Richard Dawkins and the Age of the Machine

Hilarious, particularly "big-pimpin'" Daddy Dennett:

I can't make up my mind if it's meant to skewer Dawkins or whether it's meant ironically as a way of making fun of ID creationists and how they view Dawkins...

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I can't make up my mind if it's meant to skewer Dawkins or whether it's meant ironically as a way of making fun of ID creationists and how they view Dawkins...

I'm OK with it either way; get my laughs where I can. But I strongly suspect it is the latter.

I'm kinda ashamed to say it's pretty catchy...

Oh, and Bronze Dog is 100% correct.

One of the strongest argument that this didn't come from the creationists behind EXpelled is that there are no Nazi references. You think they could have resisted a Hip-Hop-Hitler?

I agree with Rev. BigDumbChimp's interpretation.
It's mostly a smackdown of creos, while also comparing the perceived attitude of "New Atheists" with the sort of silly bravado that you find in hip hop. Very clever, all up.

By Pseudonym (not verified) on 29 Mar 2008 #permalink

It was made by an agnostic Hindu.

"It's mostly a smackdown of creos, while also comparing the perceived attitude of "New Atheists" with the sort of silly bravado that you find in hip hop."

I told you my homies were gangsta!

Not only do I think it's pro-science, I also think it was done by someone who either is involved in the fight, or has followed it closely. There are too many inside references - a simple thing like PZ's squid hat shows that the creator is aware of that aspect of his interests, which is not something that has been brought up in connection to the whole Expelled debacle.

I told you my homies were gangsta!

You mean "was," cuz. "I told you my homies was gangsta."


It's stuck in my head now. I can't get it out!

Does this make Eugenie and PZ honorary horsepeople?

Somebody should sneak this into the screening copy of Expelled. I wonder if they would like it too.

You mean "was," cuz. "I told you my homies was gangsta."

i told u my homies wuz gangsta caus ur ma bruva dats y homie!

It's a triple-reverse-satire of ID.

But yeah, there's too many in-jokes that ID folks wouldn't be aware of, like PZ's squid hat or Hitchen's "I (heart) (booze)" headband.

Hilarious either way.

And now we have an awesome retort for idiots and tards.


Someone should find out who did it, and award them an Internet.

The Expelled! folks would know about PZ and his squid fetish. Note that, other than Genie Scott, all of Dawkins' posse is the "new atheists" rather than evo supporters. No room for any theists like Ken Miller?

Whoever did this was sloppy enough to make "Ph.D." a central part of the lyrics without checking to find out that Dawkins does not in fact have a Ph.D.. He has an M.A., a D.Phil. and a D.Sc.

By Reginald Selkirk (not verified) on 02 Apr 2008 #permalink


You people are so arrogant that you won't even realize when someone's making fun of you.

Wow, just... wow.

Hey Atheists! Why do you laugh at this video? It's insulting you, you ought to be angry and mad, not to have fun! It's mocking your atheist pope Dawkins, your priests Myers, Hitchens etc and YOUR GOD DARWIN!!! Why don't you burn cars on the streets or something, show us how angry you are!!! You are embarrassed and offended, you hate the author of this video, don't pretend you can make fun of yourself (nobody can!), you are very angry, hateful and furious!!!!!!!! SHOW US HOW MILITANT YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!

By Creationist (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

"Hey Atheists!... and YOUR GOD DARWIN!!!

There are several good free dictionaries online. Look up "atheist". Look up "God". Do you see the problem here?

You people are so arrogant that you won't even realize when someone's making fun of you.

Of course, this video makes fun of atheists, but atheists are not muslims - they won't get offended by a cartoon. This video is just funny and if somebody tried to piss off atheists, then he failed. There will be no death-threats, no mass demonstrations, no call for censorship. This is what pisses the believers on this issue, that atheists aren't such thin-skinned pussies like they are.

By Infidel Michael (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

Gee, Creationists can't even tell when their conspiracy theories are being played over the top to induce parody. This thing's intended to make fun of how you idiots perceive Dawkins and such.

'Creationist' is a parody, right? Playing on all that 'militant atheist' nonsense.

Of course, this video makes fun of atheists, but atheists are not muslims

...or are we?