While looking for a birthday card for a relative a while back, I found this card and was intrigued enough to buy it, even though it wasn't appropriate for the person for whom I was seeking a card:

So far, it's just pretty standard Bush-chimp stuff, a staple of comedy ever since W. took office. But what got me was the inside of the card:

Two points:
- It's rather amazing that the whole "intelligent design" debate has become so ubiquitous that it's showing up in birthday cards, of all things.
- I haven't decided if this is the best birthday card ever or the worst birthday card ever. Opinions?
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I can't get over feeling insulted on the chimp's behalf. Chimps are intelligent animals and in no way deserve the comparison to Shrub. So I'd have to vote for "worst."
Thought there'd be a bushmeat joke in there somewhere.
I have noticed such similarities before, in other people. Probably others have noticed them in myself. Chimpanzees are our close relatives, and we share a lot of characteristics with them. It's not really an insult.
I don't like it, and I wouldn't buy it.. it unfairly puts ID on a level with science. the choices should be: Evolution, or God Hates You and Wants You To Burn In Eternal Hellfire by Making A Chimp Smater Than You.
Not really birthday related, and therefore inappropriate unless the recipient really dislikes Bush. But it isn't a bad joke.
Well, I like it. But yeah, audience analysis...is advised.
(Had to have been evolution, because nobody with any intelligence would have let even a young Barbara or George Herbert Herbert Bush anywhere near their reproductive capabilities.)
I wish I get one of these for my birthday...
And it should be a choice between Evolution and God Is Really Bad At Making Things (i.e. Unintelligent Design).
I gave it to my father-in-law.
It made me laugh and I know humor isn't to be taken as fact. That said, it feeds too much into the old canard of, "Well, Darwin says we're descended from monkeys...." to be worth more than a quick chuckle.
It's cute, to be sure, but it would probably sell better if it weren't a birthday card: there's definitely times/people for which it would more appropriate without that limitation.
And whoever thought that "kidnapper font" was cute, should have their graphic design credentials revoked and given some crayons.
In fact, it makes you "the decider". So the interior is related to the exterior (after all, Bush is a born again fool, eh, christian). Or am I making something up? As an attack against Bush, it is nice, but I wouldn't dream of this as the best ever.
Hi there. We are the design studio who created this hotbed of debate. Glad so many people are weighing in on everything from their scientific and theological opinions, to artistic critiques of the card. For more cards like these (anti-Bush, anti-OJ, anti-Britney), check us out at
Question...why is the duck's buttocks in the air? Is he making a comment on society? Is he on a quest for food? You decide!!!
Rich Warwick, Kansas City
Lol. So hysterical. Fuckasses