This one's been going around the medical blogosphere. It's pretty hilarious, based as it is on perhaps the funniest Saturday Night Live Digital Short from the entire 2006-2007 season (warning: may not be work-safe, depending on how uptight your workplace is):
Kids these days. I tell you. I don't think we could have gotten away with this in our medical school's end-of-the-year play back in the 1980s.
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That was funny, but couldn't they find some people who could actually sing?
The scary thing is I got that, and I'm not a doctor.
The simple explanation for this is that these residents have too much "time" on their hands. Back to the 36 hour schedules.
This reminds me of the spoof on those Budweiser commercials, "Real Men of Genius"...only its "Real med students of genius".
These are my favorite 2:
Mr. Accidental Scrub Out Guy
Mr. Really Bad with Children Guy
Susan, those are great! I especially loved the Scrub Out Guy one. "Suction, suction, suction, suction!" :)
Then you'd need medical students with a good sense of humour who can edit video and also sing.
I thought hand in a box was going to be more like the dodgy path lab jokes from the 30s-60s