Ask yourself this: What do the convicted do, either in prison or when facing prison?

It's inevitable any time anyone's going to jail, it seems. My prediction for Paris' next stop: Kabbalah! It would, however, be even more amusing if she were to convert to Islam while in prison.
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Isn't that Bible a Gideon's hotel edition?? Too funny!
Notice how the books are arranged so you can clearly see both titles? Is that a call for help?
She would do better if she had found Doctor Who.
"Notice how the books are arranged so you can clearly see both titles? Is that a call for help?"
What? When you carry more than one book, don't you stagger them so anybody can see what books you have? I mean, who would just carry them in a neat stack?
If she'd instead chosen a dangling cigarette and Carl Sagan's The Varieties of Scientific Experience, she could have been Kirsten Dunst.
It must have taken her awhile to find one in just the right shade of gold.
This is outside my area of expertise, but could it be photoshopped?
Kabbalah, I could see- Paris definitely would lock lips with Madonna.
No way that was a photochop. Spin all the way. Now a pic of her holding some Valtrex... well, that would probably be real too.
"The Power of Now" isn't really Christian, as I understand it; it actually draws strongly on a melange of Asian traditions... woo hash.
It appeared a couple of weeks ago. There's a follow-up about "conjugal visits" but when I asked my mother what that means she said I was too young to know.
It would, however, be even more amusing if she were to convert to Islam while in prison. If she does that, why shouldn't she go all the way, and become one of the 72 houris who will service Osama bin Laden in the afterlife? ;-)
If ever there was a celeb asking to be beamed up to the Scientology mothership for conversion into a Borg-esque drone it's her. Mind you I think even Hubbard's goon squad have an IQ requirement (i.e. it must be a positive number)
Just imagine Cruise, Travolta, et al abandoning ship in droves if that ever happened :-)
Oh, and Blake Stacey - the Dunst is now confirmed as one of the coolest women in Hollywood...
Think she can read? Or were the books chosen by her people?
Come on, people! Look at the size of those things! It's not like she's going to read them.
She's bringing them with her in case the weight room is occupied when she goes to work out.
She'll be coming out of there with pipes, man! And at least three new tattoos.
I saw pictures of her today browsing a Buddhist bookstore. Pathetically, her plan will probably work.
i have to ask, what's going on with Jesus? I mean, He keeps getting lost. Why else would anyone need to find Him? At 2,011+ years of age He needs to be assessed for age related dementia, possibly Alzheimers.
If it is Alzheimers one has to ask, is it possible to be omniscient and suffer from memory loss? Is it Alzheimers when you know what you've forgetten?
Somehow I think that she's missing one of the primary requisites for that particular job...