/10/15: CBC: Canada's spying touches nerve in Brazil: Susan Ormiston
Some Brazilians suspect Canada trying to get a leg up on competing for oil and gas bids
Climate Change is a threat multiplier exacerbating existing conflicts in food, energy, water, race, resources, religion, ideology ... etc.:
- 2013/10/18: AllAfrica:SAIIA: Preventing and Resolving Future Climate and Natural Resource-Related Conflicts in the Zambezi Basin - a Study of Bulawayo and Chinde Districts [security]
Long-term changes in climate are likely to increase a range of risks to human security, including the risk of violent conflict. The city of Bulawayo in Zimbabwe, and Chinde district in the Zambezia province of Mozambique have been identified as areas that are highly susceptible to future climate-induced conflicts. Although it is unlikely that climate change alone will be a direct cause of conflict, research points to the fact that it is a conflict threat multiplier that will intersect with countless other factors, including the quality of political governance, which could make the difference between adaptation or confrontation.
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2013/10/18: Guardian(UK): Greenpeace activists await trial among harsh winds, tears and no sympathy
- 2013/10/18: Guardian(UK): Emotional letter from Greenpeace protester tells of rotting in Russian cell
Alexandra Harris, one of 30 arrested during Greenpeace protest, describes her fear of 'rotting in prison in Murmansk' in letter - 2013/10/17: CCP: Behind Russia vs. Greenpeace Furor, Unreported Oil Pollution of the Arctic
- 2013/10/17: WSWS: Sri Lankan government bans protests over clean water
- 2013/10/16: ICN: Behind Russia vs. Greenpeace Furor, Unreported Oil Pollution of the Arctic
About 4 million barrels of spilled oil, as much as BP's Gulf of Mexico spill, is flowing into the Arctic Ocean every year, Greenpeace says. - 2013/10/14: BBC: Greenpeace ship captain [Pete Wilcox] denied bail in Russia hearing
What are the activists up to?
- 2013/10/20: RT: 'We say no to shale gas': World unites against fracking
Activists from 26 countries participated in around 250 protests on Saturday to demonstrate against fracking technologies, which they say contaminate groundwater and hasten climate change. Global Frackdown, an annual event that takes place on October 19, targets fracking - a process used to extract hydrocarbons by pumping pressurized chemicals underground. - 2013/10/20: ABC(Au): Anti-coal seam gas activists from across the country meet on the north coast
The Lock the Gate Alliance held its national annual general meeting in Lismore over the weekend. Organisers estimate around 200 people attended the workshops and meeting. - 2013/10/19: CDreams: Worldwide Actions Call for Clean Energy in 'Global Frackdown'
- 2013/10/18: RT: Global Frackdown: World prepares for protest against shale gas production
- 2013/10/17: AlterNet: The Time Is Now: Why I'm Joining the Global Frackdown on Saturday and You Should, Too
Is the Climate Movement anything more than a fantasy?
The move to divest from fossil fuel investments is growing slowly:
- 2013/10/18: ERabett:BSD: Notes from the Seattle Divestment Forum today and yesterday
- 2013/10/14: RTCC: Quakers join campaign to pull funding for fossil fuel
Quakers are the latest group to sign up to divest their money from the fossil fuel industry, as the US-led campaign spreads into Britain.
Regarding Water Politics and Business; See also:
- 2013/10/18: Resilience: New Mexicans Call for Conservation over River Diversions
- 2013/10/17: CSM: Dammed, dirty, drained by war: can Iraq's Tigris River be restored?
- 2013/10/17: KSJT: Santa Fe Reporter - little weekly got New Mexico's Copper Rule drama prob'ly firstest, for sure feistiest
- 2013/10/16: CDreams: Budapest Water Summit 'Mirage' of Participation Hides Same Corporate Interests That Deny Water to Millions
- 2013/10/15: Resilience: More Water Stress than Meets the Eye
- 2013/10/15: BPA: The Economist: Northern China's Water Problems
- 2013/10/15: CBC: Algae blooms on Lake Erie getting 'difficult to control' -- Fertilizer, heavier rain mainly to blame in growing number and size of blooms
A scientist at the International Joint Commission said massive algae blooms on Lake Erie are becoming "very difficult to control." Algae blooms are caused by an elevated level of phosphorus in the water. - 2013/10/15: TP:JR: Another Dry Winter Could Mean More Water Cutbacks For Californians
- 2013/10/14: DD: More than 500 million people might face increasing water scarcity...
- 2013/10/08: PostMedia: Environment Ministry continues to shield Water Act violators
The provincial government has refused to release a list showing the names of people, businesses and corporations that have not paid fines for abusing water in British Columbia. The refusal comes despite a spokesman for the Ministry of Environment admitting "the rate of collection has not been satisfactory."
And on the groundwater front:
So what's new in science education?
- 2013/10/17: SkS: Science of Climate Change online class starting next week on Coursera by David Archer
- 2013/10/16: ERabett: David Archer's Climate 101
- 2013/10/14: RealClimate: Science of Climate Change online class starting next week on Coursera
Think you can innovate your way out of the Long Emergency?
- 2013/10/14: Guardian(UK): Big nanotech: towards post-industrial manufacturing by Eric Drexler
Atomically precise manufacturing (APM) could transform the material basis of human civilisation
While in the UK:
- 2013/10/18: Guardian(UK): Hinkley Point's first impact will be to add to consumers' bills
- 2013/10/18: BBC: HS2 'losers' revealed after report omitted figures
- 2013/10/17: Guardian(UK): Nuclear expert raises concerns about Chinese role in UK's new nuclear plants
UK government adviser John Large says Chinese firms are rooted in state system without independent safety regulators - 2013/10/16: Guardian(UK): Food poverty is an attack on society
As food bank use triples, the government can no longer dismiss the causes and consequences of growing poverty and hunger - 2013/10/16: CleanTechnica: UK Companies Failing To Factor In Possible Effects Of Climate Change On International Supply Chains, Research Finds
- 2013/10/16: RTCC: UK carbon accounting standards 'inadequate' - report
Current carbon accounting standards in the UK are inadequate and need to be overhauled, says a report from the Carbon Tracker Initiative and accountancy body ACCA. - 2013/10/16: BBC: Warning of future UK power shortages
There is a growing risk of power shortages over the next few years, according to a report commissioned for the prime minister. The Royal Academy of Engineering said the closure of older power plants and the slow progress in building news ones was likely to stretch the system "close to its limits". - 2013/10/16: Guardian(UK): I risked arrest at Balcombe to send the coalition a message on climate change by Caroline Lucas
- 2013/10/14: CleanTechnica: "Decentralised Power To The People Energy Revolution" In UK
- 2013/10/14: BBC: GM 'golden rice' opponents wicked, says minister Owen Paterson
Opponents of the development of a type of genetically modified (GM) rice enriched with vitamin A are "wicked", the environment secretary has said.
And in Europe:
- 2013/10/18: DerSpiegel: Coalition Face-Off: Tough Negotiations Lie Ahead
Chancellor Merkel's conservatives and their rivals, the center-left Social Democrats, are likely to begin official government coalition talks next week. It's a positive development, but things could get hairy once they start arguing over their key issues. - 2013/10/18: EurActiv: Lawmakers vote to block EU biofuels bill
A proposal to limit Europe's use of food-based fuel crops has been stalled by a vote on the European Parliament's environment committee yesterday (17 October), and may not now be decided before 2015. Parliament's rapporteur on the legislation, French liberal MEP Corinne Lepage, had been due to begin fast-tracked negotiations with EU states for a second-reading procedure of the bill. The draft legislation would have limited to 6% the share of Europe's transport fuel that such crops could make up by 2020. - 2013/10/17: EUO: Grand coalition is only option for Merkel
- 2013/10/16: CleanTechnica: Güssing, Austria Powered Entirely By Renewable Energy
- 2013/10/16: EUO: Sicily declares emergency over migrants
- 2013/10/16: EurActiv: Germany's Greens rule out further coalition talks with Merkel
- 2013/10/16: EUO: Greens reject coalition with Merkel
Germany's Green party has ruled out further coalition talks with Angela Merkel's conservative party on forming a new government, leaving the Social Democrats (SPD) as her only option. - 2013/10/16: DerSpiegel: Coalition Talks: Greens Reject Alliance with Conservatives
After a long night of talks on Tuesday night, Germany's Greens have ruled out forming a governing coalition with Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives. Now her only option is to allign herself with the center-left Social Democrats. - 2013/10/16: BBC: Angela Merkel's options for creating a new coalition in Germany have narrowed after the Greens announced that talks with her party had failed
- 2013/10/15: BBC: Germany delays EU limit on CO2 emissions from cars
- 2013/10/15: DerSpiegel: Merkel's Patrons: Donation from BMW Owners Raises Eyebrows
Just weeks after the German election, Angela Merkel's conservatives received donations totalling 690,000 euros from the family that owns almost half of BMW. The payment coincides with Berlin's forceful intervention to halt tough new CO2 curbs for carmakers in the EU. - 2013/10/15: AutoBG: Germany still fighting for weaker CO2 emission laws
- 2013/10/15: Lenz: Germany Again Blocking Stricter Car CO2 Limits
- 2013/10/15: TheCanadian: Merkel took BMW money before putting brakes on EU emissions cuts
- 2013/10/15: EurActiv: Germany wins backing of EU ministers to block car emissions law
EU environment ministers agreed yesterday (15 October) to German demands to scrap an agreement to cap EU car emissions that Berlin argued would cost jobs and damage its premium auto makers. - 2013/10/15: EurActiv: EU delivers damp squib for smart grids
Only two of the long-awaited 248 projects of common interest (PCI) to link Europe's energy network will be smart grids, the European Commission has said, in an oft-predicted setback for plans to rationally manage energy demand and integrate renewable sources. - 2013/10/15: EUO: Germany gets its way on EU car emissions
EU environment ministers on Monday (14 October) caved in to German pressure and agreed to reopen a deal that had been reached in June on a cap for CO2 emissions for new cars. The deal would have limited all new cars' carbon emissions to 95 grams per kilometre from 2020 on. But Germany, home of big carmakers Daimler, BMW and Volkswagen, argued that the cap is not "flexible" enough and could endanger its industry and jobs. - 2013/10/14: Reuters: Germany wins backing of EU ministers to block car emissions law
- 2013/10/14: DerSpiegel: Expanding the Grid: A Vision for Fueling Europe on Renewables
European Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger is in Brussels on Monday to present his plan for the future of energy in the EU. He wants to export Germany's push toward renewables to the rest of the Continent -- and for the first time, he actually has the money to do it. - 2013/10/14: EurActiv: Europe threatened by power outages this winter
Renewable energy is blamed for jeopardising Europe's energy security this winter, a new study has found. EurActiv France reports. The French multinational company Cap Gemini warned in their European Observatory of Energy Markets that energy security in Europe was under threat and that the region could soon be exposed to massive power outages during the winter, due to a lack of production capacity. They blame wind turbines. The report authors said that the development of renewable energies pushed by the EU's climate and energy goals was "now putting the competitiveness of gas plants under pressure." - 2013/10/14: EUO: Red Cross alarm: 43 million Europeans lack food [due to the financial crisis]
- 2013/10/14: EUO: EU lists [250] 'key' energy projects amid criticism
- 2013/10/14: RTCC: EU 2020 climate targets branded 'too easy'
- 2013/10/14: RTCC: German and UK alliance set to block EU car pollution curb
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2013/10/20: ABC(Au): Anti-coal seam gas activists from across the country meet on the north coast
The Lock the Gate Alliance held its national annual general meeting in Lismore over the weekend. Organisers estimate around 200 people attended the workshops and meeting. - 2013/10/19: ABC(Au): Central Coast residents demand more burnoffs to reduce bushfire risk
Locals in a New South Wales town who came dangerously close to losing property say their lives were put at risk because not enough hazard reduction burns took place in the winter months. - 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Bill Shorten names shadow ministry, Tanya Plibersek gets foreign affairs portfolio
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Bill Shorten announces shadow ministry portfolios, Tanya Plibersek handed foreign affairs
- 2013/10/18: WSWS: Australian election results in unstable Senate
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Lake Munmorah bushfire victim Walter Linder died defending home
Retiree Walter Linder died while defending his home during horrific bushfires in Lake Munmorah on the NSW central coast. The 63-year-old lived with his dog Rex, and refused to leave his home when the community was evacuated. Armed with a bucket, he managed to stop the blaze at the back fence of the property. But the effort proved too much. He collapsed of a suspected heart attack and died a short time later. - 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Tasmanian firefighters head to NSW crisis
- 2013/10/18: NewAnthropocene: The natural progression of a utilities monopoly
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Gannawarra Shire keen to become 'solar capital'
- 2013/10/18: WtD: Whatever you do, don't mention climate change: as catastrophic fires devastate Australia, many want to stay in denial
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Greens Deputy says Government is failing to protect Australians from climate change
In controversial twitter comments, Greens Deputy Adam Bandt has accused the Government of failing to protect Australians from the effects of climate change, saying that unless dangerous global warming is controlled Australians will experience regular, terrifying bushfires. - 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Greens deputy Adam Bandt defends bushfire attack on Tony Abbott
Deputy Greens leader Adam Bandt has defended his decision to use the New South Wales bushfires to criticise the Coalition's climate change policy. Mr Bandt has received fierce criticism on social media for posting a picture of the emergency and saying the Coalition's plan will lead to more like it. - 2013/10/17: TheConversation: Tasmanian bushfires: should we have trusted the models?
- 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): Hydro reveals $250m loss after asset writedown
Hydro Tasmania has revealed it has posted a before tax loss of almost $250 million last financial year, a week after promoting its biggest ever pre-tax operating profit. With the release today of the state-owned company's annual report, its full financial situation has come to light. - 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): Kevin Rudd loyalists hit back after Nicola Roxon's 'bastard' attack on former PM
- 2013/10/16: ABC(Au): Nicola Roxon calls on 'bastard' Kevin Rudd to quit Parliament in John Button lecture
Former attorney-general Nicola Roxon has delivered a scathing character assessment of Kevin Rudd, describing him as a "bastard" and calling on him to quit Parliament. Ms Roxon meted out a lengthy critique of Labor's six years in government as she delivered the John Button Memorial Lecture in Melbourne this evening. - 2013/10/16: ABC(Au): Food parcels needed as drought drains family funds
Community groups and charities are reporting a surge in requests from Queensland farming families for food. Most of the western half of the state has been officially in drought since May. Charles Alder is part of a network which includes Aussie Helpers and Buy a Bale, working to collect, package and deliver groceries. He says families have been spending all they can on keeping sheep and cattle alive. - 2013/10/15: ABC(Au): Report shines light on Goldfields' renewable energy efforts
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder says a new energy report helps emphasise the region's focus on renewable, clean energy. Mayor Ron Yuryevich says the Energy Snapshot Report details efficiency projects for the region, including the Goldfields Oasis project with solar photovoltaics (PVs), thermal water heating and ground heat pumps, and shows the Goldfields is "punching well above its weight". - 2013/10/15: ABC(Au): Damning report on Tasmania's bushfire crisis finds lives probably put at risk
An independent inquiry into Tasmania's January bushfires has heavily criticised the emergency response to the devastating fires, saying lives were probably put at risk. - 2013/10/15: ABC(Au): Australian scientists develop new tools to predict bushfire behaviour
Australian scientists have developed new software tools to give fire-fighting agencies a more accurate view of where and how quickly a bushfire may spread. Amicus has been created by the CSIRO and draws on 60 years of research to predict the behaviour of bushfires. The modelling technology analyses data from field experiments and research, as well as current and forecast weather conditions, fuel loads, moisture, vegetation and topography. Principal scientist Jim Gould says it is a powerful decision-making tool that will help save lives and property. - 2013/10/15: ABC(Au): Tasmanian bushfire inquiry raises concerns about preventative action
An inquiry into Tasmania's bushfires has highlighted confusion and poor communication between the police and the fire brigade. - 2013/10/15: ABC(Au): New guidelines promise better koala protection
- 2013/10/15: TAIMN: It's the environment, stupid
- 2013/10/14: Guardian(UK): Climate change: Indigenous Australians 'face disproportionate harm'
- 2013/10/14: ABC(Au): Power price surges hurting low income earners
Utilities prices in Darwin are rising much faster than the general inflation rate according to the Northern Territory Council of Social Services.
While the Territory Government has ruled out privatising the corporation at this stage, Mr Pilbrow said in states such as South Australia where the power corporation was privatised, it had a big effect on power prices, making them more expensive. - 2013/10/14: ABC(Au): Experts consider bushfire research 60 years on
Australia's top bushfire experts are meeting in Canberra to find better ways to predict and fight fires. The three-day symposium marks 60 years of bushfire research by the Commonwealth, and brings together more than 140 researchers, scientists, firefighters, rangers, volunteers, and American and Canadian foresters. CSIRO senior research scientist Dr Andrew Sullivan says understanding fire behaviour is now more important than ever.
Now we get to watch the suppository of wisdom destroy what little Australia has done to fight climate change:
- 2013/10/20: WtD: A man exploiting the moment, or a man for all seasons? Tony Abbott's legacy will be defined by climate change
- 2013/10/19: ABC(Au): Liberal call for climate change science inquiry
There's a push from within the W-A Liberal Party to pressure the federal government to hold a Royal Commission into the science of climate change. The proposal will be put forward by the party's Rural Policy Committee at the Liberal state conference in Perth next month. - 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): PM Tony Abbott visits NSW fire-affected area, announces $1,000 payments for victims
- 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): Energy experts sceptical of Abbott's carbon tax repeal costings
A number of energy experts are sceptical of claims by the Abbott Government that household expenses would drop significantly when the carbon tax is repealed. The Government says the average Australian household would be around $550 a year better off if the tax was scrapped. However energy analysts doubt that, saying they are unsure where the Abbott Government's costings come from and that it will be difficult to monitor big businesses to ensure they're passing on lower costs. - 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): Questions over whether emissions will reduce with Coalitions direct action plan
- 2013/10/17: Guardian(UK): Greg Hunt and Julie Bishop at odds over whaling monitoring
- 2013/10/17: ABC(Au): Green group rejects push for environmental approvals handover
A conservation group says Government and industry will live to regret a so-called streamlining of the environmental approvals process for major projects. Federal Cabinet yesterday signed off on plans to hand over responsibility for environmental approvals to the states. It will mean projects that impact flora or fauna deemed to be of national significance will no longer have to be considered by the federal Environment Minister as well. - 2013/10/16: Guardian(UK): By repealing the carbon tax, Tony Abbott is failing to protect his people
- 2013/10/16: GReadfearn: Tim Minchin on climate change denial and Tony Abbott
- 2013/10/15: NewAnthropocene: How the Liberals made the surplus... short term gains at the expense of the long term [supp]
- 2013/10/15: ABC(Au): Tony Abbott reveals draft legislation to repeal carbon tax
- 2013/10/14: ABC(Au): Private vets now on front line for major disease control
Budget cuts to federal and state departments of agriculture, quarantine and veterinary services are leaving private vets on the frontline to help protect Australia during a disease outbreak. But will vets drop everything, close their practices and come to the nations aid if an outbreak occurred? Robert Bonanno runs a private vet clinic in Shepparton and says the expectation is they will but not much is in place to allow that to happen. - 2013/10/14: Guardian(UK): FOI is a pillar of transparency - we can't allow it to be threatened by Abbott
Labour's first major test arises. Abbott has posted his draft legislation to kill the carbon price:
- 2013/10/18: ABC(Au): Coalition in the ballpark on household savings from axing the carbon tax
- 2013/10/16: TheConversation: Repealing the carbon tax: hidden costs and unanswered questions
- 2013/10/16: ABC(Au): Plans to axe the carbon tax still up in the air
The Federal Government is still vowing to get rid of the carbon tax as soon as possible but Prime Minister Tony Abbott is waiting until the middle of next month to put his bill before the Parliament. In the meantime he's set to hector the Opposition on the issue. - 2013/10/16: ABC(Au): Business bides its time as uncertainty continues
Business groups say they're pleased that the Federal Government is working to repeal the carbon tax, but that they're also worried by the uncertainty over what will replace it. - 2013/10/16: ABC(Au): No guarantee businesses won't have to keep paying carbon tax if repeal bills fail
- 2013/10/15: ABC(Au): Draft carbon tax repeal legislation released
- 2013/10/15: BBerg: Abbott Publishes Draft Legislation to Abolish Carbon Pricing
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's government published draft legislation to abolish carbon pricing and called on the opposition Labor party not to block the bill in parliament. Labor "must listen to the clear message that the Australian people sent at the last election," Abbott, whose Liberal-National coalition won the Sept. 7 ballot, said in a statement. The Carbon Price Mechanism passed by former Prime Minister Julia Gillard in 2011 requires more than 300 of Australia's largest emitters to pay about $24.15 a metric ton for greenhouse gases this year, the highest price in the world. While Abbott's coalition has a majority in Australia's lower house of parliament, it doesn't control the upper house Senate, which has the power to block his attempt to repeal the legislation. Labor's new leader Bill Shorten has indicated the party won't support Abbott's plans to scrap the so-called carbon tax from July 1, 2014. - 2013/10/14: ABC(Au): Govt threatens double dissolution over carbon tax
Labor's Bill Shorten is today facing the first test of his leadership from the Abbott Government. Environment minister Greg Hunt today restated the Coalition's threat to take Australians to a double dissolution election if Labor blocks its efforts to repeal the carbon tax. The Government could bypass the Opposition by waiting until the balance of power changes in the Senate next year. But today Mr Hunt said the Coalition doesn't want to wait that long. - 2013/10/14: Guardian(UK): Carbon tax double dissolution threat just hot air
Environment Minister [Greg Hunt] posturing over a carbon tax double-dissolution... - 2013/10/14: RenewEcon: Bill Shorten can make Tony Abbott look silly on carbon pricing
- 2013/10/14: ABC(Au): Hunt confident Latrobe Valley on track to cut power station emissions
Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt says the carbon emissions produced from brown coal power stations will be halved within 10 years. The Environment Minister says he has been meeting a number of companies that can clean up the Latrobe Valley's brown coal but he cannot provide further details. - 2013/10/14: WSWS: Australian Labor Party installs Bill Shorten as leader
After years of wrangling, the Murray Darling Basin Plan is in place, but the water management fights are far from finished:
- 2013/10/16: ABC(Au): South East water set to flow
After months of delays the red tape has been finally cleared for the South East Irrigation Scheme in Tasmania to go ahead. - 2013/10/15: ABC(Au): Basin authority's plan won't flood homes
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority is touring the region trying to convince farmers it will not flood their homes. It comes after the release of the constraints strategy by the authority which explains how rules need to change so that the all the water that has been procured for the environment can be delivered to where it needs to go. CEO of the MDBA Rhonda Dickson says the authority can guarantee those living in the basin that environmental watering won't flood their homes. - 2013/10/14: ABC(Au): Murray management plan revealed
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority has released a plan to better coordinate Murray River bridge access and downstream flows. The authority is working with river communities to change the way the river is managed, as part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
New South Wales bushfires are bad. See also:
- 2013/10/20: ABC(Au): NSW bushfires: State of emergency declared ahead of worsening conditions
A state of emergency has been declared in New South Wales as authorities plan for the possibility of a massive bushfire that could threaten the entire Blue Mountains region in the coming days. Premier Barry O'Farrell says the declaration gives emergency services additional powers for the next 30 days, including cutting gas and power supplies if needed. - 2013/10/20: al Jazeera: Australia declares emergency over bushfires
New South Wales premier says state of emergency allows rescue services to force evacuations from worst fires in decades. - 2013/10/20: BBerg: Australian State Declares Wildfire Emergency as Weather Worsens
Australia's most populous state declared a wildfire emergency as temperatures are predicted to rise and winds strengthen, fanning flames across New South Wales. State Premier Barry O'Farrell signed the order today after consulting with the police minister, and appointed the Rural Fire Service commissioner to control and coordinate the emergency declaration. - 2013/10/20: ABC(Au): Live: Emergency warning issued as NSW braces for worse conditions
While in China:
- 2013/10/16: IndiaTimes: Chinese city locked down after typhoon [Fitow] relief protests
- 2013/10/16: al Jazeera: Thousands protest in flood-hit Chinese city
Several held as protesters, angry at allegedly botched response to flooding, hurl bricks at police and attack vehicles. Arrests have been made after massive anti-government protests in an eastern Chinese city hit by catastrophic flooding, an official newspaper has said. Thousands took part in the protest on Tuesday in the Zhejiang province city of Yuyao and an undisclosed number were arrested for "radical acts,'' including pelting police with bricks and turning over government vehicles, the official English-language Global Times reported on Wednesday. It said residents were angered over an allegedly botched response to the flooding, the worst in decades, and the slow restoration of electricity and other basic services. - 2013/10/16: BBC: China flood protests: Police out in force in Yuyao
The authorities in a city in eastern China are on high alert after angry residents clashed with police over the government's flood relief efforts. - 2013/10/15: TheCanadian: China's chaotic leap forward to a green economy
While in Japan:
While in Africa:
- 2013/10/18: al Jazeera: Adapting Africa to changing climates
To avoid potentially massive human suffering, countries must improve their climate change policies. - 2013/10/14: BBC: Mo Ibrahim African leaders prize unclaimed again
The world's most valuable individual prize - the Mo Ibrahim prize for good governance in Africa - has gone unclaimed yet again. The $5m (£3.2m) prize is supposed to be awarded each year to an elected leader who governed well, raised living standards and then left office. This is the fourth time in five years there has been no winner. - 2013/10/14: al Jazeera: The mega-port that threatens to sink Sudan
Kenya project could offer South Sudan an outlet for oil exports but leave Khartoum out in the cold.
And South America:
- 2013/10/18: BBC: Brazil troops to guard controversial Libra oil auction
[...] President Dilma Rousseff has ordered that more than 1,000 troops be deployed outside the seafront hotel in Rio de Janeiro where the auction will be held.
[...] "It is absurd that the Brazilian government deploys army troops to guarantee that the Libra oil field is handed over to foreigners," said Jose Antonio de Moraes, president of the Unified Federation of Oil Workers (FUP). - 2013/10/16: Guardian(UK): Colombian farmers risk death to reclaim lost land
The government wants to correct decades of 'land reform in reverse'. But powerful criminal, armed and business interests are ranged against the country's displaced peasants - 2013/10/15: Guardian(UK): Why Ecuador's president is misleading the world on Yasuni-ITT
Rafael Correa has moved to abolish an historic Amazon oil plan, but don't be fooled by what he claims
In Canada, neocon PM Harper, aka The Blight, pushes petroleum while ignoring the climate and ecology:
- 2013/10/16: TheCanadian: Harper's Keystone XL lobbying trip funded by $65,000 in tax dollars
- 2013/10/16: G&M: Move quickly on environmental monitoring, oil industry urges
A group representing Canada's oil sector is calling on Alberta and the federal government to quickly implement an oil sands environmental monitoring program, saying the energy sector's "social licence" is on the line. - 2013/10/15: CTV: PM's Keystone XL sales pitch at NYC event cost taxpayers [more than $65,500]
- 2013/10/11: Creekside: The War on Science by Chris Turner
- 2013/10/09: Straight: A new book by Chris Turner lays bare Stephen Harper's stifling war on science
[Book Plug] _The War on Science: Muzzled Scientists and Wilful Blindness in Stephen Harper's Canada_ by Chris Turner - 2013/10/15: BLongstaff: Where will all the scientists go?
- 2013/10/20: MSimon: Stephen Harper and the Bonfire of the Insanities
- 2013/10/14: CCP: Canadian Scientists Expose Their Government's Tar Sands Obsession at DC Briefing
- 2013/10/17: EmbassyMag: How Canada's food security work measures up
An NGO coalition gives the government high marks, but says there's still room for improvement on consultation and climate change adaptation.
The Lac Mégantic tragedy drags on:
- 2013/10/18: CBC: Oil-by-rail labelling rules tightened -- In wake of Lac-Mégantic disaster, shippers must test crude oil for volatility
- 2013/10/16: CBC: Transport agency extends MM&A railway's licence to Feb. 1
The Canada Transportation Agency has extended until Feb. 1 the operating licence of the insolvent railway involved in last July's deadly explosion in Lac-Mégantic, Que., citing reduced risk caused by a dramatic cut in the transportation of dangerous goods. The regulator says Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway's total traffic since the crash has been cut by 70 per cent and the transportation of dangerous goods is down 80 per cent.
Another rail car derailment and fire, in Alberta this time:
- 2013/10/20: CBC: Edmonton train derailment latest safety setback for CN Rail
Officials say it could be 72 hours until Gainford, Alta., residents can go home - 2013/10/20: NNW: CN talks up safety record after derailment
- 2013/10/19: TheCanadian: Explosion, flames as CN oil train derails in [Gainford,] Alberta
- 2013/10/19: PostMedia: CN Rail apologizes to evacuated residents for disruption; vows to clean site and remedy damage (video)
- 2013/10/19: BBerg: CN Train Carrying Crude Derails in Alberta, Sparking Fire
A Canadian National Railway Co. (CNR) train carrying crude oil and liquefied petroleum gas derailed west of Edmonton early today, causing an explosion and fire. One car containing LPG, or propane, exploded and set two other cars leaking the flammable substance on fire, said Carson Mills, a spokesman for Parkland County, in a telephone interview. Thirteen cars derailed, he said. - 2013/10/19: CDreams: Fireball Hits Sky as Train Carrying Crude Oil, Gas Derails
13 cars derail near Edmonton, workers continue to fight flames, explosion - 2013/10/19: NNW: Train disasters will be the 'new normal' unless safety rules change: Greenpeace
- 2013/10/19: SciAm:PI: Another oil train derails in Canada
- 2013/10/19: BCLSB: BOOM!!! Part II
- 2013/10/19: CBC: CN fuel cars derail, explode west of Edmonton -- Dozens flee homes as train containing liquefied petroleum gas catches fire
- 2013/10/19: TMoS: Railcars and Oil Are a Deadly Mix
The Mi'kmaq protest against fracking on their land was assaulted by the police this week:
- 2013/10/19: CensoredNews: Military assault on Mi'kmaq: 29 Messages of love and support
- 2013/10/19: CensoredNews: Press Core: RCMP and armed US infiltrators attack First Nations in oil cover up
- 2013/10/19: CDreams: Feathers Versus Guns: The Throne Speech and Canada's War With Mi'kmaw Nation
- 2013/10/19: TCCB2: Will Fracking Be The Catalyst?
- 2013/10/19: CBC: N.B. fracking protests and the fight for aboriginal rights -- Duty to consult at core of conflict over shale gas development
- 2013/10/19: LeDaro: Frucking Fracking for shale gas is becoming a serious problem
- 2013/10/19: TheCanadian: Is Elsipogtog the spark that will light the fracking fire?
- 2013/10/19: MediaCoop: RCMP bring 60 drawn guns, dogs, assault rifles, to serve injunction on the wrong road
After van, main blocker, removed the night before, RCMP seem hell-bent for violence in early dawn encounter with Warriors - 2013/10/19: CBC: Media vehicle seized by fracking protesters in Rexton -- New demonstrations begin across New Brunswick
- 2013/10/18: TRN: Canadian Police Use Military Tactics to Disperse Indigenous Anti-Fracking Blockade
- 2013/10/18: CBC: Shale gas clash: Explosives, firearms seized in Rexton
- 2013/10/18: SaskBoy: Police Violence Against #IdleNoMore
- 2013/10/18: CDreams: Protests Sweep Canada Following Paramilitary Assault on Indigenous Fracking Blockade
- 2013/10/18: CDreams: Canada Sends Armed Paramilitaries to Clear Fracking Protest
- 2013/10/18: CfC: As it happened on Thursday morning
- 2013/10/18: Global: Chief Atleo slams RCMP for 'extreme use of state force' in N.B. shale gas protest
The head of the Assembly of First Nations is slamming the RCMP for "extreme use of state force and control" following a violent anti-shale gas protest in eastern New Brunswick. The protest in Rexton, N.B. Thursday resulted in torched police cars and 40 arrests, including members of the Elsipogtog First Nations who want the province's SWN Resources to stop seismic testing. - 2013/10/18: CTV: RCMP defends response to New Brunswick shale gas protest, says explosives seized
- 2013/10/18: CensoredNews: Snipers on Mi'kmaq land: SWAT team or hired guns?
- 2013/10/18: TP:JR: Police Bring Snipers, Fire Hoses, And Tear Gas To First Nation Fracking Protest
- 2013/10/18: CBC: Several N.B. shale gas protesters now charged after clash
Mischief, obstruction among charges laid after 40 arrested Thursday as police-protesters clashed - 2013/10/18: RT: Canadian First Nation anti-fracking protest: Arrests, pepper-spray, snipers, torched cars
- 2013/10/18: Rabble:PP: Feathers versus Guns: The Throne Speech and Canada's War with Mi'kmaw Nation
- 2013/10/17: CensoredNews: Support pours in for Mi'kmaq after police attack anti-fracking camp
Support pours in for Mi'kmaq attacked by snipers, police dogs and tear gas - 2013/10/17: CensoredNews: Police attack New Brunswick anti-frack protest
- 2013/10/17: BBC: Dozens held in Canada shale gas protest
At least 40 people were arrested after a protest at a shale gas development in the Canadian province of New Brunswick turned violent, say police. A shot was fired, petrol bombs were tossed and police cars torched at the blockade near the town of Rexton. - 2013/10/17: CBC: RCMP, protesters withdraw after shale gas clash in Rexton -- 40 arrested, 5 police vehicles burned but no one seriously injured in violent clash
- 2013/10/17: CBC: N.B. shale gas clash leads to protests across country -- Southern Ontario highway blockaded for several hours
- 2013/10/17: CfC: This is very bad and its going to get worse
- 2013/10/17: CBC: Shale gas protesters clash with police in Rexton, N.B. -- First Nations chief arrested after police use pepper spray on protesters
- 2013/10/17: TheCanadian: RCMP clash with Mi'kmaq fracking protestors: Who provoked whom?
- 2013/10/17: TheCanadian: Fracking protestors clash with police in New Bruswick
- 2013/10/15: CDreams: Protectors vs. Destroyers: Canadians Unite to Stop Fracking in New Brunswick
Parliament reopened. The Speech from the Throne was uninspiring. Harper took off to Europe to avoid questions:
- 2013/10/18: NorRe: She Refuses To Be Quiet
- 2013/10/17: PaiD: Another Non-Event From The Harper Regime
Because yesterday's Throne Speech is being covered abundantly both in the mainstream press and in the blogosphere, I will keep this post brief to make but a few observations.
Not a word about measures to ameliorate the environmental catastrophe towards which the world is lurching ever closer daily.
We haven't been hearing much from the Greens lately:
- 2013/10/19: CPW: From Elizabeth May To Canadians, A Green Speech From The Throne
- 2013/10/17: CBC: Ex-Hab Laraque stepping down as Green deputy leader
The West-East pipeline is suddenly a focus of much dispute:
- 2013/10/19: NNW: Final day of Line 9 hearings cancelled
- 2013/10/18: TreeHugger: Enbridge tar sands pipeline threatens Great Lakes
- 2013/10/17: TStar: Enbridge pipeline: Ontario demands third-party scrutiny of Line 9B proposal at Toronto hearings
The National Energy Board should wait for further tests on Line 9B after Enbridge's assessments showed errors. And the company should get $1B insurance, province says. - 2013/10/14: TStar: Enbridge pipeline hearings to start in Toronto
In Montreal, Enbridge refuted claims pipeline through GTA at high risk of rupture, calling assertions "entirely unfounded and grossly unfair"
And the Kinder Morgan expansion:
- 2013/10/18: WCEL: Tsleil-Waututh to Kinder Morgan: Kwel hoy', ("we draw the line")
- 2013/10/16: TheCanadian: Greenpeace activists block oil pump at Kinder Morgan terminal
The Tories have signed CETA - a draft free trade treaty with Europe. See also:
- 2013/10/19: NNW: Canada-EU trade deal still under wraps
- 2013/10/18: BFC: Where's the draft text?
- 2013/10/19: DonegalDemocrat: [Marian Harkin MEP] warns on danger to [Irish] agriculture from EU-Canada Agreement
- 2013/10/19: CBC: 5 ways the Canada-EU trade deal will impact Canadians
- 2013/10/18: TStar: Canada-Europe trade deal not really about trade: Walkom
The benefits of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's new trade deal are vastly overblown. And, yes, there will be costs. [...] CETA - like the North American Free Trade Agreement before it -- is really concerned with investment, regulation and standards. - 2013/10/19: NorRe: Not As Advertised
- 2013/10/19: DVC: Free trade ideology much ado about nothing
- 2013/10/18: Rabble:BP: Two-year campaign to stop CETA ratification begins today
- 2013/10/18: EurActiv: EU agrees trade pact with Canada, open way for transatlantic market
The European Union and Canada agreed a multi-billion-dollar trade pact on Friday that will integrate two of the world's largest economies and paves the way for Europe to do an even bigger deal with the United States. - 2013/10/18: CDreams: Canada-EU Deal Threatens Canada's Water
The ISA/PRV/IHN/Alpha virus in Canadian waters is potentially disastrous:
- 2013/10/18: AlexandraMorton: The tide is turning - but is it fast enough?
- 2013/10/17: EneNews: Biologist finds pink salmon that are canary yellow on Canada's Pacific coast...
Now that Christy Clark has a mandate, what will she do?
- 2013/10/18: WCEL: Will BC's proposed Water Sustainability Act really be sustainable?
- 2013/10/18: CBC: Columbia River Treaty: U.S. seeks better deal from B.C.
- 2013/10/17: TheCanadian: Rafe: Fix is in on Enbridge as Clark and Redford put on show
- 2013/10/17: CBC: Mogul seeks federal loan guarantees for B.C. refinery plan
David Black told reporters in Calgary there's no reason to expect the feds to say no - 2013/10/16: CBC: Clark, Redford talk joint B.C.-Alberta energy export plan -- Premiers moving forward after last year's high-profile clash over royalty sharing
British Columbia Premier Christy Clark and Alberta's Alison Redford have appointed a team of senior bureaucrats to develop an energy export plan, barely a year after a high-profile disagreement over the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline strained the two leaders' relationship. Clark and Redford are scheduled to publicly discuss the progress of the joint energy plan on Nov. 5 in Vancouver following the Alberta premier's address to the city's Board of Trade. A final report is due on Dec. 31. - 2013/10/16: TreeHugger: Pine beetle impact on carbon balance as important as British Columbia fossil-fuel use
- 2013/10/15: G&M: Pipeline talks to focus on compensating B.C.
British Columbia has stiffened its stance on ensuring it receives financial benefits from any new oil shipped through the province on the way to global markets. In an outline of plans to jointly develop new international export markets, B.C. and Alberta agreed to discuss how B.C. could reap "fiscal and economic benefits" should new oil pipelines be built in Canada's westernmost province. - 2013/10/15: TheCanadian: Clark, Redford getting closer on Enbridge, energy export plans?
- 2013/10/15: WCEL: What shielding Water Act violators says about BC's environmental enforcement
- 2013/10/15: TheCanadian: BC Budget hides $100 Billion, forces citizens to shoulder debt burden
- 2013/10/08: PostMedia: Environment Ministry continues to shield Water Act violators
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2013/10/16: Grist: Tar-sands waste going to fuel dirty power plants in China
As cheap tar-sands oil flows through America's refineries, the dusty byproduct -- known as petroleum coke, or "petcoke" -- is piling up throughout the country. The stuff is too nasty to burn in U.S. power plants, so oil companies are doing the next best thing -- shipping it to China, where somebody else can burn it. - 2013/10/15: ACS:ES&T: (ab$) Mercury Trends in Colonial Waterbird Eggs Downstream of the Oil Sands Region of Alberta, Canada by Craig E. Hebert et al.
- 2013/10/15: OilChange: Increased Mercury Levels Near Tar Sands
- 2013/10/14: MWEN: First it was Detroit, now 'PetKoch' piling up in Chicago
- 2013/10/14: G&M: Mercury levels rising near Alberta oil sands, study finds
Also in Alberta:
- 2013/10/18: Tyee: Alberta Landowners Dispute Energy Regulator over Polluted Well -- Couple says 'glaring' data on industry-caused water contamination is ignored
- 2013/10/18: CBC: Alberta signs energy pact with China -- Deal part of province's push to sell more resources to Asia
- 2013/10/14: Resilience: Alberta Voices: "They wouldn't be allowed to do this at a garbage dump"
In Ontario, Wynne is struggling to establish herself. Energy still looms large:
- 2013/10/18: BCLSB: Nina Pierpont "Expert" Testimony Disallowed At Adelaide ERT Hearing
- 2013/10/16: OPSEU: Privatization: The "big bad mistake" Ontario is intent on repeating
- 2013/10/15: CBC: Algae blooms on Lake Erie getting 'difficult to control' -- Fertilizer, heavier rain mainly to blame in growing number and size of blooms
- 2013/10/15: CleanTechnica: Ontario Kills Coal, But Local Renewables Program Falters
And on the American political front:
- 2013/10/17: Grist: Colorado frackers pump out cash to ward off ballot initiatives
- 2013/10/17: TreeHugger: For oil companies, drilling on an acre of taxpayer-owned land is cheaper than a Starbucks coffee
- 2013/10/17: CleanTechnica: George Shultz Calls For GOP "Climate Insurance Policy"
- 2013/10/16: TP:JR: Now We Have 'Default Deniers' But The Real Danger Remains A Climate Shutdown
- 2013/10/16: TP:JR: Would Limiting Carbon Emissions Destroy The Economy?
- 2013/10/16: PSinclair: All Hate, No Cattle: Red State Devastated by Climate Extremes
- 2013/10/15: TP:JR: Inspector General Says Ken Cuccinelli's Office 'Inappropriately' Aided Energy Companies
- 2013/10/15: TP:JR: Veterans Stand Up To Corporate Attack On Ohio Renewable Energy Standard
- 2013/10/15: ERabett: Never Mind
- 2013/10/14: KSJT: High Country News: How New Mexico is letting industry rewrite its once-strict clean water regs
- 2013/10/14: P3: TCEQ (Texas Environmental Agency) Sues to Prevent Atmosphere from Being Considered A Public Resource [which it is the state's duty to protect]
- 2013/10/14: Guardian(UK): South Dakota's cattle cataclysm: why isn't this horror news?
Ranchers in South Dakota lost tens of thousands of cattle from a freak storm. Thanks to the shutdown, no one is paying attention - 2013/10/11: BizInsider: How The Mighty Republican Party Became So Ignorant
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics. See also:
- 2013/10/17: RT: New mass of tar on Louisiana coast linked to 2010 BP oil spill
- 2013/10/17: TP:JR: Coast Guard Discovers A 4,000-Pound Mat Of Tar In The Gulf
- 2013/10/16: TP:JR: Former Halliburton Manager Pleads Guilty To Destroying Evidence In Deepwater Horizon Disaster
- 2013/10/16: CCurrents: Oh, Dear, It's Democracy, Destroy Oil Spill Data [BP]
Post-Sandy commentary and news:
The Keystone XL wheel grinds slowly. And it grinds woe:
- 2013/10/16: Reuters: Continental would be open to Keystone XL shipping more US oil
- 2013/10/15: DeSmogBlog: Interview: Texan Julia Trigg Crawford's Valiant Effort to Stop TransCanada's Keystone XL Pipeline
- 2013/10/13: DeSmogBlog: US Court: Transcanada's Keystone XL Profits More Important than Environment
The Mayflower oil spill and its ramifications just keep dragging on:
The NorthWest coal export debate remains heated:
- 2013/10/16: DeSmogBlog: DeSmog Responds to Misleading Allegations From Edelman and Alliance For Northwest Jobs & Exports
The Shutdown is over, temporarily. The world is not amused:
- 2013/10/16: Wonkette: Our Long National Nightmare Put Off A Few Months As Debt Ceiling Raised, Government Funded
- 2013/10/19: Grist: For climate scientists, shutdown casts long shadow
- 2013/10/18: CBC: Permanent science gap left by U.S. government shutdown -- Climate, diseases not monitored; experiments not run over 16 days
- 2013/10/17: ScienceInsider: The Big No: Republicans on Science Panel Reject Budget Deal
- 2013/10/17: ScienceInsider: Science Gets a Cameo in U.S. Shutdown Vote
- 2013/10/17: NatureN: US government scientists head back to work -- Overflowing in-boxes and confusion greet relieved researchers after 16-day shutdown
- 2013/10/17: ScienceInsider: U.S. Shutdown Ends, Scientists Head Back to Work
- 2013/10/17: TP:JR: One Month After Devastating Floods In Colorado, End Of Shutdown Could Help Bring Relief
- 2013/10/17: ScienceInsider: A Green Light for Antarctic Fieldwork
- 2013/10/17: UCSUSA:B: 5 Ways the Shutdown Will Continue to Be a Drag for Early Career Scientists
- 2013/10/16: MGS: Civil Service Pride
- 2013/10/16: RT: [US] Food stamp recipients delivered one-two punch by govt shutdown, end to stimulus boost
- 2013/10/16: ScienceInsider: Powerful Laser [at NIF] Blinks Out as a Result of U.S. Shutdown
- 2013/10/16: WSWS: US sequestration, shutdown cuts target scientific research
- 2013/10/15: TP:JR: Senate Republican [Vitter (La)] Says Furlough Of 15,000 EPA Workers 'Isn't All Bad'
- 2013/10/15: TreeHugger: This is why we can't have nice things. Like a functional government.
- 2013/10/15: TheHill:e2W: Enviro group threatens lawsuit if drilling continues through shutdown
- 2013/10/15: PSinclair: Climate Science Takes Big Hit from Shutdown
- 2013/10/14: TP:JR: Why Isn't The Fossil Fuel Industry Calling On House Republicans To End The Shutdown?
- 2013/10/13: Xinhuanet: Commentary: U.S. fiscal failure warrants a de-Americanized world
As U.S. politicians of both political parties are still shuffling back and forth between the White House and the Capitol Hill without striking a viable deal to bring normality to the body politic they brag about, it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanized world.
Here's something to lively-up the 2016 race:
- 2013/10/18: PageSix: Arnold lobbies for White House run
Action star and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has been lobbying for support to change the law to allow him to run for president in 2016, Page Six has exclusively learned. We're told Ahnold has been openly talking about his political ambitions while in New York to promote his new movie ...
At what point do you stop listening to the pretty lies and realize you've been had?
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2013/10/14: CSM: Renewable fuel standard: Are we nearing a compromise on ethanol?
- 2013/10/13: DeSmogBlog: BLM's Coal Leasing Woes Continue: New GAO Report Coming This Month
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2013/10/18: CDreams: Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.): 'Global Warming a Far More Serious Problem Than Al Qaeda'
- 2013/10/17: CSM: Booker wins Senate seat for Democrats
- 2013/10/14: Grist: While EPA is furloughed, Republicans hold hearing to bash it
- 2013/10/14: TreeHugger: Environmental and animal-rights advocates decry farm bill amendment
- 2013/10/14: UIllinois: Study: Renewable fuel standard needs to be modified, not repealed
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2013/10/18: CassandrasLegacy: The Legacy of the Club of Rome
- 2013/10/18: CCurrents: Irreconcilable Differences: Capitalism And A Sustainable Planet
- 2013/10/15: Resilience: Land and Resource Scarcity: Capitalism, struggle and well-being in a world without fossil fuels
- 2013/10/14: P3: Will Social Credit Finally Get Tried In a Real Country?
- 2013/10/13: al Jazeera: The madness of capital
World leaders remain wedded to economic metrics that say little about the well-being of humans and the environment.
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2013/10/17: BBC: El Salvador: Where women may be jailed for miscarrying
- 2013/10/15: Eureka: Population Council presents positive results of Phase 3 trial of 1-year contraceptive vaginal ring
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2013/10/13: Guardian(UK): Climate change: a survivors' guide
As warnings of global climate change grow ever more dire, John Vidal offers 10 tips on how to prepare for an apocalyptic future
How do the corporate media measure up?
- 2013/10/18: Wunderground: Intriguing Tipping Points TV Series Begins Airing Saturday at 9pm EDT
- 2013/10/17: DSuzuki: False allegations pollute the well of public discourse
- 2013/10/18: BCLSB: Suzuki [Foundation] Strikes Back!
- 2013/10/17: KSJT: Santa Fe Reporter - little weekly got New Mexico's Copper Rule drama prob'ly firstest, for sure feistiest
- 2013/10/16: Guardian(UK): Should newspapers ban letters from climate science deniers?
- 2013/10/15: Grist: Readers to papers: Stop publishing letters that deny climate reality
- 2013/10/15: CBC: Science blogger called 'whore' for refusing unpaid work
- 2013/10/14: CleanTechnica: LA Times Refuses To Publish Climate Denial, Will Other Newspapers?
- 2013/10/13: ERabett:BSD: LA Times chooses not to publish nonsense Letters to the Editor
While activists search for effective communication techniques:
Here is something for your library:
- 2013/10/17: Lenz: [Book Review] _The Energy of Nations_ by Jeremy Leggett
- 2013/10/15: PSinclair: Cli-Fi: The Emerging Genre of Climate Change Literature
- 2013/10/14: NBF: [Book Plug] An unbiased economic scorecard shows that global warming provides a net 1.3% GDP gain so far
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2013/10/19: CSW: On "Thin Ice" and the climate science-politics collision
- 2013/10/19: Guardian(UK): Climatic tipping points, stories about our possible future
"Tipping Points" 6-part TV climate series begins airing at 9 pm EDT Saturday, October 19 on The Weather Channel - 2013/10/16: GReadfearn: Tim Minchin on climate change denial and Tony Abbott
- 2013/10/16: PSinclair: The Weather Channel's New Series on Climate: Tipping Points
- 2013/10/14: PSinclair: California Utilities Face "Rooftop Revolution"
- 2013/10/14: PSinclair: The Good News: Less Energy to Create More Prosperity
- 2013/10/13: PSinclair: The Weekend Wonk: Stefan Rahmstorf's Iceland National TV Interview
As for podcasts:
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2013/10/17: CDreams: Pro-GMO Food Trade Group Sued for Campaign 'Dirty Work'
Washington State attorney files suit against GMA for hiding donors in bid to defeat GMO labeling - 2013/10/17: Grist: Court's EPA move puts smiles on green faces
- 2013/10/17: TP:JR: North Dakota Landowners Sue Fossil Fuel Companies Over Wasted Natural Gas
- 2013/10/17: TP:JR: Does The Supreme Court's Decision To Hear A Climate Case Ruin Obama's Climate Agenda?
- 2013/10/17: MPR: Fate of Minnesota renewable energy law in judge's hands
A federal judge could soon decide the fate of Minnesota's six-year-old renewable energy law, which North Dakota officials say is an unconstitutional overreach. - 2013/10/17: DenverPost: Wyoming high court to hear fracking disclosure suit
The Wyoming Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments Nov. 20 over whether the public has the right to obtain lists of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing or if those ingredients are corporate trade secrets that may be shielded. - 2013/10/17: RT: Washington state sues lobbying group opposed to GMO food labeling effort
A lobbying group for major US manufacturers has violated Washington state campaign finance law while opposing a ballot initiative that would require labeling genetically-modified foods, according to a lawsuit filed by the state attorney general Wednesday. The Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA) ran afoul of state law in collecting and spending $7.2 million against ballot initiative 522 - which voters will consider in November - while not disclosing the individual donors funneling contributions to the organization, alleged State Attorney General Bob Ferguson. - 2013/10/17: Grist: Greens sue EPA over Pacific Northwest's increasingly acid waters
Carbon emissions are turning seawater acidic, and environmentalists say that's a violation of the Clean Water Act. The Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the EPA, challenging the agency's assertion that the increasingly acidic ocean off Oregon and Washington meets federal water-quality standards. - 2013/10/17: QuarkSoup: EPA Sued to Stop PacNW Ocean Acidification
- 2013/10/16: CSM: Supreme Court to review permitting aspect of greenhouse-gas rules
- 2013/10/16: CBD: Lawsuit Asks EPA to Save Pacific Ocean Shellfish, Wildlife From Acidification
- 2013/10/16: BBC: Ex-Halliburton manager admits destroying oil spill data
An ex-manager of US energy services giant Halliburton has admitted destroying evidence linked to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Anthony Badalamenti, 62, pleaded guilty in a US district court, and faces a maximum sentence of a year in prison. The disaster - the biggest offshore oil spill in US history - was caused by an explosion at the Deepwater Horizon rig, which killed 11 people. Halliburton has already pleaded guilty to the unauthorised deletion of data. - 2013/10/16: NatureNB: US Supreme Court to hear challenge on greenhouse gas limits
- 2013/10/15: Guardian(UK): US supreme court to hear challenge to EPA climate change regulation
- 2013/10/15: CDreams: Ecuadorian Victims' Struggle for Justice Against Chevron
- 2013/10/15: NYT: Judge Hears Arguments in Chevron's Case Against Ecuadorean Judgment
- 2013/10/15: ERabett:BSD: Supreme Court's latest nonsense - it takes four to tango but five to win
- 2013/10/15: AutoBG: Supreme Court will hear case challenging EPA emissions rules
- 2013/10/15: Grist: Supreme Court will hear challenge to EPA's power-plant rules
- 2013/10/15: Grist: BP negligent in Texas refinery leak but absolved of wrongdoing
- 2013/10/15: BBerg: Chevron Claims Ecuadorians' Lawyer Won Case Through Fraud
For more than a decade, lawyers for Ecuadorian villagers have argued Chevron Corp. (CVX) is responsible for polluting a swath of Amazon rainforest bigger than Rhode Island that it refuses to clean up. Today, facing a $19 billion judgment won on behalf of those villagers, the second-largest U.S. oil company will try to prove in a federal courtroom in Manhattan that it's a victim rather than the villain in a legal drama over the environmental devastation. - 2013/10/14: RTCC: Greenpeace launches legal challenge to UK fracking
- 2013/10/14: CDreams: US Court: Transcanada's Keystone XL Profits More Important than Environment
- 2013/10/13: DeSmogBlog: US Court: Transcanada's Keystone XL Profits More Important than Environment
It looks like this BP trial over the Gulf oil spill is going to take a long while:
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2013/10/19: CleanTechnica: Reading The Renewable Energy Tea Leaves In Latest FERC Report
- 2013/10/18: TreeHugger: How renewables can keep the lights on when the sun doesn't shine
- 2013/10/17: Asia Times: Fossil fuel euphoria by Michael T Klare
- 2013/10/17: CleanTechnica: Global Clean Energy Investment Down In Q3'2013
- 2013/10/17: CleanTechnica: Cleantech Transition Is Happening, Costs Dropping Off An Icy Cliff
- 2013/10/16: CSM: Forget Solyndra. Clean energy is hot again
- 2013/10/15: SciAm:PI: Will oil companies become carbon capture ones?
- 2013/10/15: CleanTechnica: Renewable Solar & Wind Energy Produced As Much As 60% Of Germany's Electricity October 3rd
- 2013/10/14: Lenz: Good News! Renewable Investment Down in 2013!
- 2013/10/14: SwissInfo: Fossil fuels 'will still dominate in 2050'
In spite of the worldwide interest in developing alternative energy sources, fossil fuels are expected to provide the bulk of energy in 2050, according to a study conducted by the World Energy Council and Switzerland's Paul Scherrer Institute.
What do you have in energy comparisons and transitions?
- 2013/10/18: UCSUSA:B: Where Is Wind Energy Cheaper than Natural Gas?
- 2013/10/15: CSM: Much ado about shale gas, but coal is still king
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifers for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2013/10/18: RT: Global Frackdown: World prepares for protest against shale gas production
- 2013/10/18: DeSmogBlog: Fracking Coming to Washington D.C.'s Drinking Water?
- 2013/10/17: Grist: Colorado frackers pump out cash to ward off ballot initiatives
- 2013/10/16: CSM: Australians 'Lock the Gate' to fracking
- 2013/10/15: Grist: Romanian villagers block Chevron frackers
- 2013/10/15: TRN: Study Reveals Dangerous Levels of Radioactivity Near Fracking Waste Sites
Greg Palast: Signs of radioactivity should be no surprise since Halliburton spent $25 Million to be excluded from Clean Water Act regulating fracking - 2013/10/14: Grist: Wisconsin's sand-mining boom could fuel fracking abroad
- 2013/10/14: Grist: Lagoons filled with toxic water coming to Ohio's fracklands
- 2013/10/14: Resilience: Alberta Voices: "They wouldn't be allowed to do this at a garbage dump"
- 2013/10/14: DeSmogBlog: Flaws in Environmental Defense Fund's Methane Study Draw Criticism from Scientists
On the coal front:
- 2013/10/15: WSWS: US miners' union reaches settlement with Patriot Coal and Peabody Energy
Patriot was not simply the victim of the economic crisis and the recent downturn in the US coal industry. The company was deliberately created by Peabody in 2007 to shed mounting legacy liabilities associated with its union operations east of the Mississippi.
On the gas and oil front:
- 2013/10/18: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Dated Brent Spot....110.03
WTI Cushing Spot....100.83 - 2013/10/18: PeakEnergy: Can Australia become the world's leading LNG exporter?
- 2013/10/16: CSM: What oil-hungry China means for the rest of the world
- 2013/10/16: OilChange: Ship, Baby, Ship! The push for U.S. crude oil exports has started. Here's why it's a terrible idea
- 2013/10/16: OilChange: Report shows U.S. oil producers want to export U.S. crude oil to raise prices
- 2013/10/15: CleanTechnica: Ethanol Doesn't Lower Gas Prices -- Gas Prices Not Substantially Affected By Inclusion Of Ethanol, Research Finds
- 2013/10/14: MWEN: First it was Detroit, now 'PetKoch' piling up in Chicago
- 2013/10/14: OilChange: Analysts Warn of $200 / Barrel
And in pipeline news:
- 2013/10/17: CSM: Oil spill puts North Dakota back in the spotlight
- 2013/10/16: Grist: North Dakota officials might finally spill details about oil spill
- 2013/10/15: TheCanadian: North Dakota fracked oil spill one of nation's largest ever
- 2013/10/15: GreenGrok: The Oil Boom Produces Another Spill
- 2013/10/14: CDreams: In Photos: The Oil Spill North Dakota Tried to Keep Secret
- 2013/10/14: DD: Over 865,200 gallons of fracked oil spill in North Dakota, public in the dark for days due to government shutdown
- 2013/10/11: G&M: 'We don't issue press releases': North Dakota officials took nearly 2 weeks to go public about oil spill
When a pipeline rupture sent more than 20,000 barrels of crude spewing across a North Dakota wheat field, it took nearly two weeks for officials to tell the public about it.
Ships and boats and trains -- How to tranport the stuff?
- 2013/10/19: NNW: Train disasters will be the 'new normal' unless safety rules change: Greenpeace
- 2013/10/18: ICN: Pipelines Pose Less Risks than Trains or Trucks in Carrying Oil, Says [Fraser Institute] Report
A rush of American triumphalism pervades the energy independence PR campaign. Think it will last?
- 2013/10/16: SciAm:PI: What we really mean is energy security
- 2013/10/15: CCurrents: Is The Fossil Fuel Euphoria Realistic?
- 2013/10/15: Resilience: Fossil Fuel Euphoria: Hallelujah! Oil and Gas Forever! [Klare]
Yes we have a peak oil sighting:
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2013/10/19: PeakEnergy: A 75-Million-Gallon Cellulosic Ethanol Plant In Italy
- 2013/10/16: ERW: Insight: second-generation bioenergy crops can't compete alone
- 2013/10/14: TheConversation: Mixed fuels, mixed messages: the motivations for ethanol expansion
The answer my friend...
- 2013/10/18: PSinclair: Breaking News: Dog Bites Man, Pope Catholic, Wind Energy Saves Carbon
- 2013/10/15: CleanTechnica: Ecotricity Proving Efficiency Of Wind Energy For All To See
- 2013/10/14: ERW: Wind-speed distribution improves estimates of wind-power potential
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2013/10/18: RealEconomics: Solar starts to win economically
- 2013/10/18: CleanTechnica: Solar: The 'No-Brainer' That Could Take Suburbs Off Grid
- 2013/10/18: CleanTechnica: First Solar Awarded Contract To Build 250 MW California Solar Power Plant - in Riverside County
- 2013/10/16: Eureka: Scientists develop heat-resistant materials that could vastly improve solar cell efficiency [thermophotovoltaics]
- 2013/10/15: CleanTechnica: Solar Means Business: Top 25 US Corporate Solar Energy Users
- 2013/10/14: CleanTechnica: 1.8 GW Of New Solar For Japan In Q2
- 2013/10/14: TreeHugger: 280MW solar plant in Arizona can produce power 6 hours after the sun goes down
- 2013/10/14: CleanTechnica: World's Largest Solar Thermal Plant With Storage Comes Online - 280 MW Solana Generating Station in Arizona
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2013/10/16: PLNA: India Concerned about Chinese Sale of Nuclear Reactors to Pakistan
- 2013/10/15: ERW: The future cost of nuclear: expert views differ
[...] Now a team in the US and Italy has found that an expert's estimate of the cost of nuclear power in 2030 depends on whether he or she is an academic, in the public sector or industry. - 2013/10/15: CSM: Nuclear power plants: Uneven enforcement suspected at nuclear plants
- 2013/10/14: TheConversation: Why don't Australians see nuclear as a climate change solution?
- 2013/10/14: IndiaTimes: Japan nuclear export parts not safety checked: Report
Nuclear fusion projects around the world limp along:
- 2013/10/15: NatureN: ITER keeps eye on prize -- Construction delays force rethink of research programme, but fusion target still on track
Feed-In-Tariffs are being variously implemented around the world:
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2013/10/18: CleanTechnica: Texas Cranks Up $7 Billion CREZ Wind Power Project
- 2013/10/17: RealEconomics: Moving it around -- green energy relies on upgraded grids
- 2013/10/16: UCSUSA:B: A Difficult Conversation: How to Prevent Power Outages in Coastal Communities
How are the utilities adjusting (or not)?
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2013/10/17: TP:JR: The U.S. And The World Are Actually Making Big Strides In Energy Efficiency
- 2013/10/17: EurActiv: IEA: Treat energy efficiency as 'world's first fuel'
- 2013/10/17: RTCC: IEA: energy efficiency is world's 'hidden fuel'
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2013/10/16: CleanTechnica: Tesla To Offer CHAdeMO Rapid Charging Adapter For Model S
- 2013/10/16: Eureka: Engine technology on the road to meeting emissions standards
As for Energy Storage:
- 2013/10/20: NBF: Beginning to Commercialize Lithium Sulfur Batteries which have the potential to have several times the energy density of lithium ion while also being three times cheaper
- 2013/10/18: SciAm:PI: Ask an engineer: grid-level batteries
- 2013/10/18: UCSUSA:B: California Jumpstarts Energy Storage
- 2013/10/17: AutoBG: Volvo finds a way to turn body panels into batteries
[...] The parts are made by sandwiching super capacitors (which can charge faster than standard batteries) in between layers of carbon fiber. They can then be formed to replace numerous body panels such as the decklid, roof or door panels. - 2013/10/17: Eureka: Why lithium-ion-batteries fail
Meanwhile in the "every problem is an opportunity in disguise" crowd:
- 2013/10/17: RTCC: Business eyes opportunities from reusing carbon dioxide
French and German scientists say CO2 is too precious to be buried when it can be used to develop new technologies
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2013/10/18: Xinhuanet: 550 bushfire insurance claims received, says Australia's Insurance Council
Sydney -- Insurance companies have already received about 550 claims totaling 30 million AU dollars (28.9 million U.S. dollars) since the devastating bushfires broke out in New South Wales on Thursday, the Insurance Council of Australia ( ICA) said Friday. The representative body of Australia's general insurance industry said many of the claims that have been lodged are for a total loss of properties and the number is expected to climb over the next few days. - 2013/10/16: PSinclair: Lloyd's of London Latest Insurer to Warn on Warming, Mocks Deniers
- 2013/10/16: RTCC: Lloyd's insurers mock climate sceptics over 'global cooling'
What do we have in (weekly) lists?
- 2013/10/19: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #42B by John Hartz
- 2013/10/15: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #42A by John Hartz
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2013/10/16: HotWhopper: How Roy Spencer and John Christy trick Anthony Watts and his deniers once again
- 2013/10/17: Guardian(UK): Coal executive turned climate change activist fights for seat on BHP board
Ian Dunlop seeks shareholder support, accusing fossil fuel industry of 'stuffing up' effective action - 2013/10/17: TMoS: Fossil Fueler Calls "Bullshit" On Fossil Fuelers
- 2013/10/17: NewStatesman: No, climate change will not be good for the world
While there are benefits to higher global temperatures, they are vastly outweighed by the costs to human life. - 2013/10/17: WottsUWTB: An opportunity for Richard Tol
- 2013/10/17: OParachute: NZ climate change "sceptics" abandon appeal
- 2013/10/16: Resilience: The market for delusion on climate change
- 2013/10/18: WtD: Whatever you do, don't mention climate change: as catastrophic fires devastate Australia, many want to stay in denial
- 2013/10/17: QuarkSoup: Mark Steyn: Wrong on the Science, If Not More
- 2013/10/18: Guardian(UK): Does the global warming 'pause' mean what you think it means?
- 2013/10/14: RTCC: Richard Branson: climate deniers need to be "called out"
- 2013/10/14: QuarkSoup: The Debate is Not About Scientific Facts
- 2013/10/20: HotWhopper: The Evangelical Science Denier and the Alarmist Fundamentalist Religious Cult: The Cornwall Alliance
- 2013/10/14: CCP: No basis to deny global warming
Note: You may notice my denialist coverage flagging. I am finding it increasingly difficult to give any attention to these people.
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2013/10/15: TheConversation: Human rights and climate change: a fresh perspective
- 2013/10/15: CCurrents: Global Warming And The Global Overturning
- 2013/10/19: SlashDot: How PR Subverts Wikipedia
- 2013/10/18: CSW: Marfa Dialogues/NY: Examining climate change through art, activism, and science
- 2013/10/15: RTCC: EU air pollution poses health and climate risks - report
- 2013/10/14: Resilience: Nothing Needs to be Wasted
- 2013/10/14: JCBaez: What Is Climate Change and What To Do About It?
- 2013/10/14: TheConversation: Fixing climate change: the future isn't what it used to be
- 2013/10/13: Stoat: Comments elsewhere, part III
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Wiki: Social Credit
- Wiki: Guaranteed Annual Income
- WMO:GAW: Global Atmosphere Watch Research on Stratospheric Ozone
- CCIC: Canadian Food Security Policy Group
- BiocharInt: Biochar Bibliography
- UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Skeptical Science: Examining Global Warming Skepticism
- Auto Blog Green
- CDP: Carbon Disclosure Project
- AARI: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
- WSJ: Energy Roundup
Low Key Plug
- Global Warming Links
- Global Warming News Archive
- Energy
- Energy News
- Environmental Issues
- ---
- H.E. Taylor (homepage)
My first novel _Water_ was published in May 2007. An Introduction is available.
My most recent novel _The Bottleneck Years_ is being serialized online atmy siteand on AFTIC at Table of Contents
If you want further information, see A Gentle Introduction. If you want a copy, see The Deal.
An overview of my writing is available here.
A Simple Plea
Webmasters, web coders and content providers have mercy on your low bandwidth brethren. Because I am on dial-up, I am a text surfer -- no images, no javascript and no flash. When you post a graphic, will you please use the alt text field ... and when you embed a youtube/vimeo/flash video, please add some minimal description. Thank you.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
I notice moyhu has set up a monster index to old AWoGWN on AFTIC.PPS
Coby Beck has offered to post this series at his blog AFTIC: A Few Things Ill Considered
They generally show up there in a day or two if you would like to comment.
"If you're living with an angry beast, you shouldn't poke it with a sharp stick." -Wally Broecker
Last modified October 20, 2013
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Thanks, as usual, Coby.
I thought that photo at the top of the page looked like it was from an old source, so I tried to track it down.
Seems it was from 1932. We have come a long way in 80 years haven't we?
Yes, the more things change the more they stay the same. I have always found it ironic how from the time of Arrhenius to Hansen's 1988 testimony to the IPCC's latest, the magnitude of predicted warming has been remarkably consistent. As time as passed it has turned out earlier predictions were perhaps right for the wrong reasons, but the warnings have all been about the same.
And all thanks for the weekly GW News need to go to het, my part takes me all of 7 minutes!