While I'm on the subject of Zionist conspiracies...

...here's an example where the conspiracy obviously failed and failed miserably.

And if you like their Chanukah specials, you'll love their Ramadan lunch specials.

You'd think they'd know better in New York City, though.

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Uh... Right... Ham... Chanukah... Ok... Right...
How about some beef for your Hindu customers, as well ?

You think that's bad, you should see the special Passover cakes!

I remember in -- was it 1984? Sometime around then -- there was a rabbinical convention in Denver. The catering firm chose to provide them with ham-and-cheese sandwiches for lunch.

By Luna_the_cat (not verified) on 11 Dec 2007 #permalink

Dear Orac:

Glad you "enjoyed" (although that's not really the proper verb) the link. Similar to Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Theorists, "clueless" seems an appropriate description.

Ignorance is not a complete answer. But, . . . it's a good start.

I think "mindlessness" is the best answer. Over the weekend, my father was visiting my mother in a nursing home. We had had a bunch of freezing rain, and the walkway from the sidewalk to the entrance was very icy and treacherous. He noticed a few other visitors slipping and sliding. Upon leaving the nursing home, he noticed that they had indeed done something about the situation: they posted a sign, on the outside of the door, warning visitors that the path they'd just walked was slippery and advising them to "watch your step."

Doggone it, Orac! I made the lunch special joke to a coworker about an hour before I read your post. Day late/dollar short.