Your Friday Dose of Woo: Therapeutic Christopheresis

Ah, the day after Thanksgiving. I had wondered whether I would have the wherewithal to actually come up with yet another installment of this blog's usual Friday feature. After all, too much food can lead to a decrement in brain function that would make it difficult, if not impossible, to come up with the goods. It seemed to me to be a perfect opportunity to do a treatment of the top-notch woo that you've all come to expect. Fortunately, there's a bit of woo hanging around that I've wanted to have some fun with. This woo is top-shelf, as you will see. The only problem is that I'm not 100% certain that it's not a hoax.

Of course, that's never stopped me before. After all, what's the worst that can happen? My readers make fun of me for a week for falling for an obvious hoax.

Or not.

Blood is necessary for life. That much was obvious even to the most ancient civilizations. If too much of the blood leaves a person's body, that person dies. It's not surprising, then, that such civilizations would view it as containing the life force of the person or animal and liken bleeding to death as draining that life force. It's also not surprising that ancient civilizations would make a big deal about the "purity" of the blood, viewing it as somehow equivalent to the purity of the life essence, or that they would believe that various personality characteristics could be contained within the blood. And if blood carries all these mystical qualities don't even get me started on what attributes the ancient world attributed to semen.

These days, we know that the blood is a vital fluid. It carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. It carries immune cells to help fight infection. It carries clotting factors that work to repair damage to blood vessels and prevent blood loss. What it does not do is carry personality characteristics or race. We know that semen carries sperm, which combine with the woman's egg to produce new life but is not imbued with any sort of mystical life force that we can detect. At least, that's what science tells us.

But who needs science, anyway, if God tells you otherwise? Hence, we have Fluids for Christ, which starts with this inarguable bit of logic:

Man is made of 70% water. Water is a fluid. Therefore, fluids are the basis of life.

God's spirit moves through us like a fluid. It is part of us. We are fluid. Fluids are the basis of Christian life.

I thought Christ was the basis of Christian life. At least, that's what I was taught. Fortunately for me, someone named Winston Katt claims to have spent 30 years researching "science, the Bible, and fluids." Let's learn what he's learned so far, shall we? You won't be disappointed. It all starts with this story:

In the early 80s, Katt's younger brother, Ray, was in a horrific motorcycle accident. "He was always a wild sort. Kind of like Marlon Brando in that biker movie? Looked just like him except for the nose and eyes, and he didn't quite have the mouth. But he always wore this leather jacket." As Ray teetered near death, doctors told Katt, his wife Freida (now deceased), and Ray's roommate Michael that only a blood transfusion would save the dying man. Katt rolled up his sleeve and through the grace of God turned out to be a perfect match!

"After Ray got that transfusion," Katt remembers, "he was a changed man. He used to party all the time with his buddies. They'd go to these bars and drink with each other and stay out all night. Then they'd have sleep-overs like little girls. They were always too busy with these parties to date women. Him and Michael were always going out to those bars. But after the accident, he stopped going. He gradually realized that Michael was a bad influence. To get away, he moved in with a close friend, Julian, who was the pastor of a non-denominational church."

Ray gradually began attending church services. Continuing his job as a florist, he went to Divinity School at night. Working through Winston's transfused blood, God's spirit turned Ray's life around!

Proud of his little brother's achievements and curious about their cause, Katt spent the next two decades researching genetics, hematology, fluid dynamics, psychology, geometry, and religion. "I had to borrow from many disciplines because there was very little medical literature about the transferative properties of individual donor characteristics. In other words, could certain qualities of the blood donor be passed on to the recipient? In my brother's case, the answer was a very emphatic Yes."

A very nice anecdote, wouldn't you say? Are you convinced? Winston's devout, serious Christian nature was, according to him, transferred to his brother. Of course, even in the early 1980s, which was when I was starting medical school, directed donation of the type described by Mr. Katt was pretty darned uncommon. Also, if Ray had suffered such a traumatic injury that only a transfusion could save him, it's doubtful that a single unit of whole blood or packed red blood cells would be enough to save his life. A lot more would be needed.

Upon perusing the website, I wasn't sure if it was a joke or not. Certainly there are suggestions there that it could well be, but if it is it's a good one. Truth to tell, I'm still not sure. However, it's just wacky enough that it could very well be legit. For one thing, Fruitport, Michigan, where Mr. Katt claims to hale from, is a real town on the west coast of Michigan's Lower Peninsula. If you go to the Guestbook, the first notation from Katt himself is a test of the guestbook, which suggests a bit of a believer to me. Truth be told, although I'm not 100% sure that I'm not being hoaxed here. It only matters somewhat, though. Moreover, if it is legitimate, Mr. Katt seems not to realize when he is being put on by people submitting "testimonials." If it is a hoax, it's such a good parody of blood woo that it's worth perusing. So, onwards!

Of course, this woo wouldn't be nearly so interesting (and thus worthy of a little fun on a Friday) if all it was was religion. Fortunately for connoisseurs of woo, Mr. Katt is a science-minded individual. Sort of. He took this single anecdotal observation and decided to run with it. As he tells us, his current topics of research, based on this observation, include:

  • the possibility of Christian tissue and organ donation (currently prevented by federal, state, and local regulations);
  • methods of preventing contamination of mass-produced food supplies by UnChristian vectors;
  • methods of raising Christian livestock (cattle, pork, poultry) for human consumption; and
  • several other proprietary (i.e., secret!) topics of research.

I'll get to Mr. Katt's research in a minute. First, let's examine what he's trying to do with this radical new concept. He warns Christians:

There is an unmet need in God's community for Christian fluid donations. Blood transfusions from UnChristian donors may have very serious side-effects for even the most devout Christians: backsliding, doubt, and eventual godlessness. (There is debate in the scientific community about this phenomenon, but it can generally be considered to be true.)

Wow, really? How come they didn't teach me this in medical school? But, one wonders, would transfusing a Christian with atheist blood turn him into an atheist? What about Muslim blood? Or Jewish blood? Could good Christians like Mr. Katt be turned Muslim or Jewish just by a contamination of their blood? Could such religiously unsegregated blood be a threat to Christian values? Mr. Katt says yes. How does he know? Science, of course!

Of course, far more important is whether or not the seed of life comes (sorry, couldn't resist) from a Christian:

There are 2.1 million infertile couples in the United States. But thanks to God's modern technology, millions of loving Christian parents can give the gift of life through various Creation techniques.

Fluids for Christ has discovered the importance of using Christian seeds and receptacles during Assisted Miracle procedures. (Secular science has yet to publish its findings.) Banked seeds and receptacles are not currently labeled as Christian or UnChristian, nor does the medical community seem concerned about this problem. It can be assumed, though, that cultural differences and taboos make UnChristian seeds and receptacles more widely available than Christian ones. THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY MUST START ITS OWN SEED AND RECEPTACLE BANKS!

Of course, because we all know that Christianity is genetically determined and passed down from parents to children, right?

But the pièce de résistance of this bit of Christian woo has to be the all-time greatest term I've heard in my time of blogging, therapeutic Christopheresis:

In his basement laboratory, Katt has learned how to replicate traditional apheresis methods using a series of sterile household appliances and other power tools. Katt found that blood components obtained by apheresis can be studied for Christian qualities.2 UnChristian components can then be isolated and destroyed, leaving only the Christian components.

Secular therapeutic apheresis uses blood or one of its components to treat disease. Therapeutic Christpheresis uses Christpherized blood to treat dysfunctions of Christianity, or the absence of it.

Naturally, the reason that this process can work is this:

While it is generally assumed that blood is either Christian or UnChristian, this is incorrect. The blood of any given person, with the possible exception of Jesus Christ, is a mixture of both Christian and UnChristian components. In proven Christians, however, Christian elements take predominance over UnChristian ones, and vice versa. The transfusion of Christian blood that has not been through Christpheresis is therefore a safe process, given that Christian blood components will outnumber UnChristian ones. This said, the transfusion of distilled, Christpherized blood remains the ultimate goal of Fluids for Christ.

Of course. It's so obvious. Just imagine the power.

Alright, I know that this is probably a very clever hoax. Maybe it's the holiday; maybe it's just a perverse mood. I don't know. But I thought this site was just hilarious enough to be worth giving a bit of the ol' YFDoW treatment. Don't worry, this doesn't mean that I'm going to start featuring parodies (if parody this is). There's plenty of real woo out there, believe me.

In fact, what I'm really waiting for are the Christian Sound Waves and Home Assisted Miracle Kits. I could add that to the Quantum Homeopathy and DNA Activation. Then just imagine how powerful such a combination could be. Too powerful, perhaps. It might even risk rending the very fabric of the space-time continuum.

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No mention of sapping our precious, bodily fluids?

I once ran across a book on "alternative" medicine in which the authors did a fair job of explaining why various AM claims are wrong. However, the final analysis for each method was to stay away because it is non-christian.

I'm going with hoax, but a very funny one.

"(There is debate in the scientific community about this phenomenon, but it can generally be considered to be true.)"

This smacks of the famous Brass Eye quote - 'paedophiles are more closely related to crabs than humans, there is no scientific evidence for this, but it is a fact'.

It was the power tools that decided it though.

By Iain George (not verified) on 23 Nov 2007 #permalink

"methods of raising Christian livestock (cattle, pork, poultry) for human consumption"

Um...just exactly how does one get livestock to ascribe to any religious faith?

Thanks for the post-feast YFDoW - I'd be rolling on the floor if I could get off my couch.

Iain- I second that notion. This is way too loopy (even by YFDoW standards) to be legitemate. Of course, given people like the Purple Tesla Shield shillers, this could be all too real.

This actually makes a great deal of sense! Why else would we Atheist Evilutionists drink the blood of Christian babies, except to strengthen our immune system against the event that we ever encounter Christian blood and compromise our pristine godlessness?

Oh, wait, I forgot that Atheist Pope Richard I insists that there are no such thing as "Christian babies", only babies born of Christian parents. . . .

So little brother Ray quit getting drunk and riding motorcycles because he got a shot o' Xtian blood? I guess the near-fatal injuries had nothing to do with his change of mind.

Then they'd have sleep-overs like little girls.

What, they'd put on their HelloKitty jammies, watch Lizzie McGuire videos and sit up all night giggling and talking about boys?

This article boggles my mind - although the home lab with the apheresis unit using kitchen appliances and power tools sounds totally cool.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 23 Nov 2007 #permalink

Katt spent the next two decades researching genetics, hematology, fluid dynamics, psychology, geometry, and religion


Christophers, don't let him find you. It's not that big a leap from Christopheresis to Christopherpheresis. HE'LL DRAIN YOUR ESSENCE LIKE A SKEKSI.

A wild-ass, Brando-esque biker... florist?!?

Ooooh, baby!

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 23 Nov 2007 #permalink

This woo has already been proved to be true. When blood tranfusions first became possible eveyone knew that 2 pints of black blood would cause the white receipient to boogaloo down broadway.If that website is not a parody,that poor guy is a complete maroon!

By spartanrider (not verified) on 23 Nov 2007 #permalink

By the grace of God, his brother was a perfect match? For a blood transfusion?
Yes, yes, I can see it now... God waves a magic syringe at conception, decreeing, "And thou over there shalt be A positive... and thou over there, O negative... and thou shall be special, for someday ye shall transfuse thy AB-neg brother, and thusly thou shalt also be AB negative."

Never mind the Punnett squares. This will work better :)

I especially liked "Assisted Miracle procedures".

Motorcycle accident by someone who, given a tough guy image, may not have been wearing a helmet? Head injury is a great way to change your personality drastically.

Maybe we should start carrying cricket bats around in the event we meet people like Christopheresis...

I love the "looked JUST LIKE Marlon Brando, except the nose, the eyes, the mouth, and the fact that he's missing an ear and is bald and only 4' 5" tall and missing that one arm... So, I guess the only thing that makes him similar is that he wears a leather coat, even though it is bright purple in colour...."

Assuming it's a joke, it's a hell of a good one.

Actually, I started writing this a couple of weeks ago, thinking it was legit. Then, as I wrote, I realized that it was probably a joke and abandoned the 90% written piece. Then, as I went back over it, I realized that there was just enough plausibility in it, given some of the other woo I've encountered, that I was only 95% sure it was a joke. Finally, I just said "What the hell?" It's so funny that it's a shame to waste it, even if it is probably a spoof.

Don't worry. Real woo will return next week.

Christian Fluids?
Sounds like a premise for a porno.

By Jason Failes (not verified) on 23 Nov 2007 #permalink

I repeat my observation that woomeisters come up with great band names: "Christian livestock"

Google gives 42 hits for "quantum Christianity."

The white pages does list a Dennis L. Katt in Fruitport. Relative, or unlucky target of hoax?

The blood of any given person, with the possible exception of Jesus Christ, is a mixture of both Christian and UnChristian components.

It may just be me and my facts speaking, but wasn't Jesus a Jew (assuming he existed at all)? So, wouldn't he have Jewish blood in him? Or wait, he's kind-of half-divine, so maybe he'd have divine blood. Or something.


The site is maintained by "Lil C Katt." I live with three "Li'l c" Katts -- one of whom is purring on the bed two feet behind me, another of whom is cleaning her paws -- and I know they are frequently playful pranksters.

(Does the "T" in Winston T Katt stand for 'the' or 'Tom,' I wonder.)

My favourite bit (and the one that clenched it for me that this is a parody) is this couple's "testimonial" on the Seeds and Receptacles page:

Jolene: We prayed with our congregation for four years that God would bring us a little girl.

Flip: I kind of wanted a boy, but we knew it was up to God's will.

J: Anyway, they prayed over us and counseled us. We went to doctors finally, you know? They asked us all these questions about, you know, how often we "tried." We told them that we prayed at home every night, and at church every Wednesday and Sunday. So anyway, these doctors told us that we needed to do more. You know, like "have relations," they said.

F: Well, they was doctors and all, so I think maybe --

J: Yeah, well, maybe them doctors'll say that in order to pay the rent you got to run out and rob the In-and-Out Mart. But I'm not gonna let you do that either, you know?

Kapitano: But would ingesting the semen of a Christian male make you Christian? Or at least increase the Christian:unChristrian ratio in your fluids? Maybe Ted Haggard was just doing what he could to help convert homosexuals...

Thanks for linking to such a wierdly amusing site, but I'm surprised you didnt have this pegged as a joke immediately.

For me, the Bible quote in the title banner was a dead giveaway. Here's the relevant passage from Proverbs 1 for context:

10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.

11 If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause:

12 Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit:

13 We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil:

14 Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse:

15 My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path:

16 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.

Bible thumpers can be as bad about quote-mining their own scripture as they are with science writing, but that's just ridiculous. Funny, though.

"Christian Livestock" would indeed be an excellent name for a rock band. I wonder if the guy who put together the Web site has read Steinbeck's "Saint Katy the Virgin" or if it's just coincidence.

By Ktesibios (not verified) on 23 Nov 2007 #permalink

Obviously a hoax.


Because they aren't trying to sell me anything for $1000.

If he was serious he would sell you something.

By Brendan S (not verified) on 23 Nov 2007 #permalink

This is from the plot of "Doctor Strangelove" - "Purity of Essence." Peter Sellers just did a more entertaining presentation.

Got to be a joke. After looking at the above-mentioned donor card/testimonial/seed and receptacle pages, there's no way it can be serious; or, at least, be taken seriously. I have to admit, it is tough to tell, but the website seems too aware of it's own fallacies/ridiculousness/humor to be taken seriously. Very funny regardless, and I thank you for bringing some much needed humor to this afternoon.

Abel Pharmboy: "Um...just exactly how does one get livestock to ascribe to any religious faith?"

It's so simple, Abel - by transferring some fluids from a Christian to the animal. Of course, a blood transfusion would just be rejected - so I think we all know what Mr. Katt is suggesting good Christian men do.

It works. I know it does ! Just like when someone gets transfused with blood taken from a wolf, they turn into a werewolf. I know it's true, I saw it in a movie !