Call for submissions: The Skeptics' Circle

The 45th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is due to appear on Thursday at The Inoculated Mind. The deadline is Wednesday; so get your best skeptical blogging sent to Karl. Instructions for submission, along with Karl's personal take on the Circle, including areas that he hopes to emphasize, are here; more general guidelines, applicable to all Meetings of the Circle, are here. Karl promises a unique format to present the Circle:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to hammer out the finest skeptical blog post or dig through your blogs for something that didn't get the attention it deserves. Then, email me the links to your blog and submission at science AT inoculatedmind DOT com before the specified time. You will then receive special instructions that are to remain secret and must be carried out immediately.

The upcoming style of presentation will be the first of its kind. Skepticism is natural, but the only way to find out what the format will be before it is posted, ironically, is to submit yourself to the circle right away. This post will self-destruct.

So submit yourself, already!

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