Lucky bastards living in Manhattan. You'll soon have a flagship Apple Store that will be open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Is it just me, though, or does the store thus far bear an uncanny resemblance to a Borg ship?

This is one case where I'd gladly be assimilated.
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apple stores aren't all that. they are all too cold IMO.
Bears an uncanny resemblence to the Ka'aba too... New alternative pilgrimage site, maybe?
I love macs as much as the next guy, but I really can't understand the obsession with Apple stores. It's not like you can't go online and buy anything you want 24 hours a day. Sure, it might take 24 to 36 hours to actually get the merchandise in hand, but how often isn't that fast enough?
Do you really realize at 2 a.m. on a Tuesday that you need a computer, and waiting until 9 a.m. on Thursday just isn't going to cut it?
Resistance is useless. You will be assimilated into the Mac fraternity...
No, its the monolith from 2001!
I agree, it is Borg cube! Resistance if futile!
Hmmm..the locale looks like Federal Plaza where the Feds have an office buildings and the US District Court for the Southern District of NY...the NYS Supreme Court and the place where McCoy walks....near 1 Hogan Plaza....
Is there something in Islam about Apple that protects the area?
I was in the Apple Store in Roosevel Field on Saturday as I wanted to see and discuss the new system where Windows and Mac live side by side...all that harmony...they told me it was not up and running and they had no idea when it would arrive at the store...
The new Apple store is in front of the GM building at 59th and 5th (SE corner of Central Park) not Federal Plaza.
Isn't it supposed to imitate the NeXT cube?
wheatdogg: Perhaps you're right... http://www.danamania.com/temp/nextstore.jpg
I think it's a side effect from Apple's assimilation into the Microsoft collective. A Mac with an Intel chip and Windows XP? Can you even call that a Mac?
Re: 59th and 5th:
My memory might be off, but doesn't that put it on the uptown side of the same building that holds the FAO Schwartz main store?
Thansk for the correction. The buildings looked familiar.
actually there is a building at U W Madison that has the Tetris-y block shape facade that looks more Borgish. Except the building is shaped like a slap (ala 2001) than a cube. But along the wide side, it is very Borgish.
Large box, glass sides, filled with computational goodness? Ok, it's not entirely glass, but I thought the resemblance would have been enough for *this* blog.
We have two Apple stores in Denver and they are busy all the time (not 24/7).
I hope they don't hire the same guys as the big photo stores in Manhattan:
"You want that?"
Actually, I love NY. People are helpful in my experience. Try standing on a corner in Mahattan with a city map and a blank look. Six people will stop and argue with each other about the best way to get where you are going. Lots of pointing and arm waving. After all, they are all Democrats!
It's just you... Pay no attention, let the nanoprobes
do their work...
Now with Intel chipsets, x86 architecture , runs Windows, resistance is futile....no wait, prepare to be assimilated.
danamania --
Nice work!
orac --
Can I impose on you to ask the scienceblogs techies to fix this *%$%#@! posting problem? I think I've figured it out. If I visit one scienceblog, like Dispatches .., then another, like yours, I can post to the first, but not to the second. I have to clear my scienceblog cookies. Surely they must be a fix. FYI, I am using Firefox 1.5 on Ubuntu Linux. (Hah, neither Mac nor Mic. Take that, Borg Queen!)
Reminds me of a public restroom in Europe.