Hand in a box

This one's been going around the medical blogosphere. It's pretty hilarious, based as it is on perhaps the funniest Saturday Night Live Digital Short from the entire 2006-2007 season (warning: may not be work-safe, depending on how uptight your workplace is):

Kids these days. I tell you. I don't think we could have gotten away with this in our medical school's end-of-the-year play back in the 1980s.

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That was funny, but couldn't they find some people who could actually sing?

The scary thing is I got that, and I'm not a doctor.

By anonimouse (not verified) on 07 May 2007 #permalink

The simple explanation for this is that these residents have too much "time" on their hands. Back to the 36 hour schedules.

Susan, those are great! I especially loved the Scrub Out Guy one. "Suction, suction, suction, suction!" :)


Then you'd need medical students with a good sense of humour who can edit video and also sing.

I thought hand in a box was going to be more like the dodgy path lab jokes from the 30s-60s