The more things change, the more they stay the same

This is true with respect to chiropractic, anyway. Just get a load of this ad from 1922:


(Click on picture for a larger image.)

You know, tart this ad up with some color and better graphics, and it wouldn't be out of place today making claims like this:

Fastest growing healing profession, outstripping all others. CHIROPRACTIC is today far in the lead of all other drug-less methods. In greater numbers than ever before intelligent people are seeing the light; they know that CHIROPRACTIC is practical, sane and gets results in treatment of disease. Endorsed by leading educators. Demand for Doctors of Chiropractic now greater than supply. Splendid openings in every locality.


Not a "one man" or "one idea" school. Trained faculty of experts (graduates from leading drugless healing colleges all over the country) gives you thorough,
practical instruction in chiropractic and all its allied branches. '"Eclectic" means "best that is embodied in all systems." No other school gives such broad, comprehensive instruction--prepares you so thoroughly.

How little has changed in 85 years.

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Oh! This reminded me! Last night on a rerun of the Discovery program Dirty Jobs there was a segment featuring a couple who were revamping a reptile zoo.

They had just bought it and were upgrading exhibits and so on, including ones that featured boas and various handlable constrictors.

They had branched into the reptile business after having been chiropractors.

The apparently sudden career change seemed odd at first until I'd realized they'd gone from snake oil to snake handling.

Other than hairstyles, little has changed.

And speaking of Snake oil
Strange but True: Snake Oil Salesmen Were on to Something
Snake oil really is a cure for what ails you, if that happens to be arthritis, heart disease or maybe even depression

By notmercury (not verified) on 05 Nov 2007 #permalink

Is your spine crooked ? your chiropractor may be!

notmercury -- I'd take that snake oil story with a grain of salt. Omega-3 fish oil has been a bit over-hyped for me to trust it unreservedly. But then, I'm always suspicious of dietary supplements.

With our modern hospital privileges and dissection classes, you will no longer need to skulk about potter's fields on moonless nights, stealing corpses for your anatomic-learning needs!

It's too bad (this ad). And I'm hoping you're not casting judgment on the quality and efficacy of chiropractic care with this post (I'm not totally sure).

I had never been to a chiropractic Dr. until I damaged my spine in a cycle accident. I may have lucked out, but my Dr. almost makes me believe in psychic powers! He's was formally a Buddhist monk in a temple in Japan. He studied chiropractee (sp?) under a Japanese master. His hands may as well have the medical scanners from the Enterprise-E embedded in them.

A blessing in my life...

Last year I cooked up the crazy idea of trying to get my horse "certified" as a massage therapist. I thought he'd be eminently suited for it (he's a draft cross and has really nice big hooves!) but the online certification program was $1000 and it seemed like a lot to spend on a joke. I bet he'd be great at Rolfing, though...

I actually did get the class list from one of the online schools and it netted me a very friendly call from a really sincere young lady. She was so nice I wound up feeling kind of bad about making fun of them.

Someone needs to invent an alternative therapy for me that uses horse poo. I've got lots. I'm rolling in the stuff... Hmmm.. maybe....

the quality and efficacy of chiropractic

You're kidding, right? It's just "laying on hands" updated with a few neat sounding words. Curing disease by messing with your spine? Suuuuuuuuuuuuure!!!

Chiropractic is woo-woo. Enjoy the placebo effect if you like.