I don't do this very often, but this picture of Pope Benedict XVI struck me as amusing:

One suggested caption is here.
Not bad, but surely my readers can do better than that. Add your own caption!
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Muslims have shown their displeasure with what Pope Ratzinger (professional name, Benedict XVI) said about Islam, but not many people have noticed what he said about atheists. I guess there are more Muslims than atheists. Too bad. The world would be a lot better off with more atheists and fewer…
A CSPO webcast entitled "New Tools for Science Policy" asks an interesting, if somewhat odd, question about science and art: "Can art and religion serve as methods for governing emerging science and technology?"
More details:
Tuesday, May 24, 2011, 5:30 p.m. EDT (webcast will be here)
I've been a bit remiss about writing about this story. For that, I apologize. I realize a lot of you sent me links. For some reason, this week was an embarrassment of riches in terms of blogging material, and I didn't have time to get to it all.
With that out of the way, let me just say that I find…
John Allen, at National Catholic Review, has an interesting analysis of the motives behind the recent Evolution Study Day the pope held. Unsurprisingly, the issue is not whether life changed over time, or even whether natural selection works - although he indicates that as Cardinal Ratzinger,…
...but where do the nails go?
Pope finally endorses condoms.
The best part of this picture isn't the pope, it's the look on the bodyguards face in the foreground.
This goes with the "Buddy Jesus" in Kevin Smith's movie Dogma
Now watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!
It's a giraffe! No, really!
I don't give a damn how important the College of Cardinals thinks these childrens' crusades are, I'm not putting on the floppy shoes ...
"The pope slowly worked his act up to the spoon-bending..."
Papal inflatability called into question.
How Gary Aldridge got started.
Of course, when Moses did it he turned his staff into a snake, but given the circumstances, the Pope didn't think a snake would impress.
Only God can arrange these things. It's a sign!
"The Pontiff launched the Church's radical new campaign in support of birth control by demonstrating it's motto 'Just tie a knot in it'".
"Clearly, these balloons did not tie themselves like this. They had a designer. Therefore God exists and created the universe."
I is in ur drawers, stealing ur condomz!
Jeebus, and I missed Oktoberfest for this?
And I knight thee...Sir Phallus.
G. Gordon Liddy waits for the Sarin filled balloon to burst.
"Undeterred by the theft of his scepter, the Pope activated the Emergency Auto-Inflate Cross and finished the blessings."
Pope finds clever use for unused condoms.
"We're all out of indulgences, but here's a nice freebie."
1. Having promised the children he would use it...
2. Recipients of blessings via this special crucifix noted a special enlightening effect.
3. The sudden transformation of religious objects to balloon animal equivalents has been tied to the disappearance of Staten Island in a flash of light.
4. The Vatican has denied this incident has anything to do with the beatification of Red Skeleton.
"I also do Bar Mitzvahs!"
"Next, I make ein Swastika..."
"These be thy Gods O Israel"
This is my god now. Suck it, Jesus!
"In nominae de Patris, et Filis, et Espiritu Latex..."
Is this what they mean by a "thought ballon?"
"Gosh darn it --- why do all my ballon creations look like crosses?!!?!!?"
Pope entombes relics of latest Saint: St Krusty joins catholic pantheon despite being imaginary and jewish.
Actually that's been done before. So not really news.
"Hello, children. I have candy in the PopeMobile. Would you like some?"
"And here is the dildo used by Mother Theresa, hence forth to be placed in the Vatican's holy relic vault!"
1. Yet more evidence that the Catholic church is little more than a bunch of clowns.
2. "Might, majesty and even mystery of Rome..."
It doesn't keep the rain off, but this is only a prototype.
Number 45 in the official Roman Catholic "101 Things To Do With A Condom".