Weekend blogging fluff: The kitten of doom

There's only one thing to say about this little video clip: Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom.....

Hat tip to my sister for e-mailing me this!

Hmmm, maybe I'll get serious again tomorrow and try to answer the latest Ask a Scienceblogger question or perhaps cover some other of my usual topics. Some alties have used that very question plus my pseudoanonymity to question whether I am actually who I say I am. It might take more than the 300 words our Seed overlords prefer us to limit ourselves to, which is why it might have to wait until Tuesday.


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Your name makes it obvious who you are:


2) "or" implies other, and "the other" in reference to AC is obviously DC.

3) When you think DC and blogging, you think Wonkette.

4) Orac = Ana Marie Cox.


Orac = Ana Marie Cox

Ah, that would explain the obsession with Eneman.

I suspect that the Doom[ed] kitten represents certain alties dissing the Great Orac. Everyone know his real identity: Eneman!

Our "Captain Puddles" acted similarly as a kitten, taking on our 20-lb, 10 year old tigger, "Kittenz." The difference was that Capt. P. usually won, even at age 6 months. Give "Doomie" a little time to practice, and her opposition will be running for cover. (Note, Captain Puddles is now 2 1/3, and Kittenz, who had been a mild-mannered cat ever since he showed up, as a 4 month old, on our second story fire escape and asking to come in and join the family, has learned an extensive vocabulary of feline cursewords that he still uses whenever Captain P. crosses his path. I didn't know cat HAD that many cursewords. They are actually friends, but he still tells her off.)

My runt kitten, Sweetpea, was no larger than the head of my Maine Coon, Fuzz, but that didn't stop her from winning every single fight with him.

He still defers to her.

I've previously seen this video under the title "Why judo is better than karate"