Cephalopod Awareness Day?

I know I've said before that I don't really "get" the whole cephalopod thing that P. Z. has, but I wonder if he's heard of this little thing:

Monday, October 8 is Unofficial International Cephalopod Awareness Day.

Certainly, I hadn't.

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Orac, I fear I will be driven insane or outright consumed for revealing this; these dark secrets that have consumed the sanity of our people accross time and space.

PZ is not, as he has so ardently claimed, an atheist. He is a member, perhaps even a leader, of a secret cult possesed of themselves to bring back the terrible rule of the Elder Gods.

PZ is a Cthulhu cultist. His cephalopod obsession is all part of his attempt to align him self with the dark powers that will be once again awoken when sleeping Cthulhu is risen from darkest R'lyeh.

For myself, I keep content with caring for my goat. The m@#!$#*!@$#r has more young than you could imagine. Like a thousand of them.

I know I've said before that I don't really "get" the whole cephalopod thing that P. Z. has

That's okay. He's probably confused about that thing between you and Eneman.

For the record, yes PZ has. He posted on it earlier today.