Notable Women in the Physical Sciences

Did you ever hear the expression, "You're a real card!" Well, if you are a notable woman in the physical sciences, you just might be a card!

My sister has a project, and Amanda and my niece Koren and some others are involved, that puts notable women in the physical sciences on cards, with a bit of biographical information. The idea is to underscore women in STEM while at the same time getting cards! The long term model is to sell the cards to interested buyers, such as YOU, and use the net thusly obtained to get decks into classrooms.

So, here's what you need to do. Click here, and buy two decks of cards. One, you keep and play cards with, the other, you give to someone, perhaps a teacher or perhaps a young female who has shown interest in the physical sciences. Or, perhaps, you place one of these card decks somewhere were cards go, like a local bar or coffee shop that has some games, or at the cabin or something.

In addition, at this early stage of their project, they could use some plain old donations, so please consider doing that as well.

I have already heard from several physical science teachers that these cards are great and that they are doing things with them in the classroom.

As a science writer, I was at first shocked and dismayed to find that the science writers in the deck were on the Joker card! But when I asked my sister about it, she told me the Jokers are the most sought after cards for the science communicators, because Jokers are the most flexible and a bit on the wild side, and can cope and adapt to any situation. So, I suppose that's OK (or is she joshin' me?).

Anyway, have a look, pass it around, pick up some cards (buy double if your game is Canasta). I am not joking when I say the cards are great!

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I was already aware of several of those women. In fact, I have attended a talk by Carolyn Porco (king of diamonds) and cited the work of Ingrid Daubechies (seven of clubs). Most if not all of them should get a higher profile. For instance, there is the joke about the No-Bell Prize: Jocelyn Bell Burnett, who actually discovered pulsars, did not get a share of the Nobel Prize that honored that work.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 25 May 2017 #permalink

Done! Thanks for the heads up. Particularly pleased to find Vera Rubin on the list, and will study up on the rest.

By Susan Anderson (not verified) on 25 May 2017 #permalink

The cards are wonderful - Hayhoe only one small piece of them all! Going to order more. I agree the Joker is a special signifier.

By Susan Anderson (not verified) on 30 May 2017 #permalink