Merry Hasmonean Liberation Day!

It's the first night of Chanukah. What are you getting? One bit of disconcerting news.

A while back I heard that Mel Gibson was going to make a movie about the Macabees. If this is true, I can't wait...

(and I wonder if, like in Passion of the Christ, all of the 'good Jews' won't look very 'Jewish'...)

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If one stays true to history, or even to the uncensored bible, there's no good guys in the stories of the macabees. What is said first is contradicted in the second.

From my readings and sources, the macabees after capturing back their land, institutes a theocracy, every bit as repressive, if not more so than the greeks.

The entire story is problematic. Unfortunately much of the full story is left out in popular retelling.

By Jianying Ji (not verified) on 04 Dec 2007 #permalink