Sipping from the internet firehose... This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I ho8pe you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Information overload is pattern recognition November 8, 2009 Chuckle, Copenhagen, Barcelona, G20, EU-US Meeting, Rudd, SuperFree, Dogs, Bottom Line, Desertec Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Food vs. Biofuel, Land Grabs, Food Production Hurricanes, GHGs, Carbon Cycle, Temperatures, Paleoclimate, ENSO, Glaciers, Sea Levels, Satellites Impacts, Forests…
Peter is remixing his videos with improved sound quality. Here is "All wet on Sea Level": Watch, learn, discuss!
From the "Climate Crock of the Week" videos: For your viewing and discussing pleasures...
From greenman3610's excellent "Climate Crock of the Week" video series: Offered for your viewing and discussing pleasure...
So I will be in Fiji for a one week stop over on my way home from Tasmania to Vancouver and I do not expect to have much internet access and/or time. I think I will schedule a few "Climate Crock" posts for edumusement but otherwise no one will be minding the store here. (that unfortunately includes this Monday's "Another week of GW news" which will have to go up asap the week after next.) So feel free to raise any topics for discussion here but try to play fair (that goes double for all you Turkish spampots out there!).
My fellow climate bloggers over at Desmog Blog have notified me and asked me to pass it on to AFTIC readers that there is a very cool new online push by former Vice-President Al Gore and the Alliance for Climate Protection called the "Repower America Wall." The idea is to have videos from thousands of everyday people - friends, neighbors and colleagues -as well as high-profile leaders from business, faith groups, politicians etc adding their voices to a collective call to action on climate change. These videos will be used as the basis of campaign ads on TV, print, billboards and online.…
Sipping from the internet firehose... This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Disruption News November 1, 2009 Chuckle, Copenhagen, Brussels, Barcelona, Borenstein, Cosmic Rays, WFC, SuperFree Bottom Line, Carbon Tariffs, 4 Degrees, IDoCA Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Food Production Hurricanes, GHGs, Temperatures, Aerosols, Paleoclimate ENSO, Glaciers, Sea Levels, Ocean Currents, Satellites Impacts…
(why am I thinking about cocaine now?) So recently two very prolific climate contrarian commenters picked up their toys and went home. Skip did a nice piece on that surprise event. crakar was one of my most prolific commenters, contributing about 100 comments per month since last December. He always struck me as a congenial fellow but he was definately antagonistic to the science of global warming and contributed mainly misinformation and misunderstanding. Nevertheless, I am actually a bit sorry to see him go on a personal level even though his presence was on balance a negative…
Logging the Onset of the Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Disruption News October 25, 2009 Chuckle, Copenhagen, Indian Dance, India & China, South Asia, Obama & Jintao, MEF, WFC, IDoCA, Superfreeks Bottom Line, Cosmic Rays, Cosmic Rays & Trees, Plans, Searchinger et al., 4 Degrees, Planetary Boundaries Melting Arctic, Antarctica Food Crisis, Food vs. Biofuel, Food Production Hurricanes, GHGs, Temperatures…
Crakar said: The peer-reviewed literature is unanimous in finding that the residence-time of CO2 in the atmosphere is about 7 years. The UN's climate panel, however, chooses a complex and unsatisfactory definition of residence-time that allows it to pretend that the residence time is in fact 100 years. This is one of many respects in which the climate panel, while claiming to represent the "consensus" of scientific opinion, is in fact entirely at odds with the peer-reviewed literature. Crakar is confusing the residence time of an individual CO2 molecule with the residence time of an increased…
Crakar said: Sea level is scarcely rising: The average rise in sea level over the past 10,000 years was 4 feet/century. During the 20th century it was 8 inches. In the past four years, sea level has scarcely risen at all. As recently as 2001, the IPCC had predicted that sea level might rise as much as 3 ft in the 21st century. However, this maximum was cut by more than one-third to less than 2 feet in the IPCC's 2007 report. Moerner (2004) says sea level will rise about 8 inches in the 21st century. Mr. Justice Burton, in the UK High Court, bluntly commented on Al Gore's predicted 20ft sea-…
Crakar said: The 3300 Argo bathythermograph buoys deployed throughout the world's oceans since late in 2003 have shown a slight cooling of the oceans over the past five years, directly contrary to the official theory that any "global warming" not showing in the atmosphere would definitely show up in the first 400 fathoms of the world's oceans, where at least 80% of any surplus heat would be stored. Source: ARGO project, June 2009. I would like to rely on commenters to handle this one properly, I am aware of the talking point, have read rebuttals but have not researched it myself. Though the…
Crakar said: We are shown the results of computer model programmes that predict an apocolyptic future, these programs are based on modelling 16 (yes thats right only 16) parameters, many are considered by the IPCC as having a very low and low level of scientific understanding. Do the models incorporate the ocean cycles? or the atmosphere/ocean interactions? No they dont. There are many more parameters that they do not incorporate, but wait thats not all. We are expected to believe in these computer programmes because the IPCC scientists are in general agreement with them even though they…
Crakar said: We are told that increasing CO2 levels cause/are causing the temps to rise, however the geological record shows this to be the opposite. Even if we look at the past 70 years (post 1940) when mans activity is supposed to be most pronounced we find that CO2 has risen for all 70 years but the temps have been either stable or falling for 40 of the 70 years. This would suggest to me that CO2 does not in fact cause the temp to rise but for others this information is of no concern because there is a general agreement amongst some scientists (IPCC) that the opposite is true. One thing at…
Let's continue the Hockey Stick Open thread, as suggested by skip, under a new title. A great place to pick it up is skip's most excellent response to a comment from crakar. He totally nailed all of crakar's various diversions and strawmen. This thread is about how and why people choose their positions in the faux climate debate. Skip said: I would be prepared to bet all the tea in China that every study I produce that supports my views would be rejected by you in an attempt to support your own views of AGW If you keep citing weak, partisan crap like Inhoffe and Singer (see below), you will…
Sipping from the internet firehose... This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Disruption News October 18, 2009 Chuckle, Post Bangkok, Copenhagen, Caitlin, BAD, Superfreakonomics, MEF, Maldives Cabinet Meeting Bottom Line, NA Weather, Carbon Tariffs, Montreal Protocol, CSLF, Four Degrees Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Antarctica Food Crisis, World Food Day, Food Production Hurricanes, GHGs, Temperatures, Glaciers, Sea Levels, Satellites…
There is an overwhelming consensus supporting the basic tenets of anthropogenic global warming theory. Those tenets are that CO2 levels are rising, this rise is caused by human activity, this rise is causing a rapid warming trend and this trend will continue unless CO2 levels stabilise. Contrarians still like to deny this, but the existence of this consensus is an indisputable fact. Additionally, but with much less certainty, the general picture emerging from scientific research is that the kinds of temperature changes that may be in the near future (~50 years) will cause problems ranging…
The Reef Tank has kindly republished one of the How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic articles, the one about the claim that observed temperature increases indicate a much lower sensitivity to doubled CO2 than the general consensus figure of 3oC. It is an old argument, but it still comes up frequently here and elsewhere so bears some repeating. You can not use only the current temperature to assess sensitivity to 35% increased CO2 because: the oceans have a large heat capacity so it will take several decades to see the full effect CO2 is constantly rising CO2 is not the only factor affecting…
Check out WAG's simple, yet quintessential message on his Blog Action Day post, aptly titled "The only thing you need to know about global warming" On a slightly related note, Matt Nisbet gets a guest post on C&L to talk about getting the public involved. And how does he use his brief chance to reach a very large audience of progressive minded but non-scienceblogy audience? He takes a cheap swipe at Chris Mooney and PZ Meyers as part of a long running in-fight and rambles on in jargon filled scientific mumbo-jumbo about "dimensions of knowledge". Hmm..."those who can't, teach"...?
Sipping from the internet firehose... This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup (sorry to be late this week!) skip to bottom Another week of Climate Disruption News October 11, 2009 Chuckle, Bangkok, Tripati et al., 4 Degrees, World Bank, Cosmic Rays , Bottom Line, Planetary Boundaries, GDCA Melting Arctic, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Food vs. Biofuel, _Famine_, Food Production Hurricanes, Monsoon, GHGs, Temperatures, Feedbacks, Aerosols, Paleoclimate ENSO,…