In case you've ever been polled and were wondering what the questions really mean...

...Wiley explains:


That about sums it up, as do the rest of the questions in the comic's poll.

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Wiley has a talent for making an ordinary comic strip stand out as a political statement.

He consistently throws little zingers like the above into the strip.

I think most people in the U.S. know what is going on, they just don't know how to fix the system that is broken. We're on the cusp of something very big.

Excellent strip.

I'd laugh if it weren't so maddeningly accurate about the way politics is often reported in this country.

Wes said:

I'd laugh if it weren't so maddeningly accurate about the way politics is often reported in this country.

I'd still advise laughing - if nothing else it's more fun than crying.

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 11 Mar 2008 #permalink