Sunday afternoon YouTube: David Bowie

What better thing to do than to do a little Sunday afternoon YouTube action with my all time favorite artist, David Bowie? This time, it's one of the best songs in Bowie's entire catalog.

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Wow! 1977 all over again. I'll go with that.

Thought his Christmas special singing "little drummer boy" with Bing Crosby was a bit weird but hey, he's a superstar and who am I?

By Uncle Dave (not verified) on 18 May 2008 #permalink

Except that it is not "one of the best". It is the best song ever according to me.

"Panic in detroit"

By Uncle Dave (not verified) on 19 May 2008 #permalink

As a Bowie junkie, I wondered, ooh-ooh, which song?
Excellent choice. (bliss).

Love it. He owes the Velvets, tho, for that one.