Up from Down Under: The Skeptics' Circle is on its way

Lest I forget my obligations here, I have to post a reminder that the 90th Edition of the Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching and will be here on Thursday, July 3. In fact, because it's being hosted by prominent Australian skeptic Peter Bowditch at the Millenium Project, it may well be earlier than that given the rather large time difference. (Of course, if you're in Asia or Australia you won't notice.) That means there's less time than usual to get your submissions to Peter before July 2 for inclusion in the Circle. So get cracking while there's still time! The contact information and instructions are here. The schedule and guidelines are here.

This is also a good time to mention that the 100th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle will be arriving here in November. (Can it really be that there have been almost 100 of these things? Time flies...) There is not as yet a host, although hosts are lined up all the way through the 99th Meeting and there's one already lined up for the 101st Meeting. I haven't decided how to handle this milestone yet, whether to host it myself or to find one of our best hosts from the past to do it--or even to take a chance and have a newcomer do it. So, basically what I'm saying is: Give me some ideas, or even take the opportunity to make the case that you should be the host. I'll try to decide just what the heck to do and announce it when I post my usual plug for this upcoming Skeptics' Circle.

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Don't forget, everyone, the 91st Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching and due to land at Sorting Out Science on Thursday, July 17. Check out the guidelines for what we're looking for and get your bst skeptical stuff ready to submit before the deadline. The contact information and…
Better late than never (for me to announce it, I mean), the 90th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle has descended upon the blogosphere from Down Under, this time brought to you by prominent Australian skeptic and battler against woo, a guy who's even harsher on antivaccinationists than I am, Peter…
...is here at The Uncredible Hallq, and it's a fine collection of the latest skeptical blogging. Meanwhile the countdown towards #100 continues. Next up is King of Ferrets Ferret Cage, who will be hosting the 99th Edition of the Skeptics' Circle a fortnight hence, on Thursday, November 6, 2008. I…
Time flies. In fact, it flies so fast that it seems only yesterday that Kev put together a great Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, but in fact it's been over a week and the time for a new host to take on the responsibility is fast approaching. This time around, it's Thursday's turn to host the…

Personally I would advocate that you take the 100th yourself, unless you could somehow talk St. Nate into making that last blogpost he owes us.

If no one else wants to or is able to host it, I'll be able to do it. I know I'm the FNG, but I've got time before school starts up again.

Again - that's just if no one else can do it. I wouldn't want to muck it up (especially not since it's the 100th).

I think it should be a "taking stock" kind of affair, looking at the hosts, themes, major stories and so on from the last few years. Something to add to our sense of community history.