The commentary on the Arthur Allen-David Kirby debate is coming in fast and furious. The latest is this excellent deconstruction of Kirby's parroting of the claim that autistic children are "poor excretor's" of mercury. I guess I can say that Dad of Cameron took this one on so that I don't have to...
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Well, it's finally been posted, video of the debate between Arthur Allen, author of Vaccine: The Controversial Story of Medicine's Greatest Lifesaver (a book that I am about 2/3 of the way through and plan on reviewing before the end of the month if possible) and mercury militia vaccine fearmonger…
I normally like Crooks and Liars.
However, this time around, while blogging about the Autism Omnibus, Nicole let me down. Saying that "I don't pretend to have any special medical knowledge; so I will link both sides of the thimerosal debate," she then linked to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s totally…
It's always a shame to see a once confident man reduced to whining. Well, maybe not always. Sometimes it's immensely satisfying, particularly when that man happens to be David Kirby, who, through his book Evidence of Harm, Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy, was one…
Those who still desperately cling to the concept that mercury in thimerosal in vaccines causes autism have been known to write some really stupid stuff trying to justify their position or attack someone else's rebuttal of the whole "hypothesis." This week has produced a bumper crop of such fallacy-…
If Autistic children are *non-excretors* of mercury, and mercury is present in the air, water, etc., as per David Kirby, then they should eventually reach lethal levels of mercury and die. According to this theory, there should not be any adult autistics.
Apparently, these children don't even excrete mercury in their bloodstream !!!
That's how sick they might be. The kids or the quacks doctor's "non-excretors" theory.
They also shouldn't be displaying improvement.
Hi Orac.
Thank you for the mention, and belated congratulations on 1,000,000 visitors.
If Autistic children are *non-excretors* of mercury, and mercury is present in the air, water, etc., as per David Kirby, then they should eventually reach lethal levels of mercury and die.
Hi Probe,
Additionally, many of the mecury poisoning autism proponents cite studies (not to be found on PubMed) that claim to show way elevated urine mercury excretion of autistic children. That would seem to suggest a lack of "poor excretion".
The fact that Kirby refers to glutathione as a "sulphur-based sulphur" simply indicates that he doesn't have the slightest idea what it is.