While we're on the topic of tacky religious design...

While I'm on the topic of tacky design in a Christian website, what about tacky religious art? Everyone knows that He comes in many guises. One in particular that interests me as a surgeon is this one:


As a surgeon, I'd have to hope that Jesus is somehow completely sterile, because he's contaminating the surgical field in the photo above.

But the following is one of my all-time favorites:


I didn't realize that Jesus was such a bad-ass.

(Via Hokum-Balderdash Assay.)

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Pfah! Jesus wasn't a boxer. Via Kilik, we know he was an Eastern-type martial artist. That's how he fought off a bunch of Roman guards in some unspecified chapter of the Bible.

(Yeah. Kilik apparently actually said that a long while back.)

As always, people's god(s) reflect only themselves.

It always made me uncomfortable when my patients asked me, just before going into the operating room, whether I was a Christian. After all, I want them to feel as ok as possible. But now, I can thank Orac for this: I could hold up this picture and tell them "you better hope not. I don't think he's scrubbed up."

Anyone else remember those "Jesus is my co-pilot" bumper stickers? I suppose if he can drive, he can assist in surgery and box as well.

...why does he look so much like Viggo Morgenstern in that picture?

By Man Called True (not verified) on 15 Oct 2006 #permalink

Viggo isn't just the King of Middle Earth, he's also the King of the Jews, apparently.

The title of the first fine piece of artwork above is Chief of the Medical Staff. Even Jesus thinks surgeons outrank other doctors.

If the above isn't enough to sate your medical religiosity, then check out the Medical Collection at: www.hartclassics.com/sets.php?id=2&show=prints . There's The Difficult Case and Be Thou my Vision, amongst others.

For those who need to know, nearly all are available as standard posters, greeting cards, and some even as limited editions for $1400!

Ha ha, I knew it! Sometimes God likes to think he's a doctor or something.

Cluthulu is MY copilot.

At least it isn't in felt and dayglow.

Lighten up Orac, its supposed to be metaphorical. Jesus will lay on hands (the same ones that just washed the surgeon's feet) and cure the post op infection. So no worries.

And if that doesn't work, there's always the Lazarus thing...

Also note its the surgeon who needs His help, not the scrub nurse [presumably the other right hand of God].

I like seeing modern situations displayed in metaphorical art. I loved the artworks in the British National Gallery or the Louvre that had layers of meaning to them (not just Christian ones, but ones involving Greek deities as well), and I'm a bit disappointed modern art museums very seldom have an equivalent.

I'm an atheist, but I like the continuity in seeing these religious pictures using the modern world.

Also note its the surgeon who needs His help, not the scrub nurse

This is because scrub and theatre nurses don't think they are God, just surgeons. It's hard to be God, so you need a bit of assistance from time to time.

Sastra had a fine bit of snark that I think got tripped up by a linguistic oddity. The picture calls for a remark that reverses the old bit about "doctors playing God". But if you simply turn the phrase backwards, you get an entirely different meaning; funny enough, but not relevant. Pity.

BTW I liked the "Divine Counseler" one till I looked at the larger version and saw that the other guy in the picture was not C. S. Lewis. That would have been classy.

Jesus H. Christ! Who let that guy in there? I'm pretty sure Omniscience is considered a HIPAA violation.

Why would pugilist Jesus need tape on his hands? To keep him from biting his nails? He does look a bit cross in that picture.

Check the blurb on the homepage at hartclasscs.com: this is "subtle nuance"?!? That's "subtle nuance" like a 10-pound sledgehammer is a "gentle persuader".

By Steve Watson (not verified) on 16 Oct 2006 #permalink

If Jesus bumps the surgeon's elbow, there goes the aorta. I suppose he could always miraculously healt it though...

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 16 Oct 2006 #permalink

Big old WTF? Maybe we could get one with Jesus smacking his forehead as some goof televagelist preaches at the masses. Perhaps one of Jesus knocking over a table covered with WWJD bracelets.

Maybe it's just me, but what the heck is up with boxer Jesus's neck?

By gravitybear (not verified) on 16 Oct 2006 #permalink

A nurse is at the pearly gates, being checked in by St Peter, when a guy in a long white beard and scrubs barges past a group of angels without so much as an 'excuse me'.
"How rude!" says the nurse, "Who was that?"
"Oh that's God," replies St Peter, "He thinks he's a surgeon!"

Anyone else remember those "Jesus is my co-pilot" bumper stickers?

Or there's my personal favorite:

"Jesus was my copilot, but we crashed in the Andes and I was forced to eat him in order to survive."

Anyone else remember those "Jesus is my co-pilot" bumper stickers?

Or there's my personal favorite:

"Jesus was my copilot, but we crashed in the Andes and I was forced to eat him in order to survive."

Sorry about the double... damn flinch. I wonder if anyone builds a "release mouse"? (trapshooting joke... don't worry if it doesn't make sense)

Robster said: "Big old WTF? Maybe we could get one with Jesus smacking his forehead as some goof televagelist preaches at the masses. Perhaps one of Jesus knocking over a table covered with WWJD bracelets."

LOL! Made me recall one of my favorite moments in the movies--John Denver informing one of those goof televangelists that God wanted him to Shut Up!

Oh, if they'd only get *that* message ;^)


I like how J is in the "medical student's postion" ready to hold a retractor and get pimped until his arm and brain are numb.

By Dr. Steve (not verified) on 16 Oct 2006 #permalink

The pugilist Jesus is very homoerotic which is a nice piece of irony for the Christians. There is a resurgence in the Christian community of beefy, muscled, Jesus art. Has to do with fear and terror. Need a beefy Jesus to protect you from those Muslims and Mexican immigrants overrunning Kansas and the general evil secular society that is threatening to force your children to learn evolution. Watch for a forthcoming book by Cynthia Burack that will deal with a lot of these themes.

This is easily my favorite depiction of Jesus:

Incidentally, you want to read something fun about kickass Christ, take a look at The Dream of the Rood, an Old English story where Jesus leaps up onto the cross and taunts the Roman soldiers, among other things.

My fav portrayl of Jesus is in the musical remake of "Refeer Madness." You ain't seen nothin' til you've seen Jesus doing a Vegas-style act in a sequined loin-cloth.

By Frumious B (not verified) on 17 Oct 2006 #permalink

Yeah, how about some surgical gloves. Cleanliness is next to....what is it again? He's had his hands on fish and Lepers all day for Christ's sake.

"I'd have to hope that Jesus is somehow completely sterile,"

Seems to me that there was a lot of recent controversy over whether Jesus might have had children. Are you weighing in here?

Somehow a non-tacky Caravaggio picture snuck in there. What gives?