Picture Contest Update

Several days ago, I mentioned that I had taken over 1,000 pictures on the trip thus far. That number has increased somewhat since then, and I offered a prize to the person who comes closest to guessing the final number, without going over. Specifically, I promised something cheap and tacky from Japan.

I can now announce what the cheap and tacky item is: It's an honest-to-God glow-in-the-dark Great Buddha key chain, purchased at the official Great Buddha gift shop. so, if that sounds like the sort of ironic kitsch item that you just have to own, leave a guess in the comments as to the number of pictures I'll end up with at the end of this trip...

(One guess per comment, one comment per contestant. Guesses must be positive integers.)


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I stand by my previous guess: 1499.

Looking forward to your Flickr update...

My own prediction (yeah, I delurk in hopes of a glow-in-the-dark Great Buddha) is 1763.

The "Price is Right" version of guessing - I will take 1843.

Um, I think maybe working on the standard old photo roll thought, 36 per roll, hhmmmm... 1440.
That's about forty rolls (old standard) so, yea, 1440.

I'll say 1600. Nice and round.

By Brainrage (not verified) on 02 Sep 2007 #permalink

I'll stake my claim at 2750.

2001: A Picture Odyssey

2002, All guesses are low.

By Tom Spencer (not verified) on 03 Sep 2007 #permalink