So this will be the last of my catching up posts, hope it was not too tedious. This one will not be article by article, I must succumb to the reality that I won't read everything I want to. So I have missed out on alot of fellow Science Bloggers stuff, namely Chris and Sheril's last 40 posts, William's last 17, and Tim Lambert's last 23. (But don't miss this gem, the definitive response to the "judge finds nine errors in AIT" canard." Gone are 61 posts from DesmogBlog, 84 from the Gristmill, 105 from Climate Progress, 8 from Climate Feedback (Natures blog, which seems to be getting going a…
There is of course no better source of climate science blogging than Real Climate. Their posts are seldom rarely read and forget or anything less than very meaty and informative. Thankfully for people who get behind (cough) they do not post every day or even every week. Nevertheless, I have accumulated 9 unread RC posts... So reviewing from latest to oldest we have an article on the Younger Dryas, a climatic episode aroung 8K years ago during which time temperatures in and around Greenland dropped dramatically for some 1000+ years. It is an ongoing controversy as to what caused it and…
As with In It for the Gold, Eli Rabbet's Rabbet Run is another quality blog that can't be just marked as read. So I have no other option but to settle down for a bit of focused reading and catch up on Eli's latest 19 posts! (Eli, if you are reading this, you might want to update my entry in your blogroll to the new ScienceBlogs address!) His latest is about the recent reports of a decline in oceanic absorbtion of airborne CO2 emissions. I am planning an article about that too, it is important news, so will leave it at that for now. Next, is a rather graphic examination of his toilet (no…
Well, Goggle reader is a great tool, but it sure has a way of shaming you when you let your daily reading slip...especially for a couple of weeks. Of course I subscribe to many other blogs and feeds. but Michael Tobis' In It for the Gold is not one I like to just "mark all as read" when I get behind. Consequently, I am now looking at almost 30 unread entries!! So what has he been up to...? His latest article notes that Al Gore has responded, (or rather a spokesperson) to that British judge's critique of An Inconvenient Truth on the Washington Post's blog. Since he gives a big hat tip to… says the headline of a Guardian news paper report from one week ago (this has very likely been covered already in other climate blogs but I am too far behind on my blog reading to know any better!) The school governor who challenged the screening of Al Gore's climate change documentary in secondary schools was funded by a Scottish quarrying magnate who established a controversial lobbying group to attack environmentalists' claims about global warming. Hardly the grassroots at work here, surprise surprise. Al Gore's spokesperson hase already addressed the ruling's list of 9 "errors" in…
Sipping from the internet firehose... This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's GW news roundup (skip to bottom) Top Stories, Gore's Nobel, AIT Verdict, BAD, WFD, UK's Antarctic Claim, UMD Report Melting Arctic, NOAA Arctic Report Card, Coast Guard Base, Trekking, Mud Proxy, CO2 Absorption, Polls Hurricanes, GHGs, Temperatures, Sea Levels, ENSO, Satellites, DSCOVR Impacts, Rainforests, Wacky Weather, Floods & Droughts, Lake Lanier, Food vs. Biofuel, Cereal Production Mitigation, Shipping, Geoengineering, Adaptation…
In the Daily Show's brilliant style we get a quick overview of the right wing's hysterical reaction to Al Gore being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (co winning with the IPCC). (YouTube video below with a H/T to CrooksandLiars) (money quote: "Mother Teresa, f**k her!")
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's GW news roundup (skip to bottom) Top Stories, Nobel, Anti-Gore, UK Court Case Melting Arctic, Walruses, Humidity, Solar Cycle Hurricanes, CO2 Equivalents, 455 ppm, GHG Sources, Glaciers, Sea Levels, NASA, DSCOVR Impacts, Tropical Rainforests, Desertification, Wacky Weather, Floods & Droughts, Lake Lanier Food vs. Biofuel, Cereal Production Mitigation, Shipping, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Adaptation Journals, Misc. Science, World Weather Archivist Kyoto-2, Carbon Tax,…
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's GW news roundup (skip to bottom) Top Stories, Ted Glick, Innovation, UN Warning, African floods, CSIRO/BOM Report Melting Arctic, NorthWest Passage, Resource Conflict, Greenland, Last Week's Meetings & Polls Hurricanes, Outlook, Canada's GHGs, Ozone, Sea Levels, Satellites, NASA Security Impacts, Tropical Rainforests, US Wildfires, Floods & Droughts, Food vs. Biofuel Mitigation, Architecture, Sequestration, Geoengineering Journals, Misc. Science Bali, Kyoto-2, Carbon Trade…
"South America chokes as Amazon Burns" is the headline on an online Independent news article. Apparently the annual practice of fall burning to clear forest land so we can eat hamburgers and get fat has spun out of control this year. The world's largest forest has become a bit of a "tinder box" due to drought conditions thought to be a result of climate change. Vast areas of Brazil and Paraguay and much of Bolivia are choking under thick layers of smoke as fires rage out of control in the Amazon rainforest, forcing the cancellation of flights. Satellite images yesterday showed huge clouds…
So says a recent poll from PIPA. They agree on exactly what, you ask? "Human activity, including industry and transportation, is a significant cause of climate change" says 79% of the globe. Nine out of ten say that action is necessary to address global warming. A substantial majority (65%) choose the strongest position, saying that "it is necessary to take major steps starting very soon." Interestingly enough, India does not seem to share the rest of the world's opinion (not to mention the findings of the latest IPCC report) and comes in at only 49% agreement! Not good news politically…
Arctic sea ice dropped to a record low in 2007, surpassing by a very striking margin (twenty four percent!) the previous record of two years ago.   Record Arctic Sea Ice Loss in 2007 Click here to view full image (69 kb) Large images Arctic, September 16, 2007 (1.3 MB JPG) Graph of Arctic Sea Ice Decline (200 KB PDF) This record is about the sea ice extent, or the area of ocean surface covered by ice, and does not even reflect the ice loss due to thinning of the ice pack. Factoring this thinning (up to 40% by some estimates) makes a dramatic observation even more foreboding…
Just a brief followup on my recent post about The View and one of its co-hosts' agnosticism over the question "Is the world flat?" They had on the Gieco caveman as a guest (talk about being typecast as an actor!) and he couldn't resist a couple of digs about modern humans with caveman ideas like no such thing as evolution and the world is flat. I don't know if the cohost under scrutiny felt she was being made fun of or not.... (hat tip again to Crooks and Liars)
It seems that everything is now up and running for A Few Things Ill Considered now. The RSS feed is working and the blog is viewable on the main Science Blogs site. You can subscribe to email notices of new posts here. Thanks for the technical support from Science Blogs staff and thanks to readers for your patience.
"Carbon dioxide did not end the last ice age" is the headline for science news outlets all over the place. But this is hardly a new finding. It is however a grabable sound bite for the usual denialist blogs out there who, predictably, are running with it. The study's author, Lowell Stott, provides a very unfortunate quote that can only serve the anti-science forces of darkness: "You can no longer argue that CO2 alone caused the end of the ice ages" Yes, it is true that it is not a defensible position that CO2 alone caused the end of the ice ages, but...who ever said it did? So, another…
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's GW news roundup(skip to bottom) Top Stories, African Floods, Melting Arctic, Greenland, Ward Hunt Lake, Polls, CDP Meetings, UN, Clinton Initiative, Washington, Retrospectives Hurricanes, Ozone, Sea Levels, ENSO, Satellites, DSCOVR Impacts, Rainforests, Wacky Weather, WildFires, Floods & Droughts, Food vs. Biofuel, Agro-Corps Mitigation, Transportation, Sequestration, Iron Hypothesis, Ocean Pipes Journals, Misc. Science Kyoto, Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax, Optimal Carbon Reduction…
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's GW news roundup (skip to bottom) Top Stories, IPCC WG2 2007 Report, Montreal Protocol, African Floods, Melting Arctic, Antarctica, Methane Burp Hurricanes, Temperatures, Glaciers, Sea Levels, el Niño, NEO Impacts, Tropical Rainforests, Wacky Weather, Floods & Droughts, Biofuel & Food Mitigation, Transportation, Architecture, Sequestration, Adaptation Journals, Misc. Science Kyoto, Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax, Optimal Carbon Reduction Strategy Politics, International, Kofi's Forum…
I would like to introduce to Scienceblogs a feature from the old Illconsidered site, the weekly "A week of GW News" posts. These posts are an accumulation of all the important global warming related news, science and blog content posted online in the preceeding week. I will post it at the beginning of each week, hopefully Sunday or Monday. This weekly post is a monumental feat but I wish to strongly emphasize that it is not a feat of mine! I do a very small amount of html massaging to get it into the blogging software but the lion's share of the credit for this service goes to H. E. Taylor…
For most of us who believe in science as a great way to understand the physical realities around us, the question "Do you think the world is flat?" is hard to imagine as something to be asked seriously. But on The View, with millions of viewers, not only can it be asked, but the answer was "I don't know". Seeing is believing! (hat tip to Crooks and Liars) [Update: youtube link is fixed now, pertinent material begins around the one minute mark]
Ever found yourself wondering (between gags) as you read some elaborate peice of climate change denialist tripe (debunking here)"Do they really believe all that c**p??" Well, via Stoat, we can see that chances are not bad that they do not. For thourough coverage of Lord Monckton be sure to browse Tim Lambert's good work.