This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
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Information Overload is Pattern Recognition
Equinox Edition
March 23, 2014
- Chuckles, COP20+, WWD, WWK, WG2 Leak, Triage, Warnings, CSLDF, Energiewende, Cook
- Fukushima: Note, News
- Melting Arctic, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food: Crisis, Fisheries, Svalbard, Land Grabs, GMOs, Production
- Hurricanes, Notable Weather, Forecasts, New Weather
- GHGs, Aerosols, Feedbacks, ENSO, Temperatures
- Paleoclimate, Attribution, Oceans, Biosphere, Extinctions, Bees & CCD
- Impacts, Forests, Climate Refugees, Phenology
- Wildfires, Corals, Glaciers, Sea Levels, GW Deluge, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Geoengineering, Restoration
- Journals, Misc., Science Orgs, DIY, Mann, Hansen, Advocacy, Recursive Fury, Pielke
- International Politics: UN, Carbon Trade, Hormuz, South China Sea, EU ETS & Airlines, Treaties
- Ukraine, Misc., Security, Law & Activism, Activism, Divestment, Polls, H2O Biz, Religioso, Education
- National Politics: Britain, Europe, Australia, Abbott, CSG, MDBP, Tas Forest Deal, China, Africa, South America
- Canada, Lac-Mégantic, Pipelines, Grain Backlog, Salmon, BC, Tar Sands, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Maritimes
- America, Keystone, Spills & Leaks, Birth Control, Silver, Keeling, USAdmin, Congress, Lobbyists
- Ecological Economics, Recycling, IPAT, Apocalypso, Media, Video, Podcasts, Courts, Chevron, Mann Suit, BP Trial
- Energy, Transitions, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, Fossil Fuel Corps, Transportation, Independence, Peak Oil, Biofuel
- Wind, Solar, Nukes, Nuclear Waste, Nuclear Fusion, FITs, Grid, Utilities, Efficiency, Cars, Energy Storage
- Business, Other Lists, Quotes, Carbon Lobby, Inaction, Miscellaneous, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, A Simple Plea, .sig
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Here's a wee chuckle for ye:
- 2014/03/21: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) A New Kind of Dinosaur!
- 2014/03/20: uComics: (cartoon - Wiley) The Birth of a New Insincere Greeting
- 2014/03/18: JamiolsWorld: (cartoon - Jamiol) Jamiol's World 'toons
- 2014/03/18: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) The Missing Train
Hope you had a Happy Equinox:
Looking ahead to COP20 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2014/03/20: UN: Ban hails impact of UN climate change treaty, urges renewed commitment to ideals
- 2014/03/19: RTCC: World's poorest call for UN climate process to be accelerated
A UN submission by the least developed countries group says that early pledges are key to successful 2015 Paris treaty - 2014/03/18: RNE: The complexities of an international climate deal
- 2014/03/17: RTCC: Trust deficit blocking progress at UN climate talks
Dogmatic views and lack of financial guarantees blights week of negotiations in Bonn Levels of trust between leading developing countries and the USA and EU member states appears to have hit a new low after a week of UN climate talks in Bonn.
We had a World Water Day this week:
- World Water Day 2014
- 2014/03/22: CleanTechnica: Solar Power Is A Huge Water Saver (World Water Day Infographic)
- 2014/03/21: HuffPo: The State of Our Water: World Water Day 2014 by Peter H. Gleick
- 2014/03/22: UN: World Water Day: UN highlights water, energy links for sustainable development
- 2014/03/21: TreeHugger: It's World Water Day: 5 shocking facts about water scarcity that will make you cry a river
- 2014/03/20: UNWater: World Water Day 2014: Water and Energy
- 2014/03/20: UCSUSA:B: Celebrate World Water Day: Four Power Plant Cooling Trends Help Us Party More Responsibly
- 2014/03/18: EurActiv: IEA: Energy sector's use of water to rise by 20%
Ahead of World Water Day, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has warned that the energy sector accounts for 15% of global water usage, predicting that it will "consume ever more by 2035". The IEA's latest "World Energy Outlook" paints a worrying picture of the energy's sector increasing use of water, which is expected to rise by one-fifth in the next 20 years.
The AAAS released their What We Know report this week:
- 2014/03/20: 350orBust: American Association for the Advancement of Science Says It's Time To "Brake 4 Climate"
- 2014/03/20: TP:JR: Climate Scientists: We're Alarmed. Here's Why You Should Be, Too.
- 2014/03/19: DeSmogBlog: AAAS "What We Know" Initiative: Same Denial, Different Issue - From Ozone Depletion to Climate Change
- 2014/03/19: KSJT: Alaska Dispatch: Weather is upside down. Hey, that fits right into the big AAAS climate blast
- 2014/03/18: KSJT: Fed up with climate crackpots and contrarians, AAAS slams down on the table "What We Know " report
- 2014/03/18: P3: AAAS "What We Know" Report and Excellent Scientist Testimonial Videos
- 2014/03/18: NYT: Scientists Sound Alarm on Climate
- 2014/03/17: QuarkSoup: AAAS Report: What We Know
More chatter about that October WG2 leak:
- 2014/03/23: ABC(Au): IPCC Working Group II report: Scientists predict Australia will continue to get hotter
- 2014/03/22: Guardian(UK): Global warming to hit Asia hardest, warns new report on climate change
- 2014/03/21: DD: Climate change set to displace hundreds of millions of people by end of century
- 2014/03/21: UKISS: Not a pretty picture - well done world!
- 2014/03/20: CCP: Climate change worsening all aspects of life in China, says leaked IPCC report
- 2014/03/19: RTCC: Scientists hint at negative impacts of climate change on farming [WG2 leak]
Forthcoming UN study could reveal median crop yields may fall by up to 2% per decade for the rest of century - 2014/03/18: Independent(UK): Official prophecy of doom: Global warming will cause widespread conflict, displace millions of people and devastate the global economy
Leaked draft report from UN panel seen by The Independent is most comprehensive investigation into impact of climate change ever undertaken - and it's not good news
If we start triaging the biosphere now, soon we will be triaging humanity:
- 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): The flashing lights of an environmental emergency
A concept borrowed from medical emergencies gives an example of how we could deal with the endangered species emergency facing our nation. - 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): Why save the orange-bellied parrot?
If we don't put in resources to save the orange-bellied parrot as a rich comfortable country, what's our excuse?
What do we have for warnings this week?
- 2014/03/18: Guardian(UK): Climate change is putting world at risk of irreversible changes, scientists warn
The Climate Science Legal Defense Fund needs help:
- 2014/03/20: SMandia: Climate Science Legal Defense Fund Needs Your Help!
- 2014/03/20: TCoE: Supporting our climate scientists
- 2014/03/20: CSW: Support the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund
- 2014/03/18: CChallenge: Climate Science Legal Defense Fund Needs Your Help!
How is the German Energy Transition [Energiewende] doing?
- 2014/03/21: GEB: BFH: No Partial Tax Reduction for Private Costs of Building with Rooftop PV Power Plant
- 2014/03/20: RNE: German power myths: Emissions did not rise in 2013
- 2014/03/18: GEB: Renewable Surcharge Reduction to 20% or Less for 65 Energy-Intensive Sectors?
- 2014/03/17: GET: Germans face high fossil fuel costs
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2014/03/22: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #12B by John Hartz
- 2014/03/21: SkS: A Hack By Any Other Name - Part 7 by Bob Lacatena
- 2014/03/20: SkS: The Myth Debunking One-Pager
- 2014/03/19: SkS: Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: J.S. Sawyer in 1972 by dana1981
- 2014/03/18: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #12A by John Hartz
- 2014/03/18: SkS: A Hack By Any Other Name - Part 6 by Bob Lacatena
- 2014/03/17: SkS: East African countries are dealing with the impacts of climate change by Guest Author, John Abraham
- 2014/03/16: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly Digest #11 by John Hart
A note on theFukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time. TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. The previous Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said decades. Now the Japanese government is talking about 30 years. [Whoops, that has now been updated to 40 years.]
And the IAEA is now saying 40 years too.
[Now some people are talking about a century or more. Sealing it in concrete for 500 years.]
We'll see.
At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon and deserves its own section.
It is very difficult to know for sure what is really going on at Fukushima. Between the company [TEPCO], the Japanese government, the Japanese regulator [NISA], the international monitor [IAEA], as well as independent analysts and commentators, there is a confusing mish-mash of information. One has to evaluate both the content and the source of propagated information.
How knowledgeable are they [about nuclear power and about Japan]?
Do they have an agenda?
Are they pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear?
Do they want to write a good news story?
Do they want to write a bad news story?
Where do they rate on a scale of sensationalism?
Where do they rate on a scale of play-it-down-ness?
One fundamental question I would like to see answered:
If the reactors are in meltdown, how can they be in cold shutdown?
Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2014/03/22: EneNews: Evacuee from Outside Fukushima: "There's a black dust absolutely everywhere" that's highly radioactive...
- 2014/03/21: NYT: Fukushima's Shameful Cleanup
- 2014/03/21: EneNews: NY Times Board: 'Shameful' situation at Fukushima -- Tepco "seems unaware of what is happening"...
- 2014/03/21: EneNews: Japanese Journalist: Fukushima workers die suddenly but it's not reported, says nurse at plant...
- 2014/03/21: FukuLeaks: Fukushima ALPS [Advanced Liquid Processing System] To Be Offline Indefinitely
- 2014/03/21: EneNews: Swiss Journalist: Marine biologists now telling me there's been a change in radioactive material coming from Fukushima -- More and more strontium being detected in samples, not just cesium...
- 2014/03/20: TruthOut: Japanese Government Squelching Efforts To Measure Fukushima Meltdown
- 2014/03/20: EneNews: KPFA: Dr. Helen Caldicott threatened with death while in Japan for speaking about nuclear power -- Students being charged with disturbing the peace for handing out flyers (audio)
- 2014/03/20: EneNews: Japanese TV: Fukushima fuel cores have 'molten-through' containment vessels -- Location of molten fuels is unknown...
- 2014/03/19: FukuLeaks: US Thyroid Experts Consider Nuclear Public Protection Plans Insufficient
- 2014/03/19: FukuLeaks: Releases Two New Technical Papers On Fukushima
- 2014/03/18: DemNow: Fukushima Fallout: Ailing U.S. Sailors Sue TEPCO After Exposure to Radiation 30x Higher Than Normal
- 2014/03/18: EneNews: Researchers predict west coast killer whales will exceed 1,000 Bq/kg of radioactive cesium...
- 2014/03/18: EneNews: Scientists 'mystified' over Fukushima radioactive waste found in Pacific Northwest...
- 2014/03/18: FukuLeaks: Big Fukushima Daiichi Update
- 2014/03/17: FukuLeaks: TEPCO To Pay Town's Residents Full Compensation
- 2014/03/17: EneNews: Record cesium levels in Pacific Ocean north of Fukushima plant -- Spikes to 6,900 Bq/m³ from 'not detected' in one day -- Previous high went unmatched for last 9 months
- 2014/03/17: FukuLeaks: A Weekend Of Fukushima & Nuclear Protests In Japan
- 2014/03/17: FukuLeaks: 506 Fuel Assemblies Removed Fukushima Unit 4
- 2014/03/17: FukuLeaks: METI Working On Tritium Disposal For Fukushima Daiichi
- 2014/03/16: NYT: Concerns Over Measurement of Fukushima Fallout
In the chaotic, fearful weeks after the Fukushima nuclear crisis began, in March 2011, researchers struggled to measure the radioactive fallout unleashed on the public. Michio Aoyama's initial findings were more startling than most. As a senior scientist at the Japanese government's Meteorological Research Institute, he said levels of radioactive cesium 137 in the surface water of the Pacific Ocean could be 10,000 times as high as contamination after Chernobyl, the world's worst nuclear accident. Two months later, as Mr. Aoyama prepared to publish his findings in a short, nonpeer-reviewed article for Nature, the director general of the institute called with an unusual demand -- that Mr. Aoyama remove his own name from the paper. "He said there were points he didn't understand, or want to understand," the researcher recalled. "I was later told that he did not want to say that Fukushima radioactivity was worse than Chernobyl." The head of the institute, who has since retired, declined to comment for this article. Mr. Aoyama asked for his name to be removed, he said, and the article was not published. - 2014/03/16: EneNews: NYTimes: Gov't scientist not allowed to publish findings that Fukushima cesium-137 levels could be 10,000 times higher than after Chernobyl in Pacific surface waters...
The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:
- 2014/03/23: Dosbat: What caused the volume loss in PIOMAS?
- 2014/03/22: CCP: "Sustained mass loss of the northeast Greenland ice sheet triggered by regional warming," by Shfaqat A. Khan et al., Nature Clim. Change, (2014); doi: 10.1038/nclimate2161
- 2014/03/21: ERabett: Pour Stiff Drink
- 2014/03/21: SciAm: Newly Discovered Greenland Melting Could Accelerate Sea-Level Rise
Parts of the massive ice sheet once considered stable have been shown to be melting in new research - 2014/03/20: ArcticNews: Feedbacks in the Arctic
- 2014/03/20: RScribbler: A Siberian Heat Wave is Breaking Kara Sea Ice In March, So is it Time to Start Thinking about Hot Arctic Rivers?
- 2014/03/20: Dosbat: Sea Ice Thinning, Open Water Formation, and Ice Albedo Feedback
- 2014/03/20: ERabett: Springtime, and the Ice Is A Melting
- 2014/03/18: EcoNews(Au): Global warming melts last Greenland ice
- 2014/03/17: PSinclair: New Paper: Awakening Greenland Giant -- Not So Jolly
- 2014/03/17: RScribbler: Nature: Human Warming Now Pushing Entire Greenland Ice Sheet into the Ocean
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): Global warming melts last stable edge of Greenland's Zachariae ice stream, scientists say
The last edge of the Greenland ice sheet that resisted global warming has now become unstable, adding billions of tonnes of meltwater to rising seas, scientists have said. - 2014/03/16: Eureka: Researchers: Northeast Greenland ice loss accelerating
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
- 2014/03/17: EurActiv: Fisheries, agriculture can ensure Greenland's prosperity, says NGO
Greenland does not have to look to oil and uranium in order to find funding for its future, according to a new report by Greenpeace. - 2014/03/17: TP:JR: Alaska Sues U.S. Government For Not Letting It Look For Oil In Polar Bear Habitat
While in Antarctica:
- 2014/03/22: MODIS: Iceberg from Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica [on Mar.14]
- 2014/03/20: YaleCMF: The Puzzles Involving Sea Ice at the Poles
- 2014/03/17: TheConversation: Is there about to be a dash for Antarctica's resources?
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2014/03/23: ABC(Au): Why is soil missing from the 'big five' environmental questions of our time?
Can farmers feed 9.5 billion people by 2050? - 2014/03/21: CCP: "Global crop yield response to extreme heat stress under multiple climate change futures," by D. Deryng et al., ERL 9 (2014); doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/9/3/034011
- 2014/03/20: ERW: Heat stress while crops flower could harm yields
- 2014/03/20: Guardian(UK): Heatwaves could threaten food crops, study warns
Extreme temperatures could hit key crops such as maize, wheat and soybean if climate change not addressed - 2014/03/20: ABC(Au): Indian farmers commit suicide after bad weather destroys winter crops
- 2014/03/20: AllAfrica:SW Radio: Zimbabwe: Flood Victims Facing Fresh Hunger Emergency
- 2014/03/19: Guardian(UK): Global warming will cut crop harvests by 2% each decade, researchers say
- 2014/03/19: RTCC: Extreme heat waves pose threat to wheat and maize yields - study
- 2014/03/19: UN: Urgent action needed to tackle food crisis in strife-torn Central African Republic - UN
- 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): Farming changes needed to overcome predicted drops in crop yields
Farming practises will have to change if the world's growing need for food is to met in future. Research out today shows that crop yields could drop by 5 per cent for every degree of warming caused by climate change. But the study found adapting cropping techniques could help reverse the losses. - 2014/03/18: DD: Climate change will reduce crop yields much earlier than we thought...
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): [WA] State first netting trail tests heat impacts
- 2014/03/17: TP:JR: Study: 2ºC Warming Is Enough To Seriously Hurt Crop Yields
- 2014/03/17: CBC: Climate change will reduce crops sooner than expected, says study
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): Climate affect on crops worse than thought
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): Climate change's effect on crop yields worse than thought: study
The state of the world's fisheries is a concern. See also, and:
- 2014/03/20: Grist: This island nation [Palau] just banned all commercial fishing
- 2014/03/20: Eureka: (Not too) few but capable
- 2014/03/18: PSinclair: Fish Story: A Meditation
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): Big fines for Clarence commercial fishers
Heavy fines and possible jail time did not deter young commercial fisherman from disregarding warnings from a fishery officer to move out of the illegal site. The two commercial fishers have been fined $12,500 in court and ordered to pay a total of $4,800 in professional costs, while their catch of 200 kilograms of school prawns were returned to the water. - 2014/03/16: CTV: Acidic waters killing off millions of scallops along the West Coast
Regarding the Svalbard Seed Vault:
- 2014/03/18: Guardian(UK): India's rice warrior battles to build living seed bank as climate chaos looms
Rice conservationist Debal Deb grapples with 'mindless Indian elite' to reintroduce genetically diverse, drought-tolerant varieties - 2014/03/18: Grist: How seeds could be our saviors -- if we save them first
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
- 2014/03/19: RTCC: UN forest protection plans could lead to land grabs - report
A future forest carbon market needs to protect communities better against land grabs, says new report A UN-led initiative to slow deforestation - including a possible carbon offset market that would pay people not to cut down trees - will fail unless indigenous peoples are given ownership of credits generated from their lands, a new report said today.
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2014/03/22: Grist: What's all this about a GMO-eating bug?
- 2014/03/19: EurActiv: Cases of GMO contamination rise: FAO study
Food imports contaminated by genetically modified organisms (GMOs) represent a risk to the international food and feed trade. Eleven cases of contaminated rice, maize, linen and papaya have been recorded in France, EurActiv France reports. - 2014/03/19: CCurrents: Killing The World By Feeding the World: The Onslaught Of Pro-GM Propaganda Is Relentless
- 2014/03/18: RawStory: Corn-eating worm evolves to feed on GMO corn designed to kill it
- 2014/03/17: NatureN: Pests worm their way into genetically modified maize
Broadening of rootworm resistance to toxins highlights the importance of crop rotation. - 2014/03/17: WiredSci: Voracious Worm Evolves to Eat Biotech Corn Engineered to Kill It
- 2014/03/13: CPI: Sri Lanka bans Monsanto herbicide [Roundup/glyphosate] citing potential link to deadly kidney disease
And how are we going to feed 9 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion?
- 2014/03/23: ABC(Au): Long-term soil experiments 'profoundly undervalued'
To meet economic and environmental demands for nine billion human beings in the next few decades, humanity is being challenged to continue to substantially increase production of food derived from soils, while at the same time we diminish soil-management's adverse effects on the wider environment. - 2014/03/21: KSJT: SF Chronicle - Fallow, flooded rice fields just the thing for salmon fry. What is that delicacy... Nigiri?
- 2014/03/21: UCSUSA:B: What are we doing with our planet's land? A report from Berlin
- 2014/03/21: TheConversation: Can backpacking flies rescue Queensland's farmers?
- 2014/03/20: TruthDig: Radical U.N. Report Promotes Democratic Control of Food and an End to Corporate Domination
- 2014/03/20: Resilience: Searching for alternatives 2: Grasslands
- 2014/03/20: TheConversation: Let's reap the economic benefits of local food over big farming
- 2014/03/20: SFU: Ancient clam gardens nurture food security
- 2014/03/19: Eureka: Growing rice the sustainable way: LEGATO holds its 3rd annual conference
In a world facing the challenges of climate change, demographic boom and deficit in food resources, the word "sustainable" and the concept behind it become increasingly relevant. Sustainability in the way humanity uses available resources is key to a brighter and greener future. - 2014/03/19: Eureka: Research reveals true value of cover crops to farmers, environment
- 2014/03/18: WFP: WFP Airdrops Food In South Sudan
- 2014/03/18: PIK: Global food trade can alleviate water scarcity
- 2014/03/17: Eureka: Crop intensification and organic fertilizers can be a long-term solution to perennial food shortages in Africa
- 2014/03/17: Guardian(UK): Niger food crisis scheme offers local approach to recurring cycle of hunger
By engaging communities and co-ordinating agency efforts, Niger hopes to end its perennial battle against food shortage
In the Western Pacific, Tropical Cyclone Gillian is the storm that refuses to die:
- 2014/03/23: ABC(Au): Christmas Island escapes major damage as Tropical Cyclone Gillian moves away from community
- 2014/03/22: ABC(Au): Family evacuated as category one Tropical Cyclone Gillian batters Christmas Island
- 2014/03/22: ABC(Au): Christmas Island residents told to prepare for Tropical Cyclone Gillian
- 2014/03/21: Eureka: NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Gillian reborn near Java
- 2014/03/20: Eureka: NASA sees ex-Tropical Cyclone Gillian's remnants persist
- 2014/03/19: Eureka: NASA Sees Ex-Tropical Cyclone Gillian Affect Indonesia
- 2014/03/18: NASA: NASA Sees Some Strength Left in Remnants of Tropical Cyclone Gillian
Also in the Western Pacific, an unnamed Tropical Depression is troubling the Southern Philippines:
Earlier in the South Central Pacific, Tropical Cyclone Mike spun up, went South and died:
This week in notable weather:
- 2014/03/18: al Jazeera: More late winter snow for the US
Washington DC awaits the arrival of this year's cherry blossom, but there's still no sign of an end to winter just yet.
Got any forecasts?
- 2014/03/22: JEB: Sawyer's "remarkably accurate" forecast
- 2014/03/21: Wunderground: U.S. Spring Flood Forecast: No Widespread Major Flooding Expected
Polar Vortex? Rossby Waves? Blocking Patterns? Arctic Oscillation?
What is the Arctic melt doing to our weather?
- 2014/03/21: PSinclair: The Ridiculously Resilient Ridge Still Holds - This Winter's Stubborn Jet Stream Tracked
As for GHGs:
- 2014/03/22: RealClimate: How Many Cans?
- 2014/03/20: TheCanadian: May could be the first time atmospheric carbon dioxide levels peak
- 2014/03/20: UCSUSA:B: The New 400ppm World: CO2 Measurements at Mauna Loa Continue to Climb
- 2014/03/19: PSinclair: Problem Dis-Solved
- 2014/03/18: CCP: An xkcd "What if?": Soda Sequestration
- 2014/03/18: QuarkSoup: Visualizing Our CO2 Waste (and Theirs)
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2014/03/23: MODIS: Dust storm in the Gobi Desert [on Mar.16]
- 2014/03/22: Guardian(UK): Indonesia's forest fires feed 'brown cloud' of pollution choking Asia's cities
- 2014/03/21: IOTD: Dust Storm Blows Across Texas [on Mar.18]
Yes we have feedbacks:
- 2014/03/20: ArcticNews: Feedbacks in the Arctic
- 2014/03/01: WHRC: Permafrost Thaw Exacerbates Climate Change
And on the ENSO front:
- 2014/03/21: CCP: Unusually Intense El Nino May Lie Ahead, Scientists Say
- 2014/03/21: W&C: Possible Major El Nino developing, and our wild winter
- 2014/03/18: RScribbler: Ocean Surface, Atmosphere Show Anomalous Heat Spike in Advance of Predicted El Nino
As for the temperature record:
- 2014/03/21: Moyhu: Paleo plotting - new draft climate plotter
- 2014/03/21: ERW: Ocean heat content is a better measure of climate change than surface temperature
- 2014/03/20: CCP: Andrew Freedman: It's Been Exactly 29 Years Since Earth Had a Colder-Than-Average Month
- 2014/03/20: Wunderground: February 2014: Earth's 21st Warmest February on Record
- 2014/03/20: IOTD: Some Perspective on Winter 2014
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2014/03/21: Eureka: Dust in the wind drove iron fertilization during ice age
- 2014/03/21: Eureka: The MIS 3 glacial advances in the Nyainqentanglha [Mountains of Tibet] and possible linkage to the North Atlantic cooling
- 2014/03/20: Eureka: Amphibians and dinosaurs were the new large predators after the mass extinction [252 mya]
- 2014/03/20: SciNow: Airborne Iron May Have Helped Cause Past Ice Ages
- 2014/03/18: SFI: Paper: Ancient food webs show modern structure after mass extinction [48 mya]
In the attribution debate:
- 2014/03/20: Eureka: Linking storms to climate change a 'distraction', say experts
- 2014/03/19: Rabble:CH: Is our cold winter a sign of climate change?
What's the State of the Oceans?:
- 2014/03/20: Salon: Sea turtles, sharks and whales: The accidental casualties of our seafood industry
What's the State of the Biosphere?
- 2014/03/20: SciAm:EC: Poisoning Dingoes Has Domino Effect on Australia's Biodiversity
- 2014/03/20: Eureka: Excessive deer populations hurt native plant biodiversity
Researchers from the University of Miami and University of Pittsburgh conclude that excess deer facilitate population explosion of exotic plants, while suppressing populations of native plants - 2014/03/20: UCDavis: Plankton make [DMS] scents for seabirds and a cooler planet
- 2014/03/18: SciAm:EC: Kakapo Baby Boom in New Zealand: First New Chicks in 3 Years [Video]
- 2014/03/18: BBC: Frozen Antarctic moss brought back to life after 1,500 years
- 2014/03/18: BBC: Narwhal's tusk is super sensitive
- 2014/03/18: EPOD: Nudibranch
- 2014/03/17: JFleck: Ives in the Colorado River Delta
And on the extinction watch:
- 2014/03/21: NatureN: Canadian grizzly bears face expanded hunt
Researchers protest that British Columbia's hunting quotas are not based on science. - 2014/03/20: ABC(Au):TDU: Why we should save the orange-bellied parrot
Given we live in a rich, comfortable country, the only reason we cannot hand over the extraordinary array of life we have inherited to future generations is a lack of commitment, writes Stephen Garnett. - 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): Australia may have to 'triage' unique species
The on-going loss of Australian animal and plant species has prompted influential scientists to call on governments to start taking tough decisions about which species to save and which should be left to face extinction. - 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): Scientists resign 'living dead' species to extinction, call for triage debate
- 2014/03/18: CurtinU: Ancient DNA shows moa were fine until humans arrived
- 2014/03/18: SciNow: Why Did New Zealand's Moas Go Extinct?
The bees and Colony Collapse Disorder are a constant concern. And then, there are the Neonicotinoids:
- 2014/03/19: Cornell: Dry future climate could reduce orchid bee habitat
- 2014/03/17: SciAm:CE: 2013-2014 Winter Honey Bee Losses Are Likely To Be Large
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2014/03/21: RScribbler: Far Worse than Being Beaten with a Hockey Stick: Michael Mann, Our Terrifying Greenhouse Gas Overburden and Heating the Earth by + 2 C by 2036
- 2014/03/19: SciAm:GB: Mapping Changes in Soil Biodiversity Due to Climate Change
- 2014/03/17: TruthOut: Reporting on a World of Environmental Catastrophes - All in Just One Month
- 2014/03/17: Guardian(UK): East African countries are dealing with the impacts of climate change
- 2014/03/17: QuarkSoup: Oregon Ski Slope Cancels Season
- 2014/03/17: SkS: East African countries are dealing with the impacts of climate change by Guest Author, John Abraham
- 2014/03/14: SwissInfo: South to bear brunt of new weather patterns
Southern Switzerland will feel the biggest effects of climate change in the future, but the rest of the country will not escape unscathed as temperatures rise, according to a University of Bern report.
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2014/03/21: FAO: FAO launches new satellite-based data on forest resources on the International Day of Forests -- Better information on forest resources is vital to halt deforestation
- 2014/03/21: Eureka: Forests crucial to green growth
Trees are what made the Earth habitable for mammals, and destruction of forests will lead to the ultimate destruction of mammals -- including humans - 2014/03/21: UN: On International Day, UN calls for boosting resources for world's forests
- 2014/03/21: EurActiv: Roads: driving development or deforestation?
- 2014/03/20: Eureka: In the genome of loblolly pine lies hope for better resistance to a damaging disease [fusiform rust]
- 2014/03/06: UDW: US Oil and Gas Firm Hunt Urged to Suspend Amazon Exploration
Climate refugees are becoming an issue:
- 2014/03/20: Guardian(UK): Italian authorities rescue over 4,000 would-be migrants at sea in four days
- 2014/03/18: Guardian(UK): Hundreds of migrants storm Spain's north African enclave of Melilla
Nearly 300 people arrested and at least 28 injured after hundreds of migrants climb over fences at border with Morocco
Changes in natural cycles are showing up:
- 2014/03/21: ABC(Au):TDU: Changing of the seasons
Our understanding of seasons is purely cultural, so if the seasons shift as a result of climate change, we can expect that our culture will have to adjust too, writes Sara Phillips. - 2014/03/21: DD: The end of spring in a warming world
- 2014/03/20: UKISS: Warming induced phenological shifts - flowering period
- 2014/03/18: SciAm:CS: Warming Gives Us One More Month of Flowers in the Rockies
- 2014/03/18: NSF: Rocky Mountain wildflower season lengthens by more than a month -- 39-year bloom count reveals changes attributed to warmer climate
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2014/03/21: DD: Record heat wave continues in Sydney - Drought declared in record 80 per cent of Queensland
- 2014/03/21: MODIS: Smoke and fires from Sumatra [on Mar.12]
- 2014/03/19: IOTD: Fires in Southeast Asia [on Mar.18]
- 2014/03/19: MODIS: Fires in the Mississippi Valley [on Mar.3]
- 2014/03/18: NASA: Indochina Agricultural Fires Still Ongoing
Corals are a bellwether of the ocean's health:
Glaciers are melting:
- 2014/03/19: FaGP: Verde Glacier Retreat, Chile
- 2014/03/16: FaGP: Reichert Glacier Rapid Retreat, Northern Patagonia Icefield, Chile
- 2014/03/14: UCincinnati: The Frozen Truth about Glaciers, Climate Change and Our Future
University of Cincinnati researchers use years of Tibet and Himalayas analysis to better predict glacial response to global climate change
Sea levels are rising:
- 2014/03/21: SciAm: Newly Discovered Greenland Melting Could Accelerate Sea-Level Rise
Parts of the massive ice sheet once considered stable have been shown to be melting in new research - 2014/03/17: TP:JR: Sea Levels To Rise More Than Expected Due To Warming-Driven Surge In Greenland Ice Loss
- 2014/03/16: P3: Paging King Canute
These extreme rainfall events are becoming all too frequent:
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2014/03/19: Guardian(UK): California officials prepare for worst as historic drought deepens wildfire risk
- 2014/03/19: DD: In parched California, town taps run nearly dry...
- 2014/03/19: al Jazeera: Drought causes extreme emergency in Haiti
Haiti struck by yet another natural disaster. Now a lack of water causes problems to the poverty stricken nation. - 2014/03/19: al Jazeera: In Pictures: Pakistan's parched Thar desert
Drop in rainfall has pushed residents of the area into a state of 'severe food insecurity'. - 2014/03/18: DD: Warmest winter on record worsens California drought...
- 2014/03/18: Wunderground: California's Rainy Season Almost Over
- 2014/03/18: IndiaTimes: Floods leave 32 dead in South Africa
- 2014/03/17: CSM: Warmest winter on record worsens California drought
- 2014/03/17: CCP: NYT: Water experts respond to Martin Hoerling's error-ridden op-ed in the NYT wrt the California drought
- 2014/03/17: al Jazeera: Singapore showers relieve the drought
Welcome downpours clear the air and break Singapore's sweltering dry spell.
First, stop subsidizing fossil fuels
Second, put a price on carbon
Third, begin to reduce the human population
And elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2014/03/22: SimpleC: Fairness instinct trumps economic expectations on climate costs
- 2014/03/20: Tyee: Can Big Data 'Solve' Climate Change?
Consider transportation & GHG production:
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2014/03/19: TheCanadian: David Suzuki: We can't geoengineer our way out of climate change
- 2014/03/18: ClimateEng: Ming, Tingzhen; et al. (2014): Fighting global warming by climate engineering: Is the Earth radiation management and the solar radiation management any option for fighting climate change?
- 2014/03/10: BendBulletin: Climate engineering takes off the tinfoil hat
- 2014/03/09: JBeach: Why Geoengineering is our only real hope in the battle against climate change
What's new in restoration?
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2014/03/18: PNAS: (abs) High herbivore density associated with vegetation diversity in interglacial ecosystems by Christopher J. Sandom et al.
- 2014/03/18: PNAS: (abs) Evidence that dimethyl sulfide facilitates a tritrophic mutualism between marine primary producers and top predators by Matthew S. Savoca & Gabrielle A. Nevitt
- 2014/03/18: PNAS: (ab$) Chemical defenses and resource trade-offs structure sponge communities on Caribbean coral reefs by Tse-Lynn Loh & Joseph R. Pawlik
- 2014/03/18: PNAS: (abs) Quantifying causal mechanisms to determine how protected areas affect poverty through changes in ecosystem services and infrastructure by Paul J. Ferraro & Merlin M. Hanauer
- 2014/03/18: PNAS: (abs) Increasing homogeneity in global food supplies and the implications for food security by Colin K. Khoury et al.
- 2014/03/18: PNAS: (ab$) A soil actinobacterium scavenges atmospheric H2 using two membrane-associated, oxygen-dependent [NiFe] hydrogenases by Chris Greening et al.
- 2014/03/18: PNAS: (abs) Oxygen requirements of the earliest animals by Daniel B. Mills et al.
- 2014/03/18: PNAS: (ab$) A controlling role for the air-sea interface in the chemical processing of reactive nitrogen in the coastal marine boundary layer by Michelle J. Kim et al.
- 2014/03/18: PNAS: (ab$) Harvesting renewable energy from Earth's mid-infrared emissions by Steven J. Byrnes et al.
- 2014/03/19: RSPB: Highly resolved early Eocene food webs show development of modern trophic structure after the end-Cretaceous extinction by Jennifer A. Dunne et al.
- 2014/03/04: Springer:Oecologia: (ab$) Highly reduced mass loss rates and increased litter layer in radioactively contaminated areas by Timothy A. Mousseau et al.
- 2014/03/20: ESDD: Statistical significance of rising and oscillatory trends in global ocean and land temperature in the past 160 years by L. Østvand et al.
- 2014/03/19: ACP: The Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS): overview and experimental design by M. Tjernström et al.
- 2014/03/17: ACP: Quantifying the contributions of natural emissions to ozone and total fine PM concentrations in the Northern Hemisphere by A. Zare et al.
- 2014/03/18: ACPD: A climatology of dust emission events from northern Africa using long-term surface observations by S. M. Cowie et al.
- 2014/03/21: Science: (ab$) Iron Fertilization of the Subantarctic Ocean During the Last Ice Age by Alfredo Martínez-García et al.
- 2014/03/19: ERL: Global crop yield response to extreme heat stress under multiple climate change futures by Delphine Deryng et al.
- 2014/03/21: BG: Methane emissions from floodplains in the Amazon Basin: challenges in developing a process-based model for global applications by B. Ringeval et al.
- 2014/03/21: BG: Effect of hypoxia and anoxia on invertebrate behaviour: ecological perspectives from species to community level by B. Riedel et al.
- 2014/03/19: BG: Development of a regional-scale pollen emission and transport modeling framework for investigating the impact of climate change on allergic airway disease by R. Zhang et al.
- 2014/03/19: BG: Fractal properties of forest fires in Amazonia as a basis for modelling pan-tropical burnt area by I. N. Fletcher et al.
- 2014/03/21: BGD: Greenhouse gas emissions from rewetted bog peat extraction sites and a Sphagnum cultivation site in Northwest Germany by C. Beyer & H. Höper
- 2014/03/18: BGD: The sensitivity of primary productivity to intra-seasonal mixed layer variability in the sub-Antarctic Zone of the Atlantic Ocean by W. R. Joubert et al.
- 2014/03/21: CP: Pulses of enhanced North Pacific Intermediate Water ventilation from the Okhotsk Sea and Bering Sea during the last deglaciation by L. Max et al.
- 2014/03/21: CP: Towards an improved organic carbon budget for the western Barents Sea shelf by I. Pathirana et al.
- 2014/03/20: CP: Evaluation of modern and mid-Holocene seasonal precipitation of the Mediterranean and northern Africa in the CMIP5 simulations by A. Perez-Sanz et al.
- 2014/03/19: CP: Changing correlation structures of the Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation from 1000 to 2100 AD by C. C. Raible et al.
- 2014/03/11: PLoS One: Ancient Clam Gardens Increased Shellfish Production: Adaptive Strategies from the Past Can Inform Food Security Today by Amy S. Groesbeck et al.
- 2014/03/20: ACP: Characterization of submicron aerosols during a month of serious pollution in Beijing, 2013 by J. K. Zhang et al.
- 2014/03/21: ACPD: Influence of biomass burning plumes on HONO chemistry in eastern China by W. Nie et al.
- 2014/03/21: ACPD: Aerosol and dynamic effects on the formation and evolution of pyro-clouds by D. Chang et al.
- 2014/03/21: ACPD: Characterisation of a stratospheric sulphate plume from the Nabro volcano using a combination of passive satellite measurements in nadir and limb geometry by M. J. M. Penning de Vries et al.
- 2014/03/21: ACPD: Carbon balance of China constrained by CONTRAIL aircraft CO2 measurements by F. Jiang et al.
- 2014/03/21: HESS: Measuring and modeling water-related soil-vegetation feedbacks in a fallow plot by N. Ursino et al.
- 2014/03/20: HESS: Identifying sources and controlling factors of arsenic release in saline groundwater aquifers by C.-W. Liu et al.
- 2014/03/21: HESSD: Monitoring of riparian vegetation response to flood disturbances using terrestrial photography by K. Dzubáková et al.
- 2014/03/20: HESSD: Predicting East African spring droughts using Pacific and Indian Ocean sea surface temperature indices by C. Funk et al.
- 2014/03/20: OSD: On the glacial and inter-glacial thermohaline circulation and the associated transports of heat and freshwater by M. Ballarotta et al.
- 2014/03/19: TC: Homogenisation of a gridded snow water equivalent climatology for Alpine terrain: methodology and applications by S. Jörg-Hess et al.
- 2014/03/19: TCD: Representing moisture fluxes and phase changes in glacier debris cover using a single-reservoir approach by E. Collier et al.
- 2014/03/20: ERL: Internal variability of Earth's energy budget simulated by CMIP5 climate models by M D Palmer & D J McNeall
- 2014/03/17: ESAJ:Ecology: Permafrost degradation stimulates carbon loss from experimentally warmed tundra by Susan M. Natali et al.
- 2014/03/18: HESS: A comparison of methods for determining field evapotranspiration: photosynthesis system, sap flow, and eddy covariance by Z. Zhang et al.
- 2014/03/17: HESS: Re-suspension of bed sediment in a small stream - results from two flushing experiments by A. Eder et al.
- 2014/03/17: HESSD: Simulated tritium concentrations in river waters of the western Lake Taupo catchment, New Zealand with MODPATH particle tracking by M. A. Gusyev et al.
- 2014/03/18: OS: Secchi depth in the Oslofjord-Skagerrak area: theory, experiments and relationships to other quantities by E. Aas et al.
- 2014/03/18: OSD: One plausible reason for the change in ENSO characteristics in the 2000s by V. N. Stepanov
- 2014/03/18: TC: Decadal trends in the Antarctic sea ice extent ultimately controlled by ice-ocean feedback by H. Goosse & V. Zunz
- 2014/03/18: TC: Empirical sea ice thickness retrieval during the freeze-up period from SMOS high incident angle observations by M. Huntemann et al.
- 2014/03/17: TC: Implementation and evaluation of prognostic representations of the optical diameter of snow in the SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus detailed snowpack model by C. M. Carmagnola et al.
- 2014/03/18: TCD: Air temperature thresholds to evaluate snow melting at the surface of Alpine glaciers by T-index models: the case study of Forni Glacier (Italy) by A. Senese et al.
- 2014/03/16: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Influence of anthropogenic aerosols and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on tropical belt width by Robert J. Allen et al.
- 2014/03/16: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Surface-water iron supplies in the Southern Ocean sustained by deep winter mixing by Alessandro Tagliabue et al.
- 2014/03/16: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Short-term modulation of Indian summer monsoon rainfall by West Asian dust by V. Vinoj et al.
- 2014/03/16: Nature:CC: (ab$) Low-carbon infrastructure strategies for cities by C. A. Kennedy et al.
- 2014/03/16: Nature:CC: (ab$) Consequences of warming on tundra carbon balance determined by reindeer grazing history by Maria Väisänen et al.
- 2014/03/16: Nature:CC: (ab$) A meta-analysis of crop yield under climate change and adaptation by A. J. Challinor et al.
- 2014/03/16: Nature:CC: (ab$) Sustained mass loss of the northeast Greenland ice sheet triggered by regional warming by Shfaqat A. Khan et al.
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2014/03/19: Guardian(UK): A remarkably accurate global warming prediction, made in 1972
- 2014/03/17: Eureka: Climatologists offer explanation for widening of Earth's tropical belt
UC Riverside-led research points to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and anthropogenic pollutants
In the science organizations:
- 2014/03/20: NBF: US Billionaires making a modern model of Renaissance Science Patronage
- 2014/03/19: NatureNB: UK budget sees boosts for data science, graphene and cell therapy
British scientists already know that their public funding for the next two years is frozen at £4.6 billion annually (as it has been since 2010, which for the nation's seven research-grants agencies has meant a 10% cut in real terms over the past three years), so they did not expect anything transformative from today's budget. Right on cue, UK chancellor George Osborne continued his trend of throwing small crumbs of funding to science and technology - £222 million additional cash over the next five years - while at the same time failing to announce either long-term support for basic science, or a strategy to develop UK industrial research... - 2014/03/16: ERabett: The End of Science [Funding]
More DIY science:
- 2014/03/21: ATTPh: A two-box model
- 2014/03/18: GLaden: Unsure of Climate Science's Predictions? Do it yourself!
Regarding Mann:
- 2014/03/21: UKISS: 2036: a year to fear
- 2014/03/18: SciAm: Earth Will Cross the Climate Danger Threshold by 2036
- 2014/03/18: DD: Earth will cross the climate danger threshold by 2036...
Regarding Hansen:
- 2014/03/21: Tamino: Hansen's 1988 Predictions
- 2014/03/21: CCP: Tamino: Hansen's 1988 Predictions [still good after all these years]
- 2014/03/19: CCP: James Hansen: testimony against the Keystone XL and tar sands, to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Regarding Advocacy:
- 2014/03/20: CentreDaily: Solid science benefits our overall knowledge by Richard Alley & Michael E. Mann
An ominous development regarding Stephen Lewandowsky paper on deniers and conspiracy theories:
- 2014/03/22: P3: Journal's Mealy-Mouthed Retraction of Lewandowsky Paper
- 2014/03/21: Salon: Academic journal bows to pressure from climate deniers
- 2014/03/21: Guardian(UK): Contrarians bully journal into retracting a climate psychology paper
After threats of frivolous libel and defamation lawsuits, a journal will retract an academically sound paper - 2014/03/21: RetractionWatch: Controversial paper linking conspiracy ideation to climate change skepticism formally retracted
- 2014/03/21: PSinclair: Stephen Lewandowsky: Confronting the Anti-Science Thought Police
- 2014/03/21: STW: Recursive Fury goes recurrent
- 2014/03/21: UCSUSA:B: A Conspiracy Theory Researcher Falls Victim to Conspiracy Theories: Intimidated Journal to Retract Lewandowsky Paper
- 2014/03/20: DeSmogBlog: Science Journal Set To Retract Paper Linking Climate Change Scepticism To Conspiracy Theorists After Sceptics Shout Libel
The Pielke fan clubbe, alas:
- 2014/03/22: PSinclair: Denier Darling's New Job Off to Rocky Start
- 2014/03/20: HillHeat: A Small Sample of Roger Pielke Jr's Ad Hominem Attacks on the Climate Science Community
- 2014/03/20: Stoat: RP Jr to world: come on if you think you're hard enough
- 2014/03/20: CSW: Pielke misrepresents climate/extreme weather connection... again
- 2014/03/19: HillHeat: Roger Pielke Jr's First Post for Nate Silver's Venture Relies on False Claim about Climate Science
- 2014/03/19: ERabett: Little Liver Treats - Ryan Cooper Planks Roger Pielke Jr.
- 2014/03/19: DD: Nate Silver's new science writer ignores the data on climate science
Meanwhile at the UN:
- 2014/03/21: RTCC: Ban Ki-moon hails 20th birthday of [UNFCC]
- 2014/03/20: RTCC: Climate adaptation faces funding crisis warn UN officials
Collapse of revenue from carbon markets has left Adaptation Fund critically short of money - 2014/03/17: UN: UN agency launches new global land cover database
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2014/03/21: Eureka: Lessons offered by emerging carbon trading markets -- New models being tested to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- 2014/03/19: GEB: Start of Backloading of Emission Allowances - Fewer Allowances Auctioned
On the international political front, tensions continue as the empire leans on Iran:
- 2014/03/21: Asia Times: Saudi grant kills Iran-Pakistan pipeline
- 2014/03/20: AntiWar: IAEA: Iran Meeting All Commitments in Nuclear Deal
- 2014/03/20: AntiWar: Iran, West Far Apart, But Hopeful on Final Nuclear Deal by July
- 2014/03/19: al Jazeera: US and Iran: More work needed on atomic deal
Officals from both nations indicate more time needed for deal on Iran's nuclear programme after latest talks in Vienna. - 2014/03/18: al Jazeera: World powers and Iran start nuclear talks
Negotiators hope to reach an agreement that trims Iran's nuclear activities in exchange for end to sanctions. - 2014/03/17: AntiWar: A Compromise With Iran Is Possible, if It Is Not Asked To Surrender
South [& East] China Sea tension persists:
- 2014/03/20: Asia Times: The devil and the deep South China Sea
- 2014/03/21: WSWS: Provocative remarks by US Pacific fleet commander fuel disputes with China
- 2014/03/18: Xinhuanet: Chinese envoy urges Japan to face historical facts of "comfort women"
- 2014/03/17: Asia Times: Understand Abe, but focus on Japan
- 2014/03/17: Asia Times: Eyes on Crimea, China makes its
Who is serious about reducing airline carbon emissions?
- 2014/03/20: EurActiv: EU lawmakers reject deal to exempt foreign flights from CO2 charges
Lawmakers in the European Parliament's Environment Committee voted on Wednesday (19 March) to reject a compromise deal exempting long-haul flights from the EU's aviation emissions scheme until the end of 2016, saying the EU would not bow to foreign pressure. - 2014/03/19: EurActiv: Parliament set for 'drama' over aviation emissions vote
A compromise agreement reached with EU member states earlier this month over carbon emission allowances for aviation is set for rejection in the European Parliament today (19 March) as political groups have rallied to denounce "bullying" from China, Russia and the United States. - 2014/03/19: RTCC: MEPs block moves to exempt long-haul flights from trading scheme
Tight vote in the Environment Committee on aviation emissions saw EU stand up to international bullies, say MEPs European lawmakers have rejected an agreement negotiated by EU diplomats earlier this month to exclude international flights from its emissions trading scheme until 2016.
These 'free trade' treaties should be called the corporate control treaties:
- 2014/03/18: EurActiv: NGOs call for more transparency over food in EU-US trade talks
Civil rights groups in the European Union and the United States have urged their representatives to make the negotiating texts for a mooted trade deal between the two blocs publicly available, out of concern they may loosen standards. - 2014/03/17: EurActiv: TTIP 'threatens' European education quality, teachers say
Driven by concerns about privatisation, European students and teachers demand that education be excluded from the EU-US free trade deal. - 2014/03/17: RTCC: EU-US trade pact would spur fracking in Europe, report warns
Transatlantic trade pact could boost shale gas industry by allowing companies to avoid courts and planning laws As the US and EU inch closer to a landmark trade deal, green groups in Europe have stepped up warnings that a new transatlantic compact would make fracking more likely by swerving environmental and planning laws.
The US/EU - Rissia confrontation over Crimea and Ukraine appears to be stabilizing:
- 2014/03/21: EurActiv: EU plans to reduce Russian energy dependence
- 2014/03/21: EUO: EU leaders on Friday tasked the European Commission to come up by June with an in-depth study of energy dependence of member states and ways to reduce it...
- 2014/03/20: EurActiv: Russian energy threat galvanises EU 'climate hawks'
EU heads of state and government will discuss the bloc's 2030 climate agenda with a renewed sense of urgency in Brussels Friday (21 March) amid calls to reduce the EU's dependency on Russian gas imports following the annexation of Crimea and looming trade sanctions on Moscow. - 2014/03/20: EurActiv: UK sketches out Europe's energy alternatives to Russia
Europe has a range of options to shore up its energy security and cut dependence on Russian supplies, including asking the United States to export more gas, and working with Iraq, a British government document says. - 2014/03/19: Resilience: "The Oil and Gas Weapon Won't Work": Davis & Leggett on Ukraine
- 2014/03/18: al Jazeera: Reshuffling the cards of global energy geopolitics
Energy geopolitics in 2014 are very different from what they were a few years ago and Moscow has much to lose. - 2014/03/17: DeSmogBlog: Why ExxonMobil's Partnerships With Russia's Rosneft Challenge the Narrative of U.S. Exports As Energy Weapon
- 2014/03/17: RTCC: Crimea crisis forces EU to re-evaluate energy policies
And in miscellaneous international political jousting:
- 2014/03/21: IPSNews: Egypt Gets Muscular Over Nile Dam
When Egypt's then-president Mohamed Morsi said in June 2013 that "all options" including military intervention, were on the table if Ethiopia continued to develop dams on the Nile River, many dismissed it as posturing. But experts claim Cairo is deadly serious about defending its historic water allotment, and if Ethiopia proceeds with construction of what is set to become Africa's largest hydroelectric dam, a military strike is not out of the question. Relations between Egypt and Ethiopia have soured since Ethiopia began construction on the 4.2 billion dollar Grand Renaissance Dam in 2011.
Climate Change is a threat multiplier exacerbating existing conflicts in food, energy, water, race, resources, religion, ideology ... etc.:
- 2014/03/18: AutoBG: Pentagon says climate change is clearly a present danger, again
- 2014/03/18: RTCC: Climate change like '100-year war' says US Army expert
Scale of impacts and lack of long-term planning could leave world with 'no exit strategy' if temperatures rise The consequences of uncontrolled global warming could resemble a 100-year war, according to a senior US Army officer who specialises in environmental security.
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2014/03/18: ABC(Au): Another arrest at Whitehaven's Maules Creek mine
Police have arrested and charged a Canberra geophysicist who locked himself onto a blasting rig at Whitehaven Coal's Maules Creek mine. Glen Torr, 62, tethered himself to the rig in the Leard State Forest on Tuesday morning. - 2014/03/18: WSWS: Sri Lanka: Police attack Hanwella villagers protesting against water pollution
- 2014/03/17: CCP: Exposed: Globally renowned activist collaborated with intelligence firm Stratfor
What are the activists up to?
- 2014/03/19: Grist: From veteran organizer Marshall Ganz, how-tos for activists
- 2014/03/18: CNN: Greenpeace activists arrested in French nuclear break-in
Environmental activists hang banner at nuclear plant - The plant's operations were not disrupted, officials say - The Fessenheim plant opened in 1977 - 2014/03/17: OilChange: Thousands Attend Californian Anti-Fracking Rally
- 2014/03/17: FukuLeaks: A Weekend Of Fukushima & Nuclear Protests In Japan
The move to divest from fossil fuel investments is growing slowly:
- 2014/03/21: Resilience: Should Universities Divest From Fossil-Fuel Companies?
- 2014/03/19: Nation: Why We Must Divest From Fossil Fuels: A Student's Open Letter to Harvard President Drew Faust
Polls! We have polls!
- 2014/03/19: EurActiv: Polish public swings behind EU climate plan
The majority of Poles support a proposed 40% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and overwhelmingly back more renewable energy builds to save them from energy dependency on Russia, according to a poll carried out by the global civic movement, Avaaz. - 2014/03/18: SciAm:Obs: Global Warming: Democrats and Republicans Agree [polls]
- 2014/03/17: Gallup: Americans Most Likely to Say Global Warming Is Exaggerated
Sixty percent say most scientists believe global warming is occurring
Regarding Water Politics and Business; See also:
- 2014/03/22: JFleck: Presa Morelos: when in doubt, make a bird list
- 2014/03/22: IOTD: Restoring a Pulse to the Lower Colorado [on Mar.8]
- 2014/03/21: Salon: Why relying on fracking and biofuels for energy could make water shortages worse
A growing global demand for energy threatens our limited water supplies, the U.N. reports - 2014/03/21: SciAm:Obs: Will Ferrell and Robert Redford Argue over the Colorado River
- 2014/03/21: TreeHugger: It's World Water Day: 5 shocking facts about water scarcity that will make you cry a river
- 2014/03/20: Guardian(UK): Jordan hopes controversial Red Sea Dead Sea project will stem water crisis
- 2014/03/20: TP:JR: NSA Tries To Keep Its Water Use A Secret, But Drought-Stricken Utah Isn't Buying It
- 2014/03/20: EurActiv: EU pledges action after 1.9m citizens demand 'right' to water
The European Union's executive pledged on Wednesday (19 March) to improve access to clean water across the region, responding to a 1.9-million-strong petition from citizens demanding recognition of their right to water. - 2014/03/19: TP:JR: Charts: How Power Generation Threatens Water Supplies, And Climate Change Threatens Both
- 2014/03/18: JFleck: The fate of the Colorado River delta: shared blame
- 2014/03/18: Resilience: An Economic Game Plan to Prevent Water Pollution
- 2014/03/18: ScienceInsider: U.S. and Mexico Unleash a Flood to Restore Colorado River Delta
- 2014/03/18: NatureN: Water returns to arid Colorado River delta -- US-Mexico agreement paves the way for a rare environmental test
- 2014/03/17: Guardian(UK): The dams of India: boon or bane?
- 2014/03/17: UN: UN expert urges long-term, rights-based approach to water crisis in Jordan
Among the world's religions:
- 2014/03/19: TP:JR: Evangelicals Urge Obama To Discuss Climate Change With Pope Francis
- 2014/03/18: CCurrents: God Pollution: Nature Is My Religion, Earth Is My Temple
Regarding science education:
- 2014/03/17: Wonkette: Wyoming Proudly Protects Innocent Children From National Science Standards
- 2014/03/17: TP:JR: Wyoming Schools Won't Teach Kids About The Reality Of Climate Change
- 2014/03/14: CSTribune: Wyoming first state to block new science standards
- 2014/03/17: Wunderground: WeatherSTEM: Innovative Software for Personal Weather Stations in Schools
While in the UK:
- 2014/03/19: Guardian(UK): Engaging with climate change after the UK floods
Extreme weather events are critical opportunities for joining the dots between climate impacts and people's lives, but it's easier to mobilise around other targets - 2014/03/19: RTCC: UK budget: Osborne caps carbon tax on power plants
Green groups protest as UK budget freezes emissions penalties, boosting country's biggest carbon polluters - 2014/03/17: CleanTechnica: Young Adults [in UK] Prefer Offshore Wind To Fracking
- 2014/03/17: BBC: HS2 chair Sir David Higgins urges project speed-up
Building work on the northern section of the £50bn high-speed HS2 rail project should be accelerated, HS2 chairman Sir David Higgins has said. - 2014/03/16: ATTPh: [UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser] Mark Walport on Climate Change
And in Europe:
- 2014/03/21: RTCC: "Maximum coal burn" to continue in Europe, says BofAML report
Falling coal prices could force up emissions, as coal replaces gas on the grid, says bank report - 2014/03/21: RTCC: EU delays 2030 climate package decision until October
- 2014/03/21: EurActiv: EU ponders 2017 deadline for green energy funding rules
As of 2017, member states will only fund new renewable energy projects after organising a "genuinely competitive bidding process," according to new EU aid rules in the pipeline. - 2014/03/21: EUO: Merkel sees tough talks on EU climate goals
- 2014/03/20: RTCC: Delay to EU 2030 climate targets 'nonsensical' warns De Boer
Draft texts suggest EU leaders plan to postpone release of decarbonisation plans until October - 2014/03/20: EurActiv: EU pledges action after 1.9m citizens demand 'right' to water
The European Union's executive pledged on Wednesday (19 March) to improve access to clean water across the region, responding to a 1.9-million-strong petition from citizens demanding recognition of their right to water. - 2014/03/20: EUO: EU commission to rewrite water laws after citizens' campaign
- 2014/03/20: GET: What price carbon?
- 2014/03/19: GET: The right to make your own energy
- 2014/03/19: EurActiv: EU climate ambitions clouded by calendar issues
EU heads of states preparing for a summit opening in Brussels tomorrow (20 March) are divided about when to adopt a new climate change target, as the European Commission's preferred 40% greenhouse gas reductions goal hoves into the distance. - 2014/03/19: EUO: EU climate goals postponed until December
- 2014/03/19: RTCC: Analysis: efficiency can be at the heart of EU energy policy
- 2014/03/19: RTCC: Jens Stoltenberg: swift EU 2030 deal will boost UN climate process
Ban Ki-moon's climate envoy says Brussels leadership can help smooth international talks - 2014/03/19: GEB: Start of Backloading of Emission Allowances - Fewer Allowances Auctioned
- 2014/03/18: EurActiv: France puts climate, energy talks on EU summit table
With the Ukraine crisis expected to dominate the agenda at this week's EU summit, France and the UK are among the few countries prepared to discuss climate and energy issues... - 2014/03/17: Guardian(UK): Europe should lead on climate change by Mary Robinson & Desmond Tutu
We must leave a clean climate legacy - the fate of the world today and its future hinges on the leadership we show now - 2014/03/17: al Jazeera: Polluted Paris forces cars off the roads
Traffic restrictions come after pollution particulates exceeded safe levels for five straight days in French capital.
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2014/03/23: ABC(Au): SA election: Labor to form minority government with support of independent Geoff Brock
- 2014/03/23: ABC(Au): Drought-stricken western Queensland families say education top priority
For rural families struggling with the financial stresses brought on by drought, many sacrifices have to be made. But when it comes to educating their children, farmers say they will do whatever it takes. - 2014/03/22: WSWS: Australia: Mounting anger over coal mine fire health crisis
- 2014/03/21: Guardian(UK): WA Senate poll offers an improbably colourful cast and bewildering plot
The rerun election may have implications - above all for climate policy - far beyond the simple choice of six senators - 2014/03/21: ABC(Au): More moos less methane: lowering cattle emissions
A western Queensland beef producer has found a way to minimise emissions from his cattle. Longreach grazier Peter Whip is a member of the Climate Champions program and has focussed on reducing the average emissions per head of stock. - 2014/03/20: ABC(Au): Farmers change with climate change
The rising temperature is a major concern for Australian farmers at the Climate Champions conference in Canberra this week. Grazier Peter Whip, from Royston, 65km south of Longreach, is one of Queensland's seven climate champions, despite admitting he was originally a sceptic. He says the climate champions program has exposed him to raw information from scientists, without the spin and hype of the media. - 2014/03/21: ABC(Au): Treasurer Joe Hockey denies receiving money from Australian Water Holdings
- 2014/03/21: ABC(Au): Clive Palmer hoses down talk of party merger between Palmer United Party and Katter's Australian Party
- 2014/03/21: ABC(Au): Fresh inquiry launched into ACT's bushfire preparedness plan
- 2014/03/21: RNE: NSW minister says solar industry has strong outlook
- 2014/03/21: ABC(Au): Morwell mine fire inquiry findings expected in August
- 2014/03/20: Guardian(UK): Why increasing coal seam gas supply will result in higher gas prices
- 2014/03/20: Guardian(UK): Are the Greens finished in Australia?
A succession of electoral defeats has seen the party written off by some -- but there's a way they can turn the tide - 2014/03/20: ABC(Au): Senate votes to block carbon tax repeal legislation
- 2014/03/20: TheConversation: The battle over Abbot Point risks losing the Great Barrier Reef war
- 2014/03/20: RNE: Palmer's support for renewables target lasts just a day
- 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): Residents' group rejects AMA's wind farm stance
- 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): CSIRO unveils nationwide soil carbon map
- 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): CFI could boost Mallee farms bottom line
The Carbon Farming Initiative is a voluntary carbon offsets scheme, but there's also lots of research on the side looking at making farming more efficient. - 2014/03/19: RNE: Palmer backs renewables as solar campaign heats up
- 2014/03/19: RNE: Australia's solar future will stall, but when and how?
- 2014/03/18: ABC(Au): Climate farmers champion better forecasting
- 2014/03/18: UKISS: March in March -- never seen anything like it
- 2014/03/18: JQuiggin: March in March statement
- 2014/03/18: RNE: Stuck in political blind spot, Aust cleantech lags behind world
- 2014/03/17: Guardian(UK): 'Keyboard warriors' have taken over climate debate, Bill Shorten says
- 2014/03/17: AIMN: Birth of a progressive coalition: 30,000 attend March in March in Melbourne
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): Hazelwood mine fire: Morwell South residents given all-clear to return to their homes
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): Big fines for Clarence commercial fishers
- 2014/03/17: RNE: Victoria slammed as it takes aim at energy efficiency
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): Hundreds gather at Parliament House for March in March protest against government policies
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): South Australia election: Key independents in talks about which side might form government
Now we get to watch the suppository of wisdom destroy what little Australia has done to fight climate change:
- 2014/03/22: ABC(Au): Manus Island inquiry: Justice Cannings initiates new inquiry after PNG government stalls current hearing
- 2014/03/21: ABC(Au):TDU: What changed? Questions for Abbott about Sinodinos
- 2014/03/21: ABC(Au): Tony Abbott wants Papua New Guinea to speed up processing of asylum seekers on Manus Island
- 2014/03/21: ABC(Au): Manus Island: Damage from riots visible during media's tour of detention centre
- 2014/03/21: RNE: Fossil fuel lobby ramps up as Abbott goes for green jugular
- 2014/03/20: RNE: Abbott launches new assault on clean energy
- 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): Lack of detail on drought aid
Money from the Federal Government's new $280 million concessional loan package is yet to reach drought-affected primary producers. - 2014/03/18: RNE: Solar sector frets as RET review begins with pregnant pause
- 2014/03/18: ABC(Au): Immigration Minister Scott Morrison acknowledges asylum boat turn-backs as UN interviews asylum seekers
- 2014/03/17: RNE: New small solar target set for 2014 -- what does it mean?
- 2014/03/17: WSWS: Australian government threatens arts funding following Sydney Biennale protest over refugees
The fight over coal seam gas continues:
- 2014/03/20: ABC(Au): Green group questions CSG regulation after contamination scare
An environmental group says it has concerns about the lack of oversight on the use of chemicals in the coal seam gas (CSG) industry. Work has resumed on five Origin Energy rigs in the Surat Basin after it was stopped last week when it was revealed asbestos had been found in a powder used in the drilling process - 2014/03/20: ABC(Au): Industry confident of CSG's future on the North Coast
- 2014/03/20: ABC(Au): Fracking worries for wine region
There are warnings that one of Australia's most prestigious wine regions could be at risk if gas exploration goes ahead in South Australia. Agriculturalists in the Coonawarra are calling for a moratorium on the practice, over fears that CSG drilling could harm underground water reserves. There's already been exploratory drilling in the region to investigate the viability of shale gas deposits. - 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): North coast gas opponents feel vindicated by Australia Institute CSG report
- 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): Arnhem Land traditional owners flag High Court action to prevent mining industry fracking
- 2014/03/18: ABC(Au): Report claims CSG industry exaggerates economic benefits
- 2014/03/18: ABC(Au): CSG industry 'exaggerates' economic benefits: [[Australia Institute] report ['Fracking the future: busting industry myths about coal seam gas']
- 2014/03/18: RNE: CSG survey says Australians want transparency, control
- 2014/03/17: TheConversation: Three myths the coal seam gas industry wants you to believe
After years of wrangling, the Murray Darling Basin Plan is in place, but the water management fights are far from finished:
- 2014/03/21: ABC(Au): Change to water trading rules
The Australian Securities and Investment Commission will no longer regulate trade in basic water rights. The change means the rules governing trading water rights will be the same as any other agricultural commodity, rather than a financial instrument. - 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): Chaffey Dam upgrade gets green light
- 2014/03/18: ABC(Au): Harcourt irrigation revamp underway
The Federal and now the State Liberals are bent on trashing the hard won Tasmanian forest deal:
- 2014/03/21: ABC(Au): Tasmania's forest peace deal dead: industry says 'world has moved on'
- 2014/03/21: ABC(Au): Timber industry says Tas forest agreement irrelevant
It's unclear whether Tasmania still has a forestry peace deal. The incoming Liberal Government has met with timber industry groups today to discuss its plan to rip up the forest agreement. The industry groups emerged from the meeting talking about life after the peace deal. But the environmental movement is refusing to accept the industry's statement that the forest agreement is now irrelevant under the new Government. - 2014/03/21: ABC(Au): Liberals downplay an international forest approval scheme as they prepare to ramp up logging
- 2014/03/20: ABC(Au): Tasmanian Aborigines call for an archaeological survey of forests marked for World Heritage delisting
- 2014/03/19: TheConversation: 'Degraded' Tasmanian forests can still be World Heritage
- 2014/03/18: ABC(Au): Tasmanian Premier-elect says they have mandate to tear up forest deal
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): Liberals vow to rip up forest peace deal, but signatories say they still support the agreement
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): Newly elected Tasmanian Liberals vow to rip up forest agreement
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): Environmentalists denied role in Libs forest peace talks
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): PM Tony Abbott hopes for 'renaissance of forestry' following Liberal election victory in Tasmania
While in China:
- 2014/03/20: Asia Times: China struggles with energy over smog crisis
- 2014/03/20: NBF: China targets new molten salt thorium nuclear reactors by 2024 with war-like pressure to accelerate solution to killer air pollution
- 2014/03/19: NBF: China pledges that 60 percent of cities will meet national air quality standards in 2020
- 2014/03/19: Guardian(UK): China working on [thorium-fuelled] nuclear plants in attempt to combat smog
- 2014/03/18: DD: China is building a 'coal base' the size of Los Angeles
- 2014/03/17: Asia Times: Little faith in China's war on pollution
Complicit officials and the continued persecution of environmental activists will stop Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's "war on pollution" in its tracks, environmentalists said on Friday.
And in Africa:
- 2014/03/18: RTCC: Rwanda open for clean energy business says minister
Small African country has huge solar, geothermal and hydro potential, but needs financial support Rwanda's energy minister [Emma Francoise Isumbingabo] says the recent announcement of an 8.5 megawatt solar photovoltaic project is just the start of the country's investments in clean energy.
And South America:
- 2014/03/10: UDW: The Quimbo Hydroelectric Project [in Colombia] Moves Ahead without Complying with its Environmental License
In Canada, neocon PM Harper, aka The Blight, pushes petroleum while ignoring the climate and ecology:
- 2014/03/21: Rabble:JG: A short history of new Finance Minister Joe Oliver
- 2014/03/20: DeSmogBlog: A Short History of Joe Oliver, Canada's New Finance Minister
- 2014/03/20: CBC: Greg Rickford takes on natural resources post at critical time
New natural resources minister faces opposition to pipelines and growing industry pressure to deliver - 2014/03/19: WCEL: Widening (even further) the hole in federal fish protection: Canada's proposed Fisheries Act Regulations
- 2014/03/19: Tyee: Seven Steps Back for Canada's Natural Defence
Filling in redacted parts of internal federal emails reveals which enviro threats diplomats won't 'engage' on. Canada once was an active environmental leader, helping coax other nations into such landmark international measures to protect the planet as the Montreal Protocol to defend the ozone layer. That was then. This is now. - 2014/03/17: PaiD: Another Informed Star Reader
- 2014/03/17: CSM: Is Canada the next energy superpower?
- 2014/03/17: MSimon: Stephen Harper, the Melting Planet, and the Collapse of the Capitalist System
Resonances of the Lac Mégantic tragedy linger:
- 2014/03/15: TStar: Hazardous train freight shouldn't be kept secret, expert says
Information on hazardous rail shipments must be reported to the city, but neither the city nor the railways will make it public.
Pipelines - Natural Gasand Liquids:
There are getting to be so many pipelines, one almost needs a scorecard:
- The TransCanada West-East pipeline has passed the first stage
- The battle over the Northern Gateway pipeline rages on
- The Kinder Morgan expansion remains controversial
- The Enbridge Line 9 reversal is before the NEB
- The ancient Enbridge Line 5 runs under the Straits of Mackinac
- Enbridge has announced a Line 3 rebuild
The TransCanada West-East [aka Energy East] pipeline has passed the first stage:
- 2014/03/22: DeSmogBlog: TransCanada's Proposed Energy East Pipeline Is Clearly An Export Pipeline Says Report
- 2014/03/19: TheCanadian: Energy East pipeline would be for export, not local refining
- 2014/03/19: Rabble:AH-D: TransCanada's Energy East pipeline: Separating fact from fiction
- 2014/03/19: DeSmogBlog: The Human Face of TransCanada's Energy East Pipeline
- 2014/03/18: CBC: Energy East pipeline benefits overblown, report says
Environmental groups say pipeline unlikely to benefit Canadian refineries The proposed Energy East pipeline won't be the boon to Eastern Canadian refineries that supporters claim because the vast majority of the oil in it would be bound for export markets, environmental groups argued in a report released Tuesday. The $12-billion project would likely use the lion's share of its 1.1 million barrel per day capacity to send unrefined oilsands crude to markets like India, Europe and possibly the United States, says the report, penned by The Council of Canadians, Ecology Action Centre, Environmental Defence and Equiterre. The pipeline would run 4,600 kilometres from Alberta to Saint John, N.B., using repurposed pipe already in the ground for roughly two thirds of the way.
The battle over the Northern Gateway pipeline rages on:
- 2014/03/19: Rabble:EG: Enbridge smothers Kitimat in sleek ads leading up to local Northern Gateway Pipeline vote
- 2014/03/17: DeSmogBlog: Enbridge Blitzes Northern B.C. With Ads Before Kitimat Plebiscite On Northern Gateway Oil Pipeline
The Enbridge Line 9 reversal has been approved. Let the lawsuits begin:
- 2014/03/19: TreeHugger: Check this map to see if you live near Enbridge's controversial Line 9 oil pipeline
- 2014/03/17: DeSmogBlog: Public Requests for Basic Line 9 Safety Test Denied in NEB Pipeline Approval
Western farmers are still yelling about the railroad's grain backlog:
- 2014/03/18: CBC: Manitoba makes deal with CP to move more grain
Manitoba government says it has secured promise from CP to move more grain through Thunder Bay - 2014/03/17: CBC: Rail grain rules not tough enough, Saskatchewan & Alberta say
What's the state of the West Coast salmon fishery?
Meanwhile in BC:
- 2014/03/21: Tyee: As Foresters Disappear, Who Watches Over the Trees?
Reduction of gov't inspectors raises questions about stewardship of BC's natural resources. - 2014/03/19: CBC: Encana's water permits for B.C. fracking illegal, lawsuit alleges
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2014/03/22: CCP: Koch Brothers Are Largest Lease Holders in Alberta Tar Sands
- 2014/03/21: TheCanadian: Oil Sands or Tar Sands? Actually, they're neither
- 2014/03/21: Grist: The Brothers Koch quietly become largest tar-sands lease holders in Alberta
- 2014/03/20: TP:JR: Koch Brothers Are The Largest Land Owners Of Canada's Tar Sands
Also in Alberta:
- 2014/03/20: Tyee: Despite Redford's Departure, the Petro State Marches On -- Premier's exit will likely prove insignificant to oil-saturated Alberta
- 2014/03/19: CBC: Alison Redford resigning as Alberta premier
- 2014/03/19: CBC: Alison Redford plagued by expense questions as party looks to recover
In Manitoba, the capital is nicknamed Winterpeg, but this year is an extreme:
- 2014/03/22: WpgFP: City all wet on frozen-pipe fix? High-pressure hot water works: experts
- 2014/03/21: CityOfWinnipeg: Frozen Pipes - Current stats
- 2014/03/19: CBC: Frost keeps pushing deeper into Winnipeg's frozen terrain
In Ontario:
In the Maritimes:
- 2014/03/21: TheCanadian: Nova Scotia approves [Goldboro] LNG plant
- 2014/03/17: CBC: Ice-trapped porpoises struggling off Newfoundland town
And on the American political front:
- 2014/03/22: DD: Massachusetts houses wrecked repeatedly by sea rebuilt with taxes - 'We always knew it was unsustainable there'
- 2014/03/21: DeSmogBlog: Colorado Legislators Seek to Punish Cities that Ban Fracking
- 2014/03/21: OilChange: New video: All of the Above is climate denial
- 2014/03/21: Grist: Coal ash is a dangerous mess. Why isn't it better regulated?
- 2014/03/20: UCSUSA:B: Renewable Energy Opponents at it Again in Kansas, but Wind (and Solar!) Power Forge Ahead
- 2014/03/20: TP:JR: California City Temporarily Bans All New Oil Drilling Over Fracking Concerns
- 2014/03/20: Wonkette: States Find Farm Bill Loophole To Feed Poor People; Jesus And GOP Righteously Pissed
- 2014/03/20: NOAA:NWS: National Hydrologic Assessment
- 2014/03/20: NOAANews: NOAA predicts moderate flood potential in Midwest, elevated risk of ice jams; California and Southwest stuck with drought
- 2014/03/19: WSWS: One hundred people killed in New York house fires this winter
- 2014/03/19: CleanTechnica: Solar Industry Defeats ALEC Net Metering Attacks In Utah & Washington
- 2014/03/19: TP:JR: Attempt To Ban Fracking In Johnson County, Illinois Fails
- 2014/03/19: TP:JR: Illinois Residents Fight Back Against The State's Coal Industry
- 2014/03/19: TP:JR: Critics Of Obama's Carbon Rules Have A Shoddy Record Predicting Regulations' Costs
- 2014/03/19: Grist: Keystone foes turn their fire to natural gas exports
- 2014/03/18: Grist: Scientists to Americans: This climate change thing really is a big deal
- 2014/03/18: CCP: Wendell Berry: 'for Americans to talk about sustainability is a bit of a joke'
- 2014/03/18: Grist: Two-thirds of Republicans think the media exaggerates climate change
- 2014/03/16: CCP: Primary referendum on fracking puts southern Illinois county in national spotlight
The Keystone XL wheel grinds slowly. And it grinds woe:
- 2014/03/17: AlterNet: FBI Held Strategy Meeting With Keystone XL Partners
- 2014/03/17: ICN: 60% of Pro-Keystone XL Comments Tied to Industry, Group Says
Analysis of 1,000 public comments shows that authors of more than half of them have ties to various companies that may benefit from pipeline's approval. - 2014/03/16: CSW: More on why Keystone XL is not in the national or global interest
Damn, these leaks and spills just keep piling up!
You need a map to keep them straight:
- In North Caroline, Duke Energy spilled coal ash slurry into the Dan River
- In West Virginia, Patriot Coal spilled coal ash slurry into Fields Creek
- In West Virginia, Freedom Industries spilled coal cleaning chemicals into the Elk river
- In Michigan, Enbridge spilled dilbit into the Kalamazoo River
- In Arkansas, Exxon, spilled dilbit into the suburb of Mayflower
- In the Gulf of Mexico, BP and company had the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- In West Virginia, Gary Partners spilled black water into a creek
- In North Dakota, oil and chemical spills typify boom times
- In Alaska, the Exxon Valdez is an oldie and a baddie
- On the Mississippi, an oil barge leaked
- Alpha Natural Resources is being fined for 6,000 Clean Water Act violations in 7 years
- Five years ago, America's largest industrial accident ripped through Kingston, Tennessee
- United Bulk has been sued for polluting the Mississippi River
- Sunoco Logistics has spilled oil in an Ohio nature preserve
- Louisville Gas & Electric has been pouring coal ash wastewater into the Ohio River for years
- The Aliceville, Alabama derailment polluted wetlands
In North Carolina, Duke Energy spilled coal ash slurry into the Dan River:
- 2014/03/22: WSWS: Duke Energy illegally pumps millions of gallons of contaminated water into North Carolina river
- 2014/03/21: Salon: Another coal ash disaster: Duke Energy cited for intentionally dumping millions of gallons of toxic waste
Two major spills were no accident, N.C. regulators says
In West Virginia, Freedom Industries spilled coal cleaning chemicals into the Elk river:
- 2014/03/20: TRN: Residents Still Not Drinking Tap Water Two Months After West Virginia Spill
- 2014/03/17: TP:JR: President Of [Freedom Industries] Company That Tainted West Virginia's Water Wants To Be Paid During Bankruptcy
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics. See also:
- 2014/03/21: Grist: BP is gonna drill in the Gulf of Mexico again, because THAT worked so well
- 2014/03/20: TRN: BP Gets Green Light to Drill in Gulf, But Has Safety Improved?
- 2014/03/17: WSWS: US Environmental Protection Agency lifts ban on federal contracts for BP
In Alaska, the Exxon Valdez is an oldie and a baddie:
- 2014/03/22: DD: Bitterness over Exxon Valdez oil spill lingers, 25 years on
"When the court case was finally adjudicated, the people got pennies on the dollar they really deserved" - 2014/03/20: AP: 25 years later, Exxon Valdez spill effects linger
Five years ago, America's largest industrial accident ripped through Kingston, Tennessee:
- 2014/03/19: Medium: When the rivers run black
America's largest industrial accident tore apart the town of Kingston, Tennessee. Five years later, has the industry learned anything?
United Bulk has been sued for polluting the Mississippi River:
- 2014/03/19: DeSmogBlog: Coal Exporter United Bulk Sued For Polluting Mississippi River
A coalition of environmental advocacy groups filed a lawsuit earlier this week against United Bulk, alleging that the company is responsible for numerous violations of the Clean Water Act for polluting the Mississippi River.
Sunoco Logistics has a big oil spill in an Ohio nature preserve:
Louisville Gas & Electric has been pouring coal ash wastewater into the Ohio River for years:
- 2014/03/20: Salon: Company caught on camera dumping "a steady stream" of coal ash into the Ohio River
Google Earth gave it away. A Kentucky plant owned by Louisville Gas & Electric (LG&E) was caught dumping coal ash wastewater into the Ohio River, satellite images released by the Sierra Club reveal
That Aliceville derailment and oil spill still pollutes the Alabama wetland:
- 2014/03/17: Grist: Alabama wetland still infested with oil, four months after train accident
The derailment and explosion of a train passing through Alabama wetlands in November helped bring attention to the dangers of hauling oil by rail. But the mess left behind after the explosion has been largely ignored. The Associated Press recently visited the derailment site near the town of Aliceville and found "dark, smelly crude oil still oozing into the water."
The GOP War on Women continues. See also:
- 2014/03/19: TruthDig: Should Women Be Charged With Murder for Giving Birth to Stillborns Due to 'Fetal Harm'?
- 2014/03/19: Wonkette: Abortion Rights Group Gives Coat Hanger Pendants To Donors, Furious Wingnuts Don't Realize Joke's On Them
- 2014/03/19: AlterNet: Terrifying Precedent: Woman to Be Tried for Murder for Giving Birth to Stillborn When She Was 16
- 2014/03/17: ACLU: Federal Court Strikes Down Arkansas Abortion Ban
Nate Silver has restarted his own website:
- 2014/03/20: CJR: FiveThirtyEight's disappointing science section
Science journalism could use an infusion of analysis, but FiveThirtyEight isn't yet doing it rigorously or objectively - 2014/03/19: TP:JR: First Climate Article On Nate Silver's Data Website Uses 'Deeply Misleading' Data, Top Climatologists Say
- 2014/03/19: TP:JR: Nate Silver's New Science Writer Ignores The Data On Climate Science
- 2014/03/19: CCP: Nate Silver loses all credibility, hires Roger the Dodger Pielke, Jr., serial obfuscator and stats idiot
- 2014/03/19: TWTB: Nate Silver falls off
In 2012, Nate Silver faced a conservative and media-led backlash for bringing rigor to election forecasting. His newly launched journalism project is now facing a backlash for failing to live up to its promise. - 2014/03/19: HillHeat: Nate Silver Hires Climate 'Trickster' Roger Pielke Jr
The Keeling CO2 Monitoring Project still requires funding:
- 2014/03/21: LGM: Heads in the Sand
- 2014/03/19: CCP: USA Today: Key climate-change measurement imperiled -- help the Keeling curve!
- 2014/03/19: QuarkSoup: Ralph Keeling on Today's Yale Forum Webcast
- 2014/03/19: TP:JR: World's Oldest Direct Measure Of Atmospheric CO2 May Lose Its Funding
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2014/03/21: Grist: White House to crack down on methane pollution
- 2014/03/21: TP:JR: How The EPA Could Cut Carbon Emissions Even More Than We Thought By 2020
- 2014/03/20: TheCanadian: Obama teams up with web companies to illustrate the effects of climate change
- 2014/03/19: RTCC: White House and Google launch climate 'open data' initiative
US government has partnered with Google to help Americans understand how they could be affected by climate change The White House has launched an open data website so that Americans can see for themselves how and where they will be affected by the impacts of climate change. - 2014/03/19: Grist: White House gets geeky on climate problem
- 2014/03/19: CSW: White House climate change preparedness event and Climate Data Intiative
- 2014/03/19: CCP: EPA: Environmental reporters' group slams 'incredibly secretive' agency
- 2014/03/19: EnvEcon: "The Withering of Wind Power"
- 2014/03/18: EHN: Opinion: Who's really in charge at EPA?
- 2014/03/18: Wonkette: EPA Head Apologizes For Insulting Alaska's Precious Heritage Of Rancid Moose Meat
- 2014/03/17: DeSmogBlog: Fracking California's Coast: Billions of Gallons of Fracking Pollution Legalized By Feds
- 2014/03/17: Grist: Vetting antibiotics: How the FDA's new rules look at hog's-eye level
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2014/03/22: Hypergeometric: "United States anthracite."
- 2014/03/21: TP:JR: Congressman Steps Up Attack On Koch Brothers For Detroit Petcoke Pollution
- 2014/03/20: TP:JR: Congressman [Rep. Ron Desantis (R-FL)]: It Was 'Crass' For Senators To Push For Climate Change Action
- 2014/03/19: TP:JR: Climate Denier Jim Inhofe Says He Could Lead Senate's Top Environment Committee Next Year
- 2014/03/18: QuarkSoup: Inhofe, Easter Bunny Slated for Committee Chairs
- 2014/03/17: UCSUSA:B: At the Nexus of Energy and Water, 3 Reasons Why NEWS is Good News
What are the lobbyists pushing?
- 2014/03/21: DD: Koch Group, spending freely, hones attack on government
"The notion that two billionaires are bankrolling Republican candidates because they support an agenda that is good for the Koch brothers and bad for middle-class families is very persuasive to voters"
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2014/03/21: QuarkSoup: When Will Economic Growth Ever Be Enough?
- 2014/03/21: CCurrents: A New Story For A New Economy by David Korten
- 2014/03/19: Asia Times: Steering our way to the future
- 2014/03/18: CCurrents: America Has Long Ago Exceeded The Limits
- 2014/03/18: Resilience: Taking the Permaculture Path to Community Resilience
- 2014/03/17: Resilience: Canvas Ranch: The Art of Living With the Land
In nature, there is no garbage:
- 2014/03/21: CCurrents: Defending The Earth, Even After Death: The Green Burial Movement
- 2014/03/21: CBC: Compact fluorescent bulbs often end up in trash
Statistics Canada study shows a third of households returned bulbs to depot or store Most Canadians are using compact fluorescent bulbs, but only a third of them are disposing of the mercury-containing devices properly, a new Statistics Canada report suggests. - 2014/03/20: CleanTechnica: Energy-Efficient Method Of Recovering Valuable Minerals & Materials From Wastewater Developed
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2014/03/22: al Jazeera: UN document on equality for women approved
UN document reaffirms the sexual and reproductive rights of all women and endorses sex education for adolescents. - 2014/03/20: ABC(Au):TDU: The abortion debate isn't over yet
Recent comments from Victorian Liberal Bernie Finn and his federal colleague Cory Bernardi suggest that the fight for legal abortion isn't done and dusted, writes Jonathan Green. - 2014/03/20: TruthOut: Living Legacy of Machismo: Rape Victim Charged for Self-Defense
- 2014/03/19: Grist: Bill Maher says you aren't an environmentalist unless you care about overpopulation
- 2014/03/18: Xinhuanet: Xinhua Insight: Suspension of baby hatch highlights abandoned infants dilemma
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2014/03/22: APoA: What We Know: We're Screwed
- 2014/03/22: P3: Keith vs Nafeez
- 2014/03/21: ERabett: Mordor Of Our Own Making
- 2014/03/21: Guardian(UK): Did NASA fund 'civilisation collapse' study, or not?
Journalistic standards won't be upheld by attempting to discredit science we don't like - 2014/03/21: TheCanadian: NASA study: Inequality will lead to famine, collapse of civilization
- 2014/03/20: Space: NASA Clarifies Its Role in Civilization-Collapse Study
- 2014/03/20: SESYNC: SESYNC, UMD Researchers to Publish Paper in Ecological Economics [Civilization-Collapse Study]
- 2014/03/20: SciAm:LU: The Unstoppable Extinction And Fermi's Paradox
- 2014/03/16: Independent(UK): NASA-funded study warns of 'collapse of civilisation' in coming decades
How do the corporate media measure up?
- 2014/03/22: CleanTechnica: Hatin' On The Tesla Model S Seems To Be An Edmunds Pastime
- 2014/03/19: CJR: Americans learn about science from the internet; Brits watch TV
- 2014/03/18: FAIR: Public Confused About Climate Change? It's Everybody's Fault But the Media's
- 2014/03/18: Wonkette: Intelligent Design Proponents Still So Mad At 'Cosmos,' Still So Happy They Can Be Mad At 'Cosmos'
- 2014/03/18: Grist: Two-thirds of Republicans think the media exaggerates climate change
- 2014/03/17: CCP: NYT: Water experts respond to Martin Hoerling's error-ridden op-ed in the NYT wrt the California drought
While activists search for effective communication techniques:
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2014/03/22: PSinclair: VICE Media on HBO: Greenland Melting
- 2014/03/22: PSinclair: Bill Maher on ReBranding Solar Energy (and other things)
- 2014/03/22: PSinclair: GOP Goes Urban Cool with Cracked Pro-Big-Oil "Millennial" Ads. Hilarity Ensues.
- 2014/03/21: OilChange: New video: All of the Above is climate denial
- 2014/03/20: PSinclair: What We Knew in '72
- 2014/03/20: Lenz: Elon Musk on 100% Renewable
As for podcasts:
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2014/03/20: TP:JR: Infamous Dirty Coke Plant Fined And Manager Given Jail Time
After years of illegally discharging hundreds of tons of carcinogens into the air, Tonawanda Coke just outside of Buffalo, NY was sentenced on Wednesday to pay a $12.5 million fine to the Justice Department and pay for two environmental studies of the area affected by its pollution, with a price tag of $12.2 million. Tonawanda Coke, which has operated for 30 years, produces a coal-based additive called coke that is used to make steel. The 11 violations of the Clean Air Act and the 3 violations of the Resource Recovery and Conservation Act the company was found guilty of last April carried a maximum penalty of $295 million in fines and 75 years in prison for the coke plant's manager. The company's environmental controls manager, Mark Kamholz, was sentenced to one year and one day in prison, 100 hours of community service and a $20,000 fine. Kamholz was found guilty of obstructing justice for covering up the pollution during plant inspections. - 2014/03/19: BBerg: Chesapeake, Encana Set to Answer Antitrust Charges in Michigan
Chesapeake Energy Corp. and the U.S. unit of Encana Corp. (ECA), rivals in developing American oil and gas resources, criminally conspired to avoid competing in Michigan, according to the state's attorney general. Company representatives are scheduled to appear today before a state court judge in Cheboygan, Michigan, to answer allegations that they agreed in which counties each would bid for oil and gas exploration rights before a May 2010 auction, violating state antitrust laws. - 2014/03/19: WNN: 'Unconstitutional' for US to back out of MOX plan
The state of South Carolina has reacted angrily to the suspension of the Savannah River MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility construction, filing a lawsuit against the Department of Energy. - 2014/03/17: ACLU: Coalition Files Lawsuit Over Controversial "Ag Gag" Law -- Constitutional Challenge Made to State's Attempt to Silence Factory Farm Whistle-Blowers
- 2014/03/17: TP:JR: Alaska Sues U.S. Government For Not Letting It Look For Oil In Polar Bear Habitat
- 2014/03/17: ABC(Au): Greenpeace sues Russia over Arctic 30 detention [in the European Court of Human Rights]
- 2014/03/17: Grist: Judge rejects latest Koch-led bid to snuff out Cape Wind
This Equador suit against Chevron/Texaco has been going on for decades:
- 2014/03/18: Guardian(UK): In the Chevron court case, ordinary Ecuadorians' voices don't seem to count
The Mann defamation suit saga rolls on:
- 2014/03/22: QuarkSoup: Can Mark Steyn Claim "Invincible Ignorance?"
- 2014/03/19: BBickmore: Mark Steyn's Flashdance
- 2014/03/18: CSW: Michael Mann motion to dismiss Mark Steyn's counter-suit via DC court anti-SLAPP provision
- 2014/03/17: CJR: Strange bedfellows: Climate change deniers, newspapers partner in a FOIA fight
Public information laws have forged an unlikely team in Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann's quest to keep his emails private [from American Traditions Institute aka Energy & Environment Legal Institute] - 2014/03/17: ERabett: All of a Sudden the World Famous Attorney May Realize He Is In Over His Head
It looks like this BP trial over the Gulf oil spill is going to take a long while:
- 2014/03/21: BBerg: BP Partner Anadarko E-Mails Seen Showing Role in Well
Anadarko Petroleum Corp. officials urged BP Plc to drill deeper into the Gulf of Mexico well that caused the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history even after BP warned that doing so would be unsafe. A BP executive and a geologist working on the Macondo well rejected Anadarko's urging to deepen the well, according to e-mails sent the week before the April 2010 deep-sea blowout. BP officials said in the e-mails, unsealed earlier this month in lawsuits over the spill, that the well's condition "provided for little to no margin to continue drilling" safely. Justice Department lawyers lost their bid yesterday for U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier in New Orleans to consider Anadarko's e-mails as proof the Texas-based oil explorer was involved in day-to-day monitoring and decisions at the well when he calculates a potentially multibillion-dollar pollution fine against the drilling partners. Anadarko, which owned a 25 percent stake in the Macondo well, off the Louisiana coast, contends it was a passive investor and can't be held liable...
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2014/03/22: VoxEU: Economic analysis of the US unconventional oil and gas revolution by Mathilde Mathieu et al.
The US unconventional energy boom has reversed the decline of domestic production, lowered oil and gas imports, reduced gas prices, and created political space for tougher regulations on coal-fired power plants. This column argues that it is not a panacea, however. Even if current estimates prove accurate, the long-run benefits to the US economy will be relatively small. Improving energy efficiency and promoting low-carbon technologies will be just as important as before - especially for the EU, given its more limited known reserves of unconventional oil and gas. - 2014/03/21: RNE: Carnegie unveils 1MW wave energy machine - the CETO-6
- 2014/03/21: Grist: The clean energy industry is turning Nevada green
- 2014/03/20: Grist: Renewables dominate new U.S. electrical capacity
- 2014/03/19: NatureN: Renewable energy: Back the renewables boom
Low-carbon technologies are getting better and cheaper each year, but continued public-policy support is needed to sustain progress, says Jessika E. Trancik. - 2014/03/19: CleanTechnica: Eastern Seaboard Is A Tidal Energy Hotspot
- 2014/03/19: ABC(Au): Old energy industry blind to emerging renewables
While fossil fuels companies are distracted trying to shore up their dominance, a nimble energy market has emerged with the ability to take them on, and win. - 2014/03/17: Resilience: Exploring the "why" behind extreme energy
- 2014/03/16: RI: Net vs. gross energy: Is it wise to be complacent?
- 2014/03/16: Resilience: Net vs. gross energy: Is it wise to be complacent?
What do you have in energy comparisons and transitions?
- 2014/03/21: RNE: Solar costs to halve as gas prices surge
- 2014/03/19: RNE: Carbon crash - solar dawn
- 2014/03/18: Guardian(UK): The global Transition tipping point has arrived - vive la révolution
A new post-carbon era dawns as the old fossil fuel system dies. It's time to step up. - 2014/03/17: RNE: Solar PV to replace coal as "incumbent" technology
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifers for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2014/03/21: Grist: These frackers have the nerve to call L.A. leaders "appallingly irresponsible"
- 2014/03/20: CCP: Must-Read: How Fracking Destroys the American Dream
- 2014/03/20: EcoWatch: How Fracking Destroys the American Dream
- 2014/03/20: TP:JR: California City Temporarily Bans All New Oil Drilling Over Fracking Concerns
- 2014/03/20: ICN: Colorado's Tough New Drilling Rules Make an Impact in Texas
The possibility that Texas would adopt oil and gas rules for methane control and leak detection and repair 'is at least thinkable now.' - 2014/03/17: DeSmogBlog: Fracking California's Coast: Billions of Gallons of Fracking Pollution Legalized By Feds
- 2014/03/17: OilChange: Don't Frack California media roundup
- 2014/03/17: Grist: Birthday, it's ya birthday: Fracking technology turns 65
- 2014/03/17: TP:JR: As Fracking Grows In Ohio, So Do Earthquakes
- 2014/03/17: OilChange: Thousands Attend Californian Anti-Fracking Rally
On the coal front:
- 2014/03/22: DD: Coal burning brightly as demand returns with economic upswing
"The EIA projects that 40 percent of America's electricity in the future, in 2030, is going to come from coal" - 2014/03/20: EIA:TiE: Planned coal-fired power plant retirements continue to increase
- 2014/03/17: UCSUSA:B: The Economic Impacts of Future Coal Production in West Virginia
On the gas and oil front:
- 2014/03/21: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Dated Brent Spot....106.92
WTI Cushing Spot.....99.46 - 2014/03/18: Resilience: How do ex-Saudi Aramco geologist Dr Husseini's oil price spike predictions of USD 140 by 2016-17 stack up?
In the gas and oil corps:
- 2014/03/20: Guardian(UK): Exxon Mobil agrees to report on climate change's effect on business model
- 2014/03/20: NYT: In Shift, Exxon Mobil to Report on Risks to Its Fossil Fuel Assets
- 2014/03/19: RTCC: BP urges progress on global carbon price
CEO Bob Dudley says "technological innovation" and policy leadership from governments key to climate challenge Oil giant BP says regional and national carbon pricing policies are likely to be the best way to tackle climate change.
Ships and boats and trains -- How to tranport the stuff?
- 2014/03/19: Grist: Whoa there! State lawmakers try to make oil trains safer
- 2014/03/18: DeSmogBlog: A Record Year of Oil Train Accidents Leaves Insurers Wary
- 2014/03/18: OilChange: US Mayors Demand Action on Crude by Rail
A rush of American triumphalism pervades the energy independence PR campaign. Think it will last?
Yes we have a peak oil sighting:
- 2014/03/21: OFW: Oil Limits and the Economy: One Story, Not Two
- 2014/03/20: Resilience: The Peak Oil Crisis: Our Harsh Winter Continues
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2014/03/22: CleanTechnica: The Non-Food Biofuel Sector Should Grow Significantly, Lux Reports
- 2014/03/21: RTCC: EU warns biofuel carbon emissions 'higher than expected'
Green credentials of biofuels face further scrutiny after study shows indirect emissions more than previous estimates The indirect carbon emissions from producing biofuels from food crops are much higher than previously calculated, a European Union study has found. - 2014/03/20: VTT(Fi): Algae may be a potential source of biofuels and biochemicals even in cool climate
- 2014/03/17: CBC: Bionic plants could light the future -- Researchers harness the energy and potential of plants
The answer my friend...
- 2014/03/21: CleanTechnica: Wind Farms Can Provide Clean Energy Surplus
- 2014/03/19: CleanTechnica: Technology Played Key Role In Wind Industry Growth
- 2014/03/19: BBC: The Scottish government has given the go-ahead to a major offshore wind farm development in the Outer Moray Firth - 326 turbines
- 2014/03/20: CleanTechnica: New Scottish Offshore Wind Farm Ranks In At Number Three - 326 turbines, 1,866 MW
- 2014/03/18: TheConversation: Wind farm reviews are pointless if they leave out anxiety illness
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2014/03/21: RNE: Global solar PV market set to reach 500GW by 2018
- 2014/03/21: CleanTechnica: Switzerland Will Allow Personal Solar PV System Consumption Starting April 1st
- 2014/03/21: CleanTechnica: Decreased PV Solar Costs Lead To A More Balanced Demand-Supply Picture
- 2014/03/20: RNE: California shattering solar records as new capacity comes on-line
- 2014/03/20: RNE: [Australian] Rooftop solar installations steady as commercial scale grows
- 2014/03/20: CleanTechnica: First Solar Sets New Thin-Film Efficiency Record of 17%
- 2014/03/20: CleanTechnica: First Solar And GE Team Up For Next-Generation PV Power Plants
- 2014/03/19: Grist: Global buying spree is saving solar panel manufacturers
- 2014/03/19: EnvEcon: "The Red Faces of the Solar Skeptics"
- 2014/03/19: PSinclair: Solar, From Disruptive to The Obvious Incumbent
- 2014/03/18: BBerg: Solar Makers Shift to Profit as Demand Eases Oversupply
Solar manufacturers are returning to profit as demand in China soaks up a supply glut that gutted margins for more than two years. The largest solar-panel maker Yingli Green Energy Holdings Co. (YGE) said yesterday that it expects to be profitable in the third quarter. It joins peers including JinkoSolar Holding Co., Trina Solar Ltd. (TSL) and JA Solar Holdings Co. in guiding investors to expect both income and higher shipments in 2014. Climbing demand for solar panels is countering a global oversupply of production capacity that erased profits across the industry and bankrupted more than a dozen companies. Developers installed 37.5 gigawatts of panels worldwide last year, up 22 percent from 2012, and that figure may increase as much as 39 percent this year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. - 2014/03/18: BizInsider: Goldman [Sachs]: Solar Is On The Way To Dominating The Electricity Market...
- 2014/03/18: CleanTechnica: 37 GW Of Solar Capacity Installed Worldwide In 2013
- 2014/03/18: RNE: Why solar sector is outshining all other stocks
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2014/03/22: BBC: Dungeness reactor shut down for £25m maintenance
One of two reactors at Dungeness B nuclear power station in Kent has been shut down for maintenance. - 2014/03/21: EneNews: Accused arsonist hired at US nuclear plant...[and fired]
- 2014/03/20: TP:JR: China's Plan To Develop Totally New Nuclear Fuel [Thorium] Speeds Up
- 2014/03/19: USC: Radiation damage at the root of Chernobyl's ecosystems
- 2014/03/18: IndiaTimes: Greenpeace activists occupy French nuclear plant
Nuclear waste storage requires _very_ long term thinking:
- 2014/03/20: EneNews: Official: Radioactive material escaping everyday from WIPP and dispersing...
- 2014/03/19: EneNews: WIPP officials admit new release of Plutonium and Americium -- More expected in future -- Nearly double levels seen after February leak -- 61 DPM on March 11 vs. 36 DPM in February
- 2014/03/16: EneNews: Gov't publishes model of WIPP radioactive plume -- Plutonium and americium transported to northwest after wind shift...
Nuclear fusion projects around the world limp along:
- 2014/03/23: NBF: General Fusion making progress towards net gain in about two to three years
- 2014/03/20: TCoE: A fusion of desperation and hope
Feed-In-Tariffs (Net Metering & Time-of-Use Tariffs) are being variously implemented around the world:
- 2014/03/22: CleanTechnica: Solar Net Metering Survival & Progress In Massachusetts, Washington, Vermont, & Utah
- 2014/03/18: RNE: Could Minnesota's 'value of solar' make everyone a winner?
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2014/03/21: CleanTechnica: Greenpeace Pushing For Pan-European Supergrid
- 2014/03/21: RNE: Could a 500-house community go off-grid?
- 2014/03/17: CleanTechnica: Small-Scale Biomass Power Plants Could Stabilize National Power Grid, Help Local Economies, Research Finds
How are the utilities adjusting (or not)?
- 2014/03/19: RNE: Once were greener: Oz utilities headed for hard times
- 2014/03/19: RNE: Three possible business models for distributed storage
- 2014/03/18: BBC: Car batteries to help keep Europe's data flowing
Batteries that once powered electric cars could soon be helping manage the energy demands of Europe's data centres. - 2014/03/17: CleanTechnica: Utilities Try To [Curtail] Net Metering In Washington State
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2014/03/20: RTCC: LED costs to halve as efficiency doubles by 2020 - US Dept of Energy
- 2014/03/17: TreeHugger: Study of batt insulation installations finds 100% fail
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2014/03/19: TP:JR: Electric Buses Being Tested Around The World, Pleasing Passengers And The Environment
- 2014/03/19: ICN: Electric Cars Have a Dirty Little Secret
Like most of the world's billion cars, they use a potent super greenhouse gas [HFC 134a] in their air-conditioning systems.
As for Energy Storage:
- 2014/03/21: AutoBG: Sakti3's 'disruptive' solid state lithium battery tech inches closer
- 2014/03/20: RNE: Redflow targets 40% cut in battery storage costs by 2015
- 2014/03/18: RNE: Japan launches battery storage subsidy for homes, business
- 2014/03/17: UCSUSA:B: Will Tesla be a Game-Changer for Battery Energy Storage?
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
What do we have in (weekly) lists?
- 2014/03/22: QuarkSoup: A Few Interesting Things
- 2014/03/22: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #12B by John Hartz
- 2014/03/18: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #12A by John Hartz
- 2014/03/17: CNN: 17 must-reads on illegal wildlife trade
- 2014/03/16: QuarkSoup: Various Interesting Stuff
Anything in pithy (or piffling) quotes this week?
- 2014/03/18: QuarkSoup: "Models Not Intended to Be Right or Wrong"
- 2014/03/18: QuarkSoup: "A Banquet of Consequences"
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2014/03/19: Tamino: What We're Up Against
- 2014/03/18: S&R: Climate Illogic: Poisoning discussion is easier than countering climate science
If you can't dispute the facts, attacking your opponent may distort the debate before it even starts. - 2014/03/18: ATTPh: Criminally negligent?
- 2014/03/18: BillMoyers: Science Deniers Are Freaking Out About "Cosmos"
- 2014/03/22: QuarkSoup: The Intellectual Blackout at the Powerline Blog
- 2014/03/22: HotWhopper: Anthony Watts arrives late at the APS climate party ... and gets it wrong
- 2014/03/21: Grist: Dirty Kochs will dish out millions for polluting this Texas town
- 2014/03/22: SlashDot: Creationists Demand Equal Airtime With 'Cosmos'
- 2014/03/17: TFTJO: Touching a raw nerve with the anti-science tribe: Lawrence Torcello on climate misinformation
- 2014/03/16: GLaden: Are the climate science deniers criminals?
- 2014/03/16: QuarkSoup: Is the Greening of the Planet a Good Thing?
Note: You may notice my denialist coverage flagging. I am finding it increasingly difficult to give any attention to these people.
So why is nothing getting done?
- 2014/03/22: Guardian(UK): The climate change deniers have won
Scientists continue to warn us about global warming, but most of us have a vested interest in not wanting to think about it
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2014/03/19: RScribbler: The Monsters of Growth Shock Rise: Conflict in the Ukraine, Global Food Crisis, and Spending 500 Billion Dollars to Permanently Wreck the World's Climate
- 2014/03/19: Grist: Please, scientists: Tell us how you really feel about climate change
- 2014/03/18: Guardian(UK): Progressives can win the culture wars. Here's how
- 2014/03/20: QuarkSoup: In Search of...the Coming Ice Age
- 2014/03/19: Maribo: What do you get when you cross Art History and climate change?
- 2014/03/19: QuarkSoup: Yale Forum Webcast Highlights
- 2014/03/21: PSinclair: Cloud Feedbacks: Microsoft and Google Track Climate with Big Data
- 2014/03/18: Stoat: New blog!
- 2014/03/19: ERabett: Silence Is Suicide
- 2014/03/18: AFTIC: Experts, "plebs" and hope
- 2014/03/17: RNE: Energy schadenfreude -- what would you have done?
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- EHN: Environmental Health News
- Renewables International
- STW: Shaping Tomorrow's World
- ESA Online Journals - Ecological Society of America
- CSLDF: Climate Science Legal Defense Fund
- EcoNews(Au)
- AAAS: What We Know
- World Water Day 2014
- The Australia Institute
- Friends of the Earth
- Bogology - The science of peatlands and past climate
- Tar Sands SOS: Save Our Shore -- Keep Our West Coast Tar Sands Free
- Wiki: Dalton Minimum
- Wiki: Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale
- Wiki: Hurricane Severity Index
- Wiki: Tropical cyclone scales
Low Key Plug
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
- Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
- Unite humanity with a living new language.
- Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
- Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
- Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
- Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
- Balance personal rights with social duties.
- Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
- Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.
- Global Warming Links
- Global Warming News Archive
- Energy
- Energy News
- Environmental Issues
- ---
- H.E. Taylor (homepage)
My first novel _Water_ was published in May 2007. An Introduction is available.
My most recent novel _The Bottleneck Years_ is being serialized online atmy siteand on AFTIC at Table of Contents
If you want further information, see A Gentle Introduction. If you want a copy, see The Deal.
An overview of my writing is available here.
A Simple Plea
Webmasters, web coders and content providers have mercy on your low bandwidth brethren. Because I am on dial-up, I am a text surfer -- no images, no javascript and no flash. When you post a graphic, will you please use the alt text field ... and when you embed a youtube/vimeo/flash video, please add some minimal description. Thank you.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
I notice moyhu has set up a monster index to old AWoGWN on AFTIC.-Georgia Guidestones
Last modified March 23, 2014
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