Hit me! Hit me hard!

My dear mother pointed out the other day that my Sitemeter is rapidly approaching the 1,000,000 visits mark.

And so it is. I had noticed a couple of weeks ago that I was getting close to the zone, but it crept up on me faster than I had expected. With your help, I should be there in week or so. With a little judicious link love, I could be there even sooner.

That would leave one question. As Mr. Sun put it:

Once a blog reaches one million "page views," the blogger is placed in a sealed room with another popular blogger of the opposite ideology. There, in "Intelligent Blogging Apparel," they work in juxtaposition to concurrently filter the day's news through their own viewpoint.


Neither blogger is allowed to leave the room until one uses the righteousness of his reasoning to cause the other's head to explode like in the movie Scanners.

So who would my death match opponent be? Remember, it has to be someone who has also achieved 1,000,000 visits. Dr. Mercola, perhaps? No, he's not really a blogger. Neither is Whale.to or any number of other altie sites, and the altie blogs I'm aware of probably haven't hit a million visits yet.

But who?

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So hit him. Hit him hard. He's 40,000 hits away from 1,000,000 visits. Help get him over the top. Given that I'm starting to get in that range (866,000 hits as of this morning), here's hoping someone will help me out in around two or three months, which is when I estimate that I'll be approaching 1…

Down with the woo!

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 15 Jan 2007 #permalink

Maybe it should give you hope that the altie-blogs aren't getting as many hits? (Of course, that doesn't say anything about the non-blog sites, and those may be raking in hits and money. Alas.)

Cranky, arrogant computers have mothers? :-)

Just be glad that Mother Orac is not a Jewish Mother who has visited her doctor son's blog 990,000 times and is now serving up a plate of guilt for causing her to develop carpal tunnel syndrome.

df said:
"Cranky, arrogant computers have mothers? :-)"

Motherboards, of course! :-D

By Melissa G (not verified) on 15 Jan 2007 #permalink

the altie blogs I'm aware of probably haven't hit a million visits yet.

Well that's a relief!

By valhar2000 (not verified) on 15 Jan 2007 #permalink

Orac, this is semi-offtopic, but are you aware that there's an advertisement for a free personalised horoscope at the bottom of your blog?


The bloggers have complained already, and we've been promised that it would be removed. It's one of those random cycling ads.

How about some form of contest to be the 1,000,000th visitor? Such a momentous event *requires* recognition.