"Green Our Vaccines": Serendipity and schadenfreude as antivaccinationists go to war

I know I've been whining a lot about how blogging about antivaccinationists has taken over here of late. The reason, of course, is the "Green Our Vaccines" rally taking place in Washington, D.C. as this post first appears in your newsfeed. Yesterday, I wrote about how "Green Our Vaccines" is a sham and nothing more than an anti-vaccine rally as well as about how its organizers were causing a bit of a rift in the antivaccinationist movement by trying to adopt a kinder, gentler, crunchier, media- and (seemingly) eco-friendly message. Unfortunately, stuff keeps happening. So I've decided that, at least for now, resistance is futile. I might as well embrace my inner ranter for the moment and just go with the flow to do what needs to be done this week. Hopefully, next week I can take a long break from writing (or even thinking) about antivaccinationist cranks, but today, at least, there's still work to be done.

My motivation was also helped by a heaping helping of schadenfreude at a serendipitous discovery of a Yahoo! group that drives the point home at just how unhappy some antivaccinationists are because the new "Green Our Vaccines" strategy. This discovery comes in the form of a group called NO GREEN VACCINE. Here's the group manifesto:

This group was started to counter the idea that their is such a thing as a GREEN VACCINE. A rally by Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey is in June 08. Their message is to reduce the schedule and take the toxins out. Where does that leave viruses? Where does that leave numerous ability for the vial to have contaminations. Is their a safe vaccine?

This is not a group that will bash the rally, however, it is a group that will question the next step on what is really a GREEN vaccine. No vaccine, is a safe vaccine. Should we be workable parents? Should we trust the vaccine industry EVER?

We will allow both topics of discussion on this list, for those who feel vaccines can be made safer, however, you must show us the science why you feel so. And likewise, for those "crazy" moms/doctors/researchers out there, who believe vaccines are inheridtely unsafe, we ask you also show the science. Please tell us your stories, tell us what you have investigated in this conundrum. Tell us of the varying illnesses that have hurt your family from a vaccine. Why are our kids so vulnerable?

The list is also a list to let it out. I want you to show me the anger of why you are so hurt by those vaccines, and let the truth be known about how you feel about them? Is Autism a TRUST disease?

Show us why you believe, why childhood illnesses are important for the life long immunity of your children. How do you strategize the contraindiations, the exemptions? How are you going to avoid this vaccinated nation? Are we that dangerous to them?

Vaccine viruses, the last fronteir, what do they do to the brain? Show us your science? Molecular mimicry, immune disturbances, methylation problems, glutathione, etc. Show us why a METABOLIC poison like vaccine is allowed in our kids?

I know it's a cheap shot, but I can't help mentioning that whoever started this group should learn the difference between "their" and "there," how to spell Jim Carrey's name, and other bits of grammar and spelling. Now that I've purged myself of an admittedly petty urge to make fun of another's spelling and grammar, I can go on to point out that it really, truly is not about any ingredient or "toxin" in vaccines but rather about the vaccines themselves, as I have argued time and time again. The questions ("Where does that leave the viruses?" for example) drive that point home very clearly.

In another stroke of luck, here's another e-mail that was forwarded to me overnight after having been posted on the Evidence of Harm Yahoo! list. It takes the form of a message forwarded to the list by a woman named Sheri Nakken of the antivaccinationist website "Vaccine Information and Choice Network," who describes herself as a "former R.N., MA and Hahnemannian Homeopath." The message itself was written by a woman named Barbara H Labrecque, who is President of the Vaccine Autoimmune Project (VAP), another antivaccinationist website. Ms. Labrecque makes no bones about it, when she rants that there is no such thing as a "green vaccine":

From: Sheri Nakken

Date: Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 6:50 AM

Subject: [EOHarm] Green Vaccines? A HALF-TRUTH IS STILL A LIE!

To: list suppressed

Posted originally on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NOGREENVACCINE

and posted with permission of Barbara - it is OK to share this elsewhere as long as you show the info Posted originally on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NOGREENVACCINE

There is NO way there will ever be a GREEN vaccine - I know that its a start, but I also know that unless the whole truth is told, more children will be injured. Its a hard thing.

No vaccine gives immunity No vaccine is safe The whole concept of vaccines is in error and will never be able to be safe no matter what ingredients are in thm


Written by Barbara H Labrecque "Labrecque Family"

Kathy and Ray ~ as you know, we completely agree with you.

Our family just returned from a Greenpeace rally and what a breath of fresh air compared to the "safe vaccine" nonsense continually promoted by this community. I used to work for Greenpeace almost 20 years ago and have since continued my green activism from NY to DC to CA. And man, do I miss the HONESTY!

We would have supported attending Jenny's rally in DC on June 4. However, it was made quite clear by some rally attendees that anti- vaccine activists and/or those promoting a message different from "safe vaccines" are NOT welcome. I will not conceal my true beliefs in shame - I will not weaken my morals - I will not be discriminated - I will not participate in any form of dictatorship - I will not ridicule my children's vaccine-injuries - I will not lie to parents and the public just to promote a political-message. I am anti-vaccine, pro-choice and proud of it.

We are surrounded by chemical-havoc... from the TOXIC air we breath - land we walk on - water we drink - foods we consume - products we use on our skin/bodies - including countless infection / bacteria factors - damaged DNA/genes - and the poisons medicine puts into our bodies.

As a long time "GREEN" and organic environmentalist for nearly 2 decades, I am insulted by the "green vaccine" slogan as I know many environmentalists and green groups are. It is an insult to the "green" profession b/c greening a chemical-virus-cocktail is NOT possible. In comparison, that would be like Earth Firsters asking a big-business corporation to "green their cancer-causing toxic sludge". Not possible, not gonna happen. Last year Bush passed Bills allowing numerous chemicals into organic products. So are most of the "organic / herbal" products you now see on the grocery store shelves safe? Kelloggs and Kraft, the pioneers of genetically engineered FRANKEN-FOODS can now call their foods "natural". And thanks to the "chemical-organic" products, Clorox can now label their cleansing products as "green". Investigate the real TOXIC ingredients, not listed on the "label".

Sure, "green" is the popular flavor-of-the-month, its hip and happening, right? But the REAL green activists and hard-hitting environmental groups are ruthless and NOT buying into the greening of vaccines slogan b/c it is a misleading untruthful public promotion. MORE children will get wasted and sacrificed during yet another savvy campaign strategy...

Let us compare it to the "mercury-free vaccines are safe" campaigns. Parents read the "headlines" therefore, moved on without mercury in shots b/c that was "SAFER". Here we are years later, after the mercury-free campaigns were supposedly "genius and beneficial to all". Heck, I even bought into it for a while b/c I was duped into believing it would "save some". As a child advocate, parent after parent after parent contacted me after giving their child a mercury- free shot (MMR, chickenpox, etc) and that child STILL had a negative reaction. Confused parents wanted to know WHY our community was promoting lies such as "mercury-free shots are safer" and "demand mercury-free shots". Like my own family, they weren't informed and didn't have the resources or know-how to research everything before it was too late. All I could do was cry with them b/c my children were sacrificed too.

So, how many MILLIONS of children have received those lethal "mercury- free" jabs loaded with other disgusting, poisonous ingredients and DANGEROUS contaminated viruses? And how many more children will receive "safer" vaccines due to the "green vaccine" message? Which ingredient is the next target on the list and how many years will it take to wake people up to that bad one? How many years of catchy campaign slogans, addressing one-ingredient-at-a-time, before humanity realizes they've been poisoned by ALL of it?

When people do finally catch on, don't you think they'll be angry that they weren't informed about the entire chemical soup mix, especially the dangerous VIRUSES?

For those who don't know our story, in 2001 we were 'advised' to vaccinate our second child with mercury-free shots - after our first child was already vaccine-injured. Back then we didn't have the contacts, time, or resources to research the entire vaccine issue. We addressed it with the local peds but were conveniently persuaded to vaccinate with the mercury-free jabs. So what happened? Our daughter reacted the very night of her last vaccinations and almost died as a result. She spent one long horrific month fighting for her life in ER and was diagnosed terminal. She surprised everyone and lived, surviving on a feeding machine for 3 years (we were told indefinitely). You can read about our children's vaccine-injuries here:

Jonny&Sierra - Vaccine Induced Autism: http://www.vaproject.org/personalstories/jonny-sierra.htm

Baby-steps have not been / are not effective when every single child is facing a damaging or death reaction to a vaccine today, right NOW. Baby-step marketing strategies do not reach the larger population therefore, too many parents are left out of the loop and as a result their children and babies are SACRIFICED by misleading mixed messages. There's NO such thing as a "safe" vaccine - "green" vaccine - "safe" single-dose vaccines - or a "safer" vaccine schedule. We need to completely expose the truths b/c the ONLY way to prevent vaccine-damage is to avoid vaccinating altogether. Money- driven medicine, doctors, and government agencies are NOT doing the job we pay them to do. They are not protecting our best interests.

WE need to protect ourselves and future generations of children. In our polluted, contaminated world we need to focus on SURVIVAL skills. People are wasting too much precious time trying to wake up just a few when we do not have any more time - time no longer exists. People need truth and reality - truth is power and the truth is the only reality that remains.

The general population needs to be informed of the fact that ALL- natural births without any medical interventions are safest for mom and baby. People need to know that UNVACCINATED babies and children are indeed healthier. I know a holistic OB (DO) who is 'allowed' to continue all-natural birthing practices in his hospital b/c the last 30 years he has a proven 100% success rate record. Whereas the OB down the street from him who pushes pharma-induced labors and pregnancies has a 100% complication rate. People need to know THAT information.

Currently in NY, midwives cannot perform homebirths in certain counties and they are being banned from hospitals. In accordance with enforced mandated dept of health laws, police are taking away newborn babies from mom's arms and handing them over to CPS b/c the parents refuse to shoot up their baby with poisonous toxins at birth. Another dept of health public policy Bill is preparing to pass here in NY mandating vaccines for ALL children, teens, toddlers, and infants ( http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A10942 ). I have NEVER seen anything so disastrous before in ANY "state".

Meanwhile, activists are focusing on "safe-vaccine" lies? Where are the priorities?

Many activists in this community want "unity", something that I too have been wanting for years. United we stand - divided we fall, right? However, if you don't participate in someone's "organized control", also known as dictatorship, you are slammed, ruthlessly discriminated, discredited, and called names. WHY can't there be "unity" concerning our views? Why is it always one-way or the highway? Why are we always wrong if we're voicing a different opinion? Why are we always accused of messing things up just b/c we are trying to help bring light to a situation? Why do people always have to resort to name calling such as referring to "us people" as lunatics / extremists / quacks while telling us to "shut up" when we speak with honesty?

I loved Jenny and her radical voice. In the beginning she sounded like an extremist, if you will, but you know what?... people were listening to her. Sadly, since she started this "green" DC march, she's been forced to tone-it down. WHY do people have to CONTROL everyone's voice? Her powerful, honest voice could have saved many- many more.

Where's "our" freedom to speak... isn't it bad enough the system has slowly taken away our freedom and constitutional rights? "People like us" also work ourselves to the bone, sacrificing, so as to help children and families while also trying to save our own damaged children. We deserve a voice just as much as everyone else involved. Is our pain less equally important - don't our children matter? Why do people feel the need to silence us, lashing out at us while creating so much negativity when really we should be supporting and respecting everyone's opinion on some common ground level?

It's the "differences" which make a community strong. Together our truths can give us strength and power. Until people realize that every single cause is equally important justice will never prevail.

In my opinion, the "green vaccine rally" will not wake up America in enough time to deal with the REAL crisis we face. People only read the headlines and hear the corrupt corporate media spin. Most of the population is too consumed with their own problems and they don't have the time to fully listen, let alone the resources to investigate and research everything in detail. Citizens are surrounded by a contaminated world and they have been slapped in the face by it so the general population can indeed handle the TRUTH. It's the lies, misleading campaigns, and half-truths they will not tolerate.

It's time we give people the benefit of the doubt and stop treating the general population as though they are stupid. These campaigns are creating static and noise which is drowning the REAL dangers associated with vaccinating. We cannot just "hope or expect" that parents will figure it out on their own. Parents need ammo and FACTS to support their concerns. Greening a vaccine, using only a single- shot method, and changing the schedule - promoted by people who are "pro-vaccine" - will only add confusion to innocent and sincere parental concerns. And let's face it, NONE of those options are "safe" and it is NOT possible to "green" a vaccine. That is a lie. Don't "the people" get fed enough lies by a system we've been brainwashed to believe?

Are any green-vacciners WILLING to give their child a "green vaccine"... can you explain the scientific logic behind making a green vaccine? (It's not possible) Are you willing to give your child a single-shot? Are you willing to vaccinate your child so long the schedule is slower or improved? If your answer is NO, then why give this ADVICE to helpless parents? Although the green-vaccine message might shake up some parents, there are still countless parents (especially the underclass with absolutely no resources) who will not GET IT.

Is it OK to sacrifice their child during this campaign process? Isn't that similar to the system's method to this madness?... It's acceptable to sacrifice some so as to save others.

Did Jesus speak partial truths, giving mixed messages to man in an attempt to save "some"? No. Jesus spoke the truth with dignity and without shame so as to save ALL of humanity.

Be guaranteed that when a parent confronts their child's ped about a "green vaccine", without knowing how DANGEROUS this chemical-virus- cocktail really is, they will leave the docs office with another vaccinated child. MD's are trained to handle parents that question the Holy Grail of medicine known as the vaccine-regime. If a parent is not completely informed with the FACTS, the ped will indeed have the ability to persuade the parent to vaccinate. And it could be THAT vaccine round doing the child in.

So here we'll have it again folks, another generation of children doomed - GONE.

My daughter was a sacrifice in the name of "mercury-free" vaccines. I am not embarrassed to admit that I was once naive and I too believed in doctors and medicine. I come from a family of traditional MD's so I was easily influenced and mislead.

It's time we enlighten parents with the truth and prove to them that unvaccinated children are HEALTHY! Let us stop clouding their minds with deceiving, confusing information and popular promotional messages. My third child has not received any vaccines and he has not been exposed to any medical interventions whatsoever. He is breastfed and we cautiously control everything we're exposed to, as much as possible. He is 100% perfect, healthy, and thriving - a true gift of life. We never knew what it was like to have a HEALTHY baby until now. This is what the public needs to know. Lives need to change - people need to sacrifice - everything we're exposed to needs to be organic and pure. Vaccinating is the tip of the iceberg, the cherry on top of an environmentally polluted body.

Rest assured, I will get ridiculed and flamed for speaking my mind and not marching to the beat of the popular drum. Fine. I'm walking away from this 'political mess'. My years of trying to rationalize with the devil's-advocate politicians and a corrupt system which will NEVER change are over. I refuse to bargain and negotiate with the very criminals who are murdering and sacrificing our children and humanity. In honor of my children's ruthless damages I will speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God. I will never be ashamed to do so. I can sleep at night knowing that the truth is on my side and in the end He will judge those who are not honest with themselves and others.

I swore that I would never deceive another parent for the sake of waking up a few. NO child or human being deserves to be sacrificed for the benefit of the 'greater good'.

As I've been saying for years... FORCED VACCINATION - coming to a child near you!

A half-truth is still a LIE!

With light, TRUTH, and positive energy ~ Barbara

"The scarcest resource is not oil, metals, clean air, capital, labor, or technology. It is our willingness to listen to each other and learn from each other and to seek the truth rather than seek to be right." -- Donella Meadows, environmental scientist, teacher, and writer (1941-2001)

"Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the Earth is our mother? What befalls the Earth befalls all the sons of the Earth. This we know: the Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the Earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." -- Words attributed to Chief Seattle - speech surrendering to the US government in 1854.

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny." -- Thomas Jefferson

"When People fear their government, there is tyranny. When government fears the People, there is liberty." -- Thomas Jefferson


Barbara H Labrecque Child Advocate bnblabrecque@stny.rr.com
607-734-0036 President, Vaccine Autoimmune Project (VAP):
http://www.vaproject.org Founder, Recovering Autism Founder, TOXIC
HUMANS RecoveringAutism meetup: http://autism.meetup.com/223/about/ 1
in 6 children suffer from a developmental disorder ~ 1 in 67 have
Autism... There's NO such thing as a safe vaccine!


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath
Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK
Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm
Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses

There's so much wild crankery in Barbara's message that it speaks for itself without much need for any Respectfully Insolent commentary. I will say, however, that there is a huge contrast between Sheri and Barbara when compared to the "Green Our Vaccine" organizers. At least Sheri and Barbara are completely honest in stating clearly that they are anti-vaccine. They make no bones about it and don't try to hide or sugar-coat their true beliefs. Not so Jenny McCarthy, J. B. Handley, the organizers of the "Green Our Vaccines" rally, all of whom assiduously (and disingenuously) repeat over and over their mantra that they are "not anti-vaccine" but "pro-safe vaccine," while their actions, rhetoric, and constant shifting of the goalposts for what would constitute a "safe vaccines" acceptable enough to them that they would allow their children to be vaccinated unambiguously indicate otherwise. The problem, of course, is that McCarthy's more political approach, which hides the true antivaccinationist agenda behind the "Green Our Vaccines" movement, is more insidious than that of Nakken and Labrecque. Worse, it's more likely to be successful, because pure antivaccinationist rhetoric like that of Ms. Nakken and Ms. Labrecque is so completely over-the-top batshit crazy that even parents who are somewhat worried about whether vaccines cause autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders are likely to recoil in reaction to its sheer lunacy, assuming they are reasonable people who haven't fully drunk of the Kool Aid yet. In contrast, the "Green Our Vaccines" message is designed to be a lot more palatable, and because most people don't know enough chemistry and biology to know that it's a crock based on misinformation and lies about science that cynically capitalizes on people's ignorance of what constitutes a "chemical" or "toxin," more likely to persuade fence-sitters who don't want to be seen as "anti-vaccine."

In a way, I have more respect for women like Nakken and Labrecque than for vaccine poseurs like Jenny McCarthy. As completely wrong as they are on every level (scientific, logical, and medical) and as easy to demolish as their "arguments" are, at least they are honest enough to say exactly what they mean and mean what they say.


  1. The Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey rally to "Green Our Vaccines": Anti-vaccine, not "pro-safe vaccine"!
  2. An Open Letter to Congress on Immunization
  3. "Green Our Vaccines": Further skeptical reading
  4. "Green Our Vaccines": Serendipity and schadenfreude as antivaccinationists go to war
  5. "Green Our Vaccines": Best comment EVAH! Or: How to preserve biological diversity through not vaccinating
  6. "Green Our Vaccines": Celebrity antivaccinationist ignoramuses on parade. Or: I didn't know that Dumb & Dumber was a documentary
  7. "Green Our Vaccines": "Pro-safe vaccine" or anti-vaccine? You be the judge!
  8. "Green Our Vaccines": "Pro-safe vaccine" or anti-vaccine? You be the judge! (Part 2)
  9. "Green Our Vaccines": The fallacy of the perfect solution

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Um, if vaccines are a lie, what's her explanation for the drop in polio?

By TheOtherOne (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

Perhaps there's some island big enough to accommodate these folks. Drop 'em there, let them live the toxin-free life they demand, free of responsibility to (and dependence on)other humans, free from the manufactured goods that cause the supposed blight that they fear so much, not to mention freedom from...uhm...reality. In a short enough space of time, it'll be clear enough to drop the next generation of fact-averse nutbars.

Where does that leave numerous ability for the vial to have contaminations. Is their a safe vaccine?

Reading that sentence felt like being stabbed in my Broca's Area.

There's a tendency to ascribe/confound comorbid conditions to/with autism itself--hence the genesis of Dr. McCarthy's (G.Ph.D)assertions that her kid has been "cured" by dietary interventions.

Um, if vaccines are a lie, what's her explanation for the drop in polio?

There are several. One is that it was going away on its own, and the polio vaccine just took the credit.

Another is that it's still with us, but to cover up the total failure of the vaccine it's called something else now.

One of the more foam-flecked insists that all of the cases of respiratory paralysis in the 40s and 50s (iron lungs, remember?) were faked to panic the public so as to set the stage for the vaccine. Once the vaccine arrived, there was no more need for the faked victims.

As usual, "better sanitation" is sometimes cited.

Oh, and there's at least one group who claim that DDT causes polio and the disappearance in the USA was caused by the banning of DDT.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

Have we really come so far that these people can't remember polio? I'm in my 30s but I personally know a couple people that caught polio as children, so I know the impact it can have but I also know how few people have to deal with this anymore.

It's a bitter irony that the only reason these people can spew their ignorance is because vaccines have become so successful that few remember just how bad life was without them. I can only hope that their child-like ignorance can remain intact.

Hola Orac - did you by chance watch Jenny and Jim on GMA this A.M.? I should have, but just could not bring myself to do so. I am pretty sure you have a stronger constitution than my own, however, and hope that you will be able to watch the segment, and then comment for those of us who are weak (or perhaps have high blood pressure, thus have a medical reason to avoid the vapidity).

:) Thanks!

By ctenotrish (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

I almost never see GMA; I'm always at work when it's on.

Yay, work! It spared me from subjecting myself to the neuron-apoptosing stupidity that is Jenny McCarthy talking about vaccines and autism.

Darn - that will teach me to run late, with the TV on!

By ctenotrish (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

#1 All diseases are a fabrication by Big Pharma as part of their conspiracy to rule the world.

IMPORTANT: They are not to be confused with Big Farmer, who is the man who tends the Giant Beanstalk.

"One of the more foam-flecked insists that all of the cases of respiratory paralysis in the 40s and 50s (iron lungs, remember?) were faked to panic the public so as to set the stage for the vaccine. Once the vaccine arrived, there was no more need for the faked victims."

I love this one. Big pharma was able to maintain a tight lid on this one even though thousands of people were involved in the fight against polio. I guess this woman didn't get the memo regarding faked victims:

Woman dies after life spent in iron lung

#1 All diseases are fabricated bu Big Pharma as aprt fo their wold domination conspiracy.

IMPORTANT: Big Pharma are not to be confused with Big Farmer, who tends to the Giant Beanstalk.

Hope that helped!

Their message is to reduce the schedule and take the toxins out. Where does that leave viruses? Where does that leave numerous ability for the vial to have contaminations. Is their a safe vaccine?

Ugh. My eyes are bleeding and my brain is searing from that.

Re: "Green Vaccines"

One of the things that the "Greens" are in favor of is biological diversity and protecting endangered species. This dovetails nicely with the "Green Vaccine" movement, since it is clear to me that they (the "Vaccine Greens") are simply trying to prevent the loss of valuable biological diversity.

Not too long ago, in 1977, one viral species (Variola or "smallpox") was made nearly extinct. It now no longer exists in its natural habitat, being reduced to a few specimens kept in captivity. This near-extinction was due solely to human activity, in the form of vaccines.

More recently, another virus (poliovirus) was brought to the brink of extinction before it was saved by the valiant efforts of a combined team of anti-vaccinationists and religious wack-jobs. Now, it is thriving again in Nigeria, Namibia and Yemen and is expected to make a complete recovery.

The virus that causes measles was never listed as endangered, although it had largely disappeared from its habitat in the US, UK and Europe, suggesting that governments in those regions were actively conspiring to bring about its extinction. Fortunately, by the tireless efforts of anti-vaccinationists and shameless medical opportunists, it has been re-introduced into large areas of its former range and is expected to thrive there.

So you see, the "Vaccine Greens" are just doing their part to prevent human-caused species loss and to maintain global biodiversity.


What the hell is "autistic entercolitis" even supposed to mean?

Autistic: self-involved to the point of impaired relations with others
Enterocolitis: inflammation of the intestinal tract
Autistic Enterocolitis: having one's head stuck up one's ass
This syndrome is rampant among the Green Vaccine gang.

Is Big Farmer related to the Jolly (ho ho ho) Green Giant?

The Kingsmen
(based on the Olympics' "Big Boy Pete",

In duh valley of duh jolly... (Ho - ho - ho)

Heard about the Jolly Green Giant (potatoes)
He's so big and mean (artichoke hearts)
He stands there laughin' with his hands on his hips
And then he hits you with a can of beans

He lives down there in his valley (Brussels sprouts)
The cat stands tall and green (spinach)
Well, he ain't no prize, and there's no women his size
And that's why the cat's so mean
One day he left His valley pad
I mean to say This cat was mad
Now listen 'round He wasn't gone long
And then he ran into an Amazon
Well, this changed his whole complexion (broccoli)
He had never seen such a beautiful sight (corn)
Well, he looked at her
And she looked at him
And she almost passed out from fright
He looked at her Thought, "what a dilly"
He touched her once She slapped him silly
This was something He had never sensed
He looked at her As she commenced
Now listen, pal This ain't no fluke
I can't see goin' with a big green kook"

You've heard about the Jolly Green Giant (eggplant)
Don't let his troubles cross your mind (celery stalks)
He couldn't get Sally, so went back to his valley
The cat was color-blind

So sorry...

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

Who cares about Measles and Polio? Noone gets those deseases anymore.

By Brendan S (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

Are these people so diluted with conspiracy theories, that they think if there wasn't a 'safer alternative' then we wouldn't use it??
We're constantly looking for new and safe approaches to making vaccines. Protesting is not going to make the scientists work any faster, nor will they succeed in getting government to 'act' in their favor.

It's a bitter irony that the only reason these people can spew their ignorance is because vaccines have become so successful that few remember just how bad life was without them.

I have a friend who has done some work in public health, and she laments how difficult it is to sell negative outcomes to the public. "Follow guideline X, and you won't get sick. Give your child vaccine Y and she won't catch horrible disease Z." When the benefit of an action is that nothing seems to happen, it becomes difficult to see that it was a good choice.

"The general population needs to be informed of the fact that ALL- natural births without any medical interventions are safest for mom and baby."

-- Barbara H Labrecque Child Advocate

Since she wants to return to third-world standards, will my HMO have to pay for attendance by a shaman?

They don't want safer vaccines -- they want no vaccines :(

Yowch about the natural births. Fact is, all-natural births are usually only better for the mother. It's disgusting that a supposed child advocate is promoting something which really only benefits the mother's vanity. "I went through it with *no pain meds* and it was great!"

In my opinion, if your primary interest is the child's well-being, you do a hospital birth. Period.

By Calli Arcale (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

is there a vaccination against batshit-crazy? Cuz after reading that screed, I think I need a vaccine.

By CanadianChick (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

Wait, wait, wait. Did she seriously say that there should never be medical intervention in childbirth? Yeah, sure, if you want women and babies to die, or be maimed. Perhaps if I hadn't just watched a program about fistulas (a consequence of insufficient medical intervention) I would be more inclined to be charitable, but this woman is way off the deep end.

Death, it's the safest option.

By JustaTech (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

so i was looking for news articles referring to this rally today and i found a related link titled "Families seek $$ for Autism-Vaccine Link." and i think its so appropriate because they are just looking for someone to blame (i.e. the gov) and they want money, err $$, to make themselves feel better.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't make it through Barbara's email. It just rants on and on...Ow, my head!

I truly wish my grandmother was still alive so that she could give her own anecdotal stories (a piece of her mind) to the antivaxers. She lost two children to childhood disease, one of which was to measles. I doubt she would have been very polite to the antivaxers. "God damned idiots" and "stupid sons of bitches" would most likely have been the mildest phrases she would have used.

Jenny and Co. are worried about a nonexistent link between vaccines and autism, which would be much less devastating even if it did exist, than the results of the diseases the vaccines protect against.

The antivaxers need to read some family histories and see what it was like when many families lost a child or two to what are now treatable, or preventable, diseases.

Oh boy, just found a live one, mucking up Orac's home state(Director of Vaccine Research and Education on the board of Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines, since 1994):

What I love about this one is that she claims to be "an independent investigator of vaccines for last 27 years[sic]."

and where, pray tell did she carry out her 'independent investigation of vaccines'? Why, managing her husbands chiropractic clinic:
"Spent 23 years managing and promoting a chiropractic clinic and studying natural health care."

Is a gigantic ego a requirement to be an anti-vaxxer? Look at John Best, 'Common Sue' and this nutjob and you see that they all lack anything resembling an education in the sciences or medicine yet claim repeatedly to have 'carried out their own research' or to be experts. Will these people ever realize that they're not taken seriously because they seem to immune to telling anything resembling the truth?

Carrying out one's own "research" in anti-vax circles consists of reading anti-vaccination literature.

By Margaret Romao Toigo (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

"Worse, it's more likely to be successful, because pure antivaccinationist rhetoric like that of Ms. Nakken and Ms. Labrecque is so completely over-the-top batshit crazy that even parents who are somewhat worried about whether vaccines cause autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders are likely to recoil in reaction to its sheer lunacy, assuming they are reasonable people who haven't fully drunk of the Kool Aid yet".

You wonder why people say that you aren't compassionate... It's things like this, dumbass! Did you click the link provided which tells the story of this woman's two children and how they both almost DIED from their vaccinations? Now you want to make light of the situation and call them names? There's something wrong with you. Seek psychological help.

By Mr. Compassion… (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

Hi, Joe.

Who's making light of anything? Not me, at least not this time. I view antivaccinationists as deadly serious. I also said that I have more respect for women like Barbara Labrecque and Sheri Nakken than I do for Jenny McCarthy or any of the other "Green Our Vaccines" marchers because at least they tell the truth about their beliefs. They're incredibly wrong scientifically and medically and use misinformation to justify their beliefs, but at least they're honest about what they believe.They don't try to disguise their beliefs in such a disingenuous and dishonest manner as the "Green Our Vaccines" organizers have done.

You wonder why people say that you aren't compassionate... It's things like this, dumbass! Did you click the link provided which tells the story of this woman's two children and how they both almost DIED from their vaccinations? Now you want to make light of the situation and call them names? There's something wrong with you. Seek psychological help.

Thanks for bringing that up.

Since it apparently makes sense to you, could you please explain what their personal histories have to do with the analysis of how their words will affect the average reader?

That was, I believe, the subject at hand. On the other hand, I suppose you could be proposing that their personal accounts make it impossible for the compassionate to see (or describe) their irrationality; if so, please explain how that works instead.

Just trying to understand.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

No Green Vaccine: This group was started to counter the idea that their[sic] is such a thing as a GREEN VACCINE...

Orac: I know it's a cheap shot, but I can't help mentioning that whoever started this group should learn the difference between "their"[sic] and "they're[double sic],"...

There, there, Orac. They're beginning to understand that there are three ways to spout their nonsense.

natural cynic/pedant

p.s. I think that it's interesting [and telling] that Nakken calls herself a former nurse. Did she leave of her own volition or was she drummed out of the corps with her cap shredded and her thermometer broken?

By natural cynic (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

Wow, that was the first time that I haven't been able to make it though an entire post; the crazy was too much to get past. I wonder why Barbara H Labrecque doesn't move out in to the wilderness, live off the land, and shoot wooden arrows at the flying demons vehicles of the devil that pass over head every now and then.

By Karl Withakay (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

Against medical intervention in childbirth? Do these people have even a shadow of a clue? The death rate, including mother and child, during childbirth has historically hovered around 50%! Today, it's below 5%! This is because of medical intervention.

I think part of the reason rational science has trouble effectively fighting these nuts is that it's rational. A logical appeal is far less convincing than an emotional appeal. If you look at their rhetoric, it's all about emotion. "Vaccines be hurtin' teh babies!" This is far more effective than say appealing to logic. So, there should be an emotional element. "Not vaccinating your child is like handing him a loaded gun." "By not vaccinating your children, you are gambling with their lives."

A commercial: Video of a child suffering from pertussis, then footage of that child's funeral. "Baby Steve died at six months of age because his parents didn't have him vaccinated. Save your child's life, get him vaccinated."

Her kids almost died from vaccines, Orac... No, her science isn't wrong... you're just a dumbass :)

Seek Help.

Do you not believe her when she writes about what happened to both her children after vaccinations? You can't be that dumb? Can you?

As a side note, I am all in favour of completely non-medicalised childbirth, on condition that it be done in a location that is at least four hours away from the closest source of medical support.

Mother Nature, who loves us all, will then take care of eliminating the nutjobs. At a rate of one dead mother in eight births, that won't take too long.


By Felix Kasza (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

Whereas the OB down the street from him who pushes pharma-induced labors and pregnancies has a 100% complication rate. People need to know THAT information.

I tried to make it all the way through. I really, really did. This was what stopped me.

%100 complication rate?

Okay, Let's admit they're right. There is no such thing as a safe vaccine and there are plenty of safe diseaes. What in the heck were those of us in public health thinking? Polio is no big deal. In fact, 98% of those infected with polio never suffer paralysis. Screw the unfortunate 2% who do. It could never be my kid. And measles, what a joke! Who gets it anyway? Those in the US who don't vaccinate their kids and then spread it to adults who actually do get rather sick with pneumonia? Dangit! Sorry, measles aren't just spots. It is a serious and potentially leathal virus. Hey but have your measles parties. I say let science suffer a bit longer and then see what kind of message Jenny McCarthy has but then again, she still won't get it.

What is a green vaccine, anyway? Have these people and their pet clinicians come up with any suggestions for "greening" a vaccine--other than removing all those evil chemicals? What do they propose replacing adjuvants and preservatives and antibiotics with? Oh, wait--they really want to replace them with nothing...

Crazy. it's all crazy.
These people with degrees from Google U or just plain fear-mongering rumormills. I suppose asking people to examine the science behind vaccines is just tilting at windmills.
I can only hope that this madness passes unnoticed by the general public.

Wait, wait, wait. Did she seriously say that there should never be medical intervention in childbirth? Yeah, sure, if you want women and babies to die, or be maimed. Perhaps if I hadn't just watched a program about fistulas (a consequence of insufficient medical intervention) I would be more inclined to be charitable, but this woman is way off the deep end.
Oh, but those women only have complications because they've already been poisoned from childhood by modern toxins and souless modern medicines. In the old days, when there was no Big Pharma to mess things up and people lived truly natural lives, taking only the good organic foods and medicines that Mother Earth bounteously provided, women all birthed safely and painlessly. Everybody lived to 120, nobody got sick....
Gah, I can't go on with this, sorry, it's making me heave. But that really is the way these anti-vaccine idiots think. Don't any of them ever wonder why anybody ever thought vaccines were needed in the first place!!!

Aaaaarrrrrhhhh...it seems somebody beat me to forwarding ex-Nurse Nakken's Evidence of Harm post to you. I've been lurking on the group and while I can only take so much as I feel brainmatter drip out my ears, I've tried to save "The Best of the Burning Stupid" and her posts typically make it into that list. But I saw the post you've highlighted and thought that may have been the best of the best as far as demonstrating the anti-vaccine hysteria. And if you spend enough time skimming the posts, you realize that it's not really about "greening", but the posters are for the most part vehemently anti-vaccine and anti-conventional medicine.

And to Jesse, who pointed us to Mary Tocco, I spent way too much time one day reading a critique of her video, here:


Good times.

By The Good Doctor (not verified) on 05 Jun 2008 #permalink

The Good Doctor: I salute your intestinal fortitude. That was not an easy task (and I'm sure a few brain cells may have committed suicide) but you did it with rigor, detail, and above all, good humor.

BTW: RNA drops?!?!?! WTF?!?!? Yeast RNA = stem cells?!?! The stupid, it goes Five Alarm.

Do you not believe her when she writes about what happened to both her children after vaccinations? You can't be that dumb? Can you?

Joe Says - I did look at that link. Her story is incredible (in the sense of "I don't find it credible"). If true, it's a horrific story. But there is one statement (two sentences) that are *literally impossible* to be true:

Weeks went by with no improvement. He never slept.

Sorry. Fail. Kid would be DEAD. See http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/node/1690

Although the longest a human has remained awake was eleven days rats that are continually deprived of sleep die within two to five weeks, generally due to their severely weakened immune system

Which raises the question of what else she has mistated, mis-remembered, exaggerated, or lied about. . . .

By TheOtherOne (not verified) on 05 Jun 2008 #permalink

wow, felix, that is some serious vitriol...basically hoping that women who choose to have non hospital/home births die. nice. perhaps a lot of women wouldn't be so wary of giving birth in a hospital if the rights for women to control their births weren't treated w/ such condescension from people like you. i guess it's really crazy to not want to be forced into taking pitocin or having a caesarian. yes, i'm very thankful that there medical help is available should there be any complications with my pregnancy and labor, but last i checked, pregnancy wasn't illness or a disease. and frankly, i'm pretty sick of the attitude that you dr's need save our babies from our weak female bodies. women have been conditioned to question their own strength and to be afraid. thank goodness we have some options these days, it was only 40 years ago ob/gyns were still knocking women out and using forceps in delivery. thanks, but no thanks. when the time comes it will be me and my midwife. i'll try to make sure i'm 4 hours away from the hospital per felix's instruction.

wackyvorlon - there is a radio commercial running in BC now (maybe on TV too, I don't know, I rarely watch it) along the lines you suggest.

the background is the most horrific sound of a child coughing with whooping cough...and the voiceover describes the signs, symptoms and bad things that happen, then reminds parents of the need to immunize.

By CanadianChick (not verified) on 05 Jun 2008 #permalink

Although the green-vaccine message might shake up some parents, there are still countless parents (especially the underclass with absolutely no resources) who will not GET IT.

The underclass? Bloody poor people, always ruining things for the rest of us. So selfish.