It's been brought to my attention that Perry DeAngelis, regular contributor to The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe podcast, member of the New England Skeptical Society has passed away unexpectedly at far too young an age. I don't know any of the details, although as a regular listener to the Skeptics' Guide podcast I knew that he had been in the hospital for a while, although I had begun to wonder if it was more serious than it first seemed as his time in the hospital kept getting longer. I also know that it's almost as though I knew Perry, having listened to him almost every week for over a year. All I can do is to offer my condolences to Steve Novella, Rebecca Watson, and the remaining bunch of skeptical rogues.
Please take a moment to head over to express condolences on this thread at the Skeptics' Guide or directly to Steve or Rebecca.
For regular fans of SGU Perry was a most memorable character. He could be annoying at times but I would like to think that most listeners became fans. His style and good humor will be sorely missed.
Goodbye Perry!